4 Must Have Workflows Every Retailer Needs Whitepaper

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T H E P O W E R O F M A R K E T I N G A U T O M AT I O N :

4 Must-Have Workflows
Every Retailer Needs
Table of Contents 02

Table of Contents

03 Why Marketing Automation

Is a Necessity for Every Brand Today

04 Four Essential Automated Workflows and

How to do More With Them

05 .................... A More Relevant Welcome Series

09 .................... Browse Abandonment Messages

12 .................... Robust Cart Abandonment

14 .................... Post-Purchase Messaging

17 Key Takeaways
Introduction 03

Why Marketing Automation

Is a Necessity for Every
Brand Today
The customer journey is no longer linear or single-channel-oriented.
Consumers today expect more than generic, one-for-all promotional
messages and are increasingly choosing to interact with brands across
different channels. Sending relevant, timely messages to the channels
of the customers’ choosing is why marketing automation is no longer
a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity.

Automated lifecycle messages help brands stand out and differentiate.

“ Although 75% of marketers claim they use

marketing automation (at least one workflow)
in their email marketing strategy, many
companies are leaving money on the table
by failing to utilize automated messages to
their full capacity.

According to Omnisend data, automated marketing messages can

generate up to ten times more revenue than bulk emails or SMS

Throughout the customer journey, the interest in the brand and intent
to purchase changes, and marketing messages need to respond
accordingly—whether it’s for a new subscriber with a high intention
to buy, an indecisive one who needs a push, or to convert a recent
customer into a brand advocate.

This paper explores not only essential lifecycle messages along four
different stages of the customer journey but also strategies for how to
use them to attract new customers and increase customer retention.

4 Essential Automated
Workflows and How
to do More With Them
A More Relevant Welcome Series 05

A More Relevant Welcome Series

New email subscribers have a high interest in

your brand and a strong intent to purchase.
This probably explains why, according to a
But when everyone
recent Omnisend report, welcome messaging
implements “best
workflows possess the highest order rates, as practices,” this
well as some of the highest open and click rates strategy becomes
of any messaging workflow. Take, for instance, standard, losing its
a games & hobby retailer who sees a 60% lift authenticity and
in open rates and greater than a 300% lift in effectiveness
Greg Zakowicz
revenue per email (RPE) over standard promo- Marketing Strategist
tional messages. @Omnisend

Recognizing the potential of these messages, retailers traditionally

follow industry “best practices” and send a series of three to five
messages to “welcome” newcomers.

But when everyone implements “best practices,” this tactic becomes

standard, losing its authenticity and effectiveness.

The time when sending a standalone welcome message or a

of consumers agree that
generic welcome series to your new subscribers has passed. personalization is now a
Marketers need to find new ways to provide customers with a standard service expected
more personalized onboarding experience that leads them down from brands and retailers
the path of conversion.
Source: Epsilon Report, 2018

A personalized welcome series can help marketers do that.

A More Relevant Welcome Series 06

There are many ways brands can personalize their welcome workflows, one
of which is by using the subscriber sign-up form, such as a pop-up. It can be
utilized in several different ways:

1. Ask for information, such as gender or category interests, that can help
you tailor the welcome series content.

2. Set unique sign-up forms on different product category pages of your

site and map the message content according to the source of signup.

3. Allow consumers to opt into other channels, such as SMS.

For example, Kurt Geiger asks for a gender and immediately uses this
preference in their welcome message by customizing the images and
CTA buttons linking to the proper categories.

Kurt Geiger Welcome Workflow Based on Gender Preferences

A More Relevant Welcome Series 07

Signup Forms According to Product Category

In the second example, there are uniquely designed sign-up forms for different
product categories. When a subscriber submits the form, they are tagged, and
the marketer knows from which category of the website the user signed up. If
you are a retailer that offers a wide variety of products to a broad customer
base, using multiple pop-ups can be a logical approach.

By knowing the category and the initial interest of the subscriber, the marketer
can tailor not only the welcome message but the entire welcome series to the
subscriber. This personalization could include unique content based on the
subscribers’ initial interest, such as:

• Product recommendations

• Hero images

• CTAs

• Navigation bar

• Product discounts, etc.

IMPORTANT. If you collect additional information at signup, like

SMS (which you should), be sure to layer these messages into the
welcome series. Omnichannel campaigns that involve SMS are
47.7% more likely to end in conversion. The SMS messages can
easily be customized to complement specific emails inside of the
welcome series. Personalized messages like these will help you
differentiate from your competitors who are all sending the same
generic messages.
A More Relevant Welcome Series 08

Aside from information gathered via signup, A Splitted Welcome Series Workflow
brands should identify whether or not their Email + SMS

new subscribers are previous purchasers,

and alter the content accordingly. For exam-
ple, if your welcome incentive is only for new
customers, you can deliver a welcome series
advertising the incentive to those subscrib-
ers while delivering a welcome series with-
out the incentive to previous purchasers.
Doing so helps create not only a relevant
welcome series but also a positive custom-
er shopping experience.

