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SAT Reading and Writing Questions

Question 1
In 2019, archaeologists unearthed an ancient settlement in Central Asia dating back to the
Bronze Age. Among the artifacts found were intricately designed pottery and tools made
from copper and bronze. The site also revealed evidence of advanced agricultural practices,
including irrigation systems. The researchers were particularly intrigued by a set of clay
tablets inscribed with a script that had never been seen before. These discoveries suggest
that the settlement was not only a significant cultural hub but also a center of technological
innovation. The presence of the unique script, combined with the advanced agricultural
practices, indicates that ______

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A) the inhabitants developed a distinct form of written communication to record their

transactions and events, which facilitated trade and economic growth.

B) trade with neighboring regions introduced new cultural and technological ideas, as
evidenced by the sophisticated tools and pottery found at the site.

C) the settlement was isolated from other Bronze Age civilizations and developed
independently, which is why the script is unique and not seen elsewhere.

D) the unique script was used solely for religious ceremonies and not for daily
communication, as suggested by the lack of similar scripts in other settlements.

Correct Answer:

Choice A is the best answer because the presence of a unique script and advanced
agricultural practices suggests that the inhabitants developed their own form of written
communication for important activities such as recording transactions and events, which
would facilitate trade and economic growth. The convergence of these innovations indicates
a sophisticated level of societal development that likely required systematic record-keeping.

Choice B is incorrect because, while trade might have introduced new ideas, the passage
does not explicitly connect the script and advanced agricultural practices to external
influences. The emphasis is on internal developments rather than external trade influencing
these advancements.

Choice C is incorrect because the passage provides no evidence to support the notion of
isolation. In fact, the mention of a cultural hub implies interaction and exchange,
contradicting the idea of an independent development devoid of external influences.

Choice D is incorrect because the passage does not limit the script's use to religious
ceremonies. The lack of similar scripts in other settlements is not sufficient evidence to
conclude a solely religious use. The mention of advanced agricultural practices and intricate
artifacts implies a broader application of the script, likely extending to administrative and
economic functions.

Question 2
A recent study on urban air pollution highlighted the significant impact of particulate
matter (PM) on public health. The researchers analyzed data from several major cities and
found a strong correlation between high levels of PM and increased rates of respiratory
diseases. The study also noted that children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to
the harmful effects of PM. Interestingly, the data revealed that cities with extensive green
spaces had lower PM levels, suggesting that urban planning can play a crucial role in
mitigating air pollution. This finding implies that ______

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A) urban areas should prioritize the development of green spaces to improve air quality and
public health.

B) stricter regulations on industrial emissions are necessary to protect vulnerable


C) reducing vehicular traffic in cities would have a more significant impact on air quality
than increasing green spaces.

D) public health initiatives should focus more on indoor air quality rather than outdoor air

Correct Answer:

Choice A is the best answer because the data revealed that cities with extensive green
spaces had lower PM levels, indicating that green spaces can help improve air quality and
public health. This suggests a direct relationship between urban planning and
environmental health outcomes.

Choice B is incorrect because, while stricter regulations on industrial emissions could

protect vulnerable populations, the passage specifically highlights the role of green spaces
in reducing PM levels. The focus of the study is on urban planning rather than industrial
Choice C is incorrect because the passage does not compare the impact of reducing
vehicular traffic to increasing green spaces. While reducing traffic might improve air
quality, the study emphasizes the benefits of green spaces, which have a multifaceted
impact including aesthetic and psychological benefits.

Choice D is incorrect because the passage focuses on outdoor air pollution and the benefits
of green spaces, not indoor air quality. The data and conclusions are centered on urban
environmental design and its effects on public health.

Question 3
Marine biologists studying the Great Barrier Reef have observed a worrying increase in
coral bleaching events over the past decade. These events, which are caused by rising sea
temperatures, result in the expulsion of symbiotic algae from the coral, leading to a loss of
color and vital nutrients. The study found that prolonged bleaching can cause significant
damage to coral ecosystems, affecting biodiversity and marine life dependent on the reef.
Efforts to combat this phenomenon include reducing carbon emissions and protecting
marine habitats. The researchers emphasized that without immediate action, ______

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A) the Great Barrier Reef may suffer irreversible damage, threatening the livelihoods of
communities that depend on it.

B) marine biologists will need to find alternative methods to study coral bleaching and its

C) tourism in the region will likely increase, leading to further stress on the coral

D) technological advancements will be necessary to restore bleached coral and prevent

future occurrences.

Correct Answer:

Choice A is the best answer because without immediate action, the Great Barrier Reef may
suffer irreversible damage, which would threaten the livelihoods of communities that
depend on it. The passage emphasizes the need for immediate action to address the issue of
coral bleaching to prevent further degradation.

Choice B is incorrect because the passage does not suggest that marine biologists need
alternative methods to study coral bleaching. The focus is on the effects of bleaching and the
urgency of taking action.

Choice C is incorrect because the passage does not mention tourism or its impact on coral
ecosystems. The emphasis is on the environmental impact of coral bleaching and its broader
ecological consequences.

Choice D is incorrect because the passage emphasizes the need for immediate action to
prevent further damage, not technological advancements to restore bleached coral. The
urgency of the situation requires immediate measures rather than long-term technological

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