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Western Provincial Department of Education

General Certificate of Education (Adv. Level), Grade 13 Third Term Pilot Test, 2023

Biology I 09 E I Two hours

Instruction :
 Answer all questions
 Write your index umber in the space provided in the answer sheet.
 Instructions are given on the back of the answer sheet. Follow those carefully.
 In each of the questions 1 to 50, pick one of the alternatives from (1),(2),(3),(4),(5) which is
correct or most appropriate and mark your response on the answer sheet with a cross (×) on the
number of the correct option in accordance with the instructions given.

(1). Which one of the following is an example for branched form storage carbohydrates

(1) Cellulose (2) Glycogen (3) Pectin

(4) Amylose (5) Inulin

(2). Which of the following shows the most abundant RNA type and the smallest type of RNA in the cell in
correct order?
(1). m-RNA and t-RNA
(2). r-RNA and t-RNA
(3). r-RNA and m-RNA
(4). t-RNA and m-RNA
(5). m-RNA and r-RNA

(3). Certain functions of components in plasma membrane are given below

(a) Act as an essential components in cell membrane
(b) Involve in cell recognition
(c) Provide rigidity and stability to the membrane

Which of the above statements is/are correct regarding the functions of cholesterol molecule in plasma
(1) a only (2) b only (3) c only
(4) a and c only (5) b and c only

(4). Which of the following statements is correct regarding the enzyme inhibitors
(1). Certain molecules or ions bind to the enzymes reversibly with covalent bonds
(2). The effect of non competitive inhibitors can be reversed by increasing the substrate concentration
(3). Competitive inhibitors interrupt enzyme reaction by binding to a part of the enzyme other than the active
(4). Drugs used against microbes can act as irreversible inhibitors
(5). Non competitive inhibitors, decrease the efficiency of formation of enzyme substrate complex

(5). Some events take place in photosynthesis are listed below

P- The striking of electrons of light
Q- Reduction of NADP+ and FAD
R- Reduction of 3-PGA
S- Synthesis of ATP by cyclic electron flow

Which one of the following only happens during light dependent reaction
(1) P and Q only (2) P and S only
(3) Q and R only (4) Q, R and S only
(5) P, Q and R only

(6) During glycolysis of cellular respiration?

(1). Synthesis ATP and NADPH
(2). Synthesis two CO2 molecules by decarboxylation
(3). Use molecular oxygen
(4). Reduction of co-enzyme
(5). Glucose is reduced to pyruvate

(7) This question is based on the statements given below

 Membrane lipids with unbranched hydrocarbons.
 Circular chromosomes are present in the cytoplasm

Which one of the following may be present in organism who shows both of the above mentioned features?

(1). Cell wall is made of protein and polysaccharides

(2). Growth is inhibited by antibiotics
(3). Initiator amino acid for protein synthesis is methionine
(4). Many kind of RNA polymerases are present
(5). Inhibit the anaerobic guts of herbivores

(8) Some features shown by members of kingdom Protista are given below
(a) Contractile vacuole
(b) Pellicle
(c) Thallus with holdfast

Organisms having a, b and c are respectively

(1) Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena

(2) Paramecium, Diatom, Sargassum
(3) Euglena, Amoeba, Ulva
(4) Paramecium, Euglena, Gelidium
(5) Diatom, Gelidium, Sargassum

(9) Which of the following statements is correct regarding the members of kingdom fungi
(1). A multicellular structure of Penicillium which is produced by plasmogamy and karyogamy is resistant
to adverse environmental conditions
(2). Rhizopus produces sexually differentiated gametangia
(3). Aspergillus produces filamentous dikaryotic mycelium
(4). Agaricus produces endogenous basidia on the gills of the basidiocarp
(5). Genetically diverse haploid spores are produced within the zygosporangium of Mucor

(10) Annelida differs from nematoda because annelida,

(1). Have cylindrical bodies
(2). Have segmented bodies
(3). Have sensory papillae on the anterior end of the body
(4). Body is covered by tough cuticle
(5). Use suckers for ingestion

(11) Several features seen tissues are as follows

A- Cell walls are thickened by lignin at maturity
B- Cytoplasm is reduced into a thin peripheral layer
C- Involve to control the function of sieve tube element

Which of the above statements is/are correct regarding the companion cells of anthophyta

(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only

(4) A and B only (5) B and C only

(12) Which of the following statements is correct regarding the pericycle of root in monocot plant
(1). Consists of suberinized cells
(2). Transports water and minerals only through symplast route
(3). Consists of two or three layers of cells
(4). Consists of cells with meristamatic ability
(5). Involves to form lateral roots

