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2 (2018)



Csaba Janos Nagy

University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand

This research investigates the factors that impact consumer purchase intention towards instant
noodle products in the Hungarian market. A comprehensive literature review indicates that there are
five main factors that have impact on willingness to purchase instant noodle products, which is the
measurement item to purchase intention towards instant noodle products. However, the results
show that there are four main factors, which are packaging (appearance), product aspect of price
(product price compared to average), promotion (drive, marketing communication) and convenience
(decision-making process, time spent on preparing food, time spent on shopping). The research
concludes that young (less than 35), single, lower educated (elementary school, high school or
vocational/associate’s degree) and below average or close to average (less than 100,000 HUF and
100,001-200,000 HUF) net earners show the highest willingness to purchase. This consumer profile is
to be targeted by business professionals to enhance purchasing of instant noodle products in

Keywords: Consumer purchase intention, Willingness to purchase, Instant noodles, Europe, Hungary.


PROBLEM DEFINITION even just taking to or picking up children from

school and other extracurricular activities
Preparing food at home in the kitchen has
(McCullough et al., 2003).
significantly decreased in time in several areas
of Europe (Pleasanton, 1999). Mostly, the The fact that in the USA more than one
western part of the continent was the leader of thousand packaged food products are being
adapting processed and ready meal products launched every month shows the strength and
into their general diet (McCullough, Jones & power of convenience foods (Buckley, Cowan &
Vignali, 2003). The so called family meals such McCarthy, 2007). These types of products have
as a Monday night dinner with everyone at the taken control of a general consumer’s everyday
table eating a home-cooked meal have nearly life. The reasons behind this takeover most
disappeared. The amount of times when people likely come from three factors which contribute
“munch on” something while they travel has to “convenience” itself. These are time, physical
increased. Also, time spent outside of home has energy and mental energy. Time is explained as
become greater compared to the 1990s and heavy importance for people who seek it a lot
2000s. Some of the time consuming activities more due to their broken down mealtimes,
that force this pattern include working out at a solitary meals and individualism in
gym, getting a fashion or beauty treatment and consumption patterns. Physical energy is part of 99
Influential Factors on Consumer Purchase Intentions:.. Csaba Janos Nagy

