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Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

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Full-scale CFD simulations for the determination of ship resistance as a

rational, alternative method to towing tank experiments
K. Niklas *, H. Pruszko


Keywords: Results of ship resistance predictions obtained from towing tank experiments are affected by the method used to
Ship extrapolate from a model scale to a ship scale. Selection of method to determine a form factor is subjective and
Calm water resistance the extrapolation method is accurate for typical hull forms. For innovative hull forms the proper method for
Towing tank
calculating the form factor is questionable. Moreover, the influence of the extrapolation method can be equally as
Form factor
important as the influence of a redesigned hull form itself. The paper presents novel numerical and experimental
Full scale methods used to predict ship’s total resistance in calm water. The results determined by towing tank experi­
ments, full-scale CFD simulations and ship’s sea trial measurements were compared. Depending on the method
used, the determined form factor differed by 19%. As a result, the predicted calm water resistance varied from
6% to 11% relatively to sea trials data. For innovative hull forms in particular, full-scale CFD simulations
should support the towing tank method. The results calculated by full-scale CFD varied from 10% to 4%
relatively to sea trials data depending on the assumptions on hull roughness and turbulence model. The towing
tank testing and full-scale CFD simulations can provide similar accuracy.

means of the calm water towing tank tests is scaling the viscous forces.
1. Introduction Nowadays, it is estimated using the friction correlation line and form
factor. This method is described in detail in Section 4.2.1 and refers to
Accurate determination of hull resistance is an important factor the International Towing Tank Conference guidelines (International
when designing a ship’s propulsion system. In practice, it is especially Towing Tank Conference (ITTC), 2017a, 2017b). Two of the main as­
important to meet the contracted design speed requirement, which is sumptions of the form factor method are that the form factor is inde­
verified during the sea trials of a ship. Therefore, both computer simu­ pendent of speed and it is the same for a ship and a model. However,
lations and experimental methods for determining the hull resistance are several authors have indicated shortcomings in this approach. Min and
constantly being improved. The most commonly used methods for the Kang (2010) carried out experiments on a series of geo-sim models to
prediction of ship resistance are statistical regressions of model tests (i.e. assess the influence of the Reynolds and Froude number on the value of a
the Holtrop-Mennen method), towing tank testing at a model scale and form factor. It was found that, contrary to the aforementioned as­
computer simulations (i.e. CFD). sumptions, the form factor does depend on the Reynolds and Froude
The statistical regression methods are based on the results from number. Before that, a similar study was described by García-G� omez
towing tank experiments. In some cases, sea trial data are also included. (2000), where it was found that for all the tested geo-sim series, the form
For typical hull forms, these methods are usually very fast and accurate. factor increased with the size of the model. Lee et al. (2018) analysed
The main disadvantage of this method is that they are generally limited form factors of the KCS, KVLCC2 and KLNG using numerical simulations.
to the standard, most commonly used hull forms. As a result, the Suggestions of suitable corrections for the form factor estimation were
determination of a ship’s resistance for a hull form which differs from presented. Another aspect of scaling viscous forces is the choice of a
those already being tested is less accurate. Furthermore, for new inno­ friction line from the numerous alternatives, the most widely used being
vative shaped hulls, the method cannot be used. the ITTC-57 friction line. Eça and Hoekstra (2008) presented their own
In general, experimental methods (towing tank testing) are believed friction line based on the results of CFD simulations of a flat plate. Katsui
to be the most reliable and to give the most accurate predictions. Over et al. (2005) and Grigson (1993) also developed different friction lines
the years, much research has been carried out to improve the pre­ for the purpose of calm water resistance prediction of ships. According
dictions. The most challenging part of predicting the total resistance by to Raven et al. (2008), if any of those two was used, then the form factors

* Corresponding author. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233, Gdansk, Poland.
E-mail address: (K. Niklas).
Received 10 April 2019; Received in revised form 31 July 2019; Accepted 15 September 2019
Available online 20 September 2019
0029-8018/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

Abbreviations LOA Overall length

MARIN Maritime Research Institute Netherlands
BWL Beam on waterline MARINTEK Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute
CF Friction resistance coefficient n Propeller revolution
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics Re Reynolds number
D Propeller diameter RF Friction resistance
FN Froude number RT Total resistance
ITTC International Towing Tank Conference S Wetted surface
1þk Form factor t Thrust deduction
kS Hull roughness TA Draft on aft perpendicular
k Roughness height TF Draft on fore perpendicular
kþ Roughness Reynolds number V Volume displacement
KT Thrust coefficient w Wake fraction
KQ Torque coefficient ΔCF Added resistance due to surface roughness
KCS KRISO (Korea Research Institute for Ships and Ocean η0 Open water propeller efficiency
Engineering) Container Ship ηH Hull efficiency
KVLCC2 KRISO Very Large Crude Carrier ηR Relative rotative efficiency
KLNG KRISO Liquefied Natural Gas
LWL Waterline length

