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Semant cs

Lex cal Relat ons


Thetermantonym susedtodescr be oppos teness ofmean ng

Ex on off old young w de narrow b g small male female dead al ve

Mak ng An Antonym 3farklışek lde

1 Awordcanchange ntoanantonymverys mplybyadd ngapref x or. m
un.non. n l sd s.ab.dysmal. mr.etc

ExNormal Abnormal Agree D sagree Funct on Malfunct on Complete Incomplete Off c al Unoff c al Understand ng M sunderstand ng

2 Awaytochangewordsntoantonym stog vewordswh charequ ted fferentletters

Ex Tall Short Good Bad

3Gett ngoppos tewordsbychang ngonlyoneletter

ExH re F re Th n Th ck

TypesOf Antonyms

1 Graded Antonymus
2 Relat onalAntonyms
3 ComplementaryAntonyms
Graded Antonyms m ddle

AWordpa rsthathavevar at onsbetweenthetwo oppos tes

Dealw thlevels ofcompar son

Twowords on ascale

Ex Young Old Hard Soft Happy Sad W se Fool sh

Fat Sk nny Warm Cold Early Late Fast Slow Dark L ght

Relat onal Antonyms bağlantılı

APa rsthathavea relat onsh p

Wouldn'tex It'se therallornoth ng

stw thouttheother

ExAbove Below Doctor Pat ent Husband W fe Servant Master

Borrow Lend G ve Rece ve Predator Prey

Buy Sell

Compl mentary Antonyms nom ddle

Wordpa rsthathavenodegreeofmean ng

There snom ddle


ExBoy G rl Off On N ght DayEntrance Ex tExter or Inter or

Male Female Daughter Son True False Dead Al vePush PullPass Fa l

SQAbsent Present Fa l PassAppear D sappear Fa r Unfa r Buy SellAsleep AwakeF lt Emptyt Brother S ster

Hypanymy saltanlamlılık
Whenthemean ngofone
form sncluded nthemean ngofanother

ExAn malDogDog PoodleVegetableCarrot FlowerRoseTreeBanyan

SQInsect Cockroach
AspSnake Punch

Homophones eşsesl l k

Whentwoormored fferentformshavethesamepronunc at on

Ex barebearmeatmeet fourflowerpa lpale

r ghtwr te to twotoo

Homonyms sesteşl k
formhastwoormoreunrelatedmean ngs

Ex Bank III Bat

F ntebek

Pup l Race Yar s

Polysemy çokanlamlılık
sameformandrelatedmean ngs

ExHead GÖĞÜthetop b yrer n başındak

ayakları RunIIE.IE
Foot TÜanındağın meth ng yürütmek

Metonymy sadaktarması
Baseds mply
onacloseconnect on neverydayexper ence

Conta nerContentsrelat on watercanju

bottle ce

relat onscarwheelshouseroof

Representat ve
Symbolrelat onsh p k ngcrownthe the
Pres dent H ouse
wh te

ExHedrankthewhole Yük has

Thee House announced
SQF ll ngupthecar thedoorbo l ngakettleg v ngsomeoneahandneed ngsomewheels
answer ng

Getyourbuttoverhere Thestr ngsaretooqu et

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