convenience as taking the effort to plan and go ANALYSIS OF RECENT RESEARCH AND
shopping or prepare food at home. While PUBLICATIONS
mental energy includes lifestyle standards Consumer Purchase Intention
among consumers such as female participation
Consumer purchase intention is considered to
in labor force, thinking of healthy eating or
be a willingness or inner drive that is driven by
individualism (Buckley et al., 2007).
the level of existence of willingness: in other
For general consumers in the food industry, words, intention itself is considered to be a
who are between 18-45 years of age and either factor that predicts the actual actions of a
work or study full-time, convenience in the consumer in the future (Ramayah, Jason, &
kitchen is really important. Instant snacks and Mohamad, 2010). The theoretical nature of the
ready-to-eat food products satisfy this need relationship between the impacting factors and
because they do not require more than 5 purchase intention is considered as a cause-
minutes of preparation time. Also, the consumer effect relationship and can be measured by the
is not required to be there for the preparation level of willingness to purchase, whether in a
because other than finding a bowl, opening the positive or negative way. This measurement
product and putting the water on the stove or in element has a higher chance of being strong
the water heater, the process works by itself. when willingness and inner drive are high and
Therefore, the consumer can even use those few has a high chance of being weak when the
minutes to multitask. This is appealing for willingness and inner drive are low (Francis,
students, single person households and Lee, Lin, & Low, 2012). According to the
manufacturing companies who need to feed a definitions given above, consumer purchase
great number of people (McCullough et al., intention can be measured by positive or
2003). People, who are considered general negative willingness, which affects purchase
consumers in the food industry, as specified intention in either way. When willingness is
above, spend less than five minutes on significantly high, then purchase intention is
preparing weekday meals at the end of the day going to be high as well, therefore there is a
(Akers, 1997). significant effect. On the other hand when
Even though pre-packed or ready-to-eat food willingness is significantly low, then purchase
products (which are considered as instant food intention is going to be low as well. Therefore
products) are popular in certain areas of Europe there is a significant effect (Francis et al., 2012).
and the U.S., it brings up a question if such
products can be successfully sold in a market
Impacting Factors
where consumers still prefer to purchase home-
made products (Putnam, Allshouse & Kantor, The outlook of a product is a key factor for
2002; Smith, 2003). Introducing and aiming to consumers in making a decision to purchase,
successfully sell a food product in a new and however the product itself is not being sold
different culture – such as the traditional without any packaging. Therefore, it is highly
Hungarian market – is challenging. important for a product to look attractive
Manufacturers and retailers have to face several (Prendergast and Pitt, 1996). There are two
issues regardless of the attributes of a product. main functions of packaging according to
Consumers in a set culture tend to be uncertain Prendergast and Pitt (1996): one is protection,
and reject products from other unknown or two is attraction. It is a long way until a pre-
non-introduced countries. The major elements packed product gets to a shelf in a super- or
of uncertainty are safety issues, derived hypermarket. Therefore, the risk of damaging a
pleasure and general taste (Prescott, Young, product is being reduced by the wrapper, box or
Zhang & Cummings, 2004; D’Antuono & whatever form of packaging. On the other hand,
Bignami, 2012). According to these descriptions as said before, a product needs to sell itself even
above, instant food products theoretically might if there is no approaching marketing strategy in
have a cultural barrier in the Hungarian market action. Grabbing the attention of a consumer
(Smith, 2003). Therefore this research aimed to and approaching some sort of a communication
identify pre-determined factors that might is inevitable and can mainly happen through a
affect consumer purchase intention towards package. Rettie and Brewer (2000) calls
instant food products, specifically focusing on packaging the “the salesman on the shelf” in the
instant noodle products in the Hungarian 21st century where a high majority of the
market. products only have the chance to communicate 100
Influential Factors on Consumer Purchase Intentions:.. Csaba Janos Nagy

with customers while they are sitting on a shelf structure as single or married, convenience, and
waiting to be sold. the increased income of the middle class. Some
The research of Vermeir and Verbeke (2004) of their suggestions to enhance sales from the
describes consumer purchase intention in the manufacturer or retailer point of view were
situation when youngsters in the Western distribution of free samples and television and
European region were examined about their digital advertisements. On the other hand they
purchase intention towards dairy products – reported that in 2014 that the prices of instant
which fall into the same category as instant food products affected consumer purchase
noodle products because of their level of behavior negatively. Therefore, their
involvement that is discussed below; a decision recommendation is to lower sales price to
criteria that takes several factors into significantly increase sales volume. Srinivasan
consideration. The study points out that the and Nirmalas’ (2014) study accordingly shows
traditional decision criteria that are the most similarities in consumer purchase intention
important factors in the process include price, factors to Vermeir and Verbeke’s (2004) results
quality and convenience. These factors were as convenience together with product price.
found to be the attributes that stand out (among From these factors, convenience and price are
others) to catch customers’ attention in the independent variables that might have an effect
attitude-behavioral gap the study was on purchase intention towards instant noodle
researching by analyzing consumer attitudes products, the dependent variable.
and purchase intention for dairy products. In a nationwide research, Harris and Shiptsova
In their research, Eddyono and Subroto (2014) (2007) measured the pre-determined factors in
studied the Indonesian consumer market with terms of relevance to affect consumer purchase
the emphasis of finding the most influencing behavior towards convenience foods. The study
factors of instant noodle purchase behavior. identified variable factors as follows: income,
Their study adapted the consumer decision price, age, marital status and level of education.
making model from Schiffman, Leon, Kanuk and Out of these hypothetical factors, income and
Wisenblit (2010), where the decision making price had a positive effect on consumer
process is broken into three main phases: input, purchase behavior. On the other hand marital
process and output. Simply explained, the input status and education had negative effects.
phase is an introductory one with the marketing The research of Manchester Metropolitan
mix’s 4Ps; the process phase is the actual University (McCullough et al., 2003) says that
decision making process with all the factors consumer awareness of a healthy diet is higher
affecting this process (psychological factors); if they stay in further and higher education
the output phase is the post-purchase process longer. This will have an effect on their
which is a simple evaluation process from the knowledge of nutrition and positively
consumer side. Therefore, Edyyono and Subroto encourage them to make improved food
(2014) built their theoretical model based on choices. They also found out in their research
the belief that perception (including price, (n=150) that 50 per cent of the asked are
promotion, distribution channels and risk) is concerned over eating nutritious food, however
hypothetically the most influential factor in only 10 per cent of them indicated that instant
purchase behavior towards instant noodle snacks (such as snack pots) were nutritionally
products. Their results provide the information balanced. Three fourth of the respondents stated
that price and risk (health related risks) are not that they do not think that ready-to-eat instant
a significant influence in instant noodle foods are good for health because of additives,
purchase decision making; however promotion as well as a high percent of fat and salt;
is a major factor affecting purchase behavior. therefore they consider perceived health risk
In their study, Srinivasan and Nirmalas (2014) upon purchase. This data should be treated as
concluded that in an average town in India the only partially reliable though, because the
purchase intention of instant food (mainly research states that some respondents do not
instant noodles) increased due to several believe manufacturers put the valid ingredients
factors. Their sample (n=100) showed that on packages and the questioned consumers
people in that geographical region where the were not tested about their nutritional
study was conducted purchase more instant knowledge. The respondents’ 65 per cent also
food products because of the change in family stated that they never read the content label. 101
Influential Factors on Consumer Purchase Intentions:.. Csaba Janos Nagy

