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Cavite State University – Silang Campus 2.

WRITTEN LITERATURE – transmission through

AY 2023-2024 | SECOND SEMESTER 3. DIGITAL LITERATURE – transmission through
digital platforms
Instructor: Merian S. Villegas, LPT. 1. FICTION – based on imagionation
2. NON-FICTION – based on reality
“Litera” – (Latin) acquaintance with letters NATURE OF LITERATURE
 Expression of human feelings, thoughts and ideas
LITERATURE whose medium is language, oral and written
 a body of written works.  Experiences of the authors
 imaginative works of poetry  It can be medium for human to communicate
 prose distinguished by the intentions of the what they feel, think, and experience to the
authors readers
 the perceived aesthetic excellence of author’s
 We understand not only the past life but also, it’s
The verbal expression of human imagination. present.
One of the primary means by which a culture  We become familiar of the culture of neighboring
transmits itself. countries also with the way of living of other
DR. ROD ELLIS people that is very far from us.

Literature is one way to view reality. ROLES OF LITERATURE

DR. ISAGANI R. CRUZ  To entertain and give pleasure to the reader
 To educate and heighten the awareness of the
Literature by classical definition is the best that has reader
been thought of and felt and written about by writers  Communication
throughout the ages.  Shaping the aesthetic taste
Literature is: 1. UNIVERSALITY – timeless, timely, and forever
 the record, oral and written, of man’s thoughts, relevant
man’s experiences, man’s values in language that 2. ARTISTRY – quality that appeals our sense of
is beautiful, presented in a manner that is beauty
unforgettable. 3. INTELLECTUAL VALUE – stimulates thoughts and
 the record of life; it is the record of the human enriches our mental life
soul; it is the record of man. 4. PERMANENCE – enduring and lasting
DR. MILAGROS TANLAYCO 5. STYLE – peculiar way in writers see life
6. SPIRITUAL VALUE – elevates the spirit
1. Subject of Literature literature
2. Forms of Literature
 Entertainment Function
DIVISION OF LITERATURE  Social and Political Function
1. PROSE – free-flowing literature  Ideological Function
2. POETRY – with metrical structure and rhyming  Moral Function
 Linguistic Function
 Cultural Function
1. ORAL LITERATURE – transmission through voice
 Educational Function
 Historical Function

- Realistic Freytag’s Pyramid
- Fantasy
- History
- Folktale
- Autobiography
- Essays
- Journals
- Play Witch’s Hat Diagram
- Monologue – direct to the audience CLIMAX
- Soliloquy – inner thoughts to self
- Free verse
- Epic – heroism
- Haiku – 3-lined stanza with 5-7-5 structure