of a ship and the model were found to be equal. measurements on a full-scale ship during sea trials. Ponkratov and Zegos
The inaccuracies and doubts mentioned above are the reasons why (2015) described the procedure of such an experiment and compared the
CFD simulations are gaining attention. This method allows the perfor­ results with towing tank predictions and CFD computations. The results
mance of full scale calculations and is free from scaling errors. However, pointed to the fact that the CFD was able to predict thrust, torque and
there are other concerns related to this modern approach, such as the required power with high accuracy. Discrepancies between the mea­
modelling of a free surface of water, modelling turbulence, boundary surements and computations did not exceed 3% for all measurements
conditions, and model discretisation. That is why the results derived except one, when the difference between the KT measured by one out of
from CFD simulations are often questioned and are expected to be two strain gauges and that calculated by the CFD was equal to 7.12%.
validated by experiment. Stern et al. (2001) and Wilson et al. (2001) Results from the towing tank experiment, extrapolated to full scale in
focused on developing a method to assess uncertainty and errors in accordance with the ITTC78 method, showed noticeably higher dis­
numerical simulations. Eça and Hoekstra (2005b) investigated the in­ crepancies (3% up to 9%). In 2016, Lloyds Register of Shipping organ­
fluence of grid topology on the accuracy of numerical results. They also ised the world’s first workshop on full scale hydrodynamic computer
ran studies on the influence of turbulence models on viscous forces (Eça simulations. In this case, participants validated the CFD results against
and Hoekstra, 2008). Full-scale CFD simulations of ship resistance pre­ data provided from sea trials. The workshop demonstrated that a ship’s
dictions can be accurate, giving 5% agreement with a model scale speed could be predicted within approximately 4% of actual trial speeds
extrapolation (Haase et al., 2016). The findings of the International (D. Ponkratov, 2017).
Towing Tank Conference (ITTC), 2014 presents a paper that summarises However, at present, most of the research on predicting a ship’s
the recent state of the art regarding CFD modelling of calm water resistance by using CFD simulations is being validated against towing
resistance and describes the recommended procedures. Although the tank experiments. Even though, the ship’s resistance prediction
most common use of the CFD is prediction of a ship’s performance in extrapolated from a scale of the model tested in a towing tank is
calm water, the potential application of the method in marine hydro­ burdened with various assumptions, that can lead to an inaccurate re­
dynamics is much wider. Recent investigation of a full-scale CFD sults. This research confronts the results of the ship’s resistance in calm
self-propulsion simulation proved great accuracy and applicability of water obtained using modern methods.
the calculation method for a hull-propeller-rudder hydrodynamic per­
formance prediction (Ponkratov and Zegos, 2014, 2015; Sun et al., 2. Aim and scope of the work
2017). Other studies used CFD simulation for the determination of the
roll damping coefficient, which is important in predicting a ship’s sea­ There is a provocative and well-known saying: ‘Everybody apart
keeping performance (Yang et al., 2012). Ship motions and added from the person who carried out the experiment believes in the exper­
resistance were calculated for a high speed trimaran by Wu et al. (2011). iment. At the same time, nobody believes in CFD simulations except the
The application of full-scale CFD to predict a seakeeping performance of person who performed them’. The authors of this article believe that
V-shaped bulbous bow ship redesigned to modern X-bow hull form was novel, full-scale CFD simulations can predict the total calm water
presented in (Niklas and Pruszko, 2019a). The effect of wave periods on resistance with similar uncertainty as by using other methods, including
added resistance and ship motions in a head sea was analysed by Seo towing tank testing. It especially applies to innovative hull forms, for
et al. (2017). The added resistance predicted from CFD simulations which the extrapolation of the results from the towing tank scale to full
made significant differences to the experimental data, from 4% up to as scale might be inaccurate.
much as 42%. Other examples found applications of CFD in analysing The aim of this article is to compare the results of ship’s total resis­
selected and specific hydrodynamic problems, such as wind loads acting tance prediction in calm water obtained by different methods and
on a ship’s superstructure (Janssen et al., 2017), performance of marine compare them to full scale measurements taken during sea trials.
propellers (Dubbioso et al., 2017), propeller bearing loads (Dubbioso The scope of the research included the Holtrop-Mennen (H-M)
et al., 2017), the effect of sea waves on propulsion performance (Taskar regression method, towing tank experiments, full-scale Computational
et al., 2016) and wave loads acting on offshore structures (Niklas, 2017; Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. All of the results were compared to
Raed et al., 2015, Wang et al., 2016b). the measurements obtained during ship’s sea trials. The influence of
Finally, the method for an estimation of ship’s resistance is taking different form factors and friction lines was quantified. For the

K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

assessment of a form factor, the Prohaska method, MARINTEK formula, a primary estimate. Furthermore, this method cannot be applied to
Gross-Watanabe formula and CFD method were used. Two friction lines unconventional hull forms or for whose dimensions are different from
were analysed: the ITTC-57 friction line and Grigson friction line. As a the specified range.
result of the towing tank experiments, eight different curves of resis­
tance were obtained. The purpose of this was to show how the definition
of a form factor and friction line affects the results of ship’s total resis­ 4.2. Model testing in a towing tank
tance prediction. For the CFD method, a verification study of four
different resolution meshes was carried out. Also the influence of hull 4.2.1. Fundamentals of towing tank experiments
roughness was analysed by two methods: Holtrop-Mannen and CFD The methodology of towing tank experiments is based on the
simulation. The results are presented in Section 6 and discussed in assumption that if the Froude number, geometrical, kinematical and
Section 7. The conclusions are presented in Section 8. dynamical similarity are maintained, then forces related to wave-
making might be scaled directly from the model to the ship. According
3. Case study ship to the theory of William Froude, the resistance of a ship might be divided
into two components, independent of each other: a residuary resistance
For the purpose of the research, the ‘Nawigator XXI’ (IMO 9161247) depending solely on the Froude number, and a frictional resistance
was selected as a case study ship. She is a research and training vessel depending on the Reynolds number and being proportional to the fric­
which usually operates on the Baltic Sea. The main ship data are pre­ tion resistance of an equivalent flat plate. As it is impossible to preserve
sented in Table 1. The body lines of the ship are presented in Fig. 1. The both Froude number and Reynolds number similarities, it is more
ship represents modern, V-shaped bulbous bow, with a mid-ship section practical to just use the former in laboratory conditions. Recently, the
with cylindrical insertion and a transom stern. Froude method has been modified by introducing the form factor. As a
consequence of the newer method, the total model resistance is divided
4. Ship’s resistance prediction in calm water into wave resistance and viscous resistance.
Despite many experiments and much research focused on scaling
The resistance prediction for the case study ship was performed using viscous forces, it still remains a challenge. The ITTC recommended that a
the most commonly applied methods, which will be briefly discussed in method using form factor (1 þ k) should help in assessing those forces
the following subsections, Section 4.1 to 4.3. more accurately, as it takes into account the 3D viscous effects that occur
on the surface of a ship. Form factor (1 þ k) is assumed to be the same for
the model and the ship and is constant, regardless of a ship’s speed.
4.1. Statistical regression method by Holtrop-Mennen According to the ITTC method, the total resistance coefficient of a
ship is defined as:
The method proposed by Holtrop and Mennen (1982) was developed
CTS ¼ ð1 þ kÞCFS þ ΔCF þ CA þ CW þ CAAS (2)
on the basis of the statistical analysis of numerous model experiment
results and full-scale ship measurements gathered by MARIN. A
regression analysis led to the establishment of a set of equations that
allowed for the prediction of total resistance in the primary stage of ship
CFS – Frictional resistance of the ship defined according to the ITTC
design. It applies to vessels whose dimensions and form coefficients are
-1957 model-ship correlation line
within a defined range, close to those from model testing.
ΔCF – Roughness allowance
The total resistance of a ship might be divided into:
CA – Correlation allowance
RTotal ¼ RF ð1 þ kÞ þ RAPP þ RW þ RB þ RTR þ RA (1) CW – Wave resistance coefficient obtained from model tests, defined
CW ¼ CTM CFM ð1 þ kÞ (3)
RF – Frictional resistance defined by ITTC-1957 friction formula The recommended formula for the ship-model friction correlation
1 þ k – Form factor describing viscous resistance of a ship in relation line is ITTC-1957 and is defined as follows:
to RF
RAPP – Resistance of appendages CF ¼ (4)
RW – Wave-making and wave-breaking resistance ðlog10 Re 2Þ2
RB – Pressure resistance of bulbous bow near the free surface However, several other correlation lines have been proposed. One of
RTR – Resistance of wetted transom them is the Grigson line (Grigson, 1993), that is defined as follows:
RA – Model – ship correlation resistance h i 0:075
CF ¼ 1:32 þ 0:02816ðlog Re 8Þ 0:006273ðlog Re 8Þ2
The great advantage of this method is that very little time is required ðlogRe 2Þ2
to obtain a result of hull resistance prediction for a particular ship. (5)
Unfortunately, the results may be treated only as an approximation and For 108 < Re < 109 and:
h � i 0:075
Table 1 CF ¼ 0:93 þ 0:1377 log Re 6:32 0:06344ðlog Re 6:3Þ2
Main data of the case study ship. ðlogRe 2Þ2
Name Nawigator XXI (6)
IMO no. 9161247 For 1.5⋅106 < Re < 2⋅107
Displacement D [m3] 1110 The currently recommended and most common procedure for eval­
Waterline length LWL [m] 55.68 uating a form factor is an experimental method, according to Prohaska
Breadth B [m] 10.5
Draught Tmidship [m] 3.14
(1966). It involves towing the model at a very low speed ðFr � 0:1 �0:2Þ
Longitudinal centre of buoyancy LCB [%] 47 at which wave resistance can be neglected. Viscous resistance is assumed
Wetted Surface A [m2] 677 to be equal to the total resistance measured and then use 1 þ k ¼ CCVF
Block coefficient CB [-] 0.607
(International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC), 1975). Other methods of

