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Business Trends

Special report: Global LNG overview

T he world is watching natural gas become the fastest-growing units (FSRUs) from Hoegh LNG and BW Gas. Both FSRUs
fossil fuel. Growth on both the supply and demand sides has will be moored in Ain Sokhna. The country is also looking at
resulted in the announcement of billions of dollars of capital in- leasing a third vessel in late 2016 or early 2017.
vestment across the world. The increase in natural gas usage has Both Mozambique and Tanzania are in the midst of devel-
caused a surge in LNG trade over the past few years. Depending oping massive offshore natural gas reserves. From exploration
on which reports are consulted, global LNG trade reached be- and production activities to onshore mega-LNG export ter-
tween 240 MMtpy and 244 MMtpy in 2014. In 2015, LNG trade minals, East Africa has become a hotbed for large capital in-
expanded by approximately 3% to 250 MMtpy. BG Group fore- vestments. With both countries accounting for over 200 Tcf in
casts LNG demand to nearly double to 420 MMtpy by 2025. New estimated natural gas reserves, East Africa has the potential to
LN G capacity is expected to reach over 425 MMtpy by 2020. become a major global gas hub.
T he global LNG ex.port market has been dominated by Qitar, In Mozambique, LNG projects are still in the very early plan-
Australia, Algeria, Malaysia and Indonesia over the past 15 years. ning stages and are not likely to be completed on their initial
In the next decade, however, North America and East Africa are timetables. Eni and Anadarko are developing the Mozambique
expected to become prominent LNG exporters, due to the huge LNG project. The $ 15-B LNG export terminal will be located
gas reserves being discovered and produced in the US shale plays in the Afungi peninsula area of the Cabo Delgado province. An
and offshore East Africa. According to BP's Energy Outlook 2035, FID is expected to be made in 2016. Eni is also developing an
global LNG supplies will grow by 48 Bcfd by 2035 ( FIG. 1). The FLNG vessel to be utilized in its offshore Area 4 operations.
majority of new LNG export capacity will go online in Australia The 5-MMtpy vessel is expected to begin operations in 2019.
and the US, followed by East Africa. In total, over 125 MMtpy of Onshore, Eni is looking into building its own LNG terminal at
new LNG ex1'ort capacity is under construction globally. Quionga. The Quionga LNG terminal will be located near the
T he Asia-Pacific region remains the main demand center for Tanzania border and will receive feed gas from Eni's offshore
LN G consumption. Soaring natural gas demand will be instru- Area 4 operations. This facility is in the early planning stages,
mental for adding millions of tons per year of new LNG capac- and time will tell ifEni decides to greenlight the project.
ity through 2020. This includes both the construction of LNG Additional LNG projects are being developed in countries
import and export terminals, as well as the use of floating LNG such as Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Morocco, Senegal
(FLNG) vessels. ao .--~~~~~---..~~~.....,....~~-,-~~~~~~

Even with natural gas demand increasing around the world, D Other
LNG supply capacity is outpacing demand growth. This is lead- D Africa
• Australia
ing to a glut of supplies, which should peak prior to the end of !:!I us
the decade. LNG buyers are renegotiating long-term contracts, • Russia
• Qatar
as well as increasing short-term purchases and spot market deals.
The LNG glut could also jeopardize future LNG terminal final
investment decisions (FIDs), as LNG developers would be hesi-
tant to invest in heavily capital-intensive terminal construction.

Africa. The need for gas and coal will continue to grow in Af-
rica as the continent seeks to mitigate widespread electricity
shortages. The continent has plans to expand LNG capacity in
numerous nations for both the import and export of LNG.
Egypt has only two LNG terminals, both designed for ex-
port. LNG exports have decreased substantially over the past
six years as the government has diverted gas from the export
market to satisfy increasing domestic demand. The country
needs more natural gas and is taking the necessary steps to se-
cure additional supplies. However, without a functioning im-
port pipeline or a regasification terminal to import LNG, the 2020 2035
country is forced to lease vessels to receive LNG imports. In
FIG. 1. Global LNG supply to 2035. Source: BP Energy Outlook 2035.
2015, Egypt contracted two floating storage and regasification

