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Practice Sheet - 01 Botany

Cell : The Unit of Life,

Cell Cycle and Cell Division,
The Living World

Rupesh Chaudhary Sir


Which structure is found in animal cell?

1 Cell wall

2 Chloroplast

3 Large central vacuole

4 Centrioles

Select the wrong pair-

1 Nerve cell - Long & Unbranched

2 Mesophyll cells - Round and oval

3 White blood cell - Amoeboid

4 Columnar epithelial - Long & Narrow cells Cell membrane


Statement-I: Fluidity of cell membrane enables lateral movement of proteins with in

overall bilayer.
Statement-II: Fluidity also helps in cell division, cell growth, formation intracellular

1 Statement I is wrong, II is correct

2 Statement I is correct, II is wrong

3 Both statements are correct

4 Both statements are wrong


Given below the following statements

(a) Golgi bodies consist of many disc-shaped sacs or cisternae.
(b) Algal cell wall is made up of cellulose, galactans, mannans and minerals like CaCO3.
(c) Centrioles form spindle in both plants and animals.
(d) The ribosomes of chloroplasts are bigger than the cytoplasmic ribosomes.
Select the correct statements

1 a, d

2 b, c

3 b, d

4 a, b

Which feature is not related with ribosome?

1 Composed of rRNA and proteins

2 Membrane less as centrioles

3 ‘S’ represents sedimentation coefficient

4 ‘S’ directly measure of density and size.


Select correct pair -

1 Anton van Leeuwenhoek – Saw & describe dead cell

2 Schwann – Presence of cell wall is unique character of plant cell

3 Schleiden – Final shape to the cell theory

4 Robert brown – Discovered first living cell


70S ribosomes are not observed in/at

1 Bacteria


3 Mitochondrion

4 Chloroplast

Synthesis of glycoproteins and glycolipids is function of

1 Golgi apparatus



4 Cell membrane

Which work like oars

1 Flagella

2 Centrioles

3 Cilia

4 Microfilaments

It is elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous fibres that contains

1 Microtubules

2 Microfilaments

3 Intermediate filaments

4 All of the above


Statement-I: Mitochondria is double membrane bounded and common cell organelle

between plant cells and animal cells.
Statement-II: Mitochondria are more in number in physiologically active cells.

1 Statement I is wrong, II is correct

2 Statement I is correct, II is wrong

3 Both statements are correct

4 Both statements are wrong


Which is not correct about vacuole?

1 Its membrane is called ‘Tonoplast’

2 It is not a component of endo-membrane system.

3 Its concentration is higher than cytoplasm.

4 It occupies upto 90% area of plant cell.


Which is site of synthesis of steroidal hormonal in animals?

1 Golgi body



4 Mitochondria

The ratio of proteins & lipids respectively in Erythrocyte of human.

1 52%, 52%

2 56%, 40%

3 40%, 52%

4 52%, 40%

Statement-I: Mitochondria are power house of cells.

Statement-II: Mitochondria-Site of aerobic respiration in all organisms

1 Statement I & II both correct

2 Statement I is wrong, II is correct

3 Statement I & II both wrong

4 Statement I is correct and II is wrong


(i) Cartwheel like

(ii) Two cylindrical structures
(iii) Duplicate in S-phase
(iv) Forms basal body of cilia & flagella.
Above information is related with

1 Microtubules

2 Cytoskeleton

3 Centrioles

4 Aster

Match the column I & II

1 i-b, ii-c, iii-a, iv-d Column-I Column-II

(i) Golgi body (a) Simple diffusion
2 i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a (ii) Thylakoid (b) Secretion vesicle
(iii) Mitochondria (c) Pigments
3 i-c, ii-b, iii-a, iv-d (iv) Neutral solutes (d) Diameter 0.2 μm – 1μm
4 i-c, ii-a, iii-b, iv-d

Which of the following is disc shaped structure on both sides of centromere of


1 Kinetochore

2 Cisternae

3 Secondary constriction

4 Satellite

The correct option regarding surface of Golgi body.

1 Forming face-concave lies towards nuclear membrane

2 Maturing face – Convex lies towards cell membrane

3 Cis-face-convex lies towards nuclear membrane

4 Trans face – concave lies towards nuclear membrane


The diameter of red blood cell is

1 0.1 μm – 0.3 μm

2 0.5 μm – 2 μm

3 7 μm

4 7.5 nm

Which is wrong about Lysosome?

1 Single membrane bounded

2 Contain hydrolytic enzymes

3 Acidic pH

4 Granular structure

Which store fat and oils

1 Aleuroplast

2 Chromoplast

3 Elaioplast

4 Chloroplast

Select the wrong statement.

1 The main arena of cellular activities in both plants and animals is cytoplasm

2 Human has almost 2 meter long DNA

Human has centromere in each chromosome but few chromosomes have

secondary constriction
4 Chloroplast is part of endomembrane system as Golgi body.

Select the wrong pair:

1 Singer Nicolson – Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane

2 Active transport – Na+– k+ Pump

3 Cristae – Increase surface area

4 Core of cilia/Flagella – Hub


Middle lamella is composed of

1 Cellulose

2 Calcium oxalate

3 Calcium carbonate

4 Calcium pectate

Which is not function of cell wall?

1 Gives shape to the cell

2 Protects the cell from mechanical damage and infection

3 Exocytosis

4 Provides barrier to undesirable macromolecules


The arrangement of axonemal microtubules in cilium/flagellum is

1 9+0

2 9+2

3 1+0

4 1+9

Which is not common between chloroplast and mitochondrion?