In the UK market, a consumer research states respondents’.

that instant snacks or ready-to-eat food The research shows that the weighted average
products are being purchased on a high level of willingness to purchase instant noodle
and are certainly popular between ages 15-18 products for 18-25 years old respondents is
years old. However this age group loses interest higher than neutral, for 26-35 years old
in the products between 18-22 years of age, respondents it is slightly higher than neutral, for
which is an interesting trend to see if age is 36-50 years old respondents it is slightly lower
similarly as relevant in Hungary as in the UK than neutral and for older than 50 years old
because if the cultural similarities (Mintel, respondents it is strong.
The research shows that the weighted average
Although the definitions above are various of willingness to purchase instant noodle
they all lead several common views that products for single respondents is higher than
willingness to purchase, therefore consumer neutral, closer to strong and for married
purchase intention is affected by a wide but respondents it is lower than neutral.
fairly similar amount of factors. These are
The research shows that the weighted average
packaging, product aspects (price, quality,
of willingness to purchase instant noodle
flavor), perceived health risk, promotion and
products for respondents who finished
convenience; and can be impacted by age,
elementary school (8 years of education) is
gender, marital status, level of education and
strong, for respondents who finished high
school (12 years of education) is strong, for
respondents earned a vocational
PRESENTATION OF KEY RESEARCH degree/associate’s degree is higher than neutral,
FINDINGS for respondents who earned a bachelor’s degree
Demographic and socio-economic is lower than neutral and for respondents who
diversification earned a master’s degree or higher is lower than
The respondents (n=386) were asked about
their age, gender, marital status, level of The research shows that the weighted average
education and income. The answer choices for of willingness to purchase instant noodle
age were separated into four categories: still in products for respondents who earn a monthly
the education system (18-25 years old), young net income of less than 100,000 HUF is
professionals (26-35 years old), experienced significantly strong, for a monthly net income of
professionals (36-50 years old), elder generation 100,001-200,000 HUF is significantly strong, for
(older than 50 years old). The answer choices for respondents a monthly net income of 200,001-
gender were separated into two categories: 300,000 HUF is low, for a monthly net income of
female and male. The answer choices for marital 300,001-400,000 HUF is significantly low and
were separated into two categories: single or for a monthly net income of more than 400,001
married. The answer choices for level of HUF is low.
education were separated into five categories
based on the Hungarian education system: SUMMARY
elementary school (8 years), high school (12
The conducted exploratory factor analysis
years), vocational certificate/associate’s degree,
showed that there are four main components in
bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or higher.
the research data. The first component contains
The answer choices for income were separated
factors mainly from the independent variables
into five categories based on Hungarian levels of
of convenience and promotion. Based on the
net salaries: less than 100,000 HUF, between
results, the second component contains factors
100,001 HUF and 200,000 HUF, between
mainly from the independent variable of
200,001 HUF and 300,000 HUF, between
product aspects, moreover from the price
300,001 HUF and 400,000 HUF, more than
compared to average dimension. The third
400,001 HUF.
component contains factors mainly from the
The research shows that the weighted average independent variables of promotion and
of willingness to purchase instant noodle packaging; however this component is not as
products for female respondents is higher than clear as the others. The fourth component
neutral and for male respondents it is higher contains factors mainly from the independent
than neutral, but slightly lower than female 102
Influential Factors on Consumer Purchase Intentions:.. Csaba Janos Nagy

