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Jim Corbett National Park is a national Total Forest Area – 1318.54 square
park in India located in the Nainital kilometres
district of Uttarakhand state. The first Core Area – 520 square kilometres
national park in India, it was established
Corbett National Park comprises 520.8
in 1936 during the British Raj and
km2 (201.1 sq mi) area of hills, riverine
named Hailey National Park after belts, marshy depressions, grasslands
William Malcolm Hailey and a large lake. The elevation ranges
from 1,300 to 4,000 ft
Situated among the hills of Uttarakhand, Jim Corbett National Park is home to a variety
of flora. The park contains more than 600 species of trees, shrubs, herbs, and flowering
plants. The forests of Jim Corbett are of dense moist deciduous type with the prominent
trees being Sal, Khair, Sissoo, Peepal, Rohini, Mango, and the coniferous variety of Chir
Pine. Along with these, the park also has flowering plant species of Amaltas, Semal,
Haldu, Kachnar, Eucalyptus, Jacaranda and Bamboo.
Main Flora Found in the Jim Corbett Tiger Reserve Forest:-
Sal Tree- Sal tree is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 20 to 25 meters in length and
has large leathery leaves. A multi-purpose tree, its resin, seeds, and fruits are used as a
cure for many ailments.
Sissoo Tree - Another major tree found in Jim Corbett is Sissoo. Sissoo tree also
commonly known as Sheesham, is a medium to large tree that can grow up to 10 to 15
meters in length and is often seen with a curved trunk.
The park was established mainly for the protection of the Bengal tiger ; it is
there that India’s Project Tiger was established in 1973 to provide havens
for tigers in the country’s national parks. Among other mammals found in
the park are langurs, sloth bears, Asiatic black bears, Indian gray
mongooses, jungle cats, elephants, wild boars, chitals (spotted deer),
barking deer, and nilgai (Indian antelope). Reptiles and amphibians
include a variety of snakes (including cobras and pythons) and species of
crocodiles (notably gavials and muggers). At least 600 resident and
migrant bird species have been identified, including shikras (Levant
sparrowhawks), Indian white-backed vultures, black partridges, golden
orioles, red jungle fowl, black-crowned night herons, and peafowl.
What is the approx number of Tigers present in the park?

According to the 2022 tiger census figures in

the country, 560 tigers were recorded in
Uttarakhand region. About 260 out of 560
tigers in Uttarakhand reside at the Corbett
Tiger Reserve.
Why the park or reserve is considered as a tiger reserve?

The reserve has the highest tiger density in the country and is an important tiger source area for the
entire landscape. As per the 2010 country level assessment using the refined methodology, the tiger
estimate for the Corbett landscape is 227 (ranging from 199-256) with an increasing trend. The
forest divisions surrounding the reserve like West Terai, Lansdowne and Ramnagar divisions also
support resident tigers. Based on advise from the National Tiger Conservation Authority, some such
areas have been incorporated in the buffer of the tiger reserve. Further, the State is also supported
for day to day patrolling and tiger monitoring in such areas.
What steps have been taken to preserve the tiger habitat?

To protect the park's biodiversity and the tiger reserve, measures

such as anti-poaching patrols, habitat restoration, and
awareness-raising campaigns were initiated.
In 1973, the Project Tiger was also launched in Corbett National
Park. It was launched under the initiative of the Indian
Government to save the depleting number of Bengal tigers.

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