1 Both are double membrane bounded organelles

2 Both have DNA, RNA, ribosomes

3 Both generate ATP

4 Both have pigments


(a) Mitochondria divide by fission

(b) The diameter of Golgi body is 0.5 nm – 1nm
(c) ER divides intracellular space in to luminal and extra-luminal
(d) Stroma lamellae connecting the thylakoids of the different grana
(e) Hair like outgrowth of cell wall is called cilium/Flagellum in eukaryotic cell.
Select the wrong statements

1 a, b, d

2 b, c, e

3 b, e

4 a, b, c

Plastids are found in

1 All plants cells only

2 All plant cells & photosynthetic bacteria

3 Euglenoids & photosynthetic bacteria

4 All plant cells and euglenoids


Which feature is not related with nucleolus?

1 Site of synthesis of r-RNA

2 Membrane less and continuous with nucleoplasm

3 Large and numerous present in the cell that are actively engaged in protein synthesis.

4 Ribosome factory in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes.


Which structure connects the cytoplasm of two neighboring plant cells?

1 Middle lamella

2 Primary wall

3 Plasmodesmata

4 Secondary cell wall


Identify the correct match between types of chromosomes and their descriptions
Chromosomes Position of centromere
(A) Metacentric (i) At the tip
(B) Submetacentric (ii) Almost near the tip
(C) Acrocentric (iii) At the middle
(D) Telocentric (iv) Slightly away from the middle

1 A-(i), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(iv)

2 A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(i)

3 A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(i)

4 A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(i), D- (ii)


The longest cell in the human body is

1 Liver cell

2 Muscle cell

3 Neuroglia cell

4 Nerve cell

Middle lamella is found between _____ of adjacent cells.

1 Secondary walls

2 Primary walls

3 Plasmalemma

4 Anywhere in cell

In eukaryotic cells there is compartmentalization of cytoplasm trough

1 Membrane bound organelle

2 Centriole

3 Cell wall

4 None of these

Most abundant lipid of cell membrane is

1 Cholesterol

2 Phospholipids

3 Glycolipid

4 Cerebroside

Identify the figure and select the correct option

1 A-Protein, B-Sugar, C-Phospholipid bilayer,

D-Cholesterol, E-Integral protein

2 A-Cholesterol, B-Sugar, C-Phospholipid

bilayer, D-lipid bilayer, E-Integral protein

A-Sugar, B-Protein, C-Phospholipid bilayer,

D-Cholesterol, E-Integral protein

A-Sugar, B-Cholesterol, C-Phospholipid

bilayer, D-Lipid bilayer, E-Integral protein

Which of the following provide stability to the cell membrane of Eukaryotic cell?

1 Intrinsic protein

2 Phospholipids

3 Cholesterol

4 Hopanoids

Which of the following is used for intake of liquid food substance by plasma-membrane?

1 Phagocytosis

2 Exocytosis

3 Pinocytosis

4 Cell eating

Smallest living cell is of

1 Bacteria

2 Mycoplasma

3 Virus

4 Blue green algae


This physio-chemical approach to study and understand living organisms is called.

1 Molecular basis of all physiological processes

2 Reductionist Biology

3 Applied biology

4 None of the above


Statement I: Both RER and Golgi body are abundantly present in the cells that are
related with secretion?
Statement II: Both take part in the formation of lysosome

1 Statement I is wrong, II is correct

2 Statement I is correct, II is wrong

3 Both statements are correct

4 Both statements are wrong


Hydrolases – Lipases, proteases, carbohydrase’s are found in

1 Mitochondria

2 Peroxisome

3 Lysosome

4 Endoplasmic reticulum

Which pigment is not found in chloroplast?

1 Xanthophyll

2 Anthocyanin

3 Carotene

4 Chlorophyll-b

RNA is found in

1 Golgi body and Lysosome

2 Chloroplast and ER

3 Mitochondria and Cell membrane

4 Mitochondria and Chloroplast


Which of the following store Proteins?

1 Amyloplast

2 Elaioplast

3 Aleuroplast

4 Etioplast

Non-living and living beings are differentiated on the basis of

1 Nucleus

2 Cell

3 Plasma membrane


Anything _____ than a complete structure of a cell _____ ensure independent living.

1 More, does

2 More, does not

3 Less, does

4 Less, does not


Living cell was first observed and described by

1 Robert Brown

2 Robert Hooke

3 A.V. Leeuwenhoek

4 Schleiden

All the structural details of the cell are revealed by

1 Microscope

2 Light microscope

3 Electron microscope

4 Cell-biology

Who studied both plant and animal cells?

1 Schleiden

2 Virchow

3 Schwann

4 R. Brown

Schleiden and Schwann could not explain

1 Origin of new cells

2 Formation of tissue

3 Fundamental unit of life

4 Organisms are composed of cells


Which is correct sequence?

1 Cell → Nucleus → DNA → Chromosome

2 Nucleus → DNA → Chromosome → Cell

3 DNA → Chromosome → Cell → Nucleus

4 Cell → Nucleus → Chromosome → DNA


Cytoplasm occupies the volume of cell in

1 Prokaryotic cell

2 Eukaryotic cell

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 Organelles

Cytoplasm is the main arena of cellular activities in

1 Plant cells only

2 Animal cells only

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 Prokaryotic cells only


Which non-membrane bound organelle is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

1 Microbody

2 Vacuole

3 Ribosome

4 Lysosome

Centriole which helps in cell division is found in

1 All plant cells

2 Animal cells only

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 Mostly in animal cells


The smallest cells are

1 Bacteria


3 Viruses

4 Mycoplasma

Eukaryotes do not include

1 Protists

2 Fungi

3 Monera

4 Plants

Differentiation of cytoplasm and nucleoplasm is found in

1 Prokaryotes

2 Eukaryotes

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 None of these

In eukaryotes, genetic material is organised into chromosomes due to



3 Basic histones

4 Acidic histones

EMS does not involve

1 ER, Golgi complex, Lysosomes

2 Vacuoles, ER, Golgi complex

3 Peroxisomes, Chloroplast, Mitochondria

4 Golgi complex, Lysosome, Vacuoles


Endo-membrane system (EMS) is formed due to

1 Control

2 Regulation

3 Coordination

4 Integration

Functions of which group of organelles are coordinated?

