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7 - Exercise 1

7�� - Exercise 1��: �ϱ⸦ ü������ ��ȸ ������ ����ϱ� ���

Details of the conduct of everyday life can be found, for example, in the diaries
of remarkable mid-17th century individuals such as Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn,
whose images of London daily life still capture the imagination.
�ϻ��Ȱ�� ����� ���� ���� �����, ���� ���, Samuel
Pepys�� John Evelyn�� ��� 17���� �߹��� �ָ��� ���� ���ε���
�ϱ�� �߰ߵ� �� �ִµ�, ������ �ϻ��Ȱ�� ���� �‫ ���׵‬ǥ����
������ ����� �����´�.
But the daily lives recorded in their diaries are certainly not in any sense
representative of the society they describe �� if only because the very act of
keeping a diary renders the diarists themselves remarkable.
�‫� ������ �׵‬ϱ� �ϵ � �ϻ��Ȱ� � �ǹ̿����� �‫����� ���׵‬ϴ�
��ȸ�� ��ǥ����� �ʴ� ���� �и��ѵ�, �̴� �ϱ⸦ ���� �‫�� �ٷ‬
����� �ϱ⸦ ���� ��� �‫��� ���ָ� ��ڽ‬ϰ� ����‫������� �ٴ‬ε�
In addition, the earliest diaries were simple free-form records of sequences of
activities, often without detailed reference to timings.
�Դٰ� �ʱ��� �ϱ�� Ȱ���� �� ���� �ܼ�ܼ������ �����
����̾����, �ñ� ��� �‫�� ��� ����� ���ڼ‬찡 ���Ҵ�.
This makes it impossible to accurately calculate the aggregate time spent in
different activities.
�̰���� ���� ���� �‫ �ٸ‬Ȱ���� ���� �հ� �ð�� �Ȯ�ϰ�
����ϴ� ���� �Ұ����ϴ�.
The application of diaries to systematic social research depends on collecting
carefully harmonized daily activity reports in large samples selected randomly from
a population.
�ϱ⸦ ü������ ��ȸ ������ ����ϴ� ��� ����ܿ�ܿ����������
���õ� ��Ը� ǥ������ ���� ��� �ȭ�� �ϻ� Ȱ�� ����
�����ϴ� �Ϳ� �޷� �ִ�.
Sociologists, economists and demographers can use the results of such time-use
studies to describe and explain the factors that influence the chains of behaviours
which comprise daily life.
��ȸ����, �������, �‫� ���׸‬α� ������‫� �ڴ‬ϻ��Ȱ�
�����ϴ� �Ϸ��� �ൿ�� ����� ��ġ�� ���ε�� ����ϰ� �����ϱ�
��� �‫� ���׷‬ð� ��� ���� ��� �̿��� �� �ִ�.

7 - Exercise 2
7�� - Exercise 2��: ���� ��ȭ�� ���� ū ����� ���� ����
Nature is changing with the explosive growth in urban populations and cities have
to deal with transformations in nature.
�‫� ���� ��ڿ‬α��� ������� ��� ��ȭ�ϰ� �ְ� ���ô� �
‫�� �������ڿ‬ȭ�� �‫� ���ٷ‬Ѵ�.
While it pays too much attention to technology, smart cities research barely gives
a nod to climate change, which is already influencing urbanites with more intense
storms, flooding, record-breaking temperatures resulting from the emission of
greenhouse gases and burning forests.
����Ʈ ��Ƽ ������ ��� �ʹ� ��� ���� �������, ����
��ȭ�� ���‫� ���� ���ؼ‬Ӹ��� �������[���� �������]
�ʴµ�, �‫½� �̹� ��װ‬ǰ��� ����� ���� ȭ��κ��� �ʷ��Ǵ� �� �
‫�� ���ؽ‬dz, ȫ��, ������� ������ ���ùο��� �����
��ġ�� �ִ�.
As I write this in the summer of 2018, intense heat has made the season unbearable,
and often life-threatening, for millions of city dwellers.