Hydrocarbon Processing I JANUARY 2016 9

Business Trends

and Ivory Coast. The vast majority of these projects will utilize Total LNG imports are forecast to nearly triple by 2025 to
FLNG technology. Morocco, being the exception, will develop over 60 MMtpy. However, waning demand will slow the need
its $4.6-B integrated LNG and gas-to-power project atJorfLasfar. for additional LNG terminal construction. China has already
canceled one of two major pipeline projects with Russia due to
Asia-Pacific. Asia consumes 75% of the world's LNG. Japan falling demand. The country has also announced that it will in-
and South Korea h ave long dominated the LNG import market, crease the use of non-fossil fuels in its total energy mix. China
although China and India's presence has grown substantially plans to boost its non-fossil-fuels power generation to 15% of
over the last few years and will continue to shape the LNG mar- total power generation by 2020. This includes the construction
ket as demand increases. of additional nuclear-generating capacity, along with solar, hy-
To help reduce air pollution, China is attempting to replace droelectricity and other renewable sources. By 2020, China is
the use of coal with natural gas for power generation. The coun- expected to become Asia's leading nuclear-generating nation.
try plans to increase the use of natural gas to at least 10% of total At present, Indian gas production meets about half of do-
energy consumption by 2020. Domestic natural gas consump- mestic demand. However, Indian natural gas demand is expect-
tion has outpaced supply for several years, resulting in the need ed to grow substantially by 2020. Demand from gas-consuming
for additional natural gas pipeline infrastructure, as well as a industries, such as power and fertilizer, is rising steadily. D ue to
massive buildout of domestic LNG import capacity. The coun- the country's inability to produce adequate supplies of natural
try has 12 LNG terminals in operation. This equals nearly 40 gas and its limited natural gas pipeline infrastructure, India re-
MMtpy of regasification capacity in operation, and more is on lies mainly on imports of LNG. LNG imports are expected to
the way. China is presently building eight additional LNG im- more than double by 2020.
port terminals, with several other facilities in the p lanning phase. For this reason, India is expanding capacity at its LNG termi-
nals, as well as building grassroots facilities and FLNG vessels.
The country has four operational LNG import terminals with
• North West Shelf train1-5' an installed capacity of over 20 MMtpy. These terminals are lo-
• Darwin LNG train 1' cated at Dahej, Hazira, Dabhol and Kochi. According to India's
80 • Pluto LNG train 1'
• OCLNG train 1-2' (unconvenlional) 13th Five-Year Plan, LNG import capacity will increase to over
• APLNG train1-2 (unconventional) 70 MMtpy by 2022(TABLE1) . Total capital expenditures could
• GLNG train 1-2 (unconventional) reach over $10 B if these projects are completed.
60 • Gorgon LNG train 1-3
• Wheatstone LNG train 1-2 Australia is the fourth-largest LNG exporter in the world.
• lchthysLNG train 1-2 The country is on track to surpass Q!itar to become the world's
40 1-!1~-
NG~(~flo;al~ing;l,.....,........-.--.-Jt-t-+-t-t-+-t-t-+-HJ largest exporter by investing billions of dollars in the construc-
tion of onshore LNG export terminals and FLNG vessels. Total
LNG export capacity is expected to eclipse 80 MMtpy by the
end of tl1e decade ( FIG. 2). A possible impediment to Austra-
lia's LNG export goals is t hat surging shale gas output in North
America has aligned with cost complications at Australian LNG
1960 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
ventures to make the Pacific projects less secure. Rising labor
'Indicates p1ojecls currenllyproducing LNG costs and the fall in global oil-indexed LNG pricing have put
$100 Bin potential projects under threat.
FIG. 2. Australian liquefaction capacity. Source: Australian Department To meet forecast demand, Indonesia will need an additional
of Industry and Reserve Bank of Australia. 1.3 Bcfd of natural gas supplies by 2020. The nation intends to