1 ER, Golgi complex, Lysosome and Vacuoles

2 Mitochondria, Chloroplast and Peroxisomes

3 ER, Chloroplast and Peroxisomes

4 Lysosomes, Vacuoles, Mitochondria and Peroxisomes


Which structure is frequently observed in the cells actively involved in protein synthesis
and secretion?

1 ER



4 GA

Major site for lipid synthesis is

1 GA

2 ER



Steroidal hormones are synthesized in

1 SER in plant cells

2 RER in plant cells

3 RER in animal cells

4 SER in animal cells


Find the odd one

1 Convex face

2 Cis-face

3 M-face

4 F-face

The cis and the trans faces of the organelle are _____, but interconnected

1 Entirely similar

2 Entirely different

3 Partially similar

4 Partially different

Materials packaged at Golgi apparatus are

1 Delivered to the intra-cellular targets

2 Secreted outside the cell

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 None of these

Glycoproteins and glycolipids are formed at

1 ER

2 Golgi apparatus

3 Lysosomes

4 Vacuoles

Vacuoles can occupy the 90 percent of

1 Animal cell

2 Fungal cell

3 Bacterial cell

4 Plant cell

Tonoplast facilitates the transport of ions and other materials

1 Against concentration gradients into the vacuole

2 Along concentration gradients into the vacuole

3 Against concentration gradients into the cytoplasm

4 Along concentration gradients into the cytoplasm


Which is correctly matched?

1 Schleiden – Zoologist, 1938

2 Schwann – Botanist, 1939

3 Singer and Nicolson – Sandwich model, 1972

4 R. Virchow – Cell Lineage Theory, 1855


In Amoeba, the contractile vacuole helps in

1 Storage

2 Digestion

3 Excretion

4 Ingestion

Typical shape of mitochondria is

1 Sausage-shaped

2 Cylindrical

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 Lens-shaped

One mitochondrion gives rise to another by

1 Budding

2 Fission

3 Fusion

4 Fragmentation

Plastids are classified as chloroplast, chromoplast and leucoplast on the basis of

1 Function

2 Pigments

3 Shape

4 Colour

Majority of the chloroplasts are found in the

1 Mesophyll cells

2 Xylem cells

3 Root cells

4 Phloem cells

Chlorophyll pigments are present in the

1 Plants

2 Chloroplast

3 Stroma

4 Thylakoid membrane

Find the correct statement.

1 Ribosomes of chloroplast are smaller than the cytoplasmic ribosomes

2 Ribosomes of chloroplast are larger than the cytoplasmic ribosomes

3 Ribosomes of chloroplast are equal to the cytoplasmic ribosomes

4 More than one are correct


Types of chromosomes are classified on the basis of position of

1 Primary constriction

2 Secondary constriction

3 Centromere

4 Both (1) and (3)


Location is constant of

1 Primary constriction

2 Secondary constriction

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 Centromere

Match the column and identify the correct option

1 a-ii, b-iii, c-iv, d-i Column-I Column-II

a. Power house of cell i. Nucleolus
2 a-i, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv b. Ribosome factory ii. Golgi apparatus
c. Protein factory iii. Mitochondria
3 a-i, b-iii, c-iv, d-ii
d. Packaging unit iv. Ribosome
4 a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii

Assertion: Study of nucleus is done in interphase.

Reason: Cells show structured chromosomes in place of nucleus during different stages of
cell division.
If both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct
explanation of the assertion

2 If both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion
3 If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false

4 If both Assertion and Reason are false statements


Assertion: The content of the nucleolus is continuous with the nucleoplasm.

Reason: Nucleolus is not membrane bound.
If both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct
explanation of the assertion

2 If both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion
3 If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false
4 If both Assertion and Reason are false statements


1 Represents a set of rules and recommendations governing botanical and zoological names

2 Governs and gives name to microbes

3 Are botanical and zoological parks

4 All of the above


Animals, mammals and dogs represent :

1 Taxa at different levels

2 Taxa at same level

3 Different levels of same taxa

4 All are correct


Each genus :

1 Always has one specific epithet

2 May have one or more specific epithets

3 Is a group of many families

4 Is always monotypic

In a taxonomical hierarchy as we go from species to kingdom :

1 The number of similar characters goes on decreasing

2 The number of similar characters goes on increasing

3 The number of characters may increase or decrease

4 All are incorrect


A housefly belongs to which genus, family and order ?

1 Domestica, Diptera, Muscidae

2 Muscidae, Diptera, Musca

3 Muscidae, Diptera, Domestica

4 Musca, Muscidae and Diptera


Arrange the Following categories in descending order for the classification of mango.
I. Dicotyledonae
II. Anacardeaceae
III. Angiospermae
IV. Sapindales

1 I → II → IV → III

2 III → I → II → IV

3 III → I → IV → II

4 II → IV → I → III

Polymoniales include:

1 Group of organisms belonging to related genera

2 Group of organisms belonging to related families

3 Group of organisms belonging to related species

4 Group of organisms belonging to related order


The correct sequential steps of taxonomy for a newly discovered organism is :

1 Description → Nomenclature → Identification → Classification

2 Classification → Nomenclature → Description → Identification

3 Identification → Nomenclature → Description → Classification

4 Description or Characterisation → Identification → Classification → Nomenclature


If a mitocyte has 10 pg of DNA and 16 chromosomes in G1 then which of the following is

correct (cell undergo mitosis) ?