2018�� ���� ���� �� ��� ���� �ִ� �� Ȥ���� ��鸸 ���� ����
�����‫ڵ‬鿡�� �� ����� �ߵ� �� ��� ���� ���� ����ϰ� ������.
Moreover, drought endangers the habitability of more of the earth's surface,
unprecedented fires are burning across California and British Columbia, monumental
floods have drowned hundreds and made climate migrants of millions in India's
Kerala state, and a rare hurricane has pounded Hawaii.
����� ����� �� ��� �� ǥ���� ���� ���ɼ�� ��·Ӱ�
�ϸ�, ��ʰ� ��� ȭ�簡 California�� British Columbia ��� �¿�� �ְ�,
��û�� ȫ�� �ε� Kerala �ֿ��� ��� ��� �ͻ��Ű�� ��鸸 ���� ���� ���ֹ
�� ��������, �幰�� �߻��ϴ� �㸮������ �Ͽ��̸� ��Ÿ�ߴ�.
The first wave of what most experts believe will be catastrophic climate change
appears to have arrived.
��κ��� ��� �ĸ����� ���� ��ȭ�� ����� ���ϴ� ���� ù
������ �̹� ������ ��ó�� ���δ�.

7 - Exercise 3
7�� - Exercise 3��: ���� �ִ� �߰� ��ġ ������ ���
If your brain thinks you're starving, it will eventually wear you down, no matter
how strong your resolve.
���� �������� �� �������� ��� �����ٰ� ���Ѵ‫�ٸ‬,
�������� ����� �ƹ��� ���ϴ�� �ᱹ ������� ��ġ�� ��
The solution is to give it the cues it needs to realize you aren't starving.
�‫�ذ‬å� �������� ��� ������� �ʴ�� ���‫�� �ٴ� ��� �װ‬
�ʿ��� �ܼ�����‫�Ϳװ‬ ���ִ� ���̴�.
The most straightforward way to do this is to choose foods that send strong satiety
signals to the brain stem but contain a moderate number of calories.
�̰�� �ϴ� ���� ������ ���� �� ���� ��� ��ȣ��
������ �߰� ��ġ�� ����� ����� ���� �����ϴ� ���̴�.
These are foods that have a lower calorie concentration, higher protein and/or
fiber content, and a moderate level of tastiness.
͵ ��� ���� ��, �� ��� �ܹ�ܹ�����/�Ǵ� ��� �����, �
‫�� ���� ��� ����� �߰� ���׸‬ĵ��̴�.
This tends to include simple foods that are closer to their natural state, such as
fresh fruit, vegetables, potatoes, fresh meats, seafood, eggs, yogurt, whole
grains, and beans.
�̰�� �ż��� ����, ä��, ����, �ż��� ���, �‫ػ‬깰, ���, �䱸�
�Ʈ, ��, ��� ��� �‫���� ������ ����� �� �¿��� �ڿ‬
�����ϴ� ������ �ִ�.
Bread is surprisingly calorie-dense, even when it's made from whole grains, so it
can be easy to overeat.
��� ����� ���� ������� ���� ���� ���� ��� ��
����ϱ� ���� �� �ִ�.
It may be preferable to get your starch from water-rich foods like potatoes, sweet
potatoes, and beans rather than flour-based foods like bread and crackers.
���� ũ��Ŀ�� ��� �а��� ����� ��ĺ��� ����, ����,
��� ��� ����� dz���� ��Ŀ��� ź��ȭ��� ��� ���� ��
��� �� �ִ�.
And foods based on white flour in particular, which tend to have a high calorie
density and low fiber content, are definitely off the menu.
�‫ ���׸‬Ư�� �� �а��縦 ������ �� ��ĵ�� ���� �е��� ��� ���
������� ��� ������ �‫־‬ Ȯ���� �޴����� ��ܵ ȴ�.

7 - Exercise 4
7�� - Exercise 4��: ���� �ô� �̾߱ �����ϴ� ���̵� ����
A number of fictional Stone Age accounts, especially from the first three decades
of the 20th century, portray children in the active role of innovator and inventor.