variable of promotion. in this study the researcher found several times

After results were taken from the exploratory that the elder population did not have a clear
factor analysis (EFA) the confirmatory factor idea about the subject of the research, namely
analysis (CFA) was conducted with a structural instant noodle products, therefore were
model showing that the willingness to purchase incapable of completing a survey. In terms of
instant noodle products in the Hungarian showed willingness to purchase instant noodle
market is impacted by packaging (appearance), products, respondents who are older than 50
product aspect of price (product price compare years showed a strong intention to purchase
to average), promotion (drive, marketing followed by the youngest age group of 18-25
communication) and convenience (decision years old. This might be correlated with
making process, time spent on preparing food, monthly net income, which would mean that
time spent on shopping). the general population in Hungary makes the
lowest amount of money within these age
groups (, 2018).
The marital break down of the research highly
With the total of 386 complete responses, this correlates with the age range break down by
research represents one of the first large-scale respondents being mainly less than 35 years of
surveys of the instant noodle market of age. The Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Hungary. The demographics and socio- (2014) showed results in the Hungarian
economic factors’ results show that regarding population for the average age of citizens of
the gender break down of the respondents the Hungary getting married at 34.4 years of age in
study can be considered relevant with male highly populated cities. This is a reasonable
being 42% and female being 58% of the explanation on the respondents’ answer ratios
respondents. The sample reflects the single being 77% and married being 23%. The
population’s gender ratios. The results showed results also showed an outcome of significantly
that both male and female respondents have higher willingness to purchase instant noodle
higher than neutral willingness to purchase products within single respondents than
instant noodle products. Female respondents married respondents.
are 3.3% higher in willingness to purchase.
The highest level of education ratios show
As per the age break down, the study collected that the research sample reflects the country of
samples by convenience sampling in several Hungary’s population highest earned education
different locations of the geographic area of the ratios (Hungarian Central Statistical Office,
population in different timeframes. This was 2014). The highest level of education ratios also
done in order to get a wide range of sample show there is a certain pattern in willingness to
from all segments of the population, whether purchase instant noodle products that correlates
they do shopping early in the day or later in the with highest level of education, meaning that
day. The results show that close to two-thirds the higher the earned education level is within
(59%) of the respondents were below or at the the respondents, the lower the willingness to
age of 35, which is not correspondent to the purchase. This could reflect the knowledge
Hungarian Central Statistical Office’s (2016) acquired over the years of additional education
measurements as per the country’s population about fast food, instant and low-involvement
being represented in the sample. They show food products.
that most of the population is close to 40 years
The monthly net income ratios show a certain
old or close to 60 years old. This research is
pattern in terms of respondents’ willingness to
distinct from the above measurements which
purchase based on their monthly net income.
can be explained by several reasons. One,
The Hungarian national average wage (after tax)
elderly people reporting their age incorrectly
is 197,500 HUF (Hungarian Central Statistical
(Smit, Deeg, & Schmand, 1997). Second, even
Office, 2018) which puts 64% of this research’s
though elders prefer being in contact with
respondents into a group of net income equal to
younger people (Cybulski, Krajewska-Kułak,
country average or lower and puts 36% of the
Sowa, Orzechowska, Van Damme-Ostapowicz,
respondents over the country’s net average
Rozwadowska, & Guzowski, 2013) that was not
wage per month. As per the pattern regarding
necessarily true when the researcher of this
respondents’ willingness to purchase noodle
study (being in his twenties) distributed the
products, respondents who make less than the
survey questionnaires. Third, as an experience 103
Influential Factors on Consumer Purchase Intentions:.. Csaba Janos Nagy

