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Avian Detection & Tracking Algorithm Using

Infrared Imaging
Golrokh Mirzaei1, Mohammad Wadood Majid1, Mohsin M. Jamali1, Peter V. Gorsevski2, Joseph P. Frizado2
Jeremy Ross2 Verner P. Bingman2
Department of Electrical and Comp Sci. Geospatial Science School of Earth & Environment
University of Toledo1, Toledo, USA Bowling Green State University2
mohsin.jamali@utoledo.edu Bowling Green, USA

Abstract— This paper presents a method for target detection where the temperature of background objects is higher than
and tracking of IR images in the application of avian the moving targets, which usually happens in summer time.
surveillance. As there are many reports of avian mortality due
to collision with turbine blades, the detection and tracking of This paper presents an approach for avian detection and
birds at turbine sites is an important issue. tracking in IR imagery based on background modeling for
In this work, three different background subtraction segmentation and component connectivity for tracking. In
techniques are first applied to detect moving objects. Otsu this work, three different background subtraction techniques
thresholding method is then extended by incorporating an are first applied to detect the moving objects (birds/bats)
adaptive variable based on the mean of each frame and certain followed by proposed adaptive thresholding using the Otsu
constant value. Filtering using morphological operations is method and noise suppression using morphology. The results
applied. Results of three different techniques are then of three different techniques are compared and the best
compared. Selected technique (RA) followed by thresholding technique in terms of accuracy is selected for tracking. In the
and filtering is then used for tracking and information next step, the tracking and target information extraction
extraction. Results show that proposed method provides the (target size, velocity, distance, direction and heat) techniques
needed accuracy for IR imagery. This method can be effectively are developed. The block diagram of this approach is shown
used in different applications of IR imaging. in Fig.1.
I. INTRODUCTION This technique of detection and tracking has several
advantages; it does not depend on temperature variation and
Moving target detection and tracking of IR images is it can be applied in all conditions such as high clutter, target
attracting great interest in different applications such as variability and hotter background objects. Second, there is no
military and civil. In this work, IR images are used for requirement for assuming a constant velocity. Finally, it is
surveillance in the application of avian tracking in the free from complex and sophisticated methods, which needs
vicinity of wind turbines. Due to numerous reports of bird/bat more time to process. It is especially effective in processing
mortality with turbine blades [1][2], it is important to record lengthy video when time is an important consideration.
the behavior of birds/bats near off/on shore wind sites.
This research may contribute towards their preservation by The rest of this paper is structured as follows: First data
informing development of appropriate mitigation measures. acquisition is explained in Section II. Then background
This method can also be used effectively in other applications
for detection and tracking of different targets. Image Sequence
One of the advantages of IR images over the visual
images is their independence from lighting conditions, as Segmentation Background
well as providing temperature information which is hidden in Subtraction
the visual image. Thermal images are acquired by sensing the Running Average Running Gaussian Mixture Of
radiation in IR spectrum that is emitted by the object. On the Average Gaussian
other hand the thermal images have a very low SNR, which
Bird/Bat detection
provides limited information for proper detection and
E-Otsu Adaptive
Many methods have been developed for target detection Threshold Thresholding
and tracking of visual images [3][4], but there exists a Tracking
Morphology Noise Suppression
limited amount of work on target detection and tracking on
IR imagery in the computer vision community [5][6].
Among those methods for IR target detection and tracking, Labeling-Based
most of them are based on temperature changes with an Connectivity
assumption that moving targets will appear as hot spots in Information
the infrared focal plane. This is not efficient in scenarios Extraction
Fig. 1: Block Diagram of the Avian Detection and Tracking system
This work is partially supported from DOE Contract #DE-FG36-06G086096

