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bate 6301 04


1Diabeles mellite
2abels hillilw s defoned ad adate of chaenut kygez
Paabon Pesilent &ypeiglyenaab-lomg/oond) oraylea

a) Type? DDM Irdulin dpendent Diabctes ellteu)

6) Type 2 NIDDM(Nennuln dapndent Dradetes melts)

plaus nt hatisrg tate or on a low Caboykate diet

JE takw plo hi lier and onne he titiuu Ndoesat tako
A plau n cdes-(Di8g 9vefer teatbook)

clynquntoiag dluaeS
Gooup of nhrited d i .hat ae aouabad wth
book) tezb Ruler CDiag. tikkuts otao and
css allo glysgen aeLoaded
testia Senal divez ane
eny detieny the Gansed
dieet Vongieske VT
book) tet Rellh Diag of
ATA amOunt larg
chainmd ypintony enbes aheih lpiadue
eauaalenb heduetg oridation Dng
Acekyl fpyauatet
oa Oaelation
Total cubtglycalyt
Arp' phaduei Durig
cekyl vale pea yield ATR Takal 21P elds EADH
fae ADH- From Aeduud ae FAD
Page 3

Dyutin hcgind
Aydaalyke dtasch eto iaalln palytaukades
ldtommach Gtopt tha autön o dalvaiy anylan Ashen it
entess into he danall imtestime pancaas teretes panusaki
lmalce breaks çachar oley nto mmonotacehauel
Dcetasy Pbres moves to the lage testinu cuhere bacteri
partially tmint Au wndigested cerbohyate on
DPlerent anonosaeharde arabroahed into the
muosal cel linng f the donall totettone by tws nechan
Sailetated ditfuiom asad bofrutoe actie fanspoAl CPon
Hgluosend galactage : Rodiumdented glutou bans polke=
9nonokachaside pate haugh the iontertional eosal allu
entes the liven na the pOrtal ve'n huith the ler
galartose anmd hutoie a aio conatntéd to quuoe
Dilenentkiate betueen Tpef Type Dabtes melihus
Juwrenl onset omabusity onet

P ) nRupon(ve Restat

photpkafe yndyjl branfesas enlargnent ejeurda

Xu kautose ontolerani tuss

Unable to metabol hemilk dupa koaLkORe ond

Lates nta teintestne nsulting' n dianha

Xuetose iotolenan
Fuctou Cannat d conuieted to qlueo kecase a

KIV Diabetie ketoauidosis

It ai obeved tin patienk cith Sniulin diendint

lkosomonahach as epinephaina, cosbiaol ond qnwh Aasman

Jncsaled phodutton of ketonme bodies dy theliues

Diakte nll tas Can be dingmoid by qluo talerane

Aose i guen and blood dazple are takn alteale
ko detesanainu houqutkly itai chtased fnn the bleod
Fatiang venwblood dihapl di drawn, altes sg of
guuo a given n 200 -300 md of cwoter. BLood daylas
Page 5

ohesthy Inkulin ibana or defiieny

XVI) Inthavenos G7T

ldiabetes among peaACmA eaphe ani-ilet autoanlibadien

Gluuse s Knjeted Ca5gld) n toWeh nsulin lwels are

7e i the aehagL blosd dugar conunthatton for a

tiorne. peaiod of B-8cueeki endman unateeted by the
ae adequay of diahethit Contral # lQon áe meatrd by
on eachergmethed or HPLC
XIX Hypoglyemmia
i acondikian ewhen plauma aluoe onntration
ai aelow honmgldl Jnsulonma an alo Caueu hypoglyela
Atirnatng plana mduln tonintaton cohtihi aed
Ldsing ttinq Conmak ik diagnati
XX Glucoge challkorgs test
Jt MsAA fodyi esponm to dga(glusse).It xi done
duing emay) to deseen br Gutatonal dahetu (sbu ly

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