K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

Fig. 1. Body lines of the case study ship.

assessing the form factor are based on regression methods and the sta­ data was 500 Hz. The towing tank was equipped with a wave maker,
tistical analysis of numerous hull forms tested by research facilities. Two damping beach and wave probe to measure free surface elevation. The
of these that have been investigated more closely are: tests were carried out with the use of a model at a scale of 1:25. The most
important of the model data are presented in Table 2.
k ¼ 0:017 þ 20⋅ pffiffiffiffiffiffi (7) The model had no initial heel, drift and trim angle and it was bal­
LB2 ⋅ BT
lasted according to draft marks. The required values of the radius of
(Gross and Watanabe, 1972) and inertia and longitudinal and vertical centers of gravity were obtained
using the pendulum method. The range of speed for which the model
k ¼ 0:6φ þ 75φ3 (8)
was tested was 0.5 m/s to 1.6 m/s, at 0.1 m/s increments. It corre­
MARINTEK, where: sponded to range of Reynolds number between 1.07⋅106 and 3.34⋅106.
In order to stimulate turbulent flow the trip wire was attached at the
CB pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
φ¼ ðTAP þ TFP ÞB (9) bow of the model. The prediction of the ship’s total resistance followed
the ITTC-78 procedure described above, with the form factor being
The notation CB is a block coefficient, L, B and T are the ship’s main assessed on the basis of the Prohaska method. For the purpose of
dimensions (Length, Breadth and Draft, respectively), and TFP and TAP is research the form factor was additionally determined by other methods
the draft at the fore and aft perpendicular. This formula was used i.e. by as described in Section 4.2.1 and Section 4.3.3. The effect of hull
Bøckmann and Steen (2016). The last approach for assessing the form roughness was included in the towing tank testing according to pro­
factor is CFD simulation, as described in Section 4.3. Recently, Wang cedure described in Section 4.2.1. The roughness allowance ΔCF as
et al., 2016a showed that CFD method can give reasonable 1 þ k values specified in Eq. (2) was included. In described case it was calculated
for different ship types. based on Bowden – Davison formula:
The variety of methods for assessing the form factor might lead one � �13
to conclude that choosing the correct approach is not that straightfor­ ΔCF ¼ 105
0:64 (10)
ward. Molland, Turnock and Hudson (2011) discussed the difficulties LWL
and inaccuracies in evaluating the form factor using the experimental Hull roughness according to ITTC (2017) was assumed to be
method. Also, calculations of the form factor presented in Section 6 kS ¼ 150 μm, thus ΔCF ¼ 0.821⋅10 3. Fig. 2 presents the experimental
showed that regression methods gave results that significantly differed setup of the model. The results of the experiments and uncertainty
from each other. analysis are presented and discussed in Section 6.
Another important aspect is the considerable influence of a given
friction line on the predicted value of total resistance. Eça and Hoekstra
4.3. CFD simulation method
(2005a) discussed the differences resulting from the choice of alterna­
tive friction lines. According to their findings the standard extrapolation
4.3.1. Fundamentals
method may underestimate the full scale resistance by 10%. Based on
Numerical methods allow us to solve discretised governing equations
their conclusions, this article presents calculations of total resistance for
of mass, momentum and energy conservation that are commonly known
both the ITTC-1957 and Grigson line.
as Navier-Stokes equations. Depending on problem complexity, different
For the purpose of avoiding the aforementioned scaling issues, the
simplifications might be applied. For naval applications, where the fluid
Computer Fluid Dynamics simulations can be an advantageous alter­
is assumed to be incompressible, only mass and momentum continuity is
native method for the prediction of ship resistance. The CFD simulations
can be performed directly, at a full scale and so an extrapolation of re­
sults from model to ship scale is then avoided. The advantages and Table 2
disadvantages of this method are discussed below, in Section 4.3. Main model data for towing tank testing.
Model scale 1:25 Full scale
4.2.2. Towing tank experiments of the case study ship Overall length LOA [m] 2.408 60.21
The experiments were carried out in the towing tank of Gdansk Beam on waterline BWL [m] 0.420 10.50
University of Technology. The basin was 40 m long, 4 m wide and 3 m Waterline length LWL [m] 2.227 55.68
Draft on fore perpendicular TF [m] 0.126 3.15
deep. The maximum speed of the towing carriage was 2.5 m/s. The
Draft on aft perpendicular TA [m] 0.126 3.15
model was attached to the carriage by a single post with two degrees of Volume displacement V [m3] 0.0711 1110.20
freedom (pitch and heave). The sampling frequency of the measured Wetted surface S [m2] 1.0839 677.50