978-1-4673-0818-2/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

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subtraction followed by thresholding and noise suppression thresholding method may be used which is not accurate in all
is described in Section III and IV, respectively. Then cases. In avian detection scenario with IR imaging, the size
Tracking and target information extraction are presented in of the birds varies with distance from the camera. Those birds
the Section V and VI. Finally results and conclusions are flying farther than camera, have smaller size than those flying
given. closer to the camera. So a static threshold value will not be
appropriate in this application as it may miss some of the
II. DATA ACQUISITION targets in farther distances. There are many adaptive
thresholding methods proposed [9] in the literature and they
The camera used in the experiment is a far bandwidth are computationally extensive. Thresholding in IR images
thermal IR camera (FLIR SR-19) with resolution of 480 x requires tradeoff between accuracy and computational
704 pixels. The camera is static and it is oriented +19.75° efficiency.
from North, while the left side of the screen is the East and
the right side is the West. The rate of the recording is 30 In this work, the Otsu threshold is extended as an
frames/sec (fps). The video feeds from IR camera are stored adaptive thresholding method, which we call it EOtsu. In
onto a hard drive for further data processing. IR camera was Otsu method [10], the measure of separability of image
deployed at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge in Ohio during intensities is classified into two classes of foreground and
Spring bird migration. The data is collected between May - background. Measure of separation is defined as the ratio
July 2011, starting at one hour after the sunset to one hour between–class variance (σB and the total image intensity
before sunrise; as bat/bird migration is mainly occur during variance σG . It is expressed as:
this time. Because of hardware limitation, recorded videos
are divided into small videos of fifteen minutes; each fifteen 1
minutes video is then divided into frames. The Eqn. (1) can be normalized as
The Background Subtraction (BS) modeling is applied on
the acquired frames. The main goal of BS is to segment the Where t is the Otsu threshold.
frame in to background as the reference model and the
foreground as moving objects. One of the advantages of IR Otsu thresholding method is extended by incorporating an
images is that they are not based on illumination changes as adaptive variable based on the mean of each frame and
in visual images, but based on temperature alteration. This certain constant value. The extended threshold can be
main characteristic make the segmentation part less critical in achieved by
IR images. So it is not necessary to use complex
segmentation techniques as they can be very time consuming. 3
But a good segmentation can be used as decent pre-tracker.
On the other hand, the techniques based on the
temperature changes doesn’t work for all conditions, since in (a) (b)
some scenarios the temperature of the objects in background
may be higher than moving objects which usually happens in
summer time. So in order to have an efficient detection and
tracking technique, as an alternative of temperature- based
methods, BS techniques are used, which works in all
Fig. 2: (a) RA background un-equalized histogram (b) equalized
Three different methods of Background Subtraction (BS) histogram of same image
are applied to segment the moving objects from background (a) (b)
model in the collected IR images. These techniques are
Running Average (RA) [7], Running Gaussian Average
(RGA)[7] and Mixture of Gaussian (MOG)[7][8].
Histograms of resulted background using RA, RGA and
MOG are shown in Fig. 2, 3, 4 respectively.
Fig. 3: (a) RGA background un-equalized histogram (b) equalized

The idea behind a thresholding process is to determine a (a)

threshold value to separate a gray-level image into objects
and background. Determining an optimum threshold value is
a challenging task. In some of the applications a static

Fig. 4: (a) MOG background un-equalized histogram (b) equalized

histogram of same image

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Where is proposed optimum threshold and is an
adaptive variable as
4 RA

Filtering (Open-Closure)
Where C is a constant number and I is the new frame

Thresholding (EOtsu)
Background Subtraction
with pixels i, j. Fig. 5 shows that EOtsu threshold was able to RGA
suppress noise and gave a clearer image than Otsu method.
Then filtering is used to eliminate the noise and its effects
on the frame. To accomplish this objective, a morphological
filter consisting of opening followed by closure [10], which MOG
we name it open-closure, is applied as

