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Fishbone Diagram + Worksheet


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What is a Fishbone Diagram?

● A fishbone diagram is a visual analysis tool used to logically organize potential

causes of an issue into categories for in-depth problem solving. Shaped like the
skeleton of a fish, it highlights interconnections between myriad factors possibly
contributing to an overall effect.

Image credits: Canva

● The fish head represents the core problem. The major fish bones are key causal
categories. Minor fish bones detail specific factors under those main groupings.
When completed, the diagram resembles the cause & effect links first dominoes
falling ultimately affecting the final domino.

● This technique digs deeply into systemic relationships between various direct or
indirect elements that influence certain outcomes. Brainstorming to map out a
fishbone diagram helps teams comprehend the full spectrum of originating sources
beyond obvious issues for investigation.
Fishbone Diagram Worksheet
How to use

Identify Main Problem

1. Determine Major “Bones” - Categories of Causes

2. Fill in “Bones” With Specific Causal Factors
3. Analyze Interrelationships Between Factors
4. Prioritize Key Issues to Address


Use the fishbone template to map out the underlying causes related to a core problem
you want to solve.

Main Problem:

Major Cause Category 1:

Specific factors:

Major Cause Category 2:

Specific factors:

Major Cause Category 3:

Specific factors:
Major Cause Category 4:

Specific factors:

Key Insights After Completing Diagram:

High Priority Issues to Resolve:

Key Takeaways
Learners have to bear in mind-

● Fishbone diagrams help trace direct and indirect factors driving issues
● They enable expanding inquiry across departments, avoiding silos
● Developing systems thinking skills is vital for organizations today
● Solving upstream root causes prevents recurrence downstream
● Innovation often emerges from new insights around linkages

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