TABLE 1. India's LNG import capacity, MMtpy, 2014-2022

Location 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Dahej 10 12.5 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Hazira 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10
Dabhol 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Kochi 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10
Enno re 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Mundra 0 0 5 5 10 10 10 10 10
Kakinada (FSRU) 0 2.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Gangavaram 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
East Coast terminal (1) 0 0 0 2.5 2.5 5 5 5 5
West Coast terminal ( 1) 0 0 0 0 2.5 5 5 5 5
Total 25 33 48 55.5 68 73 73 73 73
Source: Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board of India

10 JANUARY 2016 I

II Business Trends

build more than 13,000 MW of gas-fired power generation by Japan is the world's leading LNG importer, with over two
2020, as well as feed demand for the nation's fertilizer industry. dozen LNG regasification plants. Total Japanese LNG imports
To import additional gas supplies, the country is increasing the reached nearly 90 MMt in 2014. However, Japan's restart of its
construction of LNG terminals. In 2015, Indonesia added 2.5 nuclear industry will most likely eat into future LNG import
MMtpy of regasification capacity with the completion of the market share. The restart of both Sendai reactors is expected to
2-MMtpy Donggi-Senoro and 500-Mtpy Sengkang LNG ter- displace over 1.5 MMtpy of LNG. Should multiple reactors go
minals. Sengkang is scheduled to increase import capacity by online, which is the most likely scenario, LNG imports could de-
adding three modular LNG trains. Total capacity could reach 2 crease over the next decade. Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade
MMtpy if the additional trains are built. and Industry has also announced that LNG imports will fall
BP is also completing front-end engineering design (FEED) by approximately 30% to 63 MMtpy by 2030. Regardless, the
work on its $12-B Train 3 project atTangguh. FEED is expected nation is building three new LNG import terminals (Hitachi,
to be completed by 1Q2016, with an Fill to follow soon after. Soma and Toyama Shinkou), as well as additional LNG storage
BP has secured supply contracts for about half of the train's total at various locations.
3.8 MMtpy capacity. If additional buyers are not secured, the South Korea is the world's second-largest LNG importer, be-
Train 3 expansion project may be dead in the water. If the ad- hind Japan. According to BP's Statistical Review of World Energy
ditional capacity is sold, the expansion project is expected to be 2015, the country's natural gas consumption has increased from
completed by 2020. 77 Bcmy in 2004 to over 112 Berny in 2014. Total LNG imports
Indonesia's state-owned oil and natural gas corporation, reached 38 MMt in 2014. The country receives LNG through
Pertamina, has announced that it will build the nation's second five operating import terminals-Gwangyang, lncheon, Py-
land-based LNG in1port terminal. The 4-MMtpy Bojonegoro eongtaek, Samcheok and Tongyeong.
LNG receiving terminal will be built in Banten, which is located In mid-2015, South Korea unveiled a basic power plan draft.
in the westernmost province on the island of Java. The engi- The goal of the plan is to make natural gas and nuclear power a
neering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract was bigger percentage of the country's total energy mix. T he plan
expected to be awarded in late December 2015. An additional called for the reduction of coal usage and the increased usage of
major LNG project includes the Abadi LNG project. Indonesia nuclear power. South Korea will cancel plans to build fo ur coal-
is comparing the economics of an onshore terminal vs. the use fired power plants, and will instead build two nuclear power
