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(A) had used (B) used (C) has used (D) uses
10.( )Many areas in the city are flooded because it ____________ for a whole month.
⼀、單字選擇:(5⼩題,每格2分,共10分) (A) rains (B) raining (C) has been raining (D) was raining
1.( )Kelly felt very ____________ because she didn’t do well on the English test. (A)
perfect (B) upset (C) fortunate (D) disgusting 三、引導式翻譯:(4⼩題,每格2分,共18分)
2.( )Jack looked at the ____________ and found that there was a meeting at two-thirty 1.請不要覺得是針對個⼈,但是我確實覺得和長者說話時你應該更有禮貌。
in the afternoon. (A) culture (B) value (C) custom (D) schedule Please don’t ①____________ it ②____________, but I do think that you should be more
3.( )The train was moving at a(n) ____________ speed of 130 kilometers per hour. polite while speaking to older people.
(A) awake (B) average (C) various (D) scientific 2.Judy匆匆地拿了⾬傘,以免等⼀下下⾬。
4.( )To make sure you get enough vitamins, your diet should include a ____________ Judy grabbed her umbrella ①____________ ②____________ it rained later.
of fruits and vegetables. (A) variety (B) surface (C) creature (D) breath 3.我把我的身分證交給警衛以證明我⼗八歲了。
5.( )In the ____________ to his novel, the author discusses how the plot that follows is I ①____________ my identification card ②____________ ③____________ the gatekeeper
loosely based on his own life. (A) inspiration (B) difference (C) introduction to prove that I was eighteen years old.
(D) embarrassment 4.我隨身帶著我的智慧型⼿機,以免我待會還要回家裡拿。
I took my smartphone with myself ①____________ ②____________ I needed to get back
⼆、⽂法選擇(課本句型):(10⼩題,每格2分,共20分) into the house later.
1.( )Sandy ____________ a lot of time and effort into preparing for the speech contest
since last month. (A) put (B) putting (C) puts (D) has put 四、綜合測驗:(2⼩題,每格2分,共30分)
2.( )What are you cooking? It smells ____________! (A) wonderful (B) 1. Welcome to Interesting Beasts! Today, we will investigate some __(1)__ animal
wonderfully (C) more wonderfully (D) wonder sleeping habits.
First, let’s examine how giraffes get a good night’s rest. The answer is that they don’t. A
3.( )The new skirt looks ____________ on you. Everyone must be impressed by your
giraffe sleeps for only around 30 minutes a day, so it can __(2)__ other animals that may wish
style! (A) great (B) greatly (C) greatness (D) to be great to kill it.
4.( )The coffee smells ____________, and interestingly, it tastes ____________ dark Another animal with an interesting sleeping habit is the dolphin. While one side of a
chocolate. (A) good; as (B) well; as (C) good; like (D) well; like dolphin’s brain sleeps, __(3)__ half remains conscious to take charge of important actions like
swimming and coming up for air.
5.( )Holly doesn’t know ____________ the TV remote control. (A) where did she put
Finally, a bird called the Alpine swift sleeps and eats while flying for a long time __(4)__
(B) where she put (C) where put she (D) where she putting
great distances. We know __(5)__ these birds adopt this habit: landing on the ground could
6.( )I ____________ on a roller coaster so far. I will never give it a try because it looks put them in danger of getting eaten by hungry animals.
too scary. (A) have never ridden (B) have ever ridden (C) didn’t even ride Sadly, that’s all we have for today. Later, why not see how many other animals with
(D) don’t want to strange sleeping habits you can find?