K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

4.3.2. Numerical model for full-scale CFD simulations of the case study ship
To perform CFD calculations, STAR CCM þ software was used. The
solver uses the finite volume method. In order to capture the interface
between phases, a surface capturing VOF (Volume of Fluid) model was
applied and the realisable k–ε with all y þ wall treatment model of
turbulence was used. This model offers a good compromise between
robustness and accuracy. The model is also a frequent choice when using
STAR CCM þ software, i.e. (Tezdogan et al., 2015), (Kim et al., 2017).
For spatial discretisation, a second order, upwind numerical scheme was
used for convection term, and a first order scheme was used for temporal
discretisation. To compute motions of a ship as a response to fluid forces,
the model of DFBI (Dynamic Fluid Body Interaction) was applied.
The setup of the numerical domain is presented in Fig. 3 and Table 3.
The size of the domain and a ship position was specified in order to avoid
Fig. 2. Model of the case study ship for towing tank testing.
reflection from the side and downstream boundary and also to capture
the Kelvin wave pattern. Additionally, to minimise the reflections of
considered. Nowadays, the most commonly applied method is the Finite
waves on the side and outlet boundaries, numerical wave damping was
Volume Method. It involves discretisation of the computational domain
applied. The discretisation of the volume was performed according to
surrounding the object of interest, in this case a ship, and iteratively
recent ITTC recommendations. Standard refinements in the areas of free
solves governing equations in every mesh cell. The numerical simula­
surface, wake and near the hull were applied (see Fig. 4). Mesh resolu­
tions have many advantages, one of which is the possibility of
tion in the region of the ship’s boundary resulted in a value of yþ within
computing the flow around a full-scale ship. This means that the prob­
a range of 30–200. An approach with a symmetry plane was used and the
lem of scaling viscous and pressure forces does not exist. It is worth
total number of volumetric cells was equal to 2.4 M. The verification
noting that the results are determined independently from the afore­
studies were carried out for speed of 10 knots for two coarser meshes,
mentioned methods and can be used to support the towing tank tests.
with a total cell number equal to 1.0 M and 0.5 M cells and one finer
Raven et al. (2008) indicate that simulations can help to assess the form
mesh with 6 M cells. Verification followed the Generalised Richardson
factor by running double body simulations, or choosing the correct
Extrapolation Method (ITTC, 1999). Base size of element was system­
friction line by running multiple simulations for geo-sim models. pffiffiffi
atically changed by the factor of 2 in X, Y and Z direction in each mesh.
However, this method is still not always considered to be reliable
Differences in obtained value of total resistance between the base and
enough. One of the reasons for that is limited knowledge about turbu­
fine mesh was equal to 1.2%. Thus it was decided to use base mesh
lence and how to correctly model it. Eça and Hoekstra (2008) reports
having 2.4 M cells instead of the finest. Results of verification study was
investigation into friction coefficient of flat plate with use of seven
presented in Table 7 in Section 6, where mesh 1 corresponds to the finest
different turbulence models. The differences in the friction resistance in
grid and mesh 4 to the coarsest.
percentage of the value obtained from the Katsui et al. (2005) proposal
The full scale ship simulations were run for range of speed between 5
were between 5% and 7% for different Reynolds number. Most of the
and 12 knots, which corresponds to Froude number between 0.11 and
models failed to predict transition from laminar to turbulent flow. Due to
0.26 and Reynolds number between 1.05⋅108 and 2.52⋅108.
a lack of computational resources, it is not possible to perform Direct
Numerical Simulations for flows with higher Reynolds numbers. As a
4.3.3. Numerical assessment of a form factor 1 þ k
result, much more robust but less accurate approaches are still applied.
For the sake of comparison, the form factor of case study vessel was
The most popular are turbulence models, based on Unsteady Reynolds
computed using CFD simulations. Validation of the numerical model
Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (URANS). The method is based on the
was based on the comparison between a friction resistance coefficient
assumption that instantaneous velocity might be represented in terms of
and ITTC-57 formula. Grid dependence test was performed to assess the
mean and fluctuating components. Those values are inserted into
sensitivity of the results on the value of yþ. Kouh et al. (2009) described
Navier-Stokes equations are then averaged. The process of averaging
the numerical model and procedure to obtain the form factor numeri­
causes an additional, previously unknown term – Reynolds stress – to
cally. Double body simulation of underwater part of the hull was per­
appear in the equations and it is written as follows:
formed. Symmetry plane was applied on the top surface of the domain,
∂ðρui Þ the slip wall boundary condition was assigned to the bottom and side
¼0 (11)

∂ðρui Þ ∂ � ∂p ∂τ Top – Velocity

þ ρui uj þ ρu’ u’ ¼ þ ij (12) inlet boundary
∂t ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi
2.2 L L 2.1 L

Where p is pressure, ρ is fluid density, ρu ’u’j are Reynolds stresses, ui are

‘ ‘
averaged components of velocity vector in the Cartesian system of co­ 1.5 L

ordinates, and are the mean viscous stress tensor components and are

τij Pressure Velocity
outlet inlet
defined as follows: boundary boundary
� �
∂ui ∂uj
τij ¼ μ þ (13) 2L
∂xj ∂xi
In order to close the new system of equations, the Reynolds stresses
tensor needs to be modelled using a turbulence model. Over the years,
Bottom – Velocity
many turbulence models have been defined and it requires some inlet boundary
knowledge and experience from the user to choose and specify it
correctly. Fig. 3. Setup of a numerical domain for the CFD simulations (ship resistance on
calm water).

K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

Table 3 analysed cases. The mesh resolution in the closest proximity to the hull
Setup of a numerical domain for the CFD simulations (ship resistance on calm was modified by systematically increasing number of prism layers from
water). 8 to 12.
Boundary Position Boundary Condition By running simulations without free surface the form effects might be
Inlet 2.12 Lpp in front of a ship Velocity inlet
obtained. The wave resistance does not contribute to the total resistance.
Outlet 2.2 Lpp behind a ship Pressure outlet All the forces acting on the hull are due to viscosity and are dependent
Symmetry Symmetry plane of a ship Symmetry on the Reynolds number (Oliveira et al., 2018). The form factor is
Side 2.2 Lpp from symmetry plane Velocity inlet defined as:
Top 1.5 Lpp above free surface Velocity inlet
Bottom 2 Lpp below free surface Velocity inlet CV
1þk ¼ (14)
In this case the Reynolds number was equal to 3.09⋅108, thus the
friction coefficient computed according to ITTC-57 formula, see Eq. (4)
was equal to CF0 ¼ 1.781⋅10 3. Table 4 presents grid dependence study,
validation and values of a form factor 1 þ k.
It can be noticed that for all three meshes a very good agreement of
friction coefficient CF with ITTC-57 friction line was obtained. However,
it was observed that strong dependence of the results on value of y þ
occurred. With increasing mesh resolution the values of friction coeffi­
cient CF approached the CF0 value.

