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1. represents the absolute value of a number on a number line as the distance of a number from 0. (M7NS-Ic-1)
2. performs fundamental operations on integers. (M7NS-Id-1)
3. illustrates the different properties of operations on the set of integers. (M7NS-Id-2)

Different Numerical Expressions

Expressions Definitions Examples

Natural Numbers counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …
Whole Numbers 0 added to the counting numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …
Integers signed whole numbers …-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …
Rationals: Fractions A number in the form of 𝑎, where a and b are integers, and 3 1 13 9
𝑏 − −
b≠0 4 7 8 2
Rationals: Decimals a number with a decimal point. 2. 5 0.73 -7.9 -0.0012
Exponentials a number with an exponent. 32 53 94 −42 −72
5 3 4
Radicals a number with a radical symbol −√9 √32 √17 − √16
Scientific Notations An expression in the form of 3 𝑥 105
𝑎 𝑥 10𝑛 , where 1≤𝒂<10, n is an integer and 10 is a fixed -9.9 𝑥 107
number 1.32 𝑥 10−2

Absolute value of a number is the distance of the number from

zero in the number line. Therefore, given |a|, if 'a' represents a
number, its absolute value is always non-negative (positive)
Remember: There is no negative distance
The symbol used to denote the absolute value is, two vertical lines (| |), one on either side of the number.
For Example:
(i)The absolute value of 23 is 23, in symbol →|23| = 23
(ii) The absolute value of -15 is 15, in symbol →|-15| = 15
(iii) The negative absolute value of 3.5 is -3.5, in symbol →-|3.5| = -3.5
(iii) The negative absolute value of – ½ is – ½ , in symbol → -| - ½ | = - ½

INTEGERS are numbers with the combination of the

simply described as SIGNED WHOLE NUMBERS (positive
and negative whole numbers)
(…, -5, -4, -3 , -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, …)

● 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ... are positive integers and -1, -2, -3, -
4, -5, -6, -7, ... are negative integers.
● 0 is an integer which is neither positive nor negative.
● On an integer number line, all numbers to the right of 0 are positive integers and all numbers to the left of 0 are
negative integers.
● 0 is less than every positive integer and greater than every negative integer.
● Every positive integer is always greater than every negative integer.
● Two integers that are at the same distance from 0, but on opposite sides of it are called opposite numbers. i.e. 7 and
-7 are opposite numbers
● The greater the integer, the lesser is its opposite.
● The sum of an integer and its opposite is zero. i.e. 7 + (-7) = 0


Closure property:
(Closure Property of Addition)
-The sum of two integers is always an integer
(Closure Property of Subtraction)
-The difference of two integers is always an integer
(Closure Property of Multiplication)
-The product of two integers is always an integer.
Commutative property:
For any two integers a and b, we have;
(Commutative Property of Addition) a+b = b+a
(Commutative Property of Multiplication) ab = ba
-The interchanging of the position/order of integers in addition/multiplication doesn’t affect its sum/product

Associative property:
For any two integers a, b and c, we have;
(Associative Property of Addition) (a+b)+c = a+( b+c)
(Associative Property of Multiplication) (ab)c = a(bc)
-The interchanging of the groupings of integers in addition/multiplication doesn’t affect its sum/product

Identity property:
For any integer a, we have;
(Identity Property of Addition) a+0 = a ; 0+a = a
-The number 0 is called the additive identity for integers. Any number added to 0 is always the same number
(Identity Property of Multiplication) (a)(1) = a ; (1)(a) = a
-The number 1 is called the multiplicative identity for integers. Any number multiplied to 1 is always the same number

Inverse property:
For any integer a, we have;
(Inverse Property of Addition) a + (-a) = 0 ; (-a) + a = 0
-Any integer added to its opposite is always 0, where -a is the additive inverse of a
1 1
(Inverse Property of Multiplication) a●( ) = 1 ; ( )●a = 1
𝑎 𝑎
-Any integer multiplied by its reciprocal is always 1, where 𝑎is the multiplicative inverse of a

Zero property:
For any integer a, we have;
(Zero Property of Multiplication) a ● 0 = 0 ; 0 ● a = 0
-Any integer multiplied to 0 is always 0

Distributive property:
For any integers a, b and c we have;
(Distributive property of multiplication over addition)
a (b + c) =ab + ac
(b + c) a = ba + ca
-The number a multiplied to the sum of b and c is equal to the product of a and b plus the product of a and c