7.( )I kept wondering ____________. (A) why couldn’t he love me as I loved him ( )(1)(A) amazing (B) average (C) awake (D) distant
(B) how Mary solved the difficult problem (C) what could I do to make things ( )(2)(A) go through (B) let out (C) look out for (D) hold on to
better (D) when should I apply for the job ( )(3)(A) the other (B) another (C) others (D) still another
8.( )I have learned that working hard is the most important key to success and ( )(4)(A) into (B) upon (C) among (D) over
____________ living a simple life will help me avoid poverty. (A) what (B) ( )(5)(A) what (B) why (C) whether (D) which
which (C) that (D) × 2. How often do you touch your phone each day? Researchers __(1)__ that the typical
9.( )The factory ____________ far less electricity since it switched to more efficient smartphone user touches it 2,617 times each day. Because they are such an important part of
our lives, it’s clear we must find a way __(2)__ smartphones politely and safely. Some old
rules from traditional cell phones still apply, like keeping conversations on the bus or MRT ①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________
short and quiet. However, smartphones also require their own rules. For example, most people ⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________
agree that __(3)__ to use one’s phone during a meeting. This is even truer if you are meeting
someone __(4)__ the first time. When you are __(5)__ with other people, your phone should 六、閱讀測驗:(2⼩題,每格2分,共14分)
be put away. Walking in public is another time you shouldn’t __(6)__ on your phone. While
you are busy __(7)__ at Facebook, you are probably walking slowly and blocking the way. 1. If you’ve ever been to weddings, you’ll know that they are often filled with special
__(8)__ to being rude, it’s quite dangerous—you might walk into something. This is customs and practices. In the United States, people throw rice at the newly married couple. In
especially true if you’re crossing a street. Taiwan, guests give the couple red envelopes stuffed with money. In other parts of the world
The strange thing about all of these rules is that even though people __(9)__ agree with the customs might be different and might even seem a bit strange.
them, many don’t actually follow them. More than half of people who were surveyed said At Masai wedding ceremonies* in Kenya, the father of the bride typically spits on his
they sometimes __(10)__ the rule about not using the phone while crossing the street, for daughter after the wedding to wish her good luck. In Germany, wedding guests break
example. We all need to work toward more proper phone use. porcelain the night before the wedding in order to wish the couple well. Lebanese wedding
( )(1)(A) are discovering (B) will discover (C) had discovered (D) have celebrations* are extremely lively, as they might include music, belly dancing, shouting, and
lots of eating and drinking. In Russia, it’s a tradition for the newly married couple to bite into
a type of bread called “karavaya.” Traditionally, the one who takes the larger bite without
( )(2)(A) to using (B) of uses (C) to use (D) by using
using his or her hands is considered the head of the family.
( )(3)(A) is it rude (B) it is rude (C) it is rudely (D) is it rudely These are just a few of the many customs surrounding weddings. They bring good wishes
( )(4)(A) for (B) in (C) with (D) on for the new couple and joy for everyone present.
( )(5)(A) going through (B) turning to (C) making sure (D) hanging out 註:ceremony 儀式 celebration 慶祝
( )(6)(A) focus (B) respond (C) communicate (D) introduce ( )(1)What is this passage mainly about? (A) Different reasons why people get
( )(7)(A) looked (B) looking (C) to look (D) looks married. (B) Different wedding customs around the world. (C) Some
( )(8)(A) In case (B) In fact (C) In addition (D) In vain unbelievable weddings around the world. (D) Different weddings people
( )(9)(A) barely (B) lately (C) fortunately (D) mostly around the world hope to have.
( )(2)What will happen to the one who takes the larger bite of “karavaya” in Russia?
( )(10) (A) related (B) denied (C) ignored (D) disappointed
(A) He or she will do the belly dancing. (B) He or she will break the porcelain
after the wedding. (C) He or she will be considered the head of the family.
(D) He or she will spit on the couple to wish them good luck.
1.作答時不需考慮⼤⼩寫 ( )(3)Which of the following statements is NOT true? (A) In Taiwan, people attend
(A) awake (B) nap (C) rested on (D) expert (E) as (F) a habit of (G) creatures a wedding with money for the couple. (B) In the United States, people throw
(H) surface (I) distance (J) in the wild rice at the bride and bridegroom. (C) The bridegroom spits on the bride for
Snails are among the slowest-moving creatures on the planet. It can take them hours to good luck at a Masai wedding ceremony. (D) Lebanese celebrate their
cross even a short __①__. You might not think they need to take a __②__ very often. weddings with belly dancing, shouting, and a lot of eating and drinking.