of an FLNG vessel. The FID is expected to be made in 1Q2016. plants with a combined capacity of 3,000 MW. With less coal
Singapore aims to become the region's first LNG trading hub. being used, additional supplies of LNG will be needed.
Singapore LNG's (SLNG's) bidirectional LNG terminal onJu- The country is actively building additional regasification
rong Island has been operational since mid-2013; construction and storage capacity. GS Energy is building the $375-MM,
of additional storage tanks is ongoing until 201 7. SLNG is con- 1.5-MMtpy Boryeong LNG terminal, which should be com-
tinuing to expand the terminal with its $1.5-B Phase 3 expansion pleted by January 2017. KOGAS is building an additional nine
project. This third phase will increase capacity from 6 MMtpy to LNG storage tanks at its Samcheok LNG import terminal. The
11 MMtpy by2018. lffuture demand exists, total capacity could company completed construction on the site's first three tanks
be increased upward to 15 MMtpy. SLNG is also planning to in mid-2014. An additional six tanks will be built by mid-2016,
construct a second terminal on the island. The new facility will with the remaining three set to be completed by mid-20 17 .
mirror the existing terminal. Total capacity would be between
6 MMtpy and 9 MMtpy, at a cost of more than $1.5 B. lf devel- Canada. The country is the world's fifth-largest producer of
oped, the project would not become fully operational until the natural gas. The majority of Canada's natural gas production de-
early or middle part of the next decade. rives from conventional production in the West Can adian Sedi-
Malaysia is also developing multiple LNG projects to compete mentary Basin in Alberta and shale plays in British Columbia.
as a regional LNG hub. Among these projects is a new LNG re- Historically, Canada has exported almost all of its excess nat-
gasification terminal to be built in conjunction with state-owned ural gas to the US by pipeline. However, because of the shale gas
Petronas' Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development boom, the US no longer needs to import significant volumes of
(RAPID) project. To process gas from newly discovered fields natural gas from Canada. This has caused a considerable drop-
in offshore Sarawak, Petronas is planning the construction of a off in Canadian exports to its main customer, with projections
ninth train at Bintulu. A rejuvenation project on Trains 4, 5 and 6 showing substantial decreases over the next 20 years.
will be completed simultaneously with the construction of Train To offset this financial hit, Canada has announ ced a multi-
9. The $2-B, 3.6-MMtpy ninth LNG train will have bidirectional tude of LNG export terminal projects. In total, Canada has an-
capabilities for both liquefaction and regasification processing. nounced over two dozen LNG export projects, which equates
Completion is scheduled for early 2016. Once finished, total liq- to over 250 Ml\1tpy of LNG export capacity at a total cost of
uefaction capacity at Bintulu will reach nearly 30 MMtpy. over $170 B. Only a fraction of the Canadian LNG export
In 2015, Japan restarted two nuclear reactors. These two reac- capacity will b e built, though. Project delays have hampered
tors equal about 1,700 MW of power and are the first to be re- project growth. Billions of dollars in add itional investment are
started since the Fukushima meltdown in 2011. Th e restarts are also needed to construct vital pipeline infrastructure to supply
part ofJapan's ultimate plan to increase nuclear energy from 0% feeds tock to these LNG export terminals. Obtaining permits
in 2014 to over 20% of the country's overall energy mix by 2030. from the various provincial governments and indigenous na-
The country is moving toward more nuclear, natural gas and re- tions, as well as curtailing p ublic opposition, are add itional
newable energy usage, as opposed to petroleum and other liquids. hurdles to pipeline and LNG export terminal construction.

