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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences



Submitted to

Department of Computer Application

Everest Innovative College Soalteemode, Kalimati

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelors in Computer Application

Submitted by

Harikala Rijal

BCA 6th Semester

Registration No:6246837- 2019

Under the Supervision of

Basanta Chapagain
Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Everest Innovative College

Solateemode, Kalimati

Bachelor in Computer Applications (BCA)


I hereby recommend that this project prepared under my supervision by Harikala Rijal
Fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Bachelor in Computer Application is
recommended for that final evaluation.

Basanta Chapagain

Project Supervisor

BCA Department

Everest Innovative College

Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Everest Innovative College

Solateemode, Kalimati

Bachelor in Computer Applications (BCA)


This is to certify that this project prepared by Harikala Rijal entitled “College
Feedeback Management System” in the Partial Fulfillment of requirement for the
degree of Bachelor in Computer Application has been evaluated. In our opinion it is
satisfactory in the scope and quality as a project for the required degree.

Kishor Kafle
Basanta Chapagain
Supervisor Program Coordinator

BCA Department Everest Innovative College

Everest Innovative College

Basanta Chapagain
External Examiner
Internal Examiner


Nowadays educational institutions are paying attention to the views of student’son the
involvement in learning and teaching through reviews feedbacks. College Feedback
system is a web application which provides base for the colleges to conduct student’s
feedback online. The goal of this project is to develop an all in one feedback system
serving both students and teachers. Students have to log into this website select their
respective college name write their feedback and submit. This online feedback system is
the perfect place to find feedback evaluated according to the reqirements and it is the
efficient one to get feedback analysis of students.


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our supervisor Mr. Basanta
Chapagain who gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic
of College Feedback Systemwhich also helped us in doing a lot of research and I came
to know about so many new tools and technologies.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to our BCA Program
Coordinator Mr. Kishore Kafle for his support and help for our personnel
development and mainly for the completion of this Project.

I am highly indebted to Everest Innovative College for their guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the Project and
support in the completion.

I would also like to express my gratitude towards library and member of Everest
Innovative College for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in
completion of this Project

I would also like to thank our parents and friends who helped us a lot in finalizing this
project within the limited time frame.

In the end, I would also like to thank Tribhuvan University for giving us this
opportunity via the course of Computer Application to help us understand the project
ethics at this early stage and helped us to evaluate my knowledge and expand it a
little more.

Yours sincerely,

HariKala Rijal

Table of Contents

SUPER SENTIMENT VISOR’S RECOMMENDATION................................................................I

LETTER OF APPROVAL................................................................................................................II

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................................................................VIII

CHAPTER 1......................................................................................................................................1

1.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................1
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT.................................................................................................................1
1.3 OBJECTIVE...................................................................................................................................2
1.4.SCOPE AND LIMITATION...............................................................................................................2
1.5 DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................2
1.6.REPORT ORGANIZATION...............................................................................................................4

CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND STUDY AND LITERATURE REVIEW......................................5

2.1. BACKGROUND STUDY.................................................................................................................5

2.2. LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN.....................................................................6

3.3. ALGORITHM DETAILS................................................................................................................16

CHAPTER: 4 IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING................................................................18

4.1. IMPLEMENTATION......................................................................................................................18
4.2. TESTING....................................................................................................................................20

CHAPTER: 5..................................................................................................................................28

CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................28

5.1. CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................28
5.2. LESSON LEARNT / OUTCOME....................................................................................................28
5.3. FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................................................29

List of Figures

Figure 1:Waterfall Model 3

Figure 2:Use case diagram 6
Figure 3:ER Diagram of college Feedback system 10
Figure 4:Context Diagram 11
Figure 5:1-level DFD 12
Figure 6:Architectural design 13
Figure 7:Database Schema Design 14
Figure 8:Home page 15
Figure 9:Registration Form 15
Figure 10:Contact us form 16


CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering

CRUD Create, Read, Update and Delete

DAO District Administration Office

DFD Data Flow Diagram

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

MySQL Microsoft Server Structured Query Language

OOP Object Oriented Programming

XAMPP Cross Platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl



1.1 Introduction
Now is the time for Technology. This is a high time for us to upgrade our system in
technical way. Everything is easy and time saving with the help of AI. To improvise
college in a better and technical way we have create a Project. The project ‘college
feedback’ This project is basically a web application which helps students to give
their opinions about the particular college. In this application students can directly
complain about their problems to the heads of the college and the app won’t disclose
their identity. In today's world of online interaction, electronic education is becoming
an important, of the academic domain. Faced with the strong growth of popularity of
online courses, a need arises for a flexible, strengthened & easily integrated online
academic feedback delivery system The ‘Feedback management System’ Approaches
all about institutional and educational practices and processes that are taken into
consideration, the student’s concerns of the level of the knowledge they receive. This
procedure explains that there is a good relationship between the student learning
environment and teachers. We have developed faculty feedback system to provide
feedback in an easy and consistent manner to the college HOD or principal. We call it
faculty feedback system which delivers via student staff interface as online system
which is acting as Service Provide.

1.2 Problem Statement

Sometimes students want to say a lot of things to the principle or teachers. They want
to show their disagreement to the management of the college or sometimes maybe
they want to share about their expectations from the college but it can’t happen
because of various reason. The reason can be time, environment or maybe the
thought of getting embarrassed or maybe students could not open up In front of
people. No matter what the cause is most of the time student are unable to put their
thoughts out. We believe that the opinion of students should matter to the authority
and students should be heard. The cause can be anything but the voice and opinions
of students should not get pressed. So, through this application students can write
their view/opinion/feedbacks. And it will be sent to the head of the college. Which
then will be solved by them. This application will also be beneficial to the college

authority. They can know about the expectation of students, will know about what
they are lacking and what should be done to make their college a better place. It will

help them improvise the administration

1.3 Objective
• To maintain good communication between Students and the administration.

• To help students give their opinion without any worries

• To understand student’s demand from the college.

• To value students Opinion

1.4.Scope and Limitation

1.4.1. Scope

• Save Time.

• Easy to Communicate.

• Helps improving college management.

1.4.2. Limitations:

• Only Admins can see the identity of user.

• This system only allows 3 complain from one user in a week

1.5 Development Methodology

This system is designed with the series of processes starting with requirement
analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. During requirement
analysis, all the functional and nonfunctional requirement are analyzed and system is
developed according to the requirement then designing of the system is carried out.
After the design process, coding and development part is started then after integrating
the system there is testing of the system. If the testing is positive, then system is
implemented otherwise some maintenance is done and system come in operation.

The Waterfall Model was the first Process Model to be introduced which referred to
as a linearsequential life cycle model. [1] The whole process of software
development is divided into separate phases in waterfall approach. In Waterfall
model the outcome of one phase acts as the input for the next phase sequentially. [2]

So there is no overlapping between the phases which makes it easy and simple to

Figure 3.1:Waterfall Model

Requirements: All possible requirements of the system to be developed are recorded
and documented in a requirement specification document.

Design: The requirement is studied in this phase and the system design is prepared
with logical and physical system specifications. It helps in specifying hardware and
system requirements while defining the overall system architecture.

Coding: The units of system is coded and tested in this phase with inputs from the
system design.

Unit testing is performed for each unit developed.

Verification: The units developed are integrated into a working system after testing
of each unit.

After the integration of the system a final testing is done to ensure there is no bugs
and errors.

Maintenance: This phase is active when client finds any issues in the system and
developers releases better versions to enhance the product.

Following are the reason behind using Waterfall Model as the development

• In this project necessities, processes and results are well documented, clear
and fixed.

• Sufficient resources with essential knowledge are available to support the


• There are no ambiguous requirements.

• Easy to arrange tasks.