However, in addition to being slow, snails are among the sleepiest __③__ on earth. In fact, 2. The average person gets six to nine hours of sleep per night, which means he or she
they can sleep for years. A desert snail was sent from Egypt to the British Museum in 1846. spends around a third of his or her life asleep. This might seem like a lot, but compared to
__④__ it wasn’t moving, and didn’t appear to be breathing, it was thought to be dead. A(n) how much other primates sleep, it’s actually not. According to research, the reason humans
__⑤__ at the museum put it on an identification card so the specimen could be displayed. need less sleep may also be why we have evolved so successfully.
Four years went by, and one day the expert saw traces of slime on the __⑥__ of the ID card. Three million years ago, our ancestors had bodies like those of apes, and they probably
When he removed the snail from the card, it was suddenly __⑦__ and moving! Imagine that! slept in trees. Slowly, they began to stand up straight and spend more time on the ground,
where they made beds to sleep on at night. Sleeping on the ground improved their quality of
The snail had __⑧__ the card for years before suddenly feeling the urge to move again. It is
sleep, since there was no longer the danger of falling out of a tree. With the discovery of fire,
__⑨__ desert snails, in fact, to sit still for years on end. __⑩__, they do this as they are humans were able to scare away larger animals and cook food, which gave them more
waiting for the rain. Staying inactive in times when water is not easily found helps them nutrition to develop bigger brains.
survive. Experts think these changes influenced the way our ancestors slept. Moving from trees to
the ground made it possible for our ancestors to sleep more deeply. Therefore, we may sleep Finally, let’s talk about skunks. Although cute and furry in appearance, these animals
for fewer hours than other primates, but as the sleep we get is of better quality, we need less have a powerful weapon. __④__ The smell of a skunk’s spray, one of the best-known
of it. protective strategies in the animal kingdom, is so strong that it can be smelled up to 800
When we really think about it, the time we spend asleep is not a waste of time. It took meters away!
millions of years for the human brain to develop to its current size, so it’s only right that we ①____________ ②____________ ③____________ ④____________
give it enough rest every night.
( )(1)What does the word “evolve” in the first paragraph mean? (A) To develop
gradually. (B) To make things happen. (C) To be frightened by others. (D)
To improve the quality of sleep.
( )(2)According to the article, what is NOT a factor that has contributed to human
progress? (A) Humans live on the ground. (B) Humans can cook food with
fire. (C) The human brain has grown. (D) Humans have reduced their
sleeping time.
( )(3)According to the article, which of the following is NOT a reason why human
beings now need less sleep? (A) Humans eat less nutritious food every day.
(B) Humans do not sleep in trees anymore. (C) The time humans spend on the
ground has increased. (D) The quality of sleep has made human beings require
less sleep.
( )(4)What is the author’s opinion about the time humans spend sleeping? (A) In
order to sleep better, humans should live peacefully with other primates. (B) It
is necessary for human beings to get enough of it every night. (C) The most
important factor for humans getting better sleep is using a pillow. (D) The
longer humans sleep, the smarter they become.

1.(A) In addition, these birds are able to spit what’s in their stomachs a distance of up to 10
(B) While this may be true, these creatures also act like sticks for protection.
(C) If threatened, a skunk raises its tail and releases an awful smell that is sure to have even
the strongest of animals running in the opposite direction.
(D) Therefore, many of them must adopt strategies to protect themselves.
Animals living in the wild often face dangerous situations. __①__ In some cases, these
protective actions can seem pretty extreme. The following are a few examples of the lengths
some creatures go to for survival.
Many people think stick insects are thus named simply because they look like sticks.
__②__ For example, in windy conditions, they sometimes move like tree branches so that
they look more like other parts of their environment.
Some regions of North America are home to birds known as turkey vultures. These birds
feed on dead animals, and to protect themselves from other animals trying to steal their food,
they regularly throw up their dinner. __③__ This way, they can make sure that no other
animals will want to come close.

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