1 S-phase will have 5 pg of DNA

2 The Cell at anaphase stage will have 20 pg of DNA and a total of 32 chromosomes

3 G2-phase will have 8 chromosomes in a cell

4 The cell at metaphase will have 10 pg of DNA and a total of 16 chromosomes


The movement of duplicated centrioles occur towards opposite poles of the cell in :

1 Prophase

2 G1-phase

3 G2-Phase

4 Anaphase

The different shapes of chromosomes, i.e., I,J,L,V Can be clearly studied during :

1 The alignment of chromosomes at the equator

2 The poleward movement of chromosomes

3 The phase when Golgi complex and ER disappears

4 The phase when synthesis of amino acids of histone protein occurs


The haploid cells divide by mitosis in:

1 Algae and fungi

2 Honey bee

3 Some colonial and social insects

4 All are correct


During metaphase :

1 Centrioles move towards the metaphase plate

2 Chromosomes move towards the opposite poles

3 Spindle fibres attach to kinetochores of chromosomes

4 All of the above can be seen


Cytokinesis :

1 In animal cell occur centrifugally whereas in plant cells it occur centripetally

2 In plant cells occur by furrow or cleavage formation in the protoplast

3 Is not a part of telophase

4 Is universally followed by karyokinesis


Which of the following is true for the phase marked X in the diagram give below?

1 The Cell is metabolically inactive

2 The content of DNA is half in comparison to S-phase

3 The number of chromosomes is half in comparison to S-phase

4 Lasts for more than 95% of the duration of cell


Which of the following is correct for G1-phase ?

1 Corresponds to the interval between mitosis and initiation of DNA replication

2 Histone protein is synthesized

3 Centriolar duplication occurs

4 All of these

The formation of recombination nodules and terminalisation of chiasmata occur

respectively during:

1 Pachytene and diakinesis

2 Leptotene and zygotene

3 Zygotene and diakinesis

4 Diplotene and diakinesis

Which of the following occur more than once in meiotic cell division in animal
meiocytes ?

1 DNA replication, chiasmata formation

2 Bivalent formation

3 Crossing over, chiasmata formation and DNA, replication

4 Chromatin condensation, centriolar duplication, karyokinesis and cytokinesis

Choose the correct statement :

The first two subphases of prophase-I are relatively short
lived as compared to pachytene

2 Bivalent chromosomes clearly appear as tetrads during


3 Crossing-over is enzyme-less mediated process

Crossing-over is the exchange of sister chromatids of

homologous pairs of chromosomes

How many chromosomes will be found in a cell at anaphase –II having 2n = 50 ?

1 50

2 40

3 100

4 25

During anaphase – I

1 Disjunction (Separation) of homologous chromosomes occurs

2 Each chromosome possesses one chromatid

3 Separated chromosomes move towards equator

4 Splitting of centromere

Microtubules are not present in:

1 Centriole

2 Lysosomes

3 Flagella

4 Spindle fibres

Read the following statements:

(i) Prophase is marked by the initiation of condensation of chromatin material
(ii) The chromosomal material becomes untangled during the process of chromatin
(iii) In the S and G2 phase the new DNA molecules formed are not distinct but
(iv) Nuclear envelope remains intact throughout the prophase
(v) At the end of prophase, when viewed under microscope, a cell shows distinct
Golgi, ER and nucleolus
How many of the above statements are correct ?

1 Three 2 Four

3 Two 4 One

Match the columns :

Column-I Column-II
1 A = (ii), B = (i), C = (iv), D = (iii)
A. Prophase (i) Spindle fibres gets connected
2 A = (i), B = (ii), C = (iii), D = (iv) to the kinetochores.
B. Metaphase (ii) Initiation of condensation of
3 A = (ii), B = (i), C = (iii), D = (iv) chromosomal material.
4 C. Anaphase (iii) Centromeres of
A = (iv), B = (ii), C = (i), D = (iii)
chromosomes lie towards
pole while arms trail behind.
D. Telophase (iv) Nucleolus, Golgi and ER

Identify the different phase (A, B, C, D) of cell cycle


1 G1 G2 S M

2 G2 G1 S M

3 M G1 G2 S

4 G1 S G2 M

Read the following statements :

(i) Chromosomes get arranged on double metaphasic plates in metaphase-I but only
one in metaphase – II
(ii) A Centromere is connected to one spindle pole in metaphase – I but both in
metaphase – II
(iii) Centromere divides both in anaphase-I and anaphase-II
(iv) Cross-over products move towards the opposite poles both in anaphase – I and
anaphase – II
(v) Diplotene is the shortest subphase of prophase-I
How many of the above statements are correct?

1 Three 2 Two

3 Four 4 One

Arrange the different stages of meiosis (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) sequence :

1 (i) → (iv) → (ii) → (iii)

2 (iii) → (iv) → (ii) → (i)

3 (iv) → (iii) → (ii) → (i)

4 (ii) → (i) → (iii) → (iv)


Identify correctly the different phase of mitosis (i, ii, iii, iv) :

1 (i) = Metaphase, (ii) = Late prophase,

(iii) = Anaphase, (iv) = Early prophase

(i) = Telophase, (ii) Late prophase, (iii) =

Anaphase, (iv) Early prophase

(i) = Anaphase, (ii) = Late prophase, (iii)

= Metaphase, (iv) = Early prophase

(i) = Metaphase, (ii) = Early prophase,

4 (iii) = Anaphase, (iv) = Late prophase

Which of the following is not incorrect?

1 Plants can show mitotic divisions in both haploid and diploid cells

2 The major reorganisation of virtually all components of the cell occur during Mphase

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 The most dramatic phase of cell cycle is Interphase


Which of the following is correct for anaphase?

1 It is the shortest phase of mitosis

2 Centromeres split and chromatids separate

3 Chromatids move towards the opposite poles

4 All of the above


Which stage is best to count the number and study?

1 Metaphase

2 Prophase

3 Anaphase

4 Telophase

The loose indistinct network of nucleoprotein fibres can be observed in :

1 Anaphase

2 G1, S and G2-phases

3 Metaphase

4 Late prophase

A homologous pair of chromosomes :

1 Have exact same genes-although may have different alleles of these genes

2 Are identical in size and appearance

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 Separate and move to opposite poles during mitotic cell division


A bivalent of meiosis-I consists of:

1 Two chromatids and one centromere

2 Two chromatids and two centromeres

3 Four chromatids and two centromeres

4 Four chromatids and four centromeres


Which of the following is true for telophase?