population’s average have significantly high findings of this study.

willingness, while respondents who make more Based on the research by the Manchester
than the population’s average have significantly Metropolitan University (McCullough et al.,
low willingness. Another way to interpret the 2003) it is hypothetically expected that
willingness is the higher each group of consumers who spend more time in higher
respondents are in terms of monthly net education are less likely to eat unhealthy food.
income, the lower the willingness to purchase These findings were not convenient in the
instant noodle products is. matter of this study because perceived health
Previous studies (Rettie & Brewer, 2000; risk as an independent variable was a
Prendergast & Pitt, 1996) showed results statistically insignificant factor in terms of
regarding packaging, as it is one of the main influential factors towards willingness to
factors for consumers when making a purchase purchase instant noodle products.
decision. Both studies point out that packaging In the following section the research briefly
is not just a way of protecting a product but concludes that the following factors are found to
rather raising attention. This research showed be impacting the willingness to purchase instant
results correlating to the previous studies in noodle products in the Hungarian market:
terms of product appearance being highly packaging (appearance), product aspect of price
correlated to willingness to purchase instant (product price compare to average), promotion
noodle products. (drive, marketing communication) and
In their research, Vermeir and Verbeke (2004) convenience (decision making process, time
found that price, quality and convenience are spent on preparing food, time spent on
influential factors when consumers purchase shopping). In detail, the findings of these
dairy products in the Western European region. correlations show in practice as follows:
The results from this research corresponds to - Packaging (appearance):
the price factor being significant, along with the
The packaging of instant noodle products in
convenience factor as per decision making
terms of how eye-catching and attractive they
process, time spent on preparing food and time
are to the consumers’ eyes in the Hungarian
spent on shopping. However, quality contradicts
market is an impact on purchasing intention.
the results of Vermeir and Verbeke’s (2004)
These terms were defined as general terms,
even though the measured items – dairy
along with another aspect of written elements
products and instant noodle products – belong
on the packaging. In overall, these three aspects
to the same low-involvement food product
together have impact on the purchase intention.
- Product aspect of price (product price
A similar study conducted by Edyyono and
compare to average):
Subroto (2014) that was measuring influential
factors toward instant noodle purchases in the Instant noodle products’ price compared to
Indonesian market found that price and risk are average in terms of the Hungarian consumers’
not significant factors which contradicts the perception of average price has an impact on
results of this research as per price being purchasing decision.
significantly correlated with purchase intention - Promotion (drive, marketing
towards instant noodle products. On the other communication):
hand, the results of both studies show that Promotion as a variable, including specifically
promotion is a major factor affecting purchase drive of purchase and response to marketing
behavior. communication as dimensions, has impact on
In addition to the research of Srinivasan and purchase intention towards instant noodle
Nirmalas (2014) in the Indian market, this products. In further detail, drive of purchase in
research also found that marital status can be an general builds up from the aspects of
influential factor of willingness to purchase predetermined decision to purchase, existing
instant food products. Convenience was another discounts and on-the-sport purchase. The
factor the Srinivasan and Nirmalas (2014) study research found out that all three of these
found as an influential factor, which correlates aspects have impact on purchase intention. As
to this study. However the findings of increased per response to marketing communication, the
income and increased willingness to purchase research identifies this factor as the Hungarian
instant food products are the opposite of the consumers’ perception of how timely they see 104
Influential Factors on Consumer Purchase Intentions:.. Csaba Janos Nagy