No matter what data you use to customize

your welcome series, remember that when
building a welcome series its primary pur-
pose is to lead the new subscriber toward a
purchase. By providing automated, relevant,
and engaging content that stands out from
the competition, you are sure to turn sub-
scribers into customers.
Browse Abandonment Messages 09

Browse Abandonment Messages

Sending browse abandonment messages, those

sent to email subscribers who were viewing prod-
ucts on your website but never placed an item in
the shopping cart, are an opportunity for market-
of consumers expect emails
ers to capitalize on shopper intent. to be personalized based on
what they looked at on a

Knowing the subscriber is on your site and viewing products demon-

Source: Fluent Report, 2016
strates some level of intent, but the reasons they abandon aren’t
always clear. They could include indecisiveness, price, speed
or cost of shipping, distraction, or a combination of them.

As a retailer, how do you persuade these customers to come back

to shop? Most often, it is done one of three ways:

• Paid search retargeting

• Paid social retargeting

• Generic, batch-and-blast emails

These first two come with a cost. The third, while possessing a much
lower cost, doesn’t necessarily provide value for the recipient—and the
messaging could be completely irrelevant.

This is where automated browse abandonment messaging goes to

work for you.

Retailers can automate relevant messages to these window shoppers

reminding them of their initial interest in their products. And since
these messages are sent to email subscribers, they can utilize
customer data to further personalize the messages, such as with
product recommendations or incentives based on purchase history.
Browse Abandonment Messages 10

Browse abandonment messages are perfect for engaging customers

in the middle of their customer purchase journey—and they work.
Imagine how a simple, yet friendly, SMS message, saying: “Hey! Do
a double-take. This iconic apparel won’t stick around forever!” can re-
engage an abandoned shopper—and save on paid retargeting costs.

One Omnisend client's

browse abandonment
messages generate:

124% increase in
open rates

3,536% increase in RPE

26% of their yearly

email revenue while
accounting for slightly
A Single Reminder Sent Shortly after the Customer Left the Site over 2% of their
annual email sends
Browse abandonment messages are often some of the most profit-
able ones sent from retailers’ email marketing programs. One fashion
Source: Omnisend data
& apparel retailer sending browse abandonment messages through
Omnisend is finding them to be the most successful messages of
their email program. The retailer enjoys a 124% increase in open
rates and a 3,536% increase in RPE compared to their promotional
campaigns, and are generating 26% of their yearly email revenue,
even though they account for less than 3% of their annual email sends.
Browse Abandonment Messages 11

Automated, behavior-based reminders sent via email or SMS is the

definition of sending the right message, to the right consumer, via
the right channel, at the right time—and the numbers prove it.

Product Abandonment Workflow

Email + SMS
Robust Cart Abandonment 12

Robust Cart Abandonment

From the moment a customer puts a product in

their shopping cart, their intent to purchase is at
the highest possible level. The retailer is one step
away from the sale. Unfortunately, more than 70%
of shopping carts never proceed from the check- The purchase rate of
out to an order. campaigns using three
or more channels is
287% higher than single-
Because shoppers are so close to making a purchase, they are channel campaigns
considered by retailers to be high-value prospects. It’s also why
automated cart abandonment emails are some of the most profit- Source: Omnisend Report, 2020

able automated messages sent—generating more than a 10,000%

lift in RPE compared to promotional emails for one jewelry retailer.

Creating a cart abandonment strategy is a must for retailers today.

Cart abandonment is not a new tactic, but the strategy employed

by most has failed to evolve with its adoption. Many retailers have
resorted to sending a single, non-customized message in an attempt
to recover the lost sale. Their lack of progress is your opportunity.

Creating a series of messages across multiple channels and based

on different pieces of data is how retailers can maximize recaptur-
ing lost sales. Data that can be used to customize abandonment
messaging includes the cart total, product(s) in the cart, and
purchase history.

For example, by using the products abandoned as a filter, a jewelry

retailer could trigger a specific set of messages to customers aban-
doning an engagement ring versus those who abandoned a pair of
earrings. They may also choose not to send SMS reminders to those
engagement ring shoppers so as not to potentially spoil the surprise.
On the other hand, SMS reminders for the earring shoppers may be
the perfect tool to recover the sale. This personalized journey
Robust Cart Abandonment 13

When thinking through the opportunities If your brand experiences a high cart aban-
this presents, marketers may choose to use donment rate and you’re not sending a full
three, four, or five emails and SMS messag- series to win customers back, you're not
es to recover abandoned carts. Ultimately, only missing out on lost revenue but also
the number of messages comes down to with improving the customer shopping
the products you sell and what obstacles experience.
to purchase they need to overcome within
their messaging.