Ư�� 20���� �ʹ� 30�� ���ȿ� ���� ��� �㱸���� ���� �ô��� �̾߱��
��Ű����� �߸���� ������� ����� �ϴ� ���̵�� �����Ѵ�.
The basic formula of children as implementers of ideas and inventors of material
culture is found in a variety of tales about the first fish spear, flint saw, bow
and arrow, boat, taming of fire and cooking meat, and so forth.
���̵���� ���������� ���� ��ȭ�� �߸��μ��� ���̵���
�⺻ ���� ������ ����� �‫�ۻ‬, �ν˵� ��, Ȱ�� ȭ��, ��, �� �‫������ٽ‬
��� �丮 � ���� �‫ߵ߰� ��߱̾� ���پ‬ȴ�.
Another common theme in Palaeolithic fiction is children successfully domesticating
animals, most often wolves and horses.
�ʱ� ������ �ô��� �㱸���� �̾߱��� �� �‫� �ٸ‬Ϲ����� �����
�����, ���� ���ϰԴ� ���� ��� ��������� ����̴�
Frequently the act of taming leads to more significant contributions such as
helping a struggling people find food or hunt animals in new ways.
����ϰ�, ����̴� ����� ����� �ް�ް��ִ� ������ ��ο�
������ �ķ�� ã�ų� ����� ����ϴ� �� ����� �ִ� �Ͱ�
��� �� �߿��� ��� �̾����.
For instance, in Malu 's Wolf, the main character tames a wolf who later finds an
elusive herd of mammoths upon which the group depends.
���� ���, Malu's Wolf����, ���ΰ�� �Ŀ� �� ����� ����ϴ�
ã�� ��� �޸ӵ� ������ �߰��ϴ� ��븦 ����δ�.
The interesting twist in this story is the fact that Malu is a girl, which is quite
�� �̾߱�� ��̷ο� ����� Malu�� �ҳ��� ����ε�, �̰�� �ſ� �幮 ���
Like the boys, she is allowed to use a spear thrower and participate in an
initiation ceremony in the painted cave.
���‫�̵��ھ‬ó�� �‫׳‬൵ �� �‫���� ⸦�ۻ‬ϰ� �� ������ ��������
����Ŀ� ���ϴ� ���� ���ȴ�.

7 - Exercise 5~6
7�� - Exercise 5~6��: ����� ���� ��� ���̱� ��� �ְ� �̵�
Many local moves make an important contribution to maintaining older people's
independence and raising their quality of life.
��� �� �̻�� ������� ������� ����ϰ� ���� ���
�ø��� �� �߿��� ����� �Ѵ�.
With more than one-fifth of the population of most developed countries now aged 60
or more (and many in their 50s having retired), and average life expectancy close
to 80 years of age, clearly 'old age' can extend for decades and be a substantial
fraction of a person's life.
���� ��κ��� ������ �α��� 5���� 1 �̻��� 60�� �̻�(�
‫���� �ټ‬50 ���� ������)�̰�, ��� ��� ����� 80����
�������鼭, �и��� '����'�� ��� �� ���� ����� ��
����� �� ����� �λ� ����� �κ��� �� �� �ִ�.
It is a life course stage of many changes.
�‫�� ��� ��װ‬ȭ�� �ִ� �λ� ��� �ܰ�ܰ��̴� .
Early in retirement, some move to more attractive environments, where they can
pursue non-work interests, and others move to smaller homes or to live nearer their
children and grandchildren.
��� �ʱ, ��Ϻδ� � �ŷ����� ȯ����� �̻��‫׵‬ ‫��� �� � �װ�� �ؼ‬
��ɻ 縦 �߱��� �� �ְ�, �‫ ����� ��� �� ����� �ٸ‬Ȥ� � �� �‫ڳ‬
‫��̻� ��� ��� ��� ����� �� �����ڵ‬Ѵ�.
