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Mẫu 2

Report By: T.T.H Ngọc.
Aeon Mall, Binh Chanh 29th November, 2021 On Monday night, I was
busy doing my project work when suddenly I heard loud noise from
nearby big mall area. I could not resist the temptation to see and found
a huge gathering outside. The fire was gulping everything it could and
high flames and smoke had covered the whole sky.
The fire-fighters tried to pour buckets of water on the flames and fire.
Some of the people were trapped in and were crying for help. Few of
them were able to escape but their belongings were burnt.
There were two children who couldn't escape from the second floor of
the mall because the fire was too big. Suddenly, there were two
firefighters who quickly wet their clothes and took the wet blankets,
bravely run into the fire toward the children. Luckily, they successfully
saved children who were in the state of fainting. After that, those
children were rushed to the hospital and fire could be controlled about
one hours after the arrival of the fire brigade.
The scene was of complete disaster, nothing could be saved. It was
found later that fire broke out due to short circuit in one of the big shop
belonging to the mall.

Câu 1:

1. I __________________ (have) this cold since I went swimming last


2. How often __________________ (you be) to the USA?

3. I __________________ (often wonder) if learning another language

would be difficult.

4. Where __________________ (you stay) for the last few days?

5. What __________________ (you do) to your hair? It looks great!

6. How long __________________ (you go out) with Freddy?

7. What __________________ (you eat)? There are red marks on your

8. Katy and I __________________ (know) each other since we were at
primary school together.

Trả lời:
1 have had 2 have you been 3 have often wondered 4 have you been
staying 5 have you done 6 have you been going out 7 have you been
eating 8 have known
Đề 3 :
Câu 1:

1. I __________________ (meet) the new employee at 4.30. Is there

anything you’d like me to ask him?

2. Don’t call me on my mobile between four and five this afternoon

because I __________________ (drive).

3. __________________ (the judges make) their decision by the end of


4. Don’t worry about phoning Martin with the news. I

__________________ (tell him) at school.

5. Quick! Marian __________________ (faint)!

6. When __________________ (the shop open)? I need to get some


7. I’ve decided. I __________________ (study) Science at university.

8. Ben __________________ (probably win) the student election. He’s

very popular.

9. The train __________________ (arrive) at 6.30 so we should be

home by seven.

10 . Don’t forget to give him the letter when he __________________

(get) home.
Trả lời:
1. will meet/ am going to meet
2. will be driving
3. Will the judges make
4. will tell
5. is fainting
6. will the shop open?/ will the shop be opened?
7. will study
8. will probably win
9. will arrive/arrives
10. gets
Câu 2:
A home of your own?
A home of their own is what most people in the UK aspire to these
days. However, more and more of our older population are finding it
difficult to stay in their own homes as the health problems associated
with increased age sometimes make it impossible for them to cope in
badly designed houses.
The elderly cannot climb the stairs and if they use wheelchairs, there
are often problems getting from one room to another because of narrow
doorways, let alone trying to manoeuvre their chairs up and down
outdoor steps. [1 _______] All too often the help that could allow them
to remain in their own homes at the end of their lives is not available
and these people are forced to move into care homes. Here, their needs
are catered for but they often feel isolated and away from familiar
surroundings and their friends and family.
In an effort to address this problem the UK government has announced
plans that seem, on the surface, to be fairly dramatic. [2 _______]
There will be sixteen such specifications and they include
improvements that could significantly affect life positively for the
elderly. Stairs will have to be wide enough to accommodate stair lifts
should the installation of one become necessary. [3 _______] Electrical
sockets and switches in walls must be at a convenient height and all
rooms must be large enough for wheelchairs to turn in circles. These
are only a few examples of what architects and builders will have to
take into consideration in the future.
[4 _______] The general idea has been welcomed by many care groups
but the practicalities are causing concern in many quarters. Not least
among those who are worried about the cost of providing new housing.
[5 _______] Members of the House Builders Association feel that the
plans have not been carefully thought through and that implementing
such specifications, although theoretically laudable, is simply not
It is also felt that people have different housing needs at different stages
of their lives and forcing all new homes to be built with the elderly in
mind is not going to be a popular move. Debate on the subject will no
doubt continue for a long time yet!



A. They want all new homes built in the UK from 2011 onwards to
conform to specifications that will make them elderly-friendly.

B. Safety for children will also be addressed.

C. It is feared that conforming to all the specifications will push up the

prices and put new homes out of the reach of first-time buyers.

D. Adapting their houses to make life easier for these people is a costly
business and most cannot afford the necessary changes.

E. These plans have met with mixed reactions.

F. There must be easy access for wheelchairs to the front door and
through doorways.
Trả lời:
Câu 3:
Write a story about a disastrous evening when everything went wrong.
Include these points.

• Describe how the evening started.

• Write about at least three things that went wrong.

• Say how you felt and what you did.

• Describe how the evening ended.

Trả lời:
Last Sunday night, after a long hard-working week, I thought that I
finally could spend the whole night relaxing in my room, which is my
most favourite thing to do.