The Omnichannel
Cart Abandonment
Post-Purchase Messaging 14

Post-Purchase Messaging

A purchaser is not the same as a customer.

Businesses spend a lot of time and money on
customer acquisition, yet not enough on turning
one-time purchasers into bonafide customers.
Too often, a typical online purchase experience
ends with transactional order and shipping
confirmation emails. This experience does
not build or promote loyalty.

Creating a post-purchase series of messages that improves the

customer purchase experience is how brands can nurture one-time
buyers into repeat customers and repeat customers into brand
advocates. And those brand advocates are powerful—they’re said
to be five times as likely to purchase, five times as likely to forgive
bad experiences, seven times more likely to try your new offerings,
and four times more likely to refer the brand to friends.

Even still, post-purchase automation might be one of the most under-

An Automated Thank-You Email
utilized tactics by retailers today. Post-purchase messaging extends by Crate&Barrel
well beyond the highly-opened order and shipping confirmation
messages. These messages launch the experience, not define it.

The way customers feel about your brand after
the purchase determines whether they become
repeat customers or one-time shoppers.
Greg Zakowicz
Marketing Strategist
Post-Purchase Messaging 15

One retailer sending an order follow-up message is seeing:

a 100% lift in open rates a near 6% conversion rate

a 1,766% lift in RPE 16% of their yearly email revenue

with less than 3% of their email
Source: Omnisend data

Some messages that might add to their It’s not only message types that matter, it’s
experience include: also the customer. The messages, both in
content and number of them, will vary
• “Thank you” message
based on whether they are a first-time or
• Order follow-up / check-in on your repeat customer as well as other factors
purchase like their AOV, the number and frequency
of purchases.
• “How-to” message (e.g. use the product)

• Product care instructions Here are a couple of ideas on how to

differentiate post-purchase messages:
• Asking to leave a review
• Create a different series for first-time,
• Invite to share images on social
second-time, and VIP customers.
• An incentive for their next purchase
— First-time customers might receive
• Up-sell, cross-sell, product messages that are all about them
recommendations and their experience, such as a
“welcome to the family” message,
While retailers may not send all of these product care tips, a first-time pur-
messages, you can see how they might chase check-in, and satisfaction
make a customer’s purchase experience a survey.
more enjoyable one. Keep in mind, some of
— Second-time customers might
these elements, such as product recomen-
receive a “thank you for your
dations, can also be included in the transac-
loyalty” message (via SMS and
tional messages.
email) and more promotional
cross-sells and upsells in the
To further boost customer interaction and
to add a more personal touch, marketers
should incorporate text messages into their — VIP customers might receive only
post-purchase strategy. It is a perfect one or two messages that include
communication channel for this occasion— an exclusive discount code or a
both for transactional and promotional surprise-and-delight free gift.
Post-Purchase Messaging 16

A Post-Purchase Workflow
Email + SMS
Key Takeaways 17

Key Takeaways

Personalized brand messaging via the channel(s) of the customers’

choosing has become a standard expectation of brands.

All main customer journey stages should have automated messaging

that provides a personalized customer experience.

While many brands send automated messages, they often lack an

authentic approach and personalization.

Brands seeing the best results with automated lifecycle messages

are those sending a series of messages utilizing multiple channels.

Nurturing customer relationships with dedicated post-purchase

messages can build loyalty and increase customer retention and
Resources 18


1. https://experiencematters.wordpress.com/category/roi-of-

2. https://resources.industrydive.com/state-of-marketing-

3. https://www.fluentco.com/resources/the-inbox-report

4. https://www.omnisend.com/resources/reports/omnichannel-

5. https://www.omnisend.com/blog/ecommerce-email-marketing-
Make Marketing Relevant
with Omnisend
Omnisend is a robust all-in-one omnichannel
marketing automation platform that empowers
marketers to improve their ROI, increase their
sales, and improve their customer relationships.

We help you stay connected to your customers,

no matter what channel they use: email, SMS,
Facebook Messenger, and many more. With
Omnisend’s marketing automation, you can
integrate several channels into the same workflow
that will shave hours off your week and keep your
customers on the hook.

High Growth Commerce Brands Choose Omnisend

With thousands of 5-star reviews

on G2Crowd, Capterra, and GetApp,
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and we think you will too.
www.facebook.com/omnisend www.linkedin.com/company/omnisend www.twitter.com/omnisend

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