Chapter 1:

It includes the introduction of the project where problem statement, objective of the
project along with the scopes and limitations of the project are listed which will
provide a general concept of the project to the reader.
Chapter 2:

It includes background study and literature review of a similar project and concepts
of the current project.
Chapter 3:

It contains the workings of the project including feasibility analysis, functional and
non-functional analysis along with the schema and architectural design and the data
and process modeling diagrams.
Chapter 4:
It includes the testing and implementation phase of the project i.e. it includes
designing of test cases to check if the system and its components work as intended
during development. It also contains tools that were used in the construction of the
Chapter 5:

It contains the conclusion of the entire project. In this chapter, outcome of the project
is noted along with the things learnt from the creation of the project. In addition to
these things the future recommendations of the project are also listed in the end of
chapter 5.

2.1. Background study
An online feedback system plays a crucial role in supporting learning and improving
educational experiences in online environments. Feedback provides valuable
information to students about their performance, helps guide their future behavior,
and directs their attention to areas for growth and improvement [2]. In online courses,
where instructors and students are geographically separated, feedback becomes even
more critical as it allows instructors to customize learning content according to
students' needs [1]

2.2. Literature Review

For this project I researched and reviewed some of the related websites and
applications. Throughout the research we found out that there are very few websites
or applications related to feedbacks especially for the colleges. Even if there are any
websites for feedbacks there is not any for students and for complaints. The users are
not fully satisfied with This paper provides an overview of online student feedback
system in college. There are 3 modules student, faculty and principle where students
can view and fill only their feedback, faculty can fill self-appraisal, peer appraisal
and can view student’s feedback and lastly principal/ head of department can verify
student and faculty and can calculate percentage [Admin can add, delete, update in
the data base and can view the generated reports. Student can login with their
credentials give feedback and logout. This paper presents the results of a
questionnaire-based survey that had the objectives to obtain the perception of
lecturers on the benefits or otherwise of student’s online feedback systems. The case
study was carried out in four engineering faculties of a Malaysian public university
that uses an online student feedback system, termed SUFO. The main objective was
to evaluate if the lecturers think that data from the online feedback system obtain via
SUFO is fair and if it helps to improve their teaching quality. The results from
lecturers‟ perception indicated that universities can use


3.1 System Analysis

It is a problem solving technique that improves the system and ensures that all the
components of the system work efficiently to accomplish their purpose.

3.1.1.Requirement Collection

There are many requirements for the system. Requirements regarding how to build
the system, what type of features to be added, gathering information from existing
systems etc. The primary requirement collection was done with users of existing
system and note down all the features and experience they will mostly prefer. The
secondary collection was done through online research and visiting the existing
systems to fulfill user requirements. i.Functional Requirements

Figure 1:Use case diagram

For admin
• Admins will be able to check users’ information.

• Admins can review and delete your feedbacks.

• Admin can add new faculty

For student

Student will be able to register their form:

• Students wii be able to submit feedback anonymously to ensure open and

honest responses without fear of repercussions.
• student can update their password and profile

For faculty
• faculty will be able to check faculty member`s information

• faculty can review and delete students feedbacks.

ii.Non-Functional Requirements

• Availability

• It will be available in website.

3.1.2. Feasibility Study

With the help of feasibility study, we will conduct objective and rational analysis of
the strengths and weakness of our proposed system. This analysis will help us
understand our system better and the strategy, design and plan are worth reviewing.

i.Technical Feasibility

We intend to deliver our service through mobile app as mobile devices are getting
very popular and almost everyone is own a smart mobile phone these days. The

system can easily be upgradable if new technology emerges. Currently the project
location is based on Kathmandu. Some of the technology that will be used to produce
the service is given below.

Table 1:Technical Feasibility

Technologies Hardware Software

Requirement Requirement Requirement

HTML Laptop MS Word

CSS Keyboard Visual Studio Code

JavaScript Mouse XAMPP Server


Laravel - -

Angular - -

ii) Economic Feasibility

The system which we are going to develop is economically feasible and cost
effective. As all the tools and resources required are either open sources or free. After
the completion of the system organization didn’t need to deploy any new hardware

and software as the required software and hardware. The existing resource of the
system can be used .

iii) Operational Feasibility

This system will include all the requirements used for feedback system and this
system will be completely operational and can be successfully implemented and
administration will fell easy to use this system as it will be user-friendly.