(13) Which of the following is correct regarding the water potential of the system
(1). Solute potential is directly proportional to the molarity of a solution
(2). Sometimes the value to solute potential become positive
(3). When turgor pressure increases, the water potential of cell decrease
(4). Addition of solutes will decrease the negative value of solute potential
(5). The value of pressure potential never become negative

(14) Select the correct statement regarding Cuscuta plant It,

(1). Is a photoautotrophes
(2). Consists chlorophyll and carotenoids as photosynthetic pigments
(3). Absorbs nitrogen as N𝑂3− from soil solution
(4). Consists with tap root system
(5). Shows symbiosis relationship with organism of another species

(15) Which of the following statements is correct regarding the plant response to signals
(1). As a response to gravity aggregation of statolith takes place at the upper points of the root caps
(2). Phytochrome photoreceptors inhibit the hypocotyl elongation during seedling formation
(3). In Mimosa pudica touching results in a sudden increase of turgor in pulvini
(4). Blue light photoreceptors increase the percentage rate of seed germination
(5). Plants grow with shorter stockier trunks as a response to high wind

(16) Which of the following statements is correct regarding the response of plants to stresses
(1) Auxin promotes the leaf abcission in drought
(2) When cell membrane heats above critical temperature it loses its fluidity
(3) Before the onset of winter, the cell of frost tolerant plants decrease cytoplasmic levels of specific solutes
(4) Respond to moderate soil salinity by producing solutes that are well tolerated at high concentrations
(5) Production of enzymes that can degrade fungal cell walls is a pre existing structural and chemical
defense mechanism

(17) Select the response with the correct match of components of connective tissue and its function
(1). Fat cells - Storage of fatty acids
(2). Collagen fibers - Join connective tissues to adjacent tissues
(3). Mast cells - Secrete histamine
(4). Fibroblasts - Secrete heparin
(5). Elastic fibers - Provide strength and flexibility

(18) Which one of the following shows the correct sequence of vitamins aids in absorption of calcium and blood
(1). Vitamin A and Vitamin C
(2). Vitamin D and Vitamin K
(3). Vitamin E and Vitamin K
(4). Vitamin B and Vitamin D
(5). Vitamin C and Vitamin E

(19) Which of the following is correct regarding the digestion of food

(1). Chemical digestion of food begins at stomach
(2). Bile salts help in fat digestion and absorption
(3). All enzymes which are needed for chemical digestion of nucleic acids are secreted from epithelium of
(4). Fatty acids and amino acids in the chime trigger the release of gastrin
(5). Food digestion in stomach accelerate due to high levels of cholecycstokinin and secretin

(20) Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the human heart
(1) Endocardium lines the chambers and valves of the heart
(2) Pericardium is made up of cardiac muscles
(3) Semilunar valves are attached to the papillary muscles by fibrous cords
(4) Sympathetic nerve supply should be there to initiate heart beat
(5) Most of the venous blood passes directly into the heart chambers through small venous channels

(21) Several statements regarding transport of respiratory gases are given below
A- CO2 is transported as carbaminohaemoglobin
B- CO2 diffuses into the red blood cells
C- The enzyme carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the combination of CO2 with water to form HC𝑂3− and H+
D- Dissolve in plasma and transport as free gas

Which of the above statement is/are correct regarding the method that majority of CO2 is carried by the blood

(1) A only (2) B only (3) A and B only

(4) B and C only (5) A and D only

(22) Which of the following is correct regarding the exchange of respiratory gases
(1). Net diffusion of oxygen from blood stream in to the tissues is called loading of oxygen
(2). Partial pressure of carbondioxide in exhailed air is higher than partial pressure of oxygen
(3). CO2 directly diffuses from tissues to blood
(4). Blood in systemic capillaries has comparatively high partial pressure of oxygen and low partial pressure
of carbondioxide than blood in tissues
(5). During internal respiration partial pressure gradients between alveolar air in the lungs and blood is very

(23) Select the correct answer based on the following two statements

A- Cell mediated immunity always involves cells attacking cells

B- Antibody – antigen complexes can activate complement system and phagocytosis to destroy pathogen

(1) A is correct and B is incorrect

(2) B is correct and A is incorrect
(3) Both A and B are incorrect
(4) Both A and B are correct and B contribute to A
(5) Both A and B are correct but B does not contribute to A

(24) Which of the following condition can be happened due to un-responsiveness of ADH for Distal convoluted
(1). Production of concentrated urine
(2). Reduction of osmotic pressure in blood
(3). Generate thirst
(4). Increase the permeability of water in distal convoluted tubule
(5). Increase blood pressure