1 Reformation of nuclear envelope, Golgi, nucleolus and ER occurs

2 Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle poles

3 Chromosomes lose their identity as discrete units

4 More than one option is correct


At which stage of meiosis does the genetic constitution of gametes is finally decided?

1 Metaphase-I

2 Anaphase-II

3 Metaphase-II

4 Anaphase-I

Select the correct statement related to mitosis:

Amount of DNA in the parent cell is first halved and then
distributed into two daughter cells

Amount of DNA in the parent cell is first doubled and then

distributed into two daughter cells

Amount of DNA in the parent cell is first halved and then

3 distributed into four daughter cells

Amount of DNA in the parent cell is first doubled and then

4 distributed into four daughter cells

During anaphase of meiosis:

1 Homologous chromosomes separate

2 Non-homologous chromosomes separate

3 Sister chromatids of chromosomes separate

4 Non-sister chromatids of chromosomes separate


The stage during which separation of the paired homologous chromosomes begins is :

1 Pachytene

2 Diplotene

3 Diakinesis

4 Zygotene

ICBN is:

1 International code of biological naming

2 International class of biological nomenclature

3 International code of botanical nomenclature

4 International classification of biological nomenclature


Characterization of families is done on the basis of

1 Vegetative features

2 Reproductive features

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 None of them

Sequence of taxonomic categories is:

1 Class-phylum-order-family genus-species

2 Division-class-family-order-genus-species

3 Division-class-order-family-genus-species

4 Phylum- order-class-family-genus-species

Choose the incorrect statement (w.r.t. taxonomical hierarchy ):

1 From species to kingdom the number of similar character decrease

2 Species diversity increase from species to kingdom

3 From kingdom to species the number of similar character decrease

4 Species diversity decrease from kingdom to species


The ‘term systematics’ refers to:

1 Identification and study of organ system

2 Identification and preservation of plants and animals

3 Diversity of kind of organisms and their relationship

4 Study of habitats of organisms and their classification


Study the following table which shows different organisms with their taxonomic
Select the correct option for A, B, C and D.
Common Name Family Order Class Phylum/Division
Man Hominidae Primate Mammalia A
Housefly Muscidae Diptera B Arthropoda
Mango C Sapindales Dictoyledonae Angiospermae
Wheat Poaceae Poales D Angiospermae
1 A – Chordata, B – Insecta, C – Anacardiaceae, D - Monocotyledonae

2 A – Animalia, B – Arachnida, C – Anacardiaceae, D – Monocotyledonae

3 A – Chordata, B – Arachnida, C – Polygonaceae, D – Monocotyledonae

4 A – Non – Chordata, B – Insecta, C – Anacardiaca, D – Dicotyledonae


In which phase of cell cycle histones are synthesized?

1 S

2 G2

3 G1

4 M

Initiation and complete condensation of chromosome occur respectively in

1 Prophase and anaphase

2 Prophase and metaphase

3 Interphase and condensation complete

4 Interphase and metaphase


In a Diploid cell with 32 chromosome (2n=32) number of Chromosomal fibre or spindle

fibre attached to chromosomes are-

1 32

2 16

3 64

4 8

Disc shape structures at the surface of the centromeres are made up of–

1 Lipid

2 Protein

3 Lipoprotein

4 Carbohydrate

Which of the following is the longest phase of cell cycle?

1 G1

2 G2

3 S

4 M

The enzyme recombinase is required at which stage of meiosis?

1 Pachytene

2 Zygotene

3 Diplotene

4 Diakinesis

If a gamete has 30 chromosomes then how many chromatids will be there in pachytene
phase in its corresponding meiocyte?

1 60

2 90

3 30

4 120

If number of chromatid in G1 phase is 40 than number of chromosome is …………in G1-

1 40

2 20

3 5

4 30

Compaction of chromosome occur throughout in ……….. phase of meiosis –

1 Leptotene

2 Zygotene

3 Pachytene

4 Diplotene

During Meiosis-I, in which stage synapsis takes place ?

1 Zygotene

2 Diplotene

3 Pachytene

4 Leptotene

At which stage of mitosis, the two daughter chromatids separate from each other,
migrate towards the opposite poles and are now referred to as chromosomes of the
future daughter nuclei?

1 Prophase

2 Metaphase

3 Anaphase

4 Telophase

Mark the incorrectly matched –

1 Plant cytokinesis – Cell plate method

2 Animal Cytokinesis – Cleavage method

3 Syncytium – Multinucleate condition

4 Mitosis – Nucleus – Cytoplasmic ratio decrease


Mark the incorrectly matched -

1 Anaphase – Separation of sister chromatids

2 Metaphase – Centromeres split

3 Telophase – Nuclear membrane reappear

4 Metaphase – Chromosome condensation complete


In which phase Spindle fibre attach to Chromosome?

1 Anaphase

2 Metaphase

3 Prophase

4 Telophase

In plant cytokinesis, cell plate is formed by-

1 Phragmoplast

2 Collection of actin fibres

3 Fusion of vesicles produced by Golgi apparatus

4 Fusion of microbodies

If a megaspore has 100 chromosomes then how many bivalents will be produced in its
corresponding meiocyte during meiosis?

1 100

2 200

3 300

4 400

Which of the following is a significance of meiosis?

1 Growth

2 Repair

3 Variation

4 Restore karyoplasmic ratio


The process in which biologists follow universally accepted principles to provide name of
any organisms is called as:

1 Identification

2 Classification

3 Nomenclature

4 Systemics

The given flowchart represents the hierarchy of various

taxonomic cataegories.
Identify the missing categories (A, B and C) select the correct
statements regarding these.
(i) A is the taxonomic category which contains a number of
related genera
(ii) Examples of category B are Monocotyledoneae,
Dicotyledoneae, Mammalia, etc.
(iii) C represents the basic unit of taxonomic hierarchy
(iv) Examples of category C are Fungi, Monera, Protista, etc.