3.1.3. System Analysis and Design

Data Modeling (ER-Diagram)

In Entity-Relationship diagram there are four entities named
administrator, faculty Admin, student and student has id,password, email,
and faculty Admin has attributes like Admin id, name, password, email.
Likewise faculty has faculty login id, name, password and administrative
has attributes like student id, password Check feedback approve
feedback, review and Check

Figure 2:ER Diagram of college Feedback system

Process Modeling (DFD)

1)Context Diagram

Figure 3:Context Diagram

2)1- Level DFD of College Feedback Management System

First Level DFD(1st Level) of Feedback System shows the system id divided into
system(processes) each of which deals with one or more of the data flows to or from
an external agent ,and which together provided all of the functionality of the College
Feedback Management System

Figure 4:1-level DFD

3.2. System Design

System design is the phase that bridges the gap between problem domain and the
existing system in a manageable way. Our system is design on the basis of
architectural design, database schema design, interface design and physical dfd.

3.2.1. Architectural Design

The process of defining a collection of hardware and software components and their
interfaces to establish the framework for the development of a computer system is
called architectural design. It is divided into different category i.e.. Each layer has its
own functionality.

Figure 5:Architectural design

3.2.2. Database Schema Design

Figure 6:Database Schema Design

3.2.2. Interface Design (UI Interface / Interface Structure Diagrams)

User interface design or user interface engineering is the design of user interfaces for
machines and software. Here is some of screen shots of our user system interface.

Home Page

Figure 7:Home page

Registration Form

Figure 8:Registration Form

Contact Us Form

Figure 9:Contact us form

3.3. Algorithm Details
Weight based rating algorithm

Weight based rating algorithm is a probabilistic classification technique commonly used

in feedback systems, such as sentiment analysis. In the context of a feedback system,
weight based rating helps determine the sentiment or emotional tone of user-provided
feedback, such as reviews, comments, or messages. It's based on Bayes' theorem, which
calculates the probability of a certain event happening given the probabilities of related

In the, weight based algorithm the "naive" assumption is made that the features (words or
terms in the feedback) are conditionally independent of each other, meaning the presence
of one feature does not affect the presence of another. Despite this simplification, Naive
Bayes has proven effective in various text classification tasks.

Feedback Analysis Preprocess and prepare new feedback for sentiment analysis.

Use the trained Naive Bayes classifier to predict sentiment

Sentiment Prediction

Collect and visualize sentiment distribution from multiple

Feedback Aggregation and
feedback entries.

Determine responses/actions based on sentiment analysis

Feedback Response and Action

Model Evaluation and Iteration Evaluate model performance and refine if needed.

Table 3.2: Algorithm Tracing Table forCollege Feedback System

Step Description Example

Collect user feedback and their Feedback: "This product is

corresponding sentiment labels. amazing!" Sentiment: Positive

Clean and preprocess the feedback text.

Tokenize, lowercase, remove stopwords. Cleaned Feedback: "product
Preprocessing amazing"
Feature Extraction Convert text into a numerical
representation (e.g., Bag-of-Words). Numerical Vector: [1, 1, 0, ..., 0]

Prior Probabilities: Positive: 0.6,

0.2, Neutral: 0.2 <br>
Calculate probabilities for each sentiment Conditional
Training Phase class and word. Probabilities: P("product"

For each sentiment class, calculate

posterior probability.
Prediction Phase P(Positive
Sentiment Choose sentiment class with the highest
Classification posterior probability. Predicted Sentiment: Positive


4.1. Implementation

4.1.1. Tools Used (CASE tools, Programming language, Database platforms)

Following are the tools and framework used for the accomplishment of
this project: Front End Tools

HTML is used to design forms, table and different pages with page elements
such as header, footer, dashboard etc.