(25) Which one of the following hormone can be secreted without influence of hormones from hypothalamus

(1) Aldesterone (2) Testosterone (3) Thyroxine

(4) Parathyroid hormone (5) Growth hormone

(26) Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the neuron at rest
(1) Comparatively large amount of anions are present outside the cell
(2) More sodium ion channels open than potassium ion channels
(3) Concentration of Cl- inside cell is high
(4) Concentration of Na+ is higher in cell than outside
(5) Sodium potassium pump takes place passively according to the concentration gradient

(27) Which one of the following sensory receptors can act as mechano as well as thermo receptors

(1) Meissner corpuscles (2) Merkel dises (3) Free nerve endings
(4) Pacinian corpuscles (5) Specific hair cells in the organ of corti

(28) Symptoms of some endocrine disorders in human are listed below

(a) Increase the basal metabolic rate
(b) Constipation
(c) Warm, Sweaty skin
(d) Weight gain

Which of the above is/are common symptoms of hyperthyroidism

(1) a and b only (2) a and c only (3) b and d only

(4) a, c and d only (5) b, c and d only

(29) Which of the following statements is correct regarding the fertilization

(1). All bony fish show external fertilization
(2). A most habitat is almost always required for external fertilization
(3). In internal fertilization sperms are always deposited in the female reproductive track
(4). During Internal fertilization more sperms are produced than external fertilization
(5). Vertebrates who show external fertilization have eggs which are covered by shell and internal membranes

(30) In a garden Pea plant Yellow seeds (Y) are dominant over green seeds (y).
Round seed (R) are dominant over wrinkled seed (r) As a result of a cross between two plants having yellow
colour and round seed, in F1 generation get the phenotypic ratio in following way
Yellow colour round seed 3 : Yellow colour wrinkled seed 1
Which one of the following may be the genotype of above mentioned parents?

(1) RrYY and rrYY (2) RRYY and rrYy (3) RrYy and RrYy
(4) Rryy and RrYy (5) RrYy and RrYY

(31) Which of the following statements is correct regarding the polyallelism

(1). The phenomenon resulting from interaction between genes of different loci
(2). The majority of the offspring would be expected to have intermediate phenotypes
(3). Results from a cumulative expression of dominant alleles at different loci
(4). A phenomenon occurs presence of multiple alleles for a single genetic locus
(5). Determination of AB blood groups in humans is an example

(32) Eukaryotic DNA replication differs from prokaryotic replication, because eukaryotes
(1). DNA replication occurs continuously in the cell cycle
(2). Chromosome has several ori
(3). Use DNA ligase to seal the gaps between adjacent nucleotides
(4). Initiate the DNA synthesis by using RNA primer
(5). Use single strand Binding protein to stabilize the single stranded DNA

(33) Several steps in the process of making a genetically modified organisms are as follows
A- In vitro modification of the gene interest
B- Transformation of the recipient cells
C- Isolation and purification of the gene
D- Amplification of modified gene by clonin

Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the steps in the process?
(1). A, C, D, B (2). C, D, A, B (3). B, C, A, D
(4). C, A, B, D (5). C, A, D, B

(34) Which one of the following organisms has more chance to extinct in the wild

(1) Marbled rock frog (2) Elephant (3) Blue magpie

(4) Jungle squirrel (5) Giant tortoise

(35) Which one of the following groups represents the plants which are found at elevation above 1500m
(1). Gini-andara, Wakurudu, Pinibara tana
(2). Tussock grasses, Gal weralu, Keena
(3). Hal, Pagiri, Mana
(4). Gal weralu, Heeressa, Bulu
(5). Wara, Walurudu, Kothalahibutu

(36) This question is based on the diagram of food web given below


Frog Fox Tiger

Rabbit Crocodile
Grass hopper

Grasses Deer

Which one of the following groups represents the two secondary consumers in the food web

(1) Rat, Rabbit (2) Crocodile, Grass hopper (3) Frog, Tiger
(4) Eagle, Tiger (5) Fox, Eagle

(37) Which one of the following is the ability of pathogens for invasiveness
(1). Destroy cell wall by producing enzyme lecithinase
(2). Ability to produce intracellular enzymes
(3). Ability to enter the host by actively through various portals
(4). Ability to overcome host's defense mechanism
(5). Ability to produce biological poisons against host

(38) Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the methods of sterilization
(1). In an autoclave steam with 112oC is sufficient to kill endospore
(2). The flame of spirit lamp is not suitable to sterilize inoculating loops
(3). Glassware such as pipettes are heated to abut 170oC and maintain 2 hours in a dry air oven for
(4). Ethylene dioxide is used to sterilize endrospores of Bacillus anthracis
(5). Petri dishes which are coverd by papers are sterilized by direct contact with UV radiation