1 (i) and (ii) 2 (iii) and (iv)

3 (i), (ii) and (iv) 4 (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)


Match the following and choose the correct option:

1 A = (v), B = (iv), C = (ii), D = (i), E = (iii) Column-I Column-II

A. Family (i) Tuberosum
2 A = (iv), B = (iii), C = (v), D = (ii), E = (i)
B. Kingdom (ii) Polymoniales
3 A = (iv), B = (iii), C = (v), D = (i), E = (ii) C. Order (iii) Solanam
D. Species (iv) Plantae
4 A = (iv), B = (iii), C = (ii), D = (v), E = (i) E. Genus (v) Solanaceae

Bivalent are more clearly visible in

1 Zygotene

2 Diplotene

3 Pachytene

4 Leptotene

Systematic and monumental description of life forms brought in, out of necessity, detailed
systems of

1 Identification

2 Nomenclature

3 Classification

4 All of the above


How many rounds of mitotic generation are required to produce 128 cell from a single

1 63

2 32

3 7

4 64

Assertion: Gametes are always formed by Meiosis

Reason: Both Meiosis I and Meiosis II are reduction divisions
Which of the above statement is true?
Mark the correct choice as:
If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.

If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
3 If Assertion is true but Reason is false.

4 If both Assertion and Reason are false


Refer to the following statements describing prophase-I of meiosis.

(i) Thin thread-like chromosomes with a beaded appearance
(ii) Appearance of recombination nodules
(iii) Formation of bivalents / tetrads
(iv) Terminalisation of chiasmata
(v) Appearance of chiasmata
Arrange the given statements in the correct sequence of their occurrence during prophase-I.

1 (i) → (iii) → (ii) → (v) → (iv)

2 (i) → (ii) → (iii) → (iv) → (v)

3 (i) → (iv) → (v) → (ii) → (iii)

4 (i) → (iii) → (ii) → (iv) → (v)


Identify the cell division events happening in these mammalian cells:

1 a – Meiotic Metaphase-I, b – Mitotic Anaphase, c – Meiotic Anaphase-II

2 a – Mitotic Metaphase-I, b – Mitotic Anaphase, c – Meiotic Anaphase-II

3 a – Mitotic Metaphase-I, b – Meiotic Anaphase, c – Mitotic Anaphase-II

4 a – Mitotic Anaphase-I, b – Meiotic Anaphase, c – Mitotic Metaphase-II


Assertion: Non dividing phase of cell cycle is interphase

Reason: Dividing phase of cell cycle is M – phase.
Mark the correct choice as:

1 If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.

2 If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
3 If Assertion is true but Reason is false.

4 If both Assertion and Reason are false


Statement I: All organisms start their life from a single cell

Statement II: Growth and reproduction are characteristics of cells, indeed of most living

1 Both statements are correct

2 Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect

3 Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct

4 Both statements are incorrect


Which is incorrect about cell cycle ?

1 Cell growth in terms of cytoplasmic increase is a continuous process

2 DNA synthesis occurs only during dividing stage

3 During the division of a cell, DNA replication and cell growth also take place

4 Processes of cell cycles are coordinated


Find the odd one:

1 Duration of cell cycle can vary from organism to organism

2 Duration of cell cycle can vary from one cell type to another cell type within an organism

3 Yeast can progress through the cell cycle in only 90 minutes

4 The cell cycle is divided into five basic phases


M phase represents the phase when

1 Mitosis occurs only

2 Cytokinesis occurs only

3 Both karyokinesis and cytokinesis occurs

4 Both DNA replication and cell growth occurs


M-phase :

1 Always ends with cytokinesis

2 Mostly ends with cytokinesis

3 Rarely ends with cytokinesis

4 Sometimes ends with cytokinesis


During interphase there is no increase in the

1 Amount of DNA

2 Cell size

3 Amount of protein

4 Chromosome number

In animal cells, during the S phase, DNA replication begins in the ……(A)……, and the
centriole duplicates in the …….(B)……..
A and B are :

1 Nucleus and cytoplasm respectively

2 Cytoplasm and nucleus respectively

3 Cytosol and nucleoplasm respectively

4 Cytosol and cytoplasm respectively


Cell is metabolically active in

1 Quiescent stage

2 Quiescent stage and G1 phase

3 Quiescent stage, G1 phase and S phase

4 Quiescent stage, G1 phase, S phase and G2 phase


Mitotic cell division is seen in

1 Only diploid animal cells

2 Only diploid plant cells

3 Only haploid plant cells

4 Mostly diploid & some haploid animal cells and diploid & haploid plant cells

Read the following features:

(i) One chromosome is having one centromere
(ii) One chromosome is having two chromatids
(iii) Each chromatid is having own kinetochore
(iv) Each kinetochore is attached to one pole
(v) Each chromosome is attached to two poles
All these features are related with-

1 Metaphase

2 Metaphase and Metaphase-I

3 Metaphase and Metaphase-II

4 Metaphase-I and Metaphase-II


The content of DNA in a male gamete is 24 pg, then the content of DNA in G2-phase,
Anaphase-I respectively for a meiocyte

1 48pg, 48pg

2 24pg, 48pg

3 96pg, 96pg

4 48pg, 96pg

Which feature is not related with telophase?

1 Nucleolus, ER, Golgi complex reform

2 Nuclear envelope develops around the chromosome clusters at each pole

3 Chromosomes loss their identity as discrete elements

4 Chromosomes become long and thin but do not loss their identity

Meiosis ensures

1 Restoration of diploid phase

2 Production of haploid gametes only

3 Production of haploid phase

4 Production of spores only


Which initiates without the replication of DNA ?

