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Question Bank IV Sem Chemistry (NEP)

Chemical Kinetics

1. Write Arrhenius equation and explain the terms

2. Explain the determination of transport number by Ion Migration method.
3. Explain the conductometric titration of
a. Strong Acid verses Strong base
b. Weak Acid verses Strong base
4. Define temperature Co-efficient of a reaction.
5. Derive expression for the rate constant of a II Order reaction
(i) a = b (ii) a b
6. Explain collision theory of reaction rate.
7. Define the term Energy of Activation
8. Explain the determination of rate constant of reaction between Potassium per sulphate and
Potassium Iodide by Spectroscopic method.
9. Problems on Energy of Activation, Rate constant of II Order.

Surface chemistry
1. What are homogeneous and heterogenous catalysis? Give an example for each.
2. Explain autocatalysis with an example.
3. Write the BET equation. Mention the terms in it.
4. Explain Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms. Explain its limitations.
5. Explain Freundlich adsorption isotherms.
6. Explain the adsorption theory of catalysis.
7. Explain catalytic poisoning with an example.

1. Write DHO equation and explain the terms
2. Problems on Molar conductance, Equivalent conductance and Kohlarausch’s Law
3. State Kohlarausch’s Law.
4. Write the postulates of Arrhenius theory of Electrolytic dissociation.
5. Explain the variation of molar conductance with dilution.
6. Mention the limitations of Arrhenius theory.
7. Define Molar & equivalent conductance.
8. What is meant by transport numer?
9. What is meant by mobility of ions?

1. State second Law of thermodynamics.
2. Derive relationship between CP and Cv.
3. Mention the criteria for the reaction to be spontaneous.
4. Problems on Standard Free energy change (Gibb’s Helmholtz Equation), Entropy etc.
5. What are Adiabatic and Isothermal process?
6. Define Entropy of a system and mention its unit.
7. What are Intensive & Extensive properties? Give an example for each.
8. Problems on Work done.

Chemical Bonding - I & II and Metallic Bonding

1. What is Ionic bond?
2. What is covalent bond?
3. Define Radius ratio.
4. What is meant by: (i) Resonance(ii) Resonance Energy
5. Define the term Bond Order.
6. Explain the Structure of
a. NaCl b. ZnS
7. What is Sidgwick- powell theory
8. Explain the formation of Water and Ammonium based on VSEPR theory.
9. Explain the following Hybridisation with suitable example.
a. sp2 b. d2sp3 c. sp3 d. dsp2
10. Draw the molecular orbital diagram , write electronic configuration, Calculate bond order and

predict magnetic property

a. Li2 b. O2 c. H2 d. N2 e. N2+
11. Write the rules for LCAO.
12. Write the Born – Haber Cycle for
a. NaCl b. MgO
13. Mention the postulates of VBT
14. How bond order is related to Bond strength?
15. Define Lattice energy
16. Write Fazan’s rule.
17. Calculate radius ratio for co-ordination number 3 & 4.
18. What is a metallic bond?
19. What are Intrinsic & Extrinsic semiconductors?
20. Explain free electron theory of Metallic bond.
21. Explain VBT of Metallic bond.
22. What is Bent’s Rule?
23. Mention the limitations of VBT.
24. Calculate Lattice Energy using Born- Lande’s Equation (data will be given)
25. What is the value of limiting radius ratio for co-ordination number 3 & 6?

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