CSS is used to support the design by styling the different components in the
projects. It is used to update the feel and look of the project.
• JavaScript

In this project, JavaScript is used to make the project more responsive and
user friendly.

• Bootstrap

The bootstrap is used to style the elements of HTML such as forms, tables,
and different tags such as div and spans.

Back End Tools


PHP is used as server side language in this project to perform the CRUD
operation in database along with maintaining session during browsing the

XAMPP is used to run Apache server for PHP and MYSQL server for the
database in this project development.

MYSQL database is used as the database for the project to store different data
of the projects.

Documentation Tools
• MS Office

This is used for writing and editing the documentation of College Feedback

• StarUML

This is used to generate diagrams for system analysis and design of College
Feedback System System. Diagrams were created using this tool in order to
save time since all components are available with drag and drop functions.
• MS Project

MS project is used to design the time frame of the project using Gantt chart
function on it.

4.1.2. Implementation Details of Modules (Description of procedures / Functions

/ Methods)
Modules of this system are described as below:

User Module

View Post and Templates

In this module, User search/view all the available templates of different College
Feedback System.

Login Module
In login module, we have implemented user login. User can enter into the system
using their valid username and password. Similarly, we can login to user and admin
account through same login module. This module uses the user role defined on
database to distinguish between user and admin.
User can also reset their password using forgot password option.

Register Module
In register module, we have implemented the User modules they can register into the
system by entering all the details such as name, email, and password required to
And then can log in to system with their valid username and password.

• Manage Users
Admin can add and delete any users.

• Manage Pages

Admin can edit and update the contact us and about us page from this

• Manage Requests

Admin can read the requests and accept them to be

displayed on the post.

Admin can read the requests and accept them to be

displayed on the post.

4.2. Testing

System testing is done by giving different training and testing datasets. This test is
done to evaluate whether the system is providing accurate summary or not. During
the phase of the development of the system, our system is tested time and again. The
series of testing conducted are as follow:

4.2.1. Test Cases for Unit Testing

In unit testing, we designed the entire system in modularized pattern and each
module is tested.
Until we get the accurate output from the individual module, we work on the same
module. The input forms are tested so that they do not accept
invalid input.

User Registration
Table 4.1: Test case for user registration of College Feedback System

S. Test Name Input Expected Actual Test

No Outcome Outcome Result

1 Enter invalid Username = Hari Kala Enter email Registration Pass
username, Rizal Email = address. Failed.
password and Password = Test@123
click register

2 Enter valid Username = HariKala Registration Registration Pass

username, Rizal Successful. success.
Email =
password and

click register Password = Test@123


User Login
Table 4.2: Test case for User Login of College Feedback System
S. No Test Name Input Expected Actual Test

Outcome Outcome Result

1 Enter invalid Username = harikala Login fail Login Failed. Pass

username & Rijal = due to
password and wrong
click register Password username.
button. Test@123

2 Enter valid Username = harikala Login Redirect Pass

username, Rijal Successful to home page.
password and and
click register Password = redirect to
button. Test@123 home

Search Engine
Table 4.3: Test case for search in College Feedback System
S. No Test Name Input Expected Actual Test

Outcome Outcome Result

1 Enter invalid Keyword = Enter search No search Pass

post title. keyword. result with
please enter
keyword text.

2 Enter valid Keyword = Birth Successful Search results Pass
keyword. search lists.

Admin Login
Table 4.4: Test case for Admin Login of College Feedback System
S. No Test Name Input Expected Actual Test

Outcome Outcome Result

1 Enter invalid Username = admin Login fail Login Failed. Pass

username, due to
password and Password = wrong
click register Test@123 password.

2 Enter valid Username = admin Login Redirect Pass

username, Successful to
password and Password = admin and dashboard.
click register redirect to
button. dashboard.