1 Mitosis

2 Meiosis

3 Meiosis-I

4 Meiosis-II

Find the odd one w.r.t key features of meiosis.

1 Two sequential cycles of division with only a single cycle of DNA replication

2 Initiation after the daughter chromosomes have replicated

3 Pairing of homologous chromosomes

4 Formation of four haploid cells


Tetrads are clearly visible during

1 Zygotene

2 Leptotene

3 Pachytene

4 Synapsis

Dyad of cells is formed after

1 Metaphase

2 Anaphase-I of mitosis

3 Anaphase of mitosis

4 Telophase-I of meiosis-I

Meiosis –II resembles a normal mitosis in-

1 Formation of haploid cells

2 Formation of cross overs

3 Formation of diploid cells

4 More than one are correct


If 2n=16 chromosomes in onion root cell. How many chromosomes will the cell have at G1
phase, after S-phase, and after M-phase?

1 16, 32, 32

2 32, 32, 16

3 16, 16, 16

4 16, 32, 16

If the number of chromosomes are 2n=32 in a meiocyte. It undergoes meiosis. Find out
the number of chromatids in anaphase-II in each cell?

1 64

2 128

3 96

4 32

Naming is only possible when the organism is described correctly and we know to what
organism the name is attached to. This is-

1 Nomenclature

2 Binomial nomenclature

3 Classification

4 Identification

Name of the author

1 Appears before the specific epithet

2 Appears immediately after the generic name

3 Written in an abbreviated form

4 More than one are correct


Category is a

1 Part of overall taxonomic arrangement

2 Unit of classification

3 Representative of a rank

4 All of these

The basic requirement to place an organism in various categories is the

1 Knowledge of characters of an individual

2 Knowledge of characters of a group

3 Both (1) and (2)

4 Collection of actual specimens


Convolvulaceae and Solanaceae are included in the order Polymoniales

1 Based on the vegetative characters

2 Based on anatomical characters

3 Mainly based on the floral characters

4 More than one are characters


X- shaped structures-chiasmata are formed in

1 Diplotene

2 Zygotene

3 Pachytene

4 Diakinesis

Find the correct one about keys.

1 Used for identification based on similarities only

2 Based on matching characters generally in a pair

3 Each statement is called a lead

4 Same key is used for each taxonomic category


Order of Mango is:

1 Polymoniales

2 Poales

3 Sapindales

4 Anacardiaceae

Statement-I: M-phase is the most dramatic period of the cell cycle.

Statement-II: The number of chromosomes in the parent and progeny cells is the
same in it.

1 I & II both are correct

2 I & II both are wrong

3 I is correct, II is wrong

4 I is wrong, II is correct

Match the column.

Column-I Column-II
1 i-(a), ii-(b), iii-(c), iv-(d), v-(e)
(i) Prophase (a) Initiation of condensation of
2 i-(b), ii-(a), iii-(d), iv-(c), v-(e) chromosomal material
(ii) Prophase-I (b) Typically longer and more
3 i-(d), ii-(b), iii-(a), iv-(e), v-(c) complex
4 (iii) Prophase-II (c) Immediately after cytokinesis
i-(c), ii-(a), iii-(b), iv-(d), v-(e)
(iv) Metaphase (d) One chromosome two poles
(v) Metaphase-I (e) One chromosome one pole

Match the column.

1 i-(a), ii-(d), iii-(c), iv-(e), v-(a) Column-I Column-II

(i) Species (a) Common group for monkey,
2 i-(c), ii-(d), iii-(e), iv-(b), v-(a) gorilla, gibbon, tiger, cat and
3 i-(b), ii-(d), iii-(c), iv-(e), v-(a)
(ii) Genus (b) Aggregates of characters
4 i-(e), ii-(d), iii-(c), iv-(b), v-(a) (iii) Family (c) Vegetative and reproductive
(iv Order (d) Aggregates of closely related
) species
(v) Class (e) Organisms with fundamental

Match the column.

1 i-(b), ii-(d), iii-(e), iv-(c), v-(a)

Column-I Column-II
2 i-(a), ii-(d), iii-(e), iv-(c), v-(b) (i) Mangifera (a) Categories at different
indica levels
3 i-(c), ii-(d), iii-(e), iv-(b), v-(a) (ii) Systematics (b) Linnaeus
4 (iii) Binomial (c) Planaria
i-(d), ii-(b), iii-(a), iv-(c), v-(e)
(iv) Regeneration (d) Taxonomy + Phylogeny
(v) Taxa (e) Universally accepted

Which feature is related with diakinesis?

1 Terminalisation of chiasmata

2 Nucleolus reappears

3 Nuclear envelope reappears

4 All of the above


Assertion: Each genus may have one or more than one specific epithets.
Reason: Different organisms of a genus do not have morphological similarities.

1 A & R both are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

2 A & R both are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.

3 A is correct but R is incorrect

4 Both A & R are incorrect.

Assertion: The interphase lasts more than 95% of the duration of cell cycle.
Reason: Cell division proper lasts for only about an hour.

1 A & R both are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

2 A & R both are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.

3 A is correct but R is incorrect

4 Both A & R are incorrect.

Assertion: Crossing over is the exchange of genetic material between two homologous
Reason: Crossing over leads to recombination of genetic material on the two

1 A & R both are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

2 A & R both are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.

3 A is correct but R is incorrect

4 Both A & R are incorrect.


Which change is observed in pachytene?

1 Formation of synaptonemal complex

2 Synapsis

3 Appearance of recombination nodules

4 Formation of Lampbrush chromosomes in primary oocytes of amphibians


How many of the following statements are incorrect?

(i) In early days, human beings needed to find difference between inanimate matter
and living organisms.
(ii) The latest classifications are based on the ‘uses’ of various organisms.
(iii) In modern days, human beings need to find sources for their basic needs of food,
clothing and shelter.
(iv) Systematics takes into account evolutionary relationships between organisms.
(v) Classification is a single step process.