While I was playing some lovely songs, my phone rang. It was my

manager who called and she told me that I had forgotten my wallet in
the office. It would be alright if that night had not been Sunday, but it
was. The next day I had to get up early and buy food for my mother
since she had to work early. I decided to get on my bike and rode to the
office. On the way, I found the bike swaying along the road, and I
finally had to stop to check. I had a flat tire! I got off the bike and
walked with it to the nearest garage. It took me 45 minutes to find one!
I was totally exhausted when I talked to the mechanic and I had to wait
for 30 more minutes for him to repair the tire. After that, although I was
so tired, I still tried to reach the office. When I got there, I realized I
didn't have my office key with me. What a terrible mistake in this
situation! The last solution I could think of is to call my manager and
tell her to bring the key to me. Luckily, she agreed to help. I said thanks
to her about 10 times that night and I got home around midnight. It was
such an unlucky night that I think I will never forget. Even though,
luckily, I got one thing which did not go wrong. My manager did help

I just listened to one of my favourite songs before going to bed, and

slept right after that! I bet I had a good night sleeping that night!
Write an essay with the title: You can never have too much money. Use
the writing guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic and say what you understand by the

Paragraph 2: Outline points that agree with the statement.

Paragraph 3: Outline points against the statement.

Paragraph 4: Summarise and give your opinion.

People say that you can never have too much money. But is it true or
false that you can never have too much money?

In one factor, I agree that you can never have too much money
because of some following reasons. Firstly , If you do not have a good
job or low salary, you will have to earn money everyday without
savings. Secondly, If you do not have big property that you inherit from
your parents, it will be difficult to have too much money. Thirdly, you
are a lazy person and do not learn how to earn money, you will never
earn money easily .
But in other factors, I do not agree that you will have a lot of money if
you are intelligent enough to catch opportunities in your life. The
people are given a lot of land, houses by their parents, they also have
too much money. If you win the lottery, you will be able to have a lot
of money.

In my opinion, whether people earn a lot of money or not depends on

their ability as well as their chances.

Đề 4:
Câu 2:

Are you ‘Underage’?

Something interesting has been happening on the music scene recently.
Remember the time when you had to be a certain age to be able to get
into concerts and clubs and when it seemed you had to wait forever to be
old enough to experience the really exciting open-air gigs? Teenagers
used to spend time and money trying to make themselves look eighteen
and many even invested in fake IDs to get past the security guards!
Well, it appears that the tables have turned and a new phenomenon has
arrived. This is keeping the older music fans out and forcing them to try
to appear younger or have fake IDs that prove they are under eighteen.

What is it? It’s the brainchild of Sam Gascoyne, a fifteen-year-old who

got fed up with being turned away from concerts and decided to do
something about it. This will be the second year of the extremely
popular ‘Underage’ festivals.
‘Underage’ started as a nightclub night for youngsters who wanted to
listen to bands that are popular today. According to Sam, teens today are
getting involved in music and the music industry at younger and
younger ages and their needs are not being catered for. They are no
longer content to listen to the type of music nightclubs usually provide
for under-eighteen nights. They want more cutting edge music.

The London Underage club nights developed into Underage clubs and
the idea spread like wildfire and was copied in towns and cities all over
the UK. Last year saw the first Underage Music Festival on 10th August
in London’s Victoria park. It was an amazing event. Open only to 14–18
year olds the morning started with a queue of over 2,000 teenagers
without a parent in sight! The only adults were the security people and
twenty-somethings trying to look younger!
The festival was well organised and offered the best in indie music. It
was well equipped to deal with the needs of the adolescent fans: food
bars, cash points and lots of security to reassure absent parents that the
kids would be safe. The whole day was a great success, the teenagers
thoroughly enjoying the fact that they had a festival of their very own.

The ‘Underage’ phenomenon has proved so successful that Sam is now

considered by many to be a teen role model. He remains unfazed by it
all. He admits to being annoyed by the increased attention of the music
industry. He feels very strongly that teenagers are being let down by an
industry run by people who are more interested in money than music and
who are too old to understand teenage needs. He insists that in this
technological age young people are more aware of new trends in music
than ever before and ingrained attitudes in the industry need to change.


1. In the past only teenagers were allowed into some live concerts. T / F

2. Sam Gascoyne turns teenagers away from concerts. T / F

3. ‘Underage’ has brought new music to a younger audience. T / F

4. The underage festivals only allow one adult with each teenager. T / F

5. Some older people attempt to enter these festivals. T / F

Trả lời:
Câu 3:
Write a description of one of your neighbours. Use the writing guide to
help you.
Paragraph 1: Say who the person is and how you know him/her.

Paragraph 2: Write about the person’s physical appearance.

Paragraph 3: Write about this person’s personality.

Paragraph 4: Write about any special abilities this person may have and
say why he/she is an interesting person to know.
Trả lời:
I am proud of writing about uncle Nam neighbour who lives next to my
house. Mr Nam looks like a model. He is tall and thin. He has bright
eyes and white skin so he looks younger than his age. He often gets up
early in the morning to do exercises so he is very energetic and strong.
Mr Nam is the best kind man who I have ever known. He always helps
the poor and the disable people by his own money. He is also generous
guy because when he has free time, he often invites our family and his
friends to come his house to have warm parties. Besides, he is also an
excellent doctor in a big hospital in our city. One of the best thing about
Mr Nam is that he can play football very well, he is always the most
important player in the team. He got a lot of gold medals for the best
player of football team of our city. In addition, he is talented to tell
funny stories, we cannot stand laughing with his very humorous
characters. With me, Mr Nam is an interesting person I know because
he has so many special abilities and great personalities.

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