Forgot Password
Table 4.5: Test case for Forgot Password of College Feedback System
S. Test Name Input Expected Actual Test

No Outcome Outcome Result

1 Enter invalid Username = harikala Password Reset Failed. Pass
Email: reset failed
email and due to
Password =


Forgot Password

Table 4.5: Test case for Forgot Password of College Feedback System
S. Test Name Input Expected Actual Test

No Outcome Outcome Result

1 Enter invalid Username = Jeni Password Reset Failed. Pass
username, reset failed
email and due to
Password =

click reset wrong
button. username.

2 Enter valid Username = admin Password Successfully Pass

username, reset password
password and successful. recovered.
click reset
button. Password =


Message Us
Table 4.6: Test case for Message Us of College Feedback System

S. No Test Name Input Expected Actual Test

Outcome Outcome Result

1 Enter the Hi, I would like to Message Message sent. Pass
request and admission un this sent
submit. college successful.

Tag Uploads

Table 4.7: Test case for Tag Uploads of College Feedback System

S. No Test Name Input Expected Actual Test

Outcome Outcome Result

1 Enter The Tag Vital Tag added Tag Added. Pass
name. successful.

4.2.2. Test Cases for System Testing

In system testing, whole system is tested as below:

User Login/ Register Module

Table 4.8: User Login/ Register Module of College Feedback System

S. No Test Name Input Expected Actual Test

Outcome Outcome Result

1 Register a new Username =harikala Create a New user Pass
user with valid new user created and
username, and redirected to
email, redirect to home page.
password and Password = aasha11 home
click reset page.

2 Login to the Username =harikala Login Redirect Pass.

system with Successful to
Password = aasha11
just created and dashboard.
credentials. redirect to

3 Logout Click the logout Logs out User is logged Pass.

from the button. of the out and
system. system. redirected to
login page.

4 Forgot Username =harikala Password Successfully Pass.

Password reset password

successful. recovered.

Password =


Manage Post

Table 4.9: Test case for Managing the post of College Feedback
S. No Test Name Input Expected Actual Test

Outcome Outcome Result

1 Navigate to add Enter the post title, Creates a New post Pass
post. category, post details, new post.
image and click save

2 Navigate to Update the post title, Updates Post updated Pass

Manage post category, post details, the successfully.
and click edit image and click existing
button. update button. post.

3 Navigate to Click delete button. Deletes Post moved to Pass

the post. trash.
Manage post.
4 Navigate Click restore button. Restores a Post Pass
to trash posts. deleted restore
post d successfully.



5.1. Conclusion
In conclusion, the College Feedback System project aims to provide a comprehensive and
efficient platform for collecting, analyzing, and utilizing feedback from students, faculty,
and staff within the college community. By implementing this system, the college can
foster continuous improvement in various aspects of its operations, such as teaching
quality, infrastructure, and overall student experience.

Throughout the project, we designed and developed a user-friendly interface that allows
users to submit feedback easily and conveniently. The system also features robust
backend functionalities for data storage, analysis, and reporting. The integration of data
visualization tools enables stakeholders to gain valuable insights from the collected
feedback, facilitating informed decision-making processes.

Incorporating the College Feedback System not only enhances transparency and
accountability but also encourages open communication between students and faculty,
fostering a collaborative environment. It empowers the college administration to identify
areas of strength and weakness, implement targeted improvements, and measure the
effectiveness of interventions over time.

5.2. Lesson Learnt / Outcome

Every project makes us to learn and gain the knowledge in different aspects. In the
following project, we have learned lots of problem-solving skills and learn things like
team work, finding the solution on our own, proper use of guidelines, communication
and writing skills and management of team.

Problem Solving Skills

From this project, we have learned lots of problem-solving skills and also
learned to recognize different errors occur in this system and solve it.

Manage time
The most important lesson learnt was management of time according to the
complexity of the system components i.e. know which components to prioritize.

5.3. Future Recommendations
In the future this app will be helpful for those users who are searching for a good
college The future plans for this app are as follows:

• More user friendly system.

• Remove bug from the system.

• More security feature implementation.


[1] “Django,” Django Project, (accessed Jan. 20,

2. ack


Source Code


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