At older ages, many experience losses in health, vigor, partners, and income, and
become no longer able to afford or drive a car, to climb stairs, to maintain a
large garden or mow the smallest lawn, and to walk to and from shops.
����� ��� �̰� �ǰ�, Ȱ��, �����, �‫���� ������ ���׸‬
�����ϸ�, �� �̻� �‫� ���� ���ڵ‬Ǵ� �����ϰų�, ���� ����ų�,
��� ���� ����ϰų� �ּ����� �ܵ�ܵ����ų�, ����� ��� �� ��
��� �ȴ�.
Several of these changes seriously impair an older person's or a couple's quality
of life, but can be improved by a move to a more convenient home or location.
�̷��� ��ȭ �� ���� ����‫� )�����( �ڳ‬κ��� ���� ���
�ɰ��ϰ� ��ȭ����, �� ���� ���̳� ��ҷ� �̻��‫�� ������ �ؼ‬
One can say that impaired personal mobility encourages residential mobility.
������ ���� �̵���� �ְ� �̵�� �����Ѵٰ� ���� �� �ִ�.
Some move to housing schemes designed for older people, for the surveillance or
support they provide, or to enjoy more personal security.
�Ϻδ� ����‫�� ����� ��� �ڸ‬ȹ ������� �̻��ϴµ�, �ű⼭ ����ϴ�
���ó� ���� ��� ���, Ȥ� �� ��� ������ �����
������ ��‫�̴��ؼ‬.
Population geographers have made substantial contributions to understanding the
role of migration in older people's lives, but the work has been selective, and
local moves and housing adjustments have been neglected.
�α� �����‫����� ����� ������ ��� ������� ��ڵ‬ϴ� ��
����� ����� �‫���ؿ‬, �� ������ �������̾ �� �̻��
���� ��� ��Ȧ�� �‫� ���ٷ‬Դ�.
There is immense scope for more collaboration between geographers and
gerontologists in understanding the role of residential mobility in older people's
������� ��� �ְ� �̵��� ����� �����ϴ� �Ϳ� �‫�ڿ �����־‬
������� ���� �� ��� ���� ��� ��û�� ���� �ִ�.

7 - Exercise 7
7�� - Exercise 7��: ����ö �� �� ��ġ�� ž���‫�� ���ڿ‬ġ��
In comparing different subway car layouts, we can see how seemingly small design
choices can have outsized effects on user behavior.
���� �‫���� �ٸ‬ö �� �� ��ġ�� ���� ��, �츮�� ��� �Ѻ�� ���
������ ������ ����� �ൿ�� ū ����� ��ĥ �� �ִ��� ��
�� �ִ�.
The position of a subway car's doors, for example, shapes how riders use that
���� ���, ����ö ���� �� �ġ�� �°����� �� ��� ���
����ϴ��� ���Ѵ�.
When designers position doors symmetrically, riders will often crowd around the
doors, leaving much of the car unused.
�����‫�� ��� ���ڵ‬Ī����� ��ġ�� ��, �°���� ���� ��
����� ����� ���� ��� ��� ������ ��� � ��
When designers choose to position the doors asymmetrically, however, use of the
space is more evenly distributed; passengers can enter and exit the car more
�‫��� ��� ������ �����ڵ‬Ī����� ��ġ�ϴ� ��� ������
��, ���� ����� �� ���� �л�Ǿ�, ����� ž���‫�� ���ڵ‬
ȿ������ ��� ������ �� �ִ�.
In these cases, the affordances of both layouts are the same �� riders in both
environments are afforded the opportunity to use the whole space of the car to sit,
stand, and ride.
�� ���, �� ���� �� ��ġ�� �ൿ ������ ����. ��, �� ȯ�濡�
� �°���� �ɰ�, ����, Ÿ�� ��� ���� ��ü ��� �����
��ȸ�� ���޴´�.
But by changing the location of the doors, designers can reshape riders'
perceptions of that space, which influences how and whether riders take advantage
of this affordance.