4.3.4. Treatment of hull roughness

In many cases the hull roughness may not be taken into account in
the numerical simulations of ship performance. A good example can be
comparative analysis of an influence of hull shape modifications on a
calm water resistance. In such case the effect of hull roughness may be
omitted as it was presented i.e. in (Huang and Yang, 2016), (Zhang et al.,
2018), (Niklas and Pruszko, 2019b).
However, in case of comparison between the CFD based resistance
prediction and full scale sea trials the increase of friction resistance due
to hull roughness might play an important role. In this article two
Fig. 4. Volume element mesh for the CFD simulations (ship resistance on
different approaches were applied to take into account the effect of hull
calm water).
roughness. In the simplified method calm water simulations were run
with assumption that hull surface is hydraulically smooth. The rough­
walls, remaining surfaces were treated as an inlet and outlet. Size of the ness allowance was computed using formula proposed by (Holtrop and
domain was as following: 4.2 LPP in X-direction, 1.8 LPP in Y-direction Mennen, 1982). According to this formula, the increase of a friction
and 1.2 LPP in Z-direction. Except using single phase model, remaining resistance was equal ΔCF ¼ 0.657⋅103 and it was speed independent.
numerical schemes were identical as specified in section 4.3.2. In Fig. 5 Therefore, appropriate increase in total resistance due to roughness for
the computational mesh was presented. In the grid dependence study each speed was obtained by multiplying ΔCF by ½ ρv2.
the total cell count altered between 3.0 M cells and 3.39 M cells for three For the sake of comparison the second approach for a hull roughness
treatment was used. The calm water simulation of the case study vessel
including effect of a hull roughness were performed. Extensive
description of fundamentals lying behind roughness modelling may be
found inter alia at: (Eça and Hoekstra, 2011; Schultz, 2007). The nu­
merical model for simulations with hull roughness was very similar to
those described in Section 4.3.2, however some modifications were
applied. The k-ω SST turbulence model was used instead of k-ε. Similar
approach was applied by Demirel et al. (2014) and Eça and Hoekstra
(2011) to perform calculations of the flow over a flat plate using k-ω SST.
Demirel et al. (2017) applied it to compute the total resistance and
friction resistance increase of KCS hull due to different heights of hull
The effect of the flow around the rough surface is an increase of
turbulence. As a result the variation of velocity profile and decrease of
fluid velocity in log-law region might be observed. The classic function
of velocity profile proposed by Millikan (1938) can be transformed into

Table 4
Grid dependence study.
Mesh: No of cells Yþ CF CF CF0 CV 1þk
3 3
Coarse 3.03 M 210 1.847⋅10 3.64% 2.310⋅10 1.296
3 3
Medium 3.19 M 125 1.831⋅10 2.76% 2.281⋅10 1.280
Fig. 5. Volume element mesh for the CFD simulations to derive a form factor 1 3 3
Fine 3.39 M 80 1.822⋅10 2.23% 2.259⋅10 1.268
þ k.

K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

U þ ¼ lnðyþ Þ þ B ΔU þ (15) KQ ¼
κ ρD5 n2
in which κ is the von Karman constant, yþ is the non-dimensional normal vs
distance from the boundary, B is the smooth wall intercept and ΔUþ is JS ¼ (19)
the roughness function.
In the software STAR CCMþ (Siemens PLM Software, 2017) the ve­ PE ¼ Rv (20)
locity profile is defined as:
PD ¼ M ω (21)
uþ þ
trb ¼ lnðE’y Þ;
κ PD η0 ηH ηR ¼ PE (22)
Where E’ ¼ Ef and f is the roughness function defined as slightly K
Relative rotational efficiency ηR ¼ KQ0 ¼ KKT0
and hull efficiency ηH ¼
expanded version of the expression (Cebeci and Bradshaw, 1977) and 1 t
were quasi-efficiencies that helped to describe propeller-hull inter­
1 w
given by equation: action (Dudziak, 2008). The procedure for determining resistance was
8 1 →kþ < ksmooth
þ similar to that for self-propulsion tests, described inter alia in Molland
> et al. (2011). However, due to a lack of data for directly calculating
> " ! #a
< kþ þ
ksmooth thrust and thrust deduction, the following assumptions were made:
f¼ A þ þ þ Ckþ þ
→ksmooth < kþ < krough
> krough ksmooth
: 1) The full-scale ship wake fraction was calculated by the formula:
A þ Ckþ → kþ > krough
1 w¼ (23)
2 � þ � 3 where J0 was read from the open water propeller chart and JS was
4π log kþ ksmooth
a¼ � . �5 calculated according to sea trial data. The values of w were also calcu­
2 log kþ
lated using both Holtrop-Mennen and BSRA (British Ship Research As­
rough ksmooth
sociation) regression formulae. The wake fraction, calculated according
The first line in Eq. (16) applies to hydraulically smooth surface. The 0:52
to Eq. (23), was equal to: w ¼ 1 0:733 ¼ 0:29. According to the BSRA
middle line refers to roughness function for transition regime and the
formula, the wake fraction was equal to wBSRA ¼ 0.30, whereas accord­
third to fully rough regime, where kþ is roughness Reynolds number
ing to the H-M formula, the form factor was equal to wH-M ¼ 0.276.
defined as: kþ ¼ kUv τ . The notation Uτ is friction velocity and v is kine­
Agreement with the BSRA method was met, thus it can be assumed that
matic viscosity. According to Demirel et al. (2014) the roughness func­ the BSRA thrust deduction formula provided sufficiently accurate results
tion of hull coating might be represented by one simple model. For this to use for further calculations.
reason the flow regime was assumed to be fully rough. Height of hull
roughness ks was chosen according to ITTC guidelines (ITTC, 2017). As 2) Relative rotation efficiency was calculated and compared using both
the specific coating material was unknown it was assumed to be equal: Holtrop-Mannen and BSRA formulae. According to the first method,
kS ¼ 150 μm. The value of roughness Reynolds number kþ for which the relative rotation efficiency was equal to ηR H M ¼ 1:002 and, ac­
rough regime occurs was assumed to be kþ >5. Coefficients A and C in cording to the latter, ηR BSRA ¼ 1:015. The values were very similar
Eq. (16) were modified to fit the roughness function proposed by however, it has already been noted that the BSRA formula gave a
Demirel et al. (2017) and were equal to 0.2 and 0.22 respectively. The very accurate prediction of wake fraction. Thus, it was assumed that
purpose was to ensure that flow is fully rough and roughness function for for further calculations the value of relative rotational efficiency
given range of kþ was as close as possible to proposed model. The same (obtained by the BSRA formula) will be used.
mesh was used as described in Section 4.3.2. It satisfied the condition
that height of first cell need to be bigger that roughness height (Eça and Total resistance of a full scale ship, assessed on the basis of on-board
Hoekstra, 2011). The results of CFD simulations are presented in Section measurements, was estimated following the procedure presented in
6. Fig. 6. Values in the boxes correspond to one run, however, the same
procedure was applied to estimate resistance for two remaining ship’s
5. Power measurements during ships sea trials speeds.
The uncertainty of the shaft torque measurements was 1%. The po­
Several measurements for three different pitch angles of propeller sitions of the ship were assessed using an on-board DGPS system. Ship
were taken during sea trials on the case study ship Nawigator XXI. The positioning error was less than 3 m and a time measurement error was
measurements followed the ITTC procedure (International Towing Tank less than 10 5% and, therefore, the estimated error of speed measure­
Conference (ITTC), 2017b). The recorded data included wind speed and ment taken on two nautical miles did not exceed 0.2%. Corrections for
direction, draft at watermarks, speed towards water and ground, course the weather conditions were made according to ITTC guidelines (ITTC,
over the ground, air and water parameters, water depth, wave height, 2017b). For each run, the added wave and wind resistances were
period and direction, shaft torque and shaft rotational velocity. Finally, calculated separately. Salinity and water density variations were found
some general information was recorded about the ship and its propul­ to be negligible. The sea trials were carried out in a region free of cur­
sion. Wave height was estimated on the basis of an observation by an rent, so this factor was not taken into account. The estimated added
experienced duty officer and this agreed with the value estimated on the resistance uncertainty, due to weather conditions, did not exceed 2%.
basis of wind speed. The torque on shaft was measured by a strain gauge Total resistance was assessed using regression formulae to obtain values
system. The shaft rotation speed was measured by optical sensor. In of thrust deduction and relative rotational efficiency. The value of total
order to estimate the average resistance for design speed, the sea trial ship resistance estimated in this section was further used in the
results were applied to the following formulae: comparative analysis between different methods.
KT ¼ (17)
ρD4 n2