Addition of Integers
● The sum of two integers of the same sign is an integer of the same sign whose absolute value is equal to the sum of the
absolute values of the given integers.
In simple words if two integers are like signs, add the integers and copy their common sign
i.e. 7 + 3 = 10 (the sum is positive because the two integers are both positive)
-7 + -3 = -10 (the sum is negative because the two integers are both negative)
● The sum of two integers of opposite signs is an integer whose absolute value is the difference of the absolute values of
addend and whose sign is the sign of the addend having greater absolute value.
In simple words if two integers are unlike signs subtract the integers and copy the sign of the number with a bigger
absolute value
i.e. 7 + -3 = 4 (the sum is positive because 7 has a greater absolute value than -3)
-7 + 3 = -4 (the sum is negative because -7 has a greater absolute value than 3)

Subtraction of Integers
● To subtract an integer y from another integer x, we change the sign of y and add it to x.
In simple terms, change the sign of the subtrahend then proceed to the process of addition
Thus, x - y = x + (-y)
i.e. 7 – 3 = 7 + (-3) = 4 (The subtraction sign became addition sign
-7 – 3 = -7 + (-3)= -10 and the sign of the subtrahend was changed)
7 – (-3) = 7 + 3 = 10
-7 – (-3) = -7 + 3 = -4
Multiplication of Integers
● To find the product of two integers, we multiply their absolute values and give the result a plus sign if both the
numbers have the same sign or a minus sign otherwise.
In other words, when two integers with like sign are multiplied, the product is positive
but if when two integers are unlike sign are multiplied, the product is negative
i.e. 7 ● 3 = 21 (like signs positive
-7 ● -3 = 21 unlike signs negative)
-7 ● 3 = -21
7 ● -3 = -21

Division of Integers
● To find the quotient of one integer divided by another non-zero integer, we divide their absolute values and give the
result a plus sign if both the numbers have the same sign or a minus sign otherwise.
In other words, the qoutient of two integers with like sign is always positive
but if they are unlike sign, the qoutient is negative
i.e. 12 / 3 = 4 (Like signs positive
-12 / -3 = 4 Unlike signs negative)
12 / -3 = -4
-12 / 3 = -4

Various Operations on Integers

When expression has different types of operations, some operations have to be performed before the others. That is,
each operation has its own precedence. The order in which operations are performed is (Groups/Parenthesis),
(Exponents), (multiplication/division), (addition/subtraction) or the GEMDAS/PEMDAS rule

➢ Addition vs. Subtraction

If addition and subtraction are the only present operations in the mathematical expression.
The order of operation must come from left to right.
7–4+5 -11 + 5 – 7 -3 + 7 – 9 + (-4)
3+5 -6 – 7 → -6 + -7 4 – 9 + (-4) → 4 + (-9) + (-4)
8 -13 -5 + (-4)
➢ Multiplication vs. Division
If multiplication and division are the only present operations in the mathematical expression.
The order of operation must come from left to right.
7●4÷2 -10 ÷ 5 ● 3 -3 ● 8 ÷ 4 ÷ (-2) ● 3
28 ÷ 2 -2 ● 3 -24 ÷ 4 ÷ (-2) ● 3
14 -6 -6 ÷ (-2) ● 3
➢ Addition vs. Subtraction vs. Multiplication vs. Division
If the four basic operations are present in the mathematical expression.
The order of operation must follow the MDAS rule where Multiplication/Division must computed first before
Addition/Subtraction as the order must be prior to left.
7 + (-12) ÷ 2 – (-3)●4 (division first because it is located at the left rather than multiplication)
7 + (-6) – (-3)●4 (next is multiplication as we follow the order MDAS rule)
7 + (-6) – (-12) (the third will be addition because it is located at the left rather than subtraction)
1 – (-12) → 1 + 12 (then finally subtraction)
➢ GEMDAS rule
Group first, Exponents second, Multiplication/Division third, Addition/Subtraction last.
i.e. Given: -3 - 23 ÷ 4 ● (8 – 5) + 7

-3 – 23 ÷ 4 ● (-8 + 5) + 7 (Group first)

-3 – 23 ÷ 4 ● (-3) + 7 (Exponent second)
-3 – 8 ÷ 4 ● (-3) + 7 (division)
-3 – 2 ● (-3) + 7 (multiplication)
-3 – (-6) + 7→ -3 + 6 + 7(subtraction)
3 + 7 (addition)
Note: Using MDAS rule follows the procedure prior to left

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