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Reflections 02

Doesn’t time slip away?
It is hard to believe we are Outside School Hours Care was new acoustically designed instrumental
nearing the end of Term 1. relocated to their new Primary Campus music tuition rooms. This project,
facility over the Christmas holidays. It underneath the existing CIP Stage 1, will
As a Principal, I am acutely aware of is being enjoyed not only by OSHCare also include musical instrument lockers,
time; of understanding our foundations; students and staff, but all of Primary as an two large classrooms, a café servery
valuing the gift, opportunity and air-conditioned venue for assemblies and and kitchen, a modest covered dining
responsibility of today; and being mindful special events. The adjacent area is being area, restroom facility, lift access, store
of the years ahead, the generations to developed for additional parking and road extension. Our hope is that
come and matters eternal. to relieve pressure in the main carpark. completion is ready for 2024.
We have been celebrating the College’s The former OSHCare space on Past, present and future are always
rich history, which we will continue to Secondary has been split for use for the together in my mind, just as we
explore more deeply. We also have been Transport Team and as a reception, office remember the biblical narrative that we
planning ahead, finalising our Strategic and community space for Kindy, which indwell. We remember the history of God
Intent and preparing to review the has in turn allowed creation of a new and His people; of the birth, life, death,
College’s Master Plan for the coming Technology classroom. resurrection and ascension of Christ;
decades. while we seek to live faithfully today
A Secondary School Well-being Hub has
We can look back and look forward but between memory and vision, awaiting
been established near the Science block.
we must also treasure today. The best His return. God continues to love and
This hub is made up of two mobile ‘tiny
way to thank God for the gift of today is provide. He is a God who keeps His
houses’ connected by a generous deck,
to make the most of it. promises, a timeless God, the same
providing a home for our Chaplains and
yesterday, today and tomorrow. We have
With this in mind, I’m pleased to update a very welcome ‘resort-like’ addition to
much to be thankful for and much to
you on our facility developments that support pastoral care and the well-being
look forward to in His care.
support the provision of high-quality of our students.
learning, care and services to our As part of further development of the
students and families. Creative Industries Precinct (CIP), we will
soon commence construction of seven

Mr Craig Schmidt

a ve yo u ever
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Well, no r resou
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URSTRO ol, not just in
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best sch in friendships
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n b y Eva Niesle

and being a magnet – or

being the type of friend that
Conflict in attracts others. Our students
friendships is learn about healthy ways to
widely reported handle conflict, and about the
as one of the difference between a friendship
top reasons for fire and mean-on-purpose. For
school refusal your benefit, a friendship fire is skills to manage conflict
(urstrong. any conflict situations that involve and strive for healthy friendships.
com, 2021; negative feelings. It might be a student’s Parents are encouraged to sign up, 2023; Beyond Blue, lunch was tipped out – not intentionally, as a family (free of charge) to access
2023). It is also reported that children but as a result of the other student not supporting resources and lessons that
experiencing unhealthy friendships paying attention. One student is left with may be used at home. Simply go to
often do not seek help from parents negative feelings over a lunchbox spill, and follow the prompts.
or educators. It is anticipated that, but the act was not intentional. Mean- Lauren Gehrke
with the introduction of URSTRONG’s on-purpose behaviour is different. This Deputy Head of Primary
Friendology 101 program, our students is where a student is intentionally unkind
may develop skills in making and to another. Our students are being
maintaining healthy friendships. taught the difference between the
two, and how to manage situations
Through the program, our staff deliver
as they arise.
age-appropriate lessons in social and
emotional learning, starting with treating As adults, we understand that
ourselves as our best friend. From self- conflict is part of everyday life.
compassion, students learn vital skills of Our staff, through URSTRONG,
conversation, being a super-introducer, are equipping our students with