K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

for Froude number FN ¼ 0.24 are presented.

Measurements: torque and revolutions of a propeller shaft, average
The results of calm water resistance derived from CFD simulations
speed on 2 Nm distance
are presented in Table 6. The increase of friction resistance due to hull
roughness according to two methods was included as described in sec­
tion 4.3.4. The pressure resistance components were very similar. The
Calculation of torque coefficient KQ=0,033, J0=0.52, KT0=0.21, decrease in range of 2.5% for simulations with hull roughness was
0=0.54 read from propeller open water characteristics
observed. The superstructure was modelled directly, therefore allow­
ance for air resistance was not included.
Results obtained by the CFD simulations were verified and validated
Calculation of effective wake fraction w=0.30 against towing tank results extrapolated according to ITTC-78 proced­
ure. In Table 7 and Table 8 the verification study for a vessel speed of 10
knots is presented.
Calculation of thrust deduction based on BSRA formula t=0.216
Results of total resistance determined by towing tank testing and
extrapolated to a full scale with the use of different form factors and
Calculation of hull efficiency =1.11 friction lines are presented in Table 9. The ITTC-78 procedure was used
to extrapolate the towing tank results to a full scale. Roughness allow­
ance was computed according to Eq. (10).
Calculation of relative rotational efficiency based on BSRA formula Fig. 9 shows the total resistance predictions obtained by towing tank
=1.015 testing using different formulae for the form factor and the friction line.
The curves showing results of uncertainty analysis in respect to ITTC-57
friction line and Prohaska method were included. These were compared
Calculation of resistance from transformed equation for ship to the results from full-scale CFD simulations including hull roughness.
effective power 0 = The results obtained by ship’s sea trials were marked with a red crosses
and related to three vessel speeds: 10.95 knots (FN ¼ 0.242), 12.30 knots
(FN ¼ 0.271) and 13.00 knots (FN ¼ 0.286). The resistance determined
Estimation of added resistance due to weather conditions from sea trials followed the procedure presented in Section 5.
Table 10 presents comparisons of the results extrapolated from
towing tank experiments, calculated by the full-scale CFD simulations
Total calm water ship resistance RT and ships sea trials measurements. Relative differences between the
values obtained by different methods and these from ship’s sea trials
Fig. 6. Calculation procedure of total ship resistance. were calculated.

6. Results 7. Discussion

Results of the CFD simulations, towing tank experiments and sea Following section is focused on the discussion of the results pre­
trials are presented in this section. As already mentioned several form sented in the paper.
factors of different values were either calculated or obtained experi­
mentally. The form factors according to Prohaska, MARINTEK and Gross
7.1. Form factor 1 þ k
and Watanabe were described in Section 4.2.1. The numerical assess­
ment of form factor was described in Section 4.3.3. The obtained values
It was observed that values of the form factor may significantly differ
are presented in Table 5. All of them were used to extrapolate the results
depending on the method being used. According to Table 5 the highest
of towing tank experiments to a full scale. The values of 1 þ k factor
values of 1 þ k were obtained using Prohaska method and the lowest
evaluated by different methods vary significantly from each other.
according to formula proposed by MARINTEK. The relative difference
Besides standard validation procedure the components of a total
between these methods was 19.4%. The form factor obtained by CFD
resistance were checked. In Fig. 6 plots of three friction lines proposed in
literature and values of friction coefficient obtained from CFD simula­
Table 6
tions are presented. Solid and dashed lines represent standard friction
Results of total resistance and its components obtained by full-scale CFD
lines: ITTC-57 and Grigson line respectively. The squares points were
used for notation of numerical friction line proposed by Eça and Hoek­
stra (2008) evaluated with the use of standard k-ω model acc. to Wilcox. Speed Friction Friction Roughness Total Total
resistance resistance allowance resistance resistance
The results of CFD simulations described in this paper were marked as with with acc. to H-M inc. inc.
circles. Values of CF from CFD were calculated as shear stress on wetted Roughness Roughness roughness roughness
surface of hull in the x-direction divided by ½ ρ v2 S. allowance allowance allowance allowance
During the towing tank experiments the total resistance was acc. to H-M acc. to ( acc. to H- acc. to (
Demirel M Demirel
measured. Thus it was not possible to compare values of pressure
et al., 2017) et al.,
resistance directly. However, the wave pattern was recorded that 2017)
enabled to make a visual comparison of the wave pattern between the
CFD simulations and towing tank testing. In Fig. 8 both wave patterns
[knots] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]