�‫� ���� ���׷‬ġ�� ��������ν� �����‫���� �� �� ��ڵ‬
�°����� '�ν�'� ������ �� �����, �̴� �°����� �̷���
�ൿ ������ Ȱ���ϴ� ��İ� Ȱ�� ���ο� ����� ��ģ��.
By moving the position of the subway car doors, in other words, designers can use
the power of the built environment to shape rider behavior, getting riders to do
something they would not otherwise do.
�‫���� ���� �ٽ‬ö �� ���� �ġ�� �ű���ν�, �����‫� ��ڵ‬°���
�ൿ� ���ϱ� ��� ������� ȯ���� ��� ����� �� �ְ�, �°��
鿡�� �‫� ��� ��� ���� ������ ����� �׵‬ϰ� �� �� �ִ�.

7 - Exercise 8
7�� - Exercise 8��: ���� ��� ��밡 �� ����� ��ġ�� ����
In 1958 the American political scientist Edward Banfield advanced an influential
thesis that attributed southern Italy's lower level of prosperity to stronger
family ties in the region.
1958�� �̱��� �ġ���� Edward Banfield�� ���� ��Ż������ ��
��� �� ����� �� ���� �� ������ ��� ��� ſ���
������ ����� �ִ� ����� ����ߴ�.
He argued that more intense family ties diminished trust outside of one's kinship
group, weakened cooperation in pursuit of a common public goal, and thereby reduced
the level of economic prosperity in the region.
�‫�� ��� ���� �� �״‬밡 ģ� ��� �‫� ���� �ۿ‬ŷ‫���ڸ� �ٿ‬, ����
��� ��ǥ�� �߱����� ���� ��ȭ�Ͽ����, �‫���� �� ���� �׷‬
����� �� ����� ���ҽ��ߴ����� �‫�ٰ״‬.
In line with his thesis, recent evidence suggests that kinship ties do indeed
differ significantly across Italian regions, as they do more generally across
���� ����� ��ġ�Ͽ�, �ֱ��� ��Ŵ� ģ� ��밡 �� �Ϲ������
�������� �‫�� �ٸ‬ó��, �‫�� ���װ‬Ż������ ����� �����
����� �‫�ٸ��ٴ� ��� ���� �ش‬.
Likewise, tighter nuclear family bonds do tend to adversely affect levels of social
trust, political participation, the status of women in the workforce and geographic
�������, �� ����� �ٰ�� ���� ��ȸ�� �ŷ� ����, �ġ��
��, �뵿 �α� �� ������ ��� �� ���� �̵�����
�������� ����� ��ġ�� ������ ����� �ִ�.
And since, as the Nobel Prize-winning American economist Kenneth Arrow noted,
business deals often rely on trust while its absence harms trade, lower levels of
trust outside of the family setting might have diminished the level of economic
development in southern Italy compared to the north.
�‫� ���׸‬뺧�� ������� �̱��� ������� Kenneth Arrow�� ����ߵ���, ������
�ŷ��� ���� �ŷ‫���� �ڿ‬ϴ� �‫�ݸ� �װ��� ����� ������ �ظ‬
��ġ�� ������, ��� ȯ�� �‫� ��� �� ���� �ۿ‬ŷ� ����� �Ϻο�
���� ���� ��Ż������ ��� ���� ����� ���ҽ���� ��

7 - Exercise 9
7�� - Exercise 9��: ��� ����� ��õ� ���� ����� ��ȸ
Essentially, water is an inexhaustible source because once the water is used to
produce electricity, it is usually returned to its original river or reservoir.
���������, ��� �ϴ� ��⸦ ����ϴ� �� ���Ǹ� ���� ����
���̳� ������ �ǵ��ƿ�Ƿ� ������ ��õ�̴�.
Because of this, hydropower has great potential now and also into the future.
�� ������, ��� ���� ���� �‫ �����̷� ���׸‬ū ������
��ϰ� �ִ�.
Only 20 percent of hydroelectric potential has been developed within the United
States; tapping into this potential, however, is often hindered by unsuitable
terrains and large distances from needing communities.
