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Semant cs

Semant cs sthestudyofthemean ngofwordsphrasesandsentences

Thefocusonwhatthewordsconvent onallymeanratherthanonwhatannd v dualspeakerm ghtth nkthey

meanonapart cularoccas on

Th sapproach s concernedw thobject vemean ngandavo dstry ngtoaccountforsubject ve orlocalmean ng

Mean ng
Wh lesemant cs sthestudyofmean ngnlanguagetheresmorenterest ncerta naspectsofmean ngthan nothers

Conceptual Mean ng kavramsal anlam

Thestudyofbas cconceptual mean ngm ghtbehelpfulthroughtheaddress ofa sentence

Kel men nsözlüktekkarşılığıylacümledekullanılması

ExThehamburgeratetheboy sentenceThe ate

Th ssentencessyntact callygoodbutsemant callyoddThe boy thehamburger sperfectlyacceptable

SQThe drank waterH

telev s on
my sdog
wr tespoetry

Assoc at ve Mean ng çağrışımsal anlam

mean ngcoversthosebas cessent alcomponents

Conceptual ofmean ngthatareconveyedbythel teraluseofaword

Ex Needle th nsharpsteelnstrument D fferent have

m ght
people d fferent toawordl keneedle
assoc at ons
pa nllnessbloodkn tt ng

mean ng of
needle of nottreatedaspartotfhe
Thesetypes assoc at onsare word's
mean ng

Ex good journey
Connot at ve Mean ng

Soc al Mean ng

Itreferstovar at on tod alectt meprov ncestatus

accord ng

ExDom c le Abode Res dance Home Steed Horse Nag

Affect ve Mean ng Reflected Mean ng

Itreferstopeople'sreflect ngthepersonalfeel ngsofthespeakernclud ngh satt dut.tothel stener Fazlakel meseçeneğyok

Doğrudan h sler netk lemek ç

karşıdakk ş n n
nkullanılır br
Doğrudan yansıma

Ex I wonder
fyouwouldbesok ndtoloweryourvo ceal ttle W llyoushutup Karşıtarafınduygularınıetk lemeçabasıyok

Collocat ve Mean ng

ATIt refersto assoc at ons

awordacqu resanaccountofthemean ngofwordswh chtendtooccurn tsenv rment


Ex Goodch ld sustuGoodland ver ml Goodl fe sağlıklı

Themat c Mean ng
Thecho cebetweenalternat vegrammat cal nstruct ons

Ex MrsSm thdenotedthef rstpr ce Thef rstpr cewasdenoted

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