5 5.04 5.05 1.47 8.94 7.48

Table 5 7 9.50 9.51 2.88 17.72 14.84
8 12.30 12.46 3.76 23.80 20.20
The value of form factor determined by different methods.
9 15.14 15.46 4.76 30.16 25.72
Form factor METHOD 10 18.68 19.21 5.90 39.41 34.04
11 22.22 23.29 7.13 50.76 44.70
Prohaska MARINTEK Gross and Watanabe CFD
12 26.44 27.62 8.49 65.11 57.79
1 þk 1.371 1.105 1.253 1.268 13 31.11 33.05 9.97 91.95 82.80

K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

Table 7
CFD verification study for the vessel speed of 10 knots.
Study Grid refinement Order of accuracy Correction factor Grid size uncertainty Grid size error Corrected grid Corrected simulation
ratio RG [-] PG [-] CG [-] UG [%] δ�G [%] Uncertainty UGC [N] value SC [kN]

Grid 1- 0.70 1.01 0.74 1.83% 1.36 184.5 38.38

Grid 2- 0.44 2.35 0.74 0.86 0.80 87.51 38.89

7.2. CFD simulation

Table 8
CFD validation study for the vessel speed of 10 knots.
According to Fig. 7 the CFD simulations slightly overestimated the
Error Validation uncertainty Data uncertainty UD Simulation numerical friction resistance. However, it was very similar to the friction line
E UV [%] [%] USN [%]
evaluated by Eça and Hoekstra (2008). The relative difference was be­
tween 0.8% and 2.2%. For the ITTC-57 friction line the discrepancy
8.85 2.55 2.4 0.9
varied between 6.2% and 4.1%. It is worth noticing that actually greater
differences occurred between friction lines presented in the literature
and acc. to Gross & Watanabe were close to each other. There is a strong rather than between numerical ones. It allows to conclude that friction
confidence in the reliability of the form factor value obtained by means resistance computed by the CFD was with a good accuracy.
of CFD calculations. According to Table 4 very good agreement of fric­ In Fig. 8 wave patterns obtained by means of CFD simulations and
tion resistance with friction line was achieved. Generally, for the ana­ recorded during towing tank tests were compared. It allowed to assess
lysed case study ship which represents typical hull form (V-shaped qualitatively the predicted free water surface elevation. Height of the
bulbous bow and transom stern) the differences between the values of bow and front shoulder waves were similar and occurred in the same
the form factors were significant. The lower 1 þ k factor values result in region. In both pictures minor trough can be observed in the region of
higher total resistance values after extrapolation to a full scale. the midship and it is followed by low-crested transverse wave. Systems
of divergent waves were very similar.

Table 9
Results of total resistance determined by towing tank testing and extrapolated to a full scale with the use of different form factors and friction lines.
EFD: ITTC-57 friction line EFD: Grigson friction line

1 þk Prohaska MARINTEK Gross & Watanabe CFD Prohaska MARINTEK Gross & Watanabe CFD

Vs Rt Rt Rt Rt Rt Rt Rt Rt

[knots] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]

5 8.81 10.39 9.51 9.41 8.95 10.42 9.59 9.49

7 16.09 18.93 17.35 17.17 16.25 18.90 17.41 17.23
8 20.83 24.41 22.42 22.19 20.90 24.27 22.38 22.15
9 27.12 31.51 29.07 28.79 26.98 31.18 28.82 28.54
10 35.86 41.14 38.20 37.86 35.31 40.46 37.58 37.24
11 47.92 54.16 50.69 50.29 46.75 52.96 49.49 49.10
12 64.20 71.46 67.42 66.96 62.17 69.58 65.44 64.99
13 85.80 94.15 89.51 88.97 82.68 91.40 86.54 86.02

Fig. 7. Comparison of friction resistance coefficient CF determined by different methods.

K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

Fig. 8. Wave pattern recorded during towing tank testing (left) and calculated by CFD simulation (right) for Froude number FN ¼ 0.24.

Fig. 9. Total ship resistance prediction determined by four methods: Holtrop-Mennen formula, towing tank testing (EFD) using different form factors and friction
lines, full-scale CFD simulations using different roughness allowance and ship’s sea trials.

For each of the simulations the convergence was carefully checked. roughness predicted by means of CFD calculations is much smaller than
Residuals of turbulence dissipation rate for all simulations dropped by according to Holtrop – Mannen method. For the speed lower than 8
six orders of magnitude, while the residuals of turbulence kinetic energy knots the effect of hull roughness was negligible. It was more noticeable
dropped by the three orders of magnitude. The residuals of momentum for higher Reynolds number. For speed of 11 knots relative increase in
dropped by two or three orders of magnitude, depending on the speed. friction resistance was equal to 4.8%, whereas for 13 knots it was equal
The highest values of residuals occurred for continuity and VOF model. to 6.2%. Roughness model was based on the one proposed by Demirel
On the other hand, according to STAR CCM þ User Guide (Siemens PLM et al. (2017). Results were compared with findings presented in afore­
Software, 2017) the level of residual decrease is strongly influenced by mentioned article. For Reynolds number of 2.29⋅109 the increase in
initial guess. Therefore it is believed that drop by one order of magni­ friction resistance of the KCS model was equal 7.4%. However it was
tude is a result of initial solution being close to the discretised equation. confirmed that effect of roughness increases with Reynolds number.
The variation of total resistance value at the final stage of simulation Yeginbayeva and Atlar (2018) used Bowden-Davidson’s equation and
was the highest for slow speed cases and was equal to 0.8% for 5 knots. Towsin’s formula to compare roughness allowance of the KCS with re­
For higher speed cases the variation was even lower and did not exceed sults obtained experimentally and scaled using Granville procedure. It
0.2% for the speed of 11 knots. was found that both formulae significantly over predicts the increase of
friction resistance. The obtained results were in agreement with those
findings. It is interesting though, that the approach using CFD simula­
7.3. Roughness allowance tions including wall roughness under predicts the total resistance
compared to estimations from sea trials. Large sensibility on the values
According to Table 7 the increase in friction resistance due to hull