Walking the

with our Students

In the last couple of years, the Secondary defence force
School curriculum leaders have taken personnel,
the time in Term 1 to meet up with teachers and
each of our Year 12 students for an even an actuary
Academic Progress Meeting. This year, and a potential
Mrs Edwards, Mr Roberts and Mrs Pike Olympian among
managed to carve aside time across our Year 12 cohort.
two weeks to meet with our Year 12
It was a joy to
students. This is an opportunity to catch
spend time with
up with each student about how they’re
each one of them.
travelling, what their goals are and
Would you join us
whether or not they are on the pathway
in praying for them
to reach these goals.
as they continue this
They were able to discuss their IA1 challenging last year
results, their prep for the IA2 Maths of school.
exams and IA2 assignments. The
In addition to this, our Year 12
students were able to ask their tricky
students have been leading
questions and the staff could reassure
devotions this term on the
them that it was okay “not to know yet”,
theme for the year – Operation
explain what will happen later in the year
Revival. I am thankful for these
and, most importantly, pray for each
thoughtful devotions, and for
the positive impact our Year 12
These are precious meetings where students have already had so
students share dreams and aspirations, far on the school.
struggles and challenges and this year
At the other end of the
was no exception. Our Year 12s have
spectrum it was a great joy to
made a good start to the year and we
go along to Year 7 camp and spend time
want to do everything to help them
getting to know our newest and And if you meet a Year 7 student, you
achieve their potential.
youngest Secondary students. I’m very could ask them what their favourite
And so, to the wider Westside thankful for the staff who gave their time, activity was and whether they were able
community, I am excited to tell you we energy (and sleep!) to support this year’s to make a new friend.
have aspiring nurses, doctors, journalists, camp. If you missed some of the photos,
psychologists, business/law students, go and check out the College Facebook Mr Joshua Mansfield
computer scientists, tradespeople Page for some great photos of camp. Head of Secondary
(construction, electrician, plumber),

Premier Sports Ipswich
(PSI) Update
Our Primary PSI Touch Football
and Futsal teams have loved the
opportunity to participate in after
school sport this term. It has
been such an encouragement as
their teacher to see the student’s
passion and individual growth in
their respective sports. Finals for
the term are not far away and all
of our teams are in the running
to challenge for the championship. Stay
tuned as our trials for our Primary
Basketball teams for PSI in Term 2 is not
far away.
CSSAQ Swimming
On Monday our Primary College
swimmers participated at the annual
Christian Schools Swimming Carnival at
Chandler. Our students fought their nerves
to put in their best efforts and to display
their God given gifts for our College. It was REMIN
great to be able to attend this event having DER:
Our Ye
been cancelled early last year due to the Cross a r 3-6 Wes
Co tsid
pandemic. A special mention and congratulations to – Thur untry Carni e
sd va
Grace Herring and Samuel Donges who placed 2nd
startin ay 23 March l
and 3rd respectively in the backstroke and breaststroke g at 9:
events. Thanks to all the parents who came and
supported us on the day. CROSS COUNTRY PROGRAM 2023
Soccer Development Time Gender Birth Distance
(Approx.) Year
Our muchly anticipated Soccer Development is back
in Term 2 this year. Nominations are now open for all 9:10am Boys 10 yrs 2km
Primary students, so be sure to jump onto Schoolbox (2013)
and register today. If you have any questions please 9:15am Girls 10 yrs 2km
contact (2013)
Looking forward to kicking a soccer ball with you all. 9:35am Boys 12/13 yrs 3km
Mr Steven Johnson
Primary Sport Coordinator 9:45am Girls 12 yrs 3km
10:00am Boys 11 yrs 3km
10:05am Girls 11 yrs 3km
10:20am Boys 9 yrs 1.5km
10:25am Girls 9 yrs 1.5km
10:45am Boys & 8 yrs 1.5km
Girls (2015)
11:00am Trophy Presentations