or notice instant noodle product related channels are working well in the Hungarian
advertisements. market, which should be emphasized by
- Convenience (decision making process, corresponding marketing and sales activities to
time spent on preparing food, time spent encourage purchasing. Convenience shows to be
on shopping): a main impact along with the previous ones, and
suggests that the mentioned sales and
Convenience as a variable, including
marketing activities should be correlated with
specifically time spent for shopping, decision
convenience driven thinking. The research
making process and time spent on preparing
shows that the Hungarian market is led by
food as dimensions, has impact on purchase
convenience when it comes to groceries
intention towards instant noodle products. In
further detail, time spent for shopping consists
of short shopping time, visiting of several Secondly, certain variables that would be
establishments and convenience shopping as taken into consideration as an impact on
aspects. Decision making process consists of willingness to purchase instant noodle products
habitual purchase, on-the-spot purchasing and are shown not to be relevant in the Hungarian
consumers’ perception of highest quality. Time market. For instance the information on the
spent for preparing food consists of the label or portioning of instant noodle products
consumers’ perception about instant food might be a decisive factor in certain regions of
products’ preparation time, the preparation the world, but in the Hungarian market, based
time of home-cooked meals and convenience on this research, it is shown to be the opposite
shopping. along with flavor, perceived health risk and
involvement. This suggests that business
professionals should focus less on involving
RECOMMENDATIONS TO BUSINESSES AND consumers, allocating resources regarding
MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS alleged health risk issues, informing thoroughly
This research found that the willingness to on packaging more than required, trying to
purchase instant noodle products in the serve multiple needs regarding portions, and
Hungarian market is impacted by packaging beyond exploring flavors.
(appearance), product aspect of price (product Lastly, the research concludes that young (less
price compare to average), promotion (drive, than 35), single, lower educated (elementary
marketing communication) and convenience school, high school or vocational/associate’s
(decision making process, time spent on degree) and below average or close to average
preparing food, time spent on shopping). On the (less than 100,000 HUF and 100,001-200,000
other hand, other factors as information on HUF) net earners show the highest willingness
label, portion, quality, flavor, perceived health to purchase instant noodle products. This
risk (inappropriate diet, weight gain, sickness), consumer profile is recommended to be
and involvement do not have an impact on targeted by business professionals in
willingness to purchase instant noodle products. promotional or convenience channels in order
Firstly, to attain more knowledge on the to enhance purchasing of instant noodle
impacting factor in the Hungarian market, it is products. A product with an appealing outlook
recommended that each of the feasible and reasonable price at a convenient location
elements are examined by business sector for the targeted consumer profile in the
professionals. For instance the appearance of an Hungarian market has a high chance of resulting
instant noodle product’s packaging has certain in willingness of purchase.
colors and design in certain regions of the
world. And since this factor has a major impact
on consumers’ willingness to purchase, it is
recommended to further explore patterns in the Akers, W. (1997). “Geest Prepared Foods”, Taste
Hungarian market. As per the price of the 200 Press Release, Hammond
product, it is recommended to management Communications, London.
professionals to investigate the competition’s Buckley, M., Cowan, C., & McCarthy, M. (2007)
price creating patterns and habits in the “The Convenience Food Market in Great
Hungarian market. The impact of drive of Britain: Convenience Food Lifestyle (CFL)
purchase and response to marketing Segments.” Appetite 49: 600–17.
communication suggests that the promotional 105
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Smith, J. (2003), “From Hazi to Hyper Market: ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Discources on time, money, and food in Csaba Nagy:
Hungary”, Anthropology of East Europe
Mr. Csaba Janos Nagy is a teacher at NIVA
Review, Vol. 21 No. 1.
American International School in Bangkok,
Srinivasan, K. & Nirmalas, R. (2014) “A Study on Thailand. His academic work focuses on
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