K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

of roughness height and roughness model parameters was observed. the values of total resistance obtained from ship’s speed trials are also
Chosen roughness model and its parameters should correctly represents the estimates calculated from the power measurements.
the real-life conditions, what is difficult to assess. Another aspect is the
presence of hull surface manufacturing imperfections i.e. welds, surface 8. Conclusions
deflections which are not taken into account by numerical roughness
model. It means that CFD simulations with modelling wall roughness are The paper addressed novel numerical and experimental methods
difficult to perform due to lack of confidence in the input parameters. used to predict ship’s total resistance in calm water. The results deter­
mined by towing tank experiments, full-scale CFD simulations and ship’s
sea trial measurements were analysed.
7.4. Ship total resistance For the towing tank testing, the influence of selecting different fric­
tion lines and form factors on the results of a ship’s total resistance were
The results of total resistance presented in Fig. 9 and Table 10 discussed. The results were analysed and lead us to formulate the
enabled formulation of the following findings. following conclusions. The existing formulae, used to assess the value of
For the ship’s operational speeds from 11 to 13 knots the variation form factor and friction line, result in significant differences in predicted
between the extreme values of the total resistance predicted from towing ship resistance. Numerous approaches have been proposed to determine
tank testing using different form factors and friction lines was between the 1 þ k factor. In fact, the choice of method is often subjective and
6% and 11% relative to full scale sea trial measurements. The main depends on the experience of a researcher, or assumptions that have
reason for this resulted from the form factor 1 þ k. The highest values of been developed in a given towing tank. In many cases only one variant of
predicted total resistance of the case study vessel were obtained using a friction line and form factor is being analysed. This may lead to a
the MARINTEK form factor and the lowest values by using the Prohaska significant decrease in an accuracy of a ship’s resistance prediction. In
method. However, this should not be treated as a general rule. It shows this paper it was proven that different methods used to determine the
that an adopted method of calculating form factors can have a signifi­ form factor (despite being perfectly correct) and selection of a friction
cant influence on the accuracy of hull resistance prediction. Choice of line lead to major differences in the predicted ship’s total resistance. For
the friction line has smaller impact on the results, but is still present. the ship’s operational speed from 11 to 13 knots the calm water resis­
According to Table 9 for a speed of up to 9 knots, the Grigson formula tance obtained by towing tank testing (EFD) varied from 6% to 11%
gave higher values of friction resistance than the ITTC-57 friction line, as relatively to sea trials data. Since the analysis was performed for a
the slopes of the two lines are different. For higher speeds the relation typical hull form another aspect is worth to notice. The formulae for
was opposite. The towing tank testing was performed for Reynolds calculating the form factors were evaluated over the years using
number between 1.07⋅106 and 3.34⋅106. The results of residual drag regression analysis based on relations between the main dimensions and
coefficient determined for higher Reynolds number, which are possible hull form coefficients of existing models/ships. For innovative hull
to obtain with the use of bigger towing tanks, can be more accurate. forms which differ from those that have already been tested, the
The results of total resistance calculated with the use of full-scale calculated form factor can be questionable. As a consequence, the
CFD were also compared to the results obtained from ship’s sea trials. extrapolated value of ship resistance may be inaccurate. In such cases
The maximum relative difference of predicted total resistance for the the determination of a form factor using both methods (Prohaska and
operational speeds from 11 to 13 knots was between 10% and 4%. The CFD) seems to be the most reliable, because they are independent and
source of the results variation was different approach to the modelling of directly reflect to a specific hull form. The article has shown that the
hull roughness and different turbulence model being used. The CFD choice of the method used to determine the 1 þ k factor has a great
simulations including hull roughness according to H-M and k-ε turbu­ influence on the results of the ship’s resistance prediction.
lence model overestimated the total resistance from 0.9% to 4.4% in The problem of extrapolation from a model scale to a ship scale can
relation to ship’s sea trial data. Whereas using hull roughness modelling be avoided using the full-scale CFD simulations. The presented work
according to Demirel et al. (2017) and k-ω turbulence model under­ indicates that the towing tank testing should be supported by CFD
estimated the total resistance from 6%, up to 10%. It is difficult to assess simulations to decrease uncertainty of the analysis. The results of calm
to what extend the discrepancies result from roughness model and what water resistance predicted by the presented full-scale CFD varied from
is the influence of different turbulence model applied. 10% to 4% relatively to the ship’s sea trials. Differences in the obtained
The divergence of results obtained using both the towing tank values resulted from the assumptions used to model a hull roughness and
method and the CFD was similar. Moreover in each method the influence from the selection of a turbulence model.
of analysed assumptions was relatively high. It is worth to notice, that

Table 10
Calculated differences in ship total resistance predictions obtained by towing tank experiments and full-scale CFD simulations.
EFD: ITTC-57 friction line EFD: Grigson friction line Full scale Full scale CFD inc. Ship’s
CFD inc. ΔCF ΔCF acc. to ( sea trial
Prohaska MARINTEK Gross & CFD Prohaska MARINTEK Gross & CFD
acc. to H-M Demirel et al.,
Watanabe Watanabe

v ¼ 10.95 knots (FN ¼ 0.242)

Total resistance 47.92 54.16 50.69 51.3 46.75 52.96 49.49 50.08 50.76 44.7 49.67
RT [kN]
RT RT sea trial 3.5% 9.0% 2.1% 3.3% 5.9% 6.6% 0.4% 0.8% 2.2% 10.0% -
RT sea trial
v ¼ 12.30 knots (FN ¼ 0.271); interpolation of EFD and CFD
Total resistance 72.24 79.94 75.66 75.17 69.81 77.72 73.31 72.83 72.7 65.29 72.03
RT [kN]
RT RT sea trial 0.3% 11.0% 5.0% 4.4% 3.1% 7.9% 1.8% 1.1% 0.9% 9.4% -
RT sea trial
v ¼ 13.00 knots (FN ¼ 0.286)
Total resistance 85.8 94.15 89.51 88.97 82.68 91.4 86.54 86.02 91.95 82.8 88.04
RT [kN]
RT RT sea trial 2.5% 6.9% 1.7% 1.1% 6.1% 3.8% 1.7% 2.3% 4.4% 6.0% -
RT sea trial

K. Niklas and H. Pruszko Ocean Engineering 190 (2019) 106435

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