12 JANUARY 2016 I

Business Trends

Pacific Northwest
Cedar LNG BritishColumbia Alberta Labrador Sea

Prince George

Steelhead LNG
Canada Stewart Energy
Woodfibre LNG
Tillbury LNG (Fortis BC)
Discovery LNG (Quicksilver)
Tillbury LNG (WestPac Midstream) USA Atlantic Ocean

FIG. 3. Canada has announced a multitude of LNG export projects on Its west and east coasts.

Europe. The region's gas demand is expected to remain stag-

nant over the medium term, due to lower power demand
growth and government support for renewable energy. Fur-
thermore, analysts do not foresee any major diversification in
European gas supplies through the end of the decade, despite
the addition of a few new projects, such as the Dunkirk LNG
regasification terminal in France.
FIG. 4. shows existing, proposed and under-construction
LNG terminals in Western Europe, as of2015. Europe meets
approximately 10% of its gas demand with LNG. It imported
the equivalent of 4.1 Bcfd of LNG in 2014, and LNG imports
to Europe are anticipated to more than double by 2025 and to
LNG terminals, Bcfd more than triple by 2035.
O Existing Over the long term, however, market watchers see growth
O Construction
• Proposed in Europe's gas use slowing due to sluggish population expan-
sion, already-high market penetration in many EU countries,
FIG. 4. Existing, proposed and under-construction LNG terminals and energy efficiency improvemen ts. Likewise, gas consump-
in Western Europe. tion growth in Europe's industrial sector will be moderated by
energy efficiency initiatives. Gas use for power generation is
These projects are also in a race to secure supply contracts anticipated to make up the largest growth segment for gas in
with Asian markets. Canada will face heavy competition from the EU through 2030.
LNG exporting countries, such as Australia, Papua New Guin- Russia supplies about one-third of Europe's natural gas de-
ea and the US-all of which are much further along in their mand via pipelines. Due to waning natural gas consumption in
LNG export capacity buildouts. Europe, Russia has turned toward the East to open new markets
The majority of Canada's LNG export terminal projects and to invest heavily in its domestic LNG sector. The country
have been announced on British Columbia's Pacific Coast. has proposed over SO MMtpy of new LNG export capacity at
These export terminals reside primarily at Kitimat, Prince Ru- a cost of over $80 B. However, due to Western sanctions and
pert, Lelu Island and Grassy Point. At the time of this publi- natural gas pipeline deals with China, the country's LNG sector
cation, British Columbia has over 217 MMtpy of announced is progressing slowly.
LNG projects. Should BG Group go ahead with its Prince Many of the country's LNG terminal completion dates have
Rupert LNG project and ExxonMobil expand its WCC LNG been pushed back. Western sanctions have closed some financ-
project to the full 30 MMtpy, total LNG export capacity in ing options, as well as delayed necessary equipment from being
British Columbia could surpass 253 MMtpy, which equates to delivered. Russia is also focusing on building a new natural gas
over $145 Bin total capital expenditures by 2030. pipeline to China. Russia and China agreed on two major pipe-
Additional LNG export projects have been announced on line deals worth approximately $700 B. This included the con-
Canada's eastern coast. If completed, these projects will rep- struction of the $400-B Power of Siberia pipeline and $300-B
resent over 38 MMtpy of LNG export capacity at a cost of ap- Altai pipeline. However, in mid-2015, the Altai pipeline project
proximately $24 B. A full list of Canada's west and east coast was canceled. Chinese officials blamed the slowdown in do-
LNG export projects are listed in FIG 3. mestic growth as a reason for the cancelation. T hese two pipe-
14 JANUARY 2016 I
II Business Trends

