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Pengumuman Pembagian Paket Wisuda

Wisuda 69 - BINUS University

No. 012/PAN-WSD/VI/2024
Announcement of Graduation Package Distribution
69th Graduation – BINUS University
No. 012/PAN-WSD/VI/2024

Paket Wisuda akan diberikan kepada lulusan yang telah memenuhi persyaratan berikut:
Graduation Package will be given to graduates who have fulfilled the following requirements:

a. Berstatus layak wisuda.

Eligible to graduate.
b. Menyelesaikan semua kewajiban seperti pinjaman buku, denda perpustakaan, dan keuangan.
Complete all obligations such as book borrowing, library fine and financial matter.
c. Sudah membayar biaya wisuda (kecuali jenjang S3).
Has already paid graduation fees (except Doctoral Degree).
d. Sudah mengisi kuesioner wisuda di BINUSMAYA - Academic Services ( / LMS BINUS Online
Learning (
Has already filled in graduation questionnaire in BINUSMAYA - Academic Services ( / LMS BINUS Online Learning
e. Bagi Mahasiswa lulusan D4/S1 Reguler dan Internasional, sudah melakukan pengisian BGA Self-Assessment (panduan dapat diakses
melalui link
For Regular and International Diploma 4/Undergraduate graduates, please complete the BGA Self-Assessment (guidelines can be accessed through the
f. Sudah mengunduh dan meng-install aplikasi BINUS Mobile for Student.
Has already downloaded and installed BINUS Mobile for Student application.
g. Sudah melakukan registrasi melalui, mengunduh dan meng-install BINUS Alumni Mobile App, melalui link:
Android: atau iOS:
Has already registered through, download and install the BINUS Alumni Mobile App via the following link: Android: or iOS:
h. Menunjukkan jadwal wisuda pada BINUS Mobile for Student, menu Graduation saat pengambilan Paket Wisuda.
Show the graduation schedule on BINUS Mobile for Student, menu Graduation during the graduation package collection.

Halaman 1 dari 4
i. Pengambilan Paket Wisuda dapat diwakilkan dengan membawa screenshot menu Graduation dari BINUS Mobile for Student wisudawan,
surat kuasa dengan meterai, fotokopi KTP wisudawan, dan fotokopi KTP pengambil paket.
The graduation package collection can be delegated by bringing a screenshot of the Graduation menu from BINUS Mobile for Students, an authorization
letter with a stamp, a photocopy of the graduate's ID card, and a photocopy of the ID card of the person collecting the package.

Berikut jadwal pembagian Paket Wisuda 69 (Detail per Mahasiswa akses melalui link dengan memasukkan NIM):
Below is the schedule for 69th Graduation Package Distribution (Details for each student can be accessed through the link by entering
your student ID (NIM)):

Jenjang Tanggal Waktu (WIB) Kampus Nama Ruang

Degree Date Time (GMT + 7:00) Campus Room Name

Hanya untuk lulusan

yang menghadiri acara Kampus
KEMENKES Goes to masing-
Campus! pada tanggal Rabu, 26 Jun 2024 masing
26 Juni 2024. Wednesday, Jun 26 2024 Each campus
(only for graduates who
attended the Khusus S1
10:00 (setelah acara selesai) - 12:00 Akan diinfo setelah acara
1 KEMENKES Goes to BINUS Online: Internasional
10:00 (after the event ends) - 12:00 Will be informed after the event
Campus! event on Selasa, 9 Jul 2024 di Kampus
June 26, 2024) (mengacu ke no. 12) Anggrek
Tuesday, Jul 9, 2024 Anggrek
D4/S1 Regular & (refer to no. 12) Campus for
International, International
S2 Regular & Online Graduates

Halaman 2 dari 4
Jenjang Tanggal Waktu (WIB) Kampus Nama Ruang
Degree Date Time (GMT + 7:00) Campus Room Name

D4/S1 Regular Shift pengambilan Paket Wisuda:

2 Ruang 402, 403, 404, dan 405.
BINUS @Kemanggisan 08.00 - 11.00 dan 13.00 - 17.00 (Jumat)
(Detail ruang dapat dilihat pada
09:00 - 12:00 dan 13:00 – 15:00 (Sabtu) Kemanggisan,
link di atas)
3 Profesi Insinyur (paket dapat diambil sesuai shift & jadwal yang Anggrek
Room 402, 403, 404 and 405
Jumat, 05 Jul - Sabtu, 06 Jul ada pada link di atas) Campus
(For room details, please refer to the
4 S2 Regular & Online 2024
link above)
Friday, Jul 5- Saturday, Jul 6, Graduation Package Collection Shifts:
2024 08.00 - 11.00 dan 13.00 - 17.00 (Friday)
09:00 - 12:00 dan 13:00 – 15:00 (Saturday)
S1 Regular Alam Sutera GOR
5 (Packages can be collected according to the
BINUS @Alam Sutera Main Campus Sports Hall
assigned shift and schedule available at the link
S1 Regular 09:00 - 11:00 & 13:00 - 17:00 (Jumat / Friday) Multimedia Gallery Room
6 Bekasi
BINUS @Bekasi 09:00 - 15:00 (Sabtu / Saturday) (MMG Room)
S1 BINUS ASO School 09:00 - 11:00 & 13:00 - 17:00 (Jumat / Friday)
7 BASE Student Services BASE
of Engineering 09:00 - 13:00 (Sabtu / Saturday)
Jumat, 05 Jul - Sabtu, 06 Jul
S1 International,
S2 BINUS Business 08:00 - 11:00 & 13:00 - 19:00 (Jumat / Friday) Ruang 408, Lt. 4
8 Friday, Jul 5- Saturday, Jul 6, Senayan
School & Blended 08:00 - 17:00 (Sabtu / Saturday) Room 408, 4th floor
S1 Regular 09:00 - 11:00 & 13:00 - 17:00 (Jumat / Friday) Ruang 0706, Lt. 7
9 Bandung
BINUS @Bandung 09:00 - 12:00 (Sabtu / Saturday) Room 0706, 7th floor
S1 Regular 08:00 - 11:00 & 13:00 - 17:00 (Jumat / Friday) Ruang Student Services, Lt. 1
10 Malang
BINUS @Malang 09:00 - 15:00 (Sabtu / Saturday) Student Services Room, 1st floor
Jumat, 05 Jul - Sabtu, 06 Jul
2024 09:00 - 11:00 & 13:00 - 19:00 (Jumat / Friday) Ruang 811
11 S3 Anggrek
Friday, Jul 5- Saturday, Jul 6, 09:00 - 17:00 (Sabtu / Saturday) Room 811

Halaman 3 dari 4
Jenjang Tanggal Waktu (WIB) Kampus Nama Ruang
Degree Date Time (GMT + 7:00) Campus Room Name

Pembagian dilakukan setelah acara Alumni Gathering. Wisudawan wajib melakukan konfirmasi kehadiran melalui paling lambat Kamis, 4 Juli 2024 pukul 15:00.
Distribution will take place after the Alumni Gathering event. Graduates are required to confirm their attendance through no later than Thursday, July 4, 2024, 15:00
12 S1 BINUS Online
Selasa, 09 Jul 2024 Ruang Auditorium, Lt. 4
08:30 - 15:00 Anggrek
Tuesday, Jul 9, 2024 Auditorium, 4th floor

Jakarta, 24 Juni 2024

Jakarta, June 24, 2024


Halaman 4 dari 4

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