�̱� ������ ��� ���� ������� 20%���� ���ߵǾ��. ����
�̷��� ������ Ȱ���ϴ� ��� �������� ����� �����
�ʿ��� �� ��ȸ�κ����� �� �Ÿ��� ���� ���� ���޴‫�´ع‬.
In addition, future projects do not necessarily require new locations or dams.
�Դٰ�, �̷��� ��� �‫�� ��ݵ‬ο� ��ҳ� ���� �ʿ��� ��� �ƴϴ�.
Only 2,400 out of 80,000 dams in the U.S. currently produce electricity from
hydroelectric power plants.
���� �̱� �� 80,000���� �� �� 2,400������ ���
����ҿ��� ��⸦ ����Ѵ�.
Many of these existing dams could have advanced technologies installed to produce
energy and increase efficiency.
�̷��� ��� �� �� ��� �Ϳ� ������ ����ϰ� ȿ���� ���̱�
��� ��� ��� ��� ��ġ�� �� ��� ���̴�.
A study performed by the U.S. Department of Energy calculated that it would cost
approximately $1,600 per kilowatt to add turbines to dams that currently lack
electricity capabilities.
�̱� ������ο� ���� ����� ������ ���� ��� ���
�ɷ��� ��� �£ �ͺ�� �߰��ϴ� ���� ų�ο�Ʈ�� �� 1,600� ���
ߴ��� ���̶�� �� ������.
With this data and the amount of potential future locations for hydroelectric power
plants, the cost to retrofit the existing dams would be able to pay for themselves
in just a short time.
�� �‫���� ��� ���̷� ��ڷ‬Ұ� �� �� �ִ� ������ ����� ���
����ϸ�, ��� �£ �ͺ�� ��� �����ϴ� ���� ��� ����
���� ª� �ð��� ȸ��� �� ��� ���̴�.
However, these attempts are complicated by the push for additional dam removals by
local and national environmental groups.
���� �̷��� �õ��� �߰��� ��� ö���϶�� �� �� �� ȯ��
��ü�� �й���� ���� ���������.

7 - Exercise 10
7�� - Exercise 10��: ��� ����
It sometimes happens that the many make a worse decision than the individual.
������ �쿬�� �‫��� �ټ‬κ��� �� ���� ���� ������.
Collective intelligence has its counterpart: collective stupidity.
��� ����� �‫����� �׿‬ϴ� ��, �� ��� ������ �ִ�.
In groups, our capacity for good judgment can be severely reduced.
��ܿ���, �츮�� �ù‫� �ٸ‬Ǵ� �ɷ�� �ɰ��ϰ� ���ҵ� �� �ִ�.
In his studies on group norms, the psychologist Solomon Asch long ago addressed
many well-known instances of this phenomenon.
��� �Թ� ���� �‫�������� ���ڽ‬, �ɸ����� Solomon Asch��
��� �� �� ��� ���� �� �˷��� ��� ��ʵ�� �‫���ٷ‬.
To name one: if a majority of people embrace a manifestly false and idiotic theory,
others will go along with it merely because of the power of conformity.
�� ���� ���� ���‫ ���� ��ټ‬,�‫� ������ ���ڸ‬и��� ����̸
鼭 �� ���̷ ��� �‫ٺ‬Ƶ��δ ������ �� ������ ���� ����� �‫ �ٸ‬,�‫ٸ‬
‫�̴��� ������ �Ϳ�װ‬.
To name another instance: the false virtues of brainstorming.
�‫�ٸ� ���� �����ڸ‬, �극�ν������ ����� ����̴�.
Take a group of ten people and make them work together for half an hour on a
project (like tourism slogans to promote a town, for example).
�� ���� ����� �ִ� ���� �����‫��� ����( �ؼ‬, ����
ȫ���ϴ� �� ���ΰǰ� ���) ����Ʈ�� 30�� ���� �Բ� ���ϰ�
�� ����.
At the same time, set another group to work in which each member works separately
on the task.