line projects are one of the main reasons Gazprom postponed renewable energy sources in the country's energy mix through
its Vladivostok LNG project. With the cancelation of the Altai 2030. T he country has also begun retrofitting its sole combined
route, the option is open for Gazprom to reinstate Vladivostok. cycle plant from crude to natural gas. Further setbacks to the
To help wean off of Russian natural gas supplies, Poland will terminal's completion jeopardizes the country's strategic goals
begin regular LNG imports out of its new LNG terminal this for power generation, along with its natural gas exporting op-
year. The 5-Bcmy Swinoujscie LNG terminal received its first portunities to neighboring Argentina.
LNG cargo in December 2015. Once the facility is fully ramped Mexico relies on natural gas imports from the US to satisfy
up, the terminal will be able to satisfy half of Poland's annual gas domestic demand, mainly for power generation. According to
demand. The new terminal will help diversify the country's ener- the US EIA, US gas exports to Mexico via pipeline have tripled
gy supplies, as well as decrease reliance on imported Russian gas. in the past decade, hitting over 700 Bcfin 2014. Mexico suffered
years of gas shortages as US pipeline capacity failed to keep up
Latin America. Like much of the rest of the world, Latin witl1 its growing industrial demand for gas, and as Pemex focused
America is focusing on utilizing natural gas for power genera- on more profitable oil production. The country is investing over
tion. The region continues to witness a growing gap between $ 10 B in the construction of additional p ipeline infrastructure,
consumption vs. production. Presently, natural gas production foc using on central and northern industrial cities. The majority
cannot keep pace with demand. This has caused many nations of this network will b e filled by natural gas production from US
in the region to rely on imports to satisfy demand. shale plays, prin1arily the Eagle Ford shale in southern Texas.
Argentina will likely continue to import natural gas to meet With additional natural gas supplies pouring into tlle country,
rising demand, even though production from its substantial Mexico has announced plans to possibly export excess natural
shale and tight gas resources is expected to expand over the next gas as LNG. At present, Mexico operates three LNG import
20 years. The reason fo r continued imports is that it would not terminals located at Altamira, Costa Azul and Manzanillo. Total
be economically feasible to install production and transport in- domestic LNG regasification capacity is just over 15 MMtpy. Pe-
frastructure to meet winter peak demand, as maintaining excess mex is conducting feasibility studies on two projects that could
capacity needed for a short window of time would be too expen- turn Mexico into an LNG exporter. The first export terminal
sive. To this end, regasillcation plants have started up in Argenti- would be located near Salina Cruz on the Pacific coastline of
na in recent years to facilitate LNG imports, which the Argentine Oaxaca. Feasibility studies on the proposed $6-B terminal began
Institute of Oil and Gas says is much cheaper than drilling more at the end of2014. If built, the terminal would, most likely, begin
wells and building additional infrastructure. operations after 2020.
Colombia will deploy its first FLNG vessel in 1Q2016. Ex- The second proposed project is to add liquefaction capabili-
mar and Pacific Rubiales Energy have partnered together to ties at Mexico's existing Costa Azul LNG facility. In 1Q2015,
build the 500-M tpy Caribbean FLNG project. The FLNG vessel Pemex signed a memorandum of understanding to develop the
began the precommissioning phase in September 2015 in China. project with Sempra Energy units IEnova and Sempra LNG.
Once completed, the vessel is expected to be delivered and to The scope of work includes adding more than 3 MMtpy of liq-
begin operations in early 2016. uefaction capacity to the existing terminal.
Chile's state-owned oil company, Empresa Nacional del In February 2014, Antillean Gas Ltd. broke ground for a
Petr6leo (ENAP), announced it will invest $800 MM per year to n ew LNG receiving terminal in the Dominican Republic. The
2020. Th e investment plan focuses on mitigating the need for en- 1-MMtpy LNG import terminal will be located in San Pedro de
ergy imports, doubling revenues and adding nearly 950 MW to Macoris, on the country's southeast coast. The project is part of
the country's energy grid. Downstream investments will foc us on the country's plan to import natural gas to fuel power plants and
possibly modernizing and expanding its Concon and Hualpen provide power generation fo r residential, industrial and trans-
refineries, as well as adding regasillcation capacity at the Qµin- portation sectors. The facility, which will process natural gas
tero LNG terminal. In 1Q 20 15, the Qµintero LNG terminal into more than 1,000 MW of power generation for the country,
commissioned a $30-MM expansion project that increased re- is expected to be completed in 2016.
gasification capacity from 10 MMcmd to 15 MMcmd. A second Lastly, like many Latin American nations, Puerto Rico is
expansion phase is expected to increase regasification capacity to shifting from costly fuel oil and diesel to the use of cleaner-burn-
20 MMcmd. The project would include the construction of an ing natural gas for power generation. To accomplish this strategy,
additional storage tank and a fo urth vaporizing unit. Ifgreenlight- Excelerate Energy will build, own and operate the Aguirre Off-
ed, the expansion project is scheduled to be completed in 2018. shore GasPort project. The project will be located approximately
Uruguay began developing its fi rst LNG import facility, but 4 mi offshore the southern coast of Puerto Rico. The terminal
has since ceased construction. The GNL del Plata LNG proj- will consist of an FSRU, a fixed jetty and subsea pipeline to de-
ect was meant to consist of an FSRU anchored 4 km off the liver imported natural gas to the Puerto Rico Electric Power Au-
coast of Montevideo. Total capacity equaled 10 MMcmd. In thority's Central Aguirre Power Plant. Construction on the proj-
3Q2015, Uruguay revoked a contract awarded to a consortium ect is expected to start in 1Q2016, with operations scheduled to
led by Engie (formerly GDF Su ez). A new tender is expected commence in 2Q2017.
to be launched in 2016. This has pushed back the completion
date to mid-2017. The terminal is significant to Uruguay, as it Middle East. The region's gas demand has increased consider-
will help reduce costly diesel imports and replace them with ably in recent years due to infrastructure investments, economic
cheaper natural gas feedstock for power generation. T he project growth and price subsidies in several countries. Gas is the fast-
is part of Uruguay's plan to increase the usage of natural gas and est-growing fossil fuel in the Middle East in terms of both pro-

