How to point a problem and how to solve it

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Tips to Point a Problem to Start a Business around It

- Shall be in your environment

- Shall be in your scale
- Create standard method to point problems and to find solution
- Examine solutions you already did for your problems and check if it can be applied by others
- Use brainstorming method
- Make log for ideas either in your PC or notebook
- Compare what you own with what others own in higher class or lower class than yours
- Be predictive and provide solutions for next stage problem/need (stages are always sequential)
- Be updated with latest news in your environment so you can predict the problem/need
- Solutions shall be simple and cheap as possible and can be duplicated easily
- Solutions shall be visionary
- Solutions shall be independent from you and shall be systematic (human or software)
- Start system using excel software and in future according to requirements develop application

Useful tips:

Examine solutions you do in your day-life:

It sounds simple, but we are constantly encountering problems, big and small, over the course of
our regular day. Pittman said, “Oftentimes, these are things that bother you – inefficiencies.” These
problems can be at work, within our industries, or during our leisure activities. Identifying these
problems is the catalyst for a successful idea.

“We have more and more issues that are happening every day, and it provides more opportunities
for entrepreneurs to dive in, identify them, see if they can solve them, and come up with a
marketable approach,” Pittman said.

Pittman suggested asking yourself, “What’s a problem in your life?”

Brain Storming Session:

Use notebook or word file, alone or with group (better)

Use persona method

Focus only on problems without going to solving part

Observe about friend and colleagues in your circumstance, and note down what needs and services
they look for and that you can be a part from it

Solutions shall be simple and cheap as possible and could be duplicated easily
Solutions shall be independent from you and shall be systematic (human or software)

Once you confirm that others relate to your problem, you will need to determine the magnitude of
their pain. If the problem is frustrating but inconsequential, it is likely will not be monetized.

Pittman said, “If you have a problem, and your goal is to monetize the solution to your problem, you
want two things: repeatability and market size.”

Repeatability: how many people agree your problem is a real one and that it happens enough that
they care enough?

Market size: how many people believe the problem is painful enough to pay for a solution

“At the end of the day, you’re just trying to figure out if the problem you have is ready to be solved
and if the framework that you’ve put together will help you get there,” Pittman said.
‫احتياجات أصحاب الزيارات (التقسيط‪ ،‬القيادة‪ ،‬التأهيل للعمل‪ ،‬المساعدة في التوظيف ‪)....‬‬
‫التقسيط والشحن لمصر او السودان‬
‫الوساطة في تمويل المشاريع التجارية (ربط المستثمر بصاحب المشروع)‬
‫المحافظة على اللغة (كورسات مخاطبة مسجلة‪ ،‬كورسات ورقية)‬

‫خطوات تحديد مشكلة لبدء عمل تجاري حولها‬

‫يجب أن تكون في بيئتك‬

‫يجب أن تكون في حدود امكانياتك‬

‫ابتكر طريقة عمل لتوضيح المشكالت وإيجاد الحلول‬

‫افحص الحلول التي قمت بها بالفعل لمشاكلك ومن إمكانية تطبيقها من قبل اآلخرين‬

‫استخدم أسلوب العصف الذهني‬

‫قم بإنشاء سجل لألفكار إما على جهاز الكمبيوتر أو الكمبيوتر المحمول الخاص بك‬

‫قارن ما تملكه مع ما يملكه اآلخرون في الطبقة األعلى أو الطبقة األدنى منك‬

‫كن تنبؤًيا وقدم حلوًال لمشكلة‪/‬حاجة للمرحلة التالية (المراحل دائًما متسلسلة)‬

‫كن على اطالع بأحدث األخبار في بيئتك حتى تتمكن من التنبؤ بالمشكلة‪/‬الحاجة‬

‫يجب أن تكون الحلول بسيطة ورخيصة قدر اإلمكان ويمكن تكرارها بسهولة‬
‫يجب أن تكون الحلول ذات رؤية مبتكرة‬

‫يجب أن تكون الحلول مستقلة عنك ويجب أن تكون منهجية (بشرية أو برمجية)‬

‫يمكنك بدء تشغيل النظام باستخدام برنامج ‪ Excel‬وفي المستقبل وفًق ا للمتطلبات طور تطبيقا للمشروع‬

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