Fig. 6: Result of BS techniques after applied EOtsu and
Where A and B are sets in Z , A is binary image and B is Morphology
element structure. , , , are erosion, dilation, opening and including the target is detected and are added together to
closure operators respectively. generate the track of the target as shown in Fig. 8.
The open-closure morphological operation is used as the
erosion and can make the separation, but the retrieved objects VI. EXTRACT TARGET INFORMATION
are smaller than the original due to the size of structuring The information of the bird/bats is extracted based on the
element. On the other hand dilation yields the full detected objects for further processing. The information
connection of elements, but it increases the size of the include size, velocity, direction, heat emitted by target and
objects. So opening is the only operation able to discriminate distance. The size and heat is calculated based on the average
the objects and conserve their original size. size and heat of target in frames including targets. The
Finally by applying the closure the full connection of the distance is based on the number of pixels in the camera’s
elements is yielded while eliminating gaps between objects. field of view and direction is calculated based on the standard
The result of the filtering and noise suppression on the orientation. The camera is static and is oriented +19.75° from
thresholded image is shown in Fig. 6. North while the left side of the screen is the East and the right
side is the West, as shown in Fig. 9. So the standard
V. TRACKING coordinate system is rotated 19.75° to the right. Part of the
Tracking is applied for extracting information such as extracted information over the fifteen minutes video is shown
velocity, distance, heat, direction and size of birds/bats. in Table 1.
Tracking is used to identify which segmented connected
component corresponds to each object being tracked. To find VII. RESULTS
the track of the avian targets, labeling-based component According to results, the EOtsu gives more accurate result
connectivity is applied. In this method, the detected comparing with Otsu in IR image as shown in Fig. 5.
birds/bats, say blobs, obtained in the previous sections are Moreover, RA followed by proposed thresholding EOtsu
used. Each blob in new frame is dilated by a fix size structure method shows higher accuracy comparing with RGA and
element. We call this dilated blob as D-Blob. If the D-Blobs MOG, as it can be seen from Fig. 6. RA needs less memory
have common area with previous blobs, we assume that this and the speed of computation is higher due to simplicity. So
is the same object but in different time, so we give them same it was effective to detect the avian activity in a lengthy IR
label, otherwise a new label is assigned to blobs, assuming video. Results of detection and tracking are shown in Table
that it is a new target. Even if the blobs are missing in 2. Twenty eight birds/bats were observed visually in the
between the frames, the labels are able to recognize if the fifteen minute IR video. It can be observed that 26 birds/bats
blob is the same blob or new one. This process is shown in
Fig. 7. After detecting objects with same labels in sequential
Tracking Algorithm
frames, morphology closure operator is used to get the
trajectory of the object. For this reason the number of frames (1) Frames (1,2,……n)
(2) Blob Detection
(3) Labeling
(4) Create D-Blobs
(5) If component connectivity
Then same labeling
Else new labeling
(a) (b) (c) (6) Plot target trajectory
Fig. 5: (a) Original Image (b) After Otsu thresholding
(c) After E-Otsu thresholding Fig. 7: Tracking Algorithm

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Fig. 8: Tracking result
Total Detected Missed Correction Miss
Targets Targets Targets Detection Detection
28 26 2 92% 7%

and the speed of computation is higher due to its simplicity.

These computational parameters are important factor as
monitoring of birds/bats is required for long migration period
of one to two months with 7 hours/day of recording. Then
tracking algorithm based on labeling /connectivity is applied
on the detected object. The result of detection and tracking
algorithm shows 92% accuracy, missing only 2 out of 28
Fig. 9: Direction of the FLIR camera birds. The misses may be due to their smaller size, farther
distance and/or the high cluttered image.
out of 28 were determined by this method. The reason of This research will help in processing entire IR video data
missing two targets may be that some bird/bat fly very far in for an entire migration period. It will help biologists to
terms of distance to the camera, so their projection in the IR understand bird/bat behavior in the vicinity of wind turbines.
images will be very small in size and difficult to detect. Preservation and appropriate mitigation measures can then be
Portion of the extracted information of the birds/bats in the employed. This method can also be used effectively to other
15 minutes video is shown Table 1. This information can be applications of target detection and tracking.
used for further processing for classification of avian to birds,
bats and (insects). REFERENCES
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