16 JANUARY 2016 I

Business Trends

TABLE 2. US LNG export capacity online by 2019

Project Location No. of liquefaction trains Capacity, MMtpy Total CAPEX of all trains, $ MM
Sabine Pass LNG Sabine Pass, LA 4 18 18,000
Cameron LNG Hackberry, LA 3 12 10,000
Freeport LNG Freeport, TX 2 9 11,000
Cove Point LNG Lusby, MD S.75 3,500

md and is expected to be completed 3Q2018. The vessel will

help combat the trend of domestic demand outpacing supplies.
According to BP, Kuwait's natural gas consumption has in-
creased from 12.4 Berny in 2009 to over 20 Berny in 2014. Do-
mestic natural gas production has been unable to keep up with
demand. This has led to the need for additional natural gas im-
ports to fuel power generation and mitigate blackouts during
peak demand periods. The country imported approximately 2.5
MMt of LNG in 20 15 through a floating import vessel moored
at Mina al-Ahmadi. In December 2015, Kuwait Petroleum Corp.
announced that it plans to boost LNG imports by 17% in 2016
to 3 MMtpy. The company will utilize its floating import vessel
while plans for an onshore terminal are implemented. Kuwait
has sanctioned over $3 B for the construction of a new onshore
1. Sabine Pass LNG 19. Magnolia LNG terminal to be located at Mina al-Ahmadi. The new terminal will
2. Freeport LNG 20. Trunkline LNG (expansion)
3. Lake Charles Exports (Trunkline)-delayed 21. Gaslin LNG
have a sendout capacity of LS Bcfd with the ability to expand
4. Crowley (formerlyCarib Energy) 21. Venture Global LNG up to 3 Bcfd, if needed. Commercial operations are scheduled
5. Dominion Cove Point LNG 23. EOS LNG to begin in 2020.
6. Jordan Cove (Coos Bay) 24. Barca LNG
7. Cameron LNG 25. DelfinLNG T he United Arab Emirates' (UAE's) natural gas demand is
8. Gulf Coast LNG Export 26. Texas LNG also increasing. The country depends on natural gas to fuel elec-
9. Gulf LNG liquefaction 27. Louisiana LNGEnergy
10. Oregon LNG 28. Strom LNG tricity generation. The UAE receives about one third of its natural
11. Southern LNG 29. SCT&E LNG (Monkey Island) gas supplies from Q!itari pipeline shipments. To provide flexibil-
12. Lavaca Bay-canceled 30. Downeast LNG
13. Golden Pass LNG 31. LiveOak LNG ity for power generation, the UAE is looking into nuclear power
14. Corpus Christi LHG 32. Alaska LNG and renewable sources, as well as increasing LNG import capac-
15. Main Pass Energy Hub 33. Port Arthur LNG
16. CEFLNG 34. American LNG ity. The country plans to add capacity at its Jebel Ali LNG storage
17. Waller LNG 35. Rio Grande LNG facility, and to construct a new LNG import facility at Fujairah.
18. Pangea LNG
The Emirates LNG project will be located at the Port ofFujairah,
FIG. 5. Planned US LN G export terminal projects. Source: Hydrocarbon which is strategically located outside the Strait of Hormuz. The
Processing's Construction Boxscore Database. terminal is expected to begin operations by rnid-2018.
In the wake of a nuclear deal, Iran is seeking $100 B to re-
duction and demand. BP expects the share of gas in the region's build its gas industry. The country has the second-largest natu-
total energy mix to grow from 49% in 2015 to 54% by 2035. Gas ral gas reserves in the world, but sanctions have severely lim-
is expected to remain the leading fuel in power generation, with ited trade. The country plans to boost natural gas production
its share increasing from 61 % in 20 15 to 74% in 2030 as crude and exports, but lacks the necessary infrastructure to move its
oil's share drops from 33% to 17%. natural gas to market. The country has only one LNG terminal,
Although several Middle Eastern nations have expanded which is only half-completed. If the project were to be restarted,
production, domestic gas shortages have arisen as a result of LNG exports would not begin until at least 2018. Regardless,
rapidly escalating consumption. Regional demand is antici- Iran has vast amounts of natural gas resources and is actively
pated to double over the next two decades on increased power pitching to major oil and gas companies to invest money and,
needs and industrial use, spurring some countries to establish more importantly, technology to increase natural gas produc-
policies prioritizing domestic gas use over exports. tion and infrastructure builds.
Qatar, the world's largest producer and exporter ofLNG and
the second-largest natural gas producer in the Middle East after US. The shale gas boom has established the US as the world's
Iran, is facing competition from the shale gas boom in the US leading gas producer and is responsible for billions of dollars
and planned LNG projects in Australia. However, Q!itar is likely of investments in the US gas processing industry. This con-
to remain on top of the LNG sector for some years yet. struction includes dozens of new cryogenic and gas processing
In early December 2015, Bahrain's Oil and Gas Authority plants, NGL fractionators and hundreds of miles of new pipe-
awarded a consortium comprising Teekay LNG, Samsung C&T line infrastructure.
and Gulflnvestment Corp. a contract to develop an LNG floating The abundance of domestic natural gas has also created a
storage unit (FSU). The FSU will have a capacity of800 MMe- surge in LNG export terminal projects. US companies have
18 JANUARY 2016 I
- Business Trends

