Circulating Current_1x800_11kV_CTS screen

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Circulating current in screen

1 x 800 sqmm, 6.35/11 kV cable

Rated current through the conductor 829 Amp (In Air for 1 circuit trefoil touching)

Length of cable 260 m

Axial distance between conductor = 60 mm

(Cable diameter for trefoil formation)

Dia below screen = 45.2 mm

Thickness of copper tape* = 0.2 mm
Mean diameter of screen = 45.4 mm

Mutual inductance (M) 1.94E-07 H/m

Mutual inductance = 0.194 mH/km

Reactance per unit length of sheath or screen = 0.061 V/Amp/km

Ind. voltage for the above current & length = 50.622 Volts

Impedance Z= (Rs² + Xm²) 0.992

Copper tape resistance approx @ 85°C = 0.990 Ω/km

Parallel resistance = 0.990 Ω/km

Parallel resistance for given length= 0.2574 Ω

Total circulating current, approximately = 13.3 Amps

Hence, approx. current through copper tape = 13.3 Amps

S=Cable diameter for trefoil formation, dm= Mean diameter of screen

* Two Cu tapes, each tape is 0.1 mm thickness

Note: Installation conditions as per client data sheet

Air temperature= 53 °C, Shaded.

1Core Trefoil touching both ends bonded

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