1. CHARACTERS – actors in the story 1. INTRODUCTION – exposition of:
Types of CHARACTERS  Setting – when and where
Protagonist – hero
 Background – events preceding the plot
Antagonist – villain
 Characters – actors of the story
Flat character – stock/static characters; no change
2. RISING ACTION – series of significant incidents
Round character – dynamic characters;
3. CLIMAX – highest point of the story
4. FALLING ACTION – problem of the story is solved
2. SETTING – time and location of the story
5. RESOLUTION – story ends
Types of SETTING
Integral Setting – fully described setting
Lesson 2: BEOWULF
Backdrop Setting – vague and general setting
3. CONFLICT – main problem of the protagonist
 30,000 lines of Anglo-Saxon poetry survive today.
Types of Conflict
3, 182 (10%) of the lines are from Beowulf.
Man vs. Man
 SETTING: Denmark and Sweden
Man vs. Nature
 AUTHOR: Unknown (probably a monk)
Man vs. Himself
 Oldest surviving English poem
Man vs. Society
4. THEME – main, central, and underlying idea
MORAL (lesson of the story) is different from
 Believes in Wyrd (fate)
 Accumulates treasures to success
5. PLOT – series of interconnected events in the
story  Fame and fortune
 Loyalty to one’s leader
 Importance of Pagan, Germanic, and Christian
 Fierce, hardy life of warriors and seamen
 Strength, courage, leadership abilities are  Feasts on 30 men the night of 1st attack
 Boasting heroes GRENDEL’S MOTHER
 Referred to as she-wolf
 Good defeats evil  Lives in Beowulf’s kingdom
 Wergild--restitution for murder or expect revenge  Guard countless treasures
from victim’s relatives
 Boasts must be backed with actions. MINOR CHARACTERS
 Fate is in control  Wiglaf – the only thane to stand with Beowulf
 Fair fights are the only honorable fights against the dragon
 Unferth – wise adviser of King Hrothgar
EPIC POEM  Wealhtheow – Queen of King Hrothgar
 Long narrative poem that recounts the  Breca – he and Beowulf engaged in a swimming
adventures of a hero. contest against each other as adolescents, which
 Elevated language Unferth claims Beowulf lost.
 Does not sermonize  Finn – the last Frisian who is still alive after the
 Begins in media res battle
 Mysterious origin, superpowers, vulnerability, rite
1. Grendel attacks Heorot, kills 30 on 1st attack
“BEOWULF” 2. Beowulf crosses the seas
 Anglo-Saxon word Beo means “bright” or “noble” 3. Beowulf arrives in Heorot, asked for permission to
 Anglo-Saxon word wulf means “wolf” Hrothgar for his quest, boasts about killing 9 sea
 Beowulf means bright or noble wolf monsters during his race with Breca.
 Other sources say Beo means “bear” 4. Celebration at the mead hall. Beowulf became
attracted to Queen Wealtheow.
TERMS TO KNOW 5. Grendel comes at night. Beowulf fairly fought
 SCOP – bard or story-teller; responsible for Grendel and mortally wounded.
praising deeds of past heroes 6. In gratitude, celebration happens and Hrothgar
 THANE – warrior gave the golden horn to Beowulf.
 MEAD HALL – large hall 7. Grendel’s Mother swears revenge and
 WYRD – God’s will slaughtered Beowulf’s men.
8. Beowulf swears to fight Grendel’s Mother.
CHARACTERS Unferth offers Beowulf is sword (Hrunting) to slay
BEOWULF Grendel’s Mother.
 Epic hero 9. Beowulf and Wiglaf travels to Grendel’s Mother
 Son of Ecgtheow cave. Beowulf entered alone and tried to kill her,
 Nephew of Hygelac but failed due to magic. Grendel’s mother seduces
 Sails to Denmark to help King Hrothgar Beowulf with promises to make him king in
exchange of the golden horn and a son to replace
10. Beowulf returns to Heorot with Grendel’s head
 Danish king
and announces that he killed Grendel’s Mother.
 Builds Heorot (banquet hall) for men
He told that he left the Hrunting impaled to the
 Tormented by Grendel for 12 years
body and and lost the drinking horn in the battle
 Loses many men to Grendel
11. Hrothgar is not fooled about the lies of Beowulf.
 Joyless before Beowulf’s arrival
Indirectly revealed that Beowulf was seduced by
Grendel’s mother. Beowulf knew that Hrothgar is
Grendel’s father and the curse was passed into
 Referred to as demon and fiend
 Descendant of Cain
12. Hrothgar declared Beowulf to be the king upon his  Making Meaning
death and committed suicide by jumping from the
castle’s parapet. Beowulf was crowned king. Lesson 4: TROY
13. 50 years later, Beowulf was the estranged CHARACTERS
husband of Wealtheow who was converted to Achilles - The greatest warrior of Agamemnon in the
Christianity. Had a mistress named Ursula. Trojan War
14. On the anniversary of Beowulf’s victory against Hector - son of King Priam and brother of Paris. He is
Grendel, Unferth returns the golden horn, which the mightiest warrior in the Trojan army.
his slave found in the moors. Paris - youngest son of King Priam and the one who
15. Dragon destroyed a nearby village, who was abducted Helen.
found out by Unferth to be the son of Beowulf. Helen - wife of Menelaus and the became the wife of
16. Beowulf confesses to Wealtheow about his affair Paris.
to Grendel’s mother. Menelaus - King of Sparta and the husband of Helen.
17. Beowulf entered the cave alone again, and throws Agamemnon - King of Mycenae and the brother of
the golden horn again to Grendel’s mother, but Menelaus. The person who led the expedition
she refused it and the dragon attacked Beowulf’s and battle to Troy.
castle Odysseus - King of Ithaca and he suggested creating
18. Beowulf returned to stop the dragon and break the wooden horse.
the curse. He was mortally wounded but manages King Priam - The king of Troy.
to kill the dragon. Patroclus - cousin of Achilles
19. Beowulf tells Wiglaf about his affair to Grendel’s Briseis - cousin of Hector and Paris
mother and acknowledge his son, but Wiglaf Andromache - wife of Hector
insists on keeping his legacy. Thetis - mother of Achilles
20. Wiglaf becomes king and finds the golden horn in Myrmidons – loyal soldiers of Achilles
the sand and sees Grendel’s mother give Beowulf
a final kiss in the sea. KEY POINTS
21. Grendel’s mother seduces Wiglaf.  ILIAD and ODYSSEY – major ancient Greek epic by
KEY CONCEPTS  TROY is based on the ILIAD
 Beowulf’s youthful heroism as an unfettered  The Iliad is the subject of the Trojan War and the