���ÿ� �� �������� ��ε�� �� ���� �ϴ� �� �‫���� �ٸ‬
�Ͽ� ����ϰ� �϶�.
Gather up their reports: the proposals of the second group are much richer and more
plentiful than the proposals of the first group.
�‫�϶����� ������ ���׵‬. �� ��° ����� ����� ù ��°
����� ��Ⱥ��� �ξ� �� ��ä�Ӱ� dz���ϴ�.
Put another way, sometimes the whole is less than the sum of its parts.
�޸� ���ϸ�, ���δ� ��ü�� �‫� ���װ‬κе��� �պ��� �� ���.

7 - Exercise 11~12
7�� - Exercise 11~12��: ��ⱸ�� ��뿡 �� �������� ����
In 1970, the Danish economist Ester Boserup hypothesised that variations in
present-day attitudes towards the role of women in the workforce were a product of
methods of cultivation in the pre-industrial era.
1970�� ����ũ�� ������� Ester Boserup� �뵿�¿��� ������ �
��ҿ� ���� ��ó��� �µ� ���̰� ���ȭ ���� �ô��� ����
����� �깰�̶�� ����� �����.
Her argument was that, owing to differences in the nature of the soil and the
prevailing crops across regions, farmers in some areas cultivated their fields with
hoes and rakes, whereas in others they used ploughs harnessed to horses or oxen.
�‫ ����� ��� ��� ����� ���׳‬Ư���� ������� ���۹���
���̷� ����, �Ϻ� ���� ��ε�� ���̿� ����� �‫ڽ‬ŵ��� ���
�����‫ٸ‬ ‫ � ݸ‬,�� �ߴ� ������� ���̳� �ҿ� ä�� ��⸦ ����‫�ߴٴ‬
Since using a plough and controlling the animals that pull it requires massive
upper-body strength, men have had a significant physiological advantage over women
in ploughing and women in these regions have been limited to housework during the
course of human history.
��⸦ ����ϰ� �‫���� ������� ��� ��װ‬ϴ� ��� ��û�� ��ü
���� �ʿ��ϹǷ�, ���‫ڵ�� ����� ���ڵ‬鿡 ���� ����� ���� ����� �� ��‫־‬
‫� ��� ���� ���ڵ‬η� ������ ��� ���� ����Ͽ� ���ѵǾ�
It was largely the suitability of land for the use of the plough, Boserup argued,
that led to the division of labour along gender lines.
Boserup�� ���忡 ���, ������ �� �о�� �ʷ��� ��� �ַ� ��� ��
뿡 ���� ������ �����̾��.
Evidence from agricultural societies across the world supports Boserup's argument.
�� ���迡 ��ģ ��� ��ȸ�� ��Ŵ� Boserup�� ����� �޹�ħ�Ѵ�.
Areas that used the plough have consistently had a greater division of labour
within the household: men have been predominantly engaged in agriculture, whereas
women have been mainly confined to housework.
��⸦ ����� ������� �ϰ�ǰ� ���� ���� �� ��� �о��� �
‫ ���ڵ‬,�� .��‫�� ��־‬κ� ��� ����� �Դ� �‫ݸ‬鿡 ���‫���� �ַ� ��ڵ‬Ͽ�
���ѵǾ� �Դ�.
In regions that made use of hoes and rakes, meanwhile, men and women have tended to
share the farm work �� from land preparation to sowing and harvesting, as well as
other tasks, such as ferrying water, milking cows, or collecting firewood ��
although most household work has remained predominantly in the domain of women.
���� ���̿� ���� ����ߴ� �������, ��� ��κ��� ���� �
뵿� �ַ� ������ ������ ���� �ֱ�� ����, ���‫�� �ڿ� ���ڰ‬
������� ����� ��Ȯ������ ���� �ϰ�, ���‫��� �� �ٿ‬,
��� ¥��, �Ǵ� ���� ������ ��� �‫� �ٸ‬ϱ��� �Բ��ϴ�
������ �‫� �־‬Դ�.

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