(39) Which one of the following steps takes place in purification of industrial waste water
(1). Bubbling of chlorine dioxide by waste water
(2). Removal of toxic by activated carbon
(3). Sludge remaining is sent to an aerobic sludge digester
(4). Disinfection by ozone
(5). Liquid flowing out of primary treatment is vigorously aereated

(40) Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the Dengue
(1) Symptoms of disease starts with muscle and joint pains
(2) Fluid accumulation is severe dengue condition
(3) Warming signs occurs 7-10 days after the first symptom
(4) Slow breathing is a warning sign
(5) Dengue shock syndrome is cannot be avoided

Use the key given below for 41- 50

1 2 3 4 5
If A,B,D If A,C,D If A,B If C,D
Any other response
Correct Correct Correct Correct

(41) Which of the following combinations is/are correct regarding the monomer of biological molecule and type
of bond among them
(A)- Acetyl Glucosamine - Glycosidic bond
(B)- Protein - Peptide bond
(C)- DNA - Phosphodiester bond
(D)- Fructose - Glycosidic bond
(E)- Ribonucleotide - Ester bond
(42) Which of the following phylum/phyla represents the vascular plants with diocious gametophyte
(A)- Lycophyta
(B)- Anthophyta
(C)- Pterophyta
(D)- Hepatophyta
(E)- Bryophyta

(43) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the terrestrial plants
(A)- They exhibit heteromorphic alternation of generation
(B)- Gametophytes produce gametes by mitosis
(C)- A single egg or several eggs are produced within the archegonium
(D)- They carryout internal fertilization
(E)- Spores grow into diploid sporophyte

(44) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the human development
(A)- Some hormones secreted by the embryo are passed to the maternal blood
(B)- Human pregnancy period is 40 weeks from fertilization to birth
(C)- Germ layers are formed in the embryo at the end of the gastrulation stage
(D)- The first 2-4 weeks, the embryo obtains nourishment directly from the endometrium
(E)- Fetal movements and activity in third trimester is higher than the second trimester

(45) Which one of the following is/are correct regarding the bone of the lower limb
(A)- Eight tarsal bones which are arranged in two rows as proximal and distal row
(B)- Distal end of femur articulate with tibia and fibula
(C)- There are two longitudinal arches present in the foot
(D)- Lower limb consists of thirty bones
(E)- Fibula is not involve to form ankle joint

(46) Which one of the following is/are the desirable properties in Pisum sativum for genetic experiment
(A)- Crossing between the plants could be strictly controlled
(B)- Plants are available in many varieties with contrasting traits
(C)- Do not exhibit the deficiency symptoms
(D)- Show adaptation to over come environmental stresses
(E)- Follow only cross pollination without self pollination

(47) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the gene mutation
(A)- Substitution of one nucleotide pair of a gene always have an effect on the polypeptide it codes
(B)- The polypeptide may not be functional at all unless the insertion occurred is very close to the
termination codon
(C)- Deletion of a nucleotide or a couple of nucleotides will result in shift in the reading frame
(D)- Non-sense mutations causes premature termination of the protein synthesis
(E)- The meaning of the primary structure of the polypeptide is changed slightly due to silent mutations

(48) Which of the following combinations is/are correct regarding the threats to biodiversity and relevant example
(A)- Overexploitation - Over collection of plant kothalahimbutu for export
(B)- Introduction of invasive alien species - Extensive spread of Guinea grass in dry pathana
(C)- Pollution - Destruction of most of the algal species in aquatic ecosystem
(D)- Habitat loss - Destruction of Mangroves due to establishment of prawn
(E)- Global warming and climatic change - Decrease the insect population

(49) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the stain of micro organisms
(A)- Slide with microorganisms should heat fix before the stain
(B)- When preparation of smear with toddy should use pure water and make suspension is must
(C)- Stain is highlight the entire micro organism so that cellular shape, cell arrangements and basic structures
are visible
(D)- A simple stain commonly used is safranin
(E)- All microorganisms appear colorless when viewed through a light microscope

(50). Select the correct combination with respect to activity and the principle based on it
(A)- Tissue culture - Totipotent
(B)- Joining of the scion and stock - Cambium of both scion and stock placed in close contact with
each other
(C)- Stem cell Therapy - Divide by mitosis with a limit
(D)- Nano technology - Low surface area to volume ratio
(E)- Salting - Prevent the entry of microorganism into food


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