This term we have been able to play the CSSAQ
One Day Touch Football Carnival. Unfortunately,
Westside did not have Premiers but many of our
students were awarded with a Merit Team hat meaning that they were
selected as part of an All-Star team. Congratulations to Eden Guyatt, Niko Naviota,
Christian Okesene, Elanie Viljoen, Kelsey Breingan, Elijah Kaiwai, Jordan Hadfield,
The CSSAQ Swimming Carnival also
Savanna Nelson, Anno Ngo, Aissan Toilolo and Alex Bauer.
took place this week with Westside
For the first time we played a CSSAQ Futsal One Day Carnival. Westside did extremely Secondary placing Second overall.
well by winning three Premierships including the Junior Girls, Junior Boys and Our swimmers worked well together
Intermediate Boys. A number of students were awarded Merit Team hats including as a team supporting and encouraging
Asher Roots, Daniel Moor, Lucas Gonzales, Zion Rozario, James Parraga, Tinashe each other which makes it a real pleasure
Njombo, Claire Du Bois, Carys Colluccio, Georgia Beitz, Bethany Ballard, Charlotte to work with these students. Highlights
Harris and Georgia Dieperink. Congratulations to our Premiers and Merit Team players. from this event include Tori Gramshaw
being awarded Age Champion and Esther
Wishart, Thomas Mansfield and Ella Bruce
being Third Age Champion. Well done to
these students.
We take great pride in recognising
students that have done particularly well
in their chosen sport. Congratulations
goes to Cooper Gordan for making the
Australian Team for Futsal to compete
at the V-sport Cup in Spain in July.
Congratulations also goes to Isabelle
Pritchard and Summer Vincent who have
both made the Metropolitan West Team
for Swimming.


As PSI has had teething problems our
students are finishing the season with
an opportunity to play out the rest
of the term in cross age teams in
either Futsal or Touch Football. Each
student has been put into a team
and will play for the chance to win
a Premiership hat and bragging
rights. We look forward to seeing some
fierce but friendly competition.
A few weeks ago, we had our first House
Games Gala Day with Table Tennis being
the sport. It was a fantastic day with many
of our students participating and gaining
points for their House. It was a very close
competition with only 8 points between
the first and last House. In 2023 Cuthbert
and Gould shared the trophy. We have
also just recently had our House Maths
Scavenger Hunt which was taken out by
Gould. Congratulations to these Houses.
The last day of this term, Friday 31 March
will be the annual Cross Country on our
Secondary Campus. The students will
start the day with an Easter Assembly and
at 10:30am come out to the oval for our
Cross Country races, Fly competitions and
the hotly contested War Cry competition.
Students may wear their sports uniform
to this event and parents are welcome to
Next term we will be offering Volleyball
and Basketball. Trials for these sports are
coming soon. Please watch Schoolbox for

Mrs Lynda Williams

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Keep up to date
with photos & news!
Follow Us On

In week six the Kindy children were very excited
to have Healthy Harold visit them. He came with
his helper Fab and together they taught them all
about every day foods (that help us to grow, learn
and play) and sometimes foods (that are treats), as
well as ways to keeps their bodies healthy.
We followed up Healthy Harold’s visits with some
Wednesday – Tuesday cooking and making activities. The Flexi Class
made Yum Yum Balls, the Yellow group made
15 – 21 March
Apple Bliss Balls and the Red group enjoyed fruit
NAPLAN Testing
juicing and making Banana Ice Cream. The classes
Monday – Friday also had discussions as whole groups and around
20 – 24 March the lunch tables, about what food we all like to
eat. We also enjoyed playing a sorting game,
Year 11 & 12 Assessment Block
where we sorted the food cards into everyday
Thursday foods and sometimes foods.
23 March
Year 3-6 Cross Country Carnival
31 March
Primary Multicultural Day
31 March
Secondary Cross Country
& Past Students Race
31 March
Last Day Term 1
17 April
First day Term 2
25 April
ANZAC DAY Public Holiday

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