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Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year , through it is not the most important holiday in the Christian religion
(Easter). Most commonly celebrated December25, Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus, the
central figure and savior in Christianity. The history and traditions of Christmas are an important part of culture, and
the Christmas season has come to last the entire month of December ( and even the end of November, for some
Christmas enthusiasts). Come December 25 , the whole world gets filled with unbounded happiness, cheer, and joy.
It's time-time for some true fun.
About Christmas Different Place, Different
Tradition Traditions
The history of Christmas dates back two thousand Though Christmas these days has got some common
years. It celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ to Mother traits and traditions in every place across the world ,
Mary, in Bethlehem. To make the occasion a however it definitely has got some variations.
memorable and a happy one, places are decorated with
Some of the traditions of this festival began with the
various items , which include Christmas trees,
Mesopotamian celebration of the New Year. Ancient
lightings etc. People offer gifts to their near and
Greeks also used some of the traditions in their
children play in joyous mood.
They also wait for Santa to bring some gifts for them,
With course of time, the tradition of this festival has
as they open up their stockings with great expectations.
changed a lot . Even in the present world , you will
During the festival, cards are also sent to the loved find a little variation in the traditions in different
ones. And all these, though constitute the Christmas places like US, UK, Israel, and other Asian countries,
traditions of these days, however, traditions are ever European countries, and the Latin American countries.
changing and also vary from place to place even in the To learn more on this , keep browsing the site.
present days.

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