warrior and his mature heroism as a reliable king. primary focus is Achilles.
 the heroism of great men
 Heroism is the glorification of the warrior hero CULTURES PRESENTED
and of the heroic code of conduct.  MILITARY FORMATION – expansion of territories
Lesson 3: THE ROAD NOT TAKEN  ROLE OF WOMEN – priestesses, major roles in
AUTHOR: Robert Frost weddings and funerals
 Born: March 26, 1874 (California, US)  ARCHITECTURE – The wall of Troy
 Died: January 29, 1963 (Massachusetts)  RESPECT TO THE KING
 Admired for his depictions of rural life and
contributed to American colloquial speech THEMES
Robert Frost wrote “The Road Not Taken” as a joke to  Pride
his friend Edward Thomas while walking together.  Power
 Glory
 He is regretting about his inability of travel both  Bravery
THEMES 1. In 1250 BC, King Agamemnon unites the Greek
 Choices and uncertainty kingdoms. Achilles fights for the king but despises
 Individualism and Nonconformity his tyrannical rule.
2. Prince Hector of Troy and his brother Paris 20. Greeks hiding there emerged and commenced the
negotiate a peace treaty with King Menelaus of Sack of Troy. Trojans roused themselves and
Sparta. attempt to defend the city but overwhelmed and
3. Paris begins affair with Menelaus’ wife, Queen lost.
Helen, and he smuggled her aboard is home- 21. Andromache and Helen guide the Trojans to
bound vessel. safety. Paris gives the Sword of Troy to Aeneas,
4. Hector was angry at first, reluctantly agreed to instructing him to protect the Trojans and find
bring Helen to Troy them a new home.
5. Menelaus meets Agamemnon, and asks him to 22. Agamemnon kills Priam and captures Breseis who
take Troy. Agamemnon agreed as conquering Troy then kills Agamemnon. Achilles fights his way
would give him control of the Aegean Sea. through the city and reunites with Briseis.
Agamemnon sends King Odysseus of Ithaca to 23. Paris, seeking to avenge his brother, shoots an
persuade Achilles to join them arrow through Achilles’ heel and then several to
6. In Troy, King Priam welcomed Helen when Hector his body.
and Paris returned home and prepares for war 24. Achilles bids farewell to Briseis, and watches her
with the help of Achilles and his Myrmidons flee with Paris before dying.
7. Achilles has the temple of Apollo and claims 25. Troy is finally taken by the Greeks and a funeral
Briseis as a prisoner. He is angry with Agamemnon was held for Achilles, where Odysseus personally
and decides that he will not aid him in the siege cremates his body.
8. Paris announces his intention to challenge
Menelaus for the right to Helen Lesson 5: THE LADY AND HER FIVE SUITORS
9. Trojans and Greeks meet outside of Troy. Paris BACKGROUND INFORMATION
offers to personally duel Menelaus in exchange  Arabian Nights – collection of fun and interesting
for Helen and the city being spared. Agamemnon stories that show life lessons
10. Menelaus almost killed Paris but he was killed by CHARACTERS
Hector, violating the duel LADY – ‘yung malandi
11. Agamemnon enraged and orders the Greeks to KAZI – judge
crush Trojans. WALI – chief of police
12. Hector kills Ajax. Thousands of Greeks die. WAZIR – minister/advisor
13. Hector gives Briseis to the Greek soldiers but KING
Achilles saves her. Achilles fell in love with Briseis. CARPENTER – maker of cabinet
Due to dismay to Patroclus, Achilles left Troy.
14. Despite Hector’s objections, Priam orders him to SEQUENCE OF EVENTS
attack the Greeks. Hector duels a man he believes 1. Lady’s husband was imprisoned
to be Achilles and kills him, however it is Patroclus Fooling
15. Both armies decided to stop fighting for the day. 2. She went to the Wali to request for his “brother”
16. Achilles is informed of Patroclus’ death and vows to be freed. Wali was fell in love and invited her to
revenge his house, but instead she invited him to her
17. Hector shows his wife Andromache a secret house.
tunnel beneath Troy should he die and the city fall 3. She went to the Kazi to request for his “brother”
18. Achilles arrives outside Troy and challenges to be freed. Kazi was fell in love and invited her to
Hector. The two had a duel and Hector was killed. his house, but instead she invited him to her
Achilles drags his corpse back to beach but Priam house.
sneaks to the camp and implores Achilles to 4. She went to the Wazir to request for his “brother”
return Hector’s body for a proper funeral. Achilles to be freed. Wazir was fell in love and invited her
agrees and allows Briseis to return to Troy with to his house, but instead she invited him to her
Priam. house.
19. Agamemnon declares that he will take Troy 5. She went to the King to request for his “brother”
regardless of the cost. Odysseus concocts a plan to be freed. Kazi was fell in love and invited her to
to build a gigantic wooden horse as a peace his palace, but instead she invited him to her
offering and abandon the Trojan Beach, but house.
Greeks will hide there. Tricking
6. KAZI came FIRST to her home. Someone knocked
the door and says it was his husband and took him
to the lowest of the compartment.
7. WALI came SECOND to her home. She asks him to
make a letter to free is “brother”. Someone
knocked the door and says it was his husband and
took him to the 2nd of the compartment.
8. WAZIR came THIRD to her home. Someone
knocked the door and says it was his husband and
took him to the 3RD of the compartment.
9. KING came FOURTH to her home. Someone
knocked the door and says it was his husband and
took him to the 4TH of the compartment.
10. CARPENTER came FIFTH to her home. She said the
top compartment was too strait. The carpenter
disagrees and to prove himself, he went to the 5th
compartment, upon which the lady locked it.
11. The LADY went to the treasurer with the letter of
the Wali and released his husband. They both left
the city.
12. The FIVE stayed in the cabinet 3 days without
food or drink. All of them were complaining
except for the King because of embarrassment.
13. The neighbors break into the house to see what’s
going on in the house. When they see the cabinet
with the voices coming out, they fear there is Jinni
inside it and want the thing to be in fire.
14. The Kazi screams not to and they were all

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