announced over 30 LNG export terminals. These projects and a half, the US Henry Hub market is losing its p rice advan-
equate to over 330 MMtpy of LNG export capacity by 2025. tage. This not only minimizes projected LNG export revenues,
This represents nearly $200 Bin announced LNG export ter- but it also makes financing capital-intensive LNG facilities
minal construction over the next decade. Projects that have more difficult. The US also has steep comp etition from other
submitted an application with the US Department of Energy LNG-exporting powerhouses, such as Australia. The projects
(DOE) to export LNG to non-PTA nations are listed in FIG. 5. that can secure, or that have already secured, supply contracts
The overwhelming majority of these projects are located along are more likely to move forward. T he US has the advantage of
the US Gulf Coast. At the time ofthis publication, the US DOE being able to offer a full array of benefits to the global LNG
has only approved one third of non-FTA applications. Projects market. This includes ample gas supplies, low production and
that have been awarded non-FTA approval include: liquefaction costs, an advanced natural gas pipeline network,
• Sabine Pass LNG ( Cheniere Energy) geographical positioning to be able to supply both Europe and
• Freeport LNG Asia-Pacific markets, and destination flexibility clauses woven
• Lake Charles Exports (Trunkline) into supply contracts.
• Dominion Cove Point LNG The billion-dollar question is: W hat will be built? The
• Jordan Cove (Coos Bay) US is expected to add approximately 46 MMtpy of LNG to
• Cameron LNG the global market by 2019 ( TABLE 2) . A second wave of LNG
• OregonLNG capacity additions, if built, could add 30 MMtpy. This would
• Corpus Christi LNG (Cheniere Energy) include additional liquefaction trains at Sabine Pass and Free-
• Alaska LNG port, and the startup ofCheniere's $11.5-B, 15-MMtpy Corpus
• American LNG Christi LNG p roject. Outlier projects include the grassroots
In February 2015, Lake Charles Exports announced that it Jordan Cove and Oregon LNG terminals. Both projects have
will delay FID until mid-2016. non-FTA approval, but both must be built from the ground
With over 330 MMtpy of LNG export capacity announced up. This includes the construction of connector pip elines for
in the US, it is highly unlikely that the majority will be built. natural gas feedstock to reach the facilities. If built, these fa-
Low oil prices likely will have a negative effect on the US LNG cilities are not likely to begin exports before 20 19. Regardless,
export industry. LNG export markets are tied to oil indexing, the US is on track to become the third-largest LNG exporter
and, with crude oil prices decreasing by 50% over the past year in the world by the end of t he decade . ...P

20 JANUARY 2016 I

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