1 Four 2 Three

3 Two 4 One

Following features are related to which phase?

(i) Simultaneous splitting of centromere
(ii) Chromatids separate
(iii) Shortening of microtubules
(iv) Microtubules are attached to kinetochores.

1 Anaphase only

2 Anaphase & Anaphase-I

3 Anaphase & Anaphase-II

4 Anaphase-I & Anaphase-II


Systematics differ from taxonomy in considering

1 Identification

2 Phylogeny

3 Nomenclature

4 Classification

Which of the following represents correct bionomical name of mango?

1 mangifera indica Linn

2 Mangifera Indica L

3 Mangifera indica Linn.

4 Mangifera indica L.

Scientific name of Bengal tiger has been standardised by





Choose correct option for given below statements:

(a) Specific epithet begin with a .
(b) Biological names are printed in b .

1 a – Capital letter, b – Latin

2 a – Small letter, b – Greek

3 a – Small letter, b – Italics

4 a – Capital letter, b – Roman


Which one is incorrect statement w.r.t. indica, tuberosum, leo?

1 These all are specific epithets

2 It is the lowest unit of classification

3 It is the basic unit of classification

4 These all are interfertile


Among all seven obligate categories of taxonomic hierarchy, mango and wheat are
similar in how many categories?

1 Two

2 Three

3 One

4 None of the category


Among Kingdom, Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species, how many
categories can be referred as units of classification?

1 Any two categories

2 Last two categories

3 All categories

4 Only species

Solanum, Petunia and Datura are similar in

1 Genera

2 Taxon

3 Family

4 Species

Which one of the following taxa/group have more common characters?

1 Petunia

2 Polymoniales

3 Angiosperm

4 Monocotyledonae

Arrange the following taxonomic categories in increasing number of common

characteristics w.r.t. plant mango?
a. Dicotyledonae b. Sapindales
c. Mangifera d. Angiospermae
e. Anacardiaceae

1 d→a→b→e→c

2 c→e→a→d

3 d→a→e→c

4 d→a→c→e

Match the following and choose the correct option.

Column-I Column-II
a. Genus (i) Carnivora
b. Order (ii) Convolvulaceae
c. Kingdom (iii) Musca
d. Family (iv) Plantae

1 a-(iii), b-(i), c-(iv), d-(ii)

2 a-(i), b-(iii), c-(iv), d-(ii)

3 a-(iii), b-(ii), c-(iv), d-(i)

4 a-(ii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(iii)


Panthera and Solanum represent:

1 Taxons of different category level

2 Polytypic genera

3 Different taxons of same kingdom

4 Monotypic genera

Which of the following option represents taxa at three different category levels?

1 Insects, Mammals, Fishes

2 Plants, Dicots, Monocots

3 Tiger, Dog, Lion

4 Plants, Monocots, Maize


Select the incorrect match.

Taxon Category

1 Grasses – Family

2 Tiger – Species

3 Insect – Order

4 Mammals – Class

In case of animals classes with a few similar characters are assigned to a higher
category called:

1 Division

2 Family

3 Phylum

4 Order

Select incorrect statement:

1 Order has fewer common characters than family

2 Variety is the lowermost Linnean category

3 Class is a group of closely related phyla with few general characters

4 There are seven obligate taxonomic categories


The first step of taxonomic study is:

1 Identification

2 Characterisation

3 Nomenclature

4 Classification

Based on characteristics, all living organisms can be classified in to different taxa. This
process is called

1 Taxonomy

2 Identification

3 Nomenclature

4 Characterisation

Assertion : Biological names are generally in italics and written in Latin.

Reason : Name of author is written in Latin language in the end of the Biological name.
If both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the

If both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of
the assertion
3 If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false

4 If both Assertion and Reason are false statements


Scientific name of wheat is based on agreed principles and criteria which are
mentioned in




4 More than one option is correct


Canis, Felis and Homo belong to:

1 Same order

2 Same class

3 Same family

4 Same genus

Match the column I with column II and select the correct option.

1 a-(ii), b-(i), c-(iv), d-(iii) Column I Column II

a. Convolvulaceae (i) Assemblage of families
2 a-(i), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(iv) b. Polymoniales (ii) Group of related genera
c. Mammalia (iii) Related classes are
3 a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(iv) assigned to this
4 a-(ii), b-(i), c-(iii), d-(iv) category
d. Chordata (iv) Category includes
related orders

In taxonomic hierarchy of housefly, which of the following group of taxa will have less
number of similarities than the other ones?

1 Muscidae

2 Diptera

3 Musca

4 Insecta

Read the following statements :

(a) Lower the taxa, less are in characteristics that the members within the taxon share.
(b) Fishes & Amphibians are placed in same phylum
(c) Families are characterised on the basis of both vegetative and reproductive features
of plant species.
(d) Classification is a single step process.
How many of the given statement/s is/are correct?

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

Lion, Tiger, Leopard (Genus - Panthera) and Cats (Genus – Felis) are placed in family-

1 Canidae

2 Homindae

3 Felidae

4 Muscidae

The number of species that are known and described range between-

1 1.2-15 Million

2 7 Million

3 1.7-1.8 Million

4 2.5-3 Million

In case of plants, classes with a few similar characters are assigned to a higher
category called

1 Kingdom

2 Family

3 Phylum

4 Division

Select the wrong pair-

1 House fly – Order-Diptera

2 Wheat – Class- Dicotyledonae

3 Human – Order-Primata

4 Dog – Family-Canidae

Assertion : Each genus may have one or more than one specific epithets representing
different organisms, but having morphological similarities.
Reason : Genus comprises a group of related species.
If both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the

If both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of
the assertion
3 If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false

4 If both Assertion and Reason are false statements


The process by which anyone can be grouped into convenient categories based on
easily observable characters is called-

1 Identification

2 Nomenclature

3 Classification

4 Characterization

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