A Specialist on Migraines in Dubai revised

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A Specialist on Migraines in Dubai: Top Clinics and Treatments

A migraine is not only a horrible headache but a disease that could shatter one's entire life. People
who feel the frightening mental conditions that might happen could ruin one's day with thoughts of
lightnings with thunder—a little more bad weather. If you belong to the myriad sufferers from this
condition, then the need to find the right person for proper treatment is a need that is very
important. Dubai is known for its developed medical facilities, and therein lies the innumerable
options for curing this condition. Now Dr. Tamilvendan, the number one internal medicine specialist
in UAE and Dubai, is ready to add to his cadre of treatment in the armamentarium for the same—to
help patients get back to their lives. We shall outline a bit further down below all the top doctors for
migraines in Dubai, along with various forms of treatment such as medication, therapy, and changes
in lifestyles.

Best Clinics in Dubai for Migraines

Possibly, nothing is as much worthwhile as quality clinic and specialization of the specialists in mind
during considerations of treatment for migraines. There are very many state-of-the-art medical
clinics located in Dubai, UAE, for the treatment of people who suffer from migraine.

Unicare Medical Center

Unicare Medical Center is one of the prime institutions for the treatment of migraines in the city. The
clinic is home to experienced neinternal medicine specialists and advanced facilities in place, making
available comprehensive care to patients going through migraines. They offer tailor-made plans for
their patients in medication management, lifestyle counseling, and advanced therapy, such as
injecting Botox for their patients with chronic migraines.

American Hospital Dubai

American Hospital Dubai stands out in that the quality of medical care is excellent. There is a good
team of competent specialists, and neurology is appropriately equipped for the management of
complicated cases of migraine. Available treatment modalities include basic conventional
medications and advanced procedural treatments such as nerve blocks and neurostimulation.

Mediclinic City Hospital

Top tier treatment can therefore be assured in Mediclinic City Hospital in case of a problem.
Expertise teamed with state-of-the-art technology means all migraine patients get a multi-
disciplinary approach that ensures no two patients are given the same plan but the plan should have
been tailored into their condition. The treatment offers solutions to biofeedback therapy, cognitive
behavioral therapy, and acupuncture.

Migraine Treatment
It is multifaceted in approach. Thus, let's break it down into various available options. Drugs and
behavioral, all for relief and quality of life improvement.
Medications play a significant role in treating migraines. They can be put into either of the categories,
to relieve the pain when one is happening or to reduce the frequency of the attacks.

Acute Treatment
Migraine acute treatments happen at the onset of a migraine to reduce the symptoms of that
migraine. Migraine acute treatments include:

A triptan is a class of medication containing active ingredients such as sumatriptan and rizatriptan.
Their work is in constricting brain blood vessels and inhibiting the pain pathway.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a group of medications including ibuprofen and naproxen,
used to decrease inflammation in the body's tissues.

These encompass a medication ergotamine plus dihydroergotamine they are potent in acute cases,
although appears less used in that they have numerous side effects

Preventive Treatments
Some of the prophylactic medications are for decreasing the frequency and the severity of the
migraine. Examples of the prophylactic medications are:

These are medications that might prove useful to reduce the severity of migraines, some of those
medications are propranolol plus metoprolol.

First line drugs in the class are amitriptyline and other tricyclic antidepressants that are given against
symptoms of migraines and given for prevention as well.

The drugs in this class, topiramate, and valproate are noted to be useful in frequency reduction of
migraine attacks.

This is facilitated by having complementary therapies that come with added benefits in regard to
being able to fight the underlying triggers and, eventually, provide relaxation and wellness.
1. Cognitive Behavioural Treatment
Psychotherapy provides for a way of making migraines manageable through the change of negativity
thinking and behaviour. In effect, this aids in reducing something as stressful as migraines and even
comes with better coping skills to be able to fight it.

2. Biofeedback
Biofeedback: Instruments measuring heart rate and muscle tension are used to teach patients how
to control such functions. It may be used to reduce the number of migraines, migraines over a length
of time as well as reducing the strength of migraines by having a patient look at the instrument
monitoring bodily functions.

3. Acupuncture
Acupuncture This is one of the traditional Chinese medicine methods in which thin needles have
been placed on the patient's body in certain areas of the body. It has the effect of exciting nerves,
muscles, and connected tissues.

Lifestyle Changes
Healthy habits in managing chronic migraines call for dedication to make informed choices to live
healthy with the fewest triggers.

1. Diet and Nutrition

Lack of drinks and food can often be the triggers of migraine. Maintaining a diary can always help in
determining migraine triggers to avoid its occurrence. Also, a proper and balanced diet, which
includes lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains as well as low fat can reduce the instances of

2. Regular Exercise
Regular physical activity helps to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. Exercise helps
people relieve stress and improve sleep, favorably affecting their general well-being. Choose
exercises that you enjoy. Start with performing small routines and enhance gradually, so that you do
not overstrain yourself.

3. Sleep Hygiene
Poor sleep can also trigger migraines. Healthy sleep hygiene and good sleep-environment
management, reduction in caffeine, and other electronic devices might increase the quality of sleep
and decrease the migrainous attack.
4. Stress Management
Stress happens to be one of the major triggers of a migraine. Ways in which the stress can be
controlled include meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises. The control over the stress would help
control these migraines. Other ways to control stress are engaging in hobbies and spending quality
time with family and friends.

Consult Dr. Tamilvendan, Expert in Migraine Treatment

His meticulousness about Medicare stretches the circle of his treatment to be among the top ones in
the internal medicine specialist UAE, Dubai, and Sharjah. An integrated approach involving
medicament supplemented with therapy and lifestyle modification is the one Dr. Tamilvendan gives
personal managing planning to the patients. His dedication and knowledge regarding patients and
the problem at hand really made him a trusted reputed specialist in that particular field.

Patient Centred Care

Dr. Tamilvendan believes in patients; hence, his care may be justly referred to as being patient-
centered, by understanding their needs and concerns. He takes time to work with his patients to
design treatment measures that are specific to various types of symptoms and triggers.

Holistic Approach
His approach for managing an attack of migraine rests on three pillars-medical management,
modification of lifestyle, and knowledge-based management for stress. His advice regarding diet,
exercise, and sleep hygiene inculcates habits in patients that keep them healthy. Finally, maintain a
reduced frequency of migraine with overall well-being.

Migraines could be a debilitating condition, but rest assured that with the right specialist and
treatment plan, relief is possible. Migraine treatments that open some doors to the finest clinics in
Dubai include the treatment methodology itself: besides medicines, treatments involve therapies
and consultations on lifestyle change, among many others, in as much as to allow the sufferers of
migraine to lead better, happier, and more rewarding lives. If you are having a high degree of
migraine problems, then you can directly contact the topmost internal medicine specialist Dr.
Tamilvendan in the UAE, Dubai, Sharjah. His patient-centric, systematic approach will sort out your
problems, giving high yield. You may find more detailed information regarding that service on the
website of Dr. Tamilvendan, making you stride on your way to a lifestyle free of migraines.

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