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English Worksheet

Q 1. Write C for common noun, P for proper noun, V for verb, A for adjective
and PS for preposition in the box next to the word.

happy ____ pillow ____ John ____ make ____ boy ____

crawl ____ box ____ up ____ catch ____ lamp ____

long ____ song ____ jump ____ dance ____ Rita ____

dog ____ water ____ tree ____ in ____ fast ____

draw ____ snow ____ eat ____ slow ____ towel ____

India ____ behind ____ down ____ throw ____ sun ____

yellow ____ big ____ leaf ____ green ____ hot ____

school ____ cold ____ ugly ____ walk ____ Saturday ____

Q 2. Read the sentences. Underline the Proper nouns, circle the Common
nouns and cross out the Adjectives.

a) Lina is my sister. She is very tall.

b) Meera likes these beautiful flowers.

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English Worksheet

c) She plays with her young brother, Mohan every day.

d) The yellow bus stopped at Noida Metro Station.

e) We saw big and small animals at the zoo.

f) There are red markers in the box.

g) Do you have a coin to buy a cold drink?

h) My cute cat, Jimmy likes to play with yarn.

Q 3. Write the correct articles (A, An, or The).

_____ rose _____ sun _____ Alps _____ orange

_____ moon _____ pencil _____ Ganges _____ igloo

Q 4. Write a few verbs in the given boxes.

Q 5. Write a few prepositions in the given boxes.

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English Worksheet

A 1.

happy A pillow C John P make V boy C

crawl V box C up PS catch V lamp C

long A song C jump V dance V Rita P

dog C water C tree C in PS fast A

draw V snow C eat V slow A towel C

India P behind PS down PS throw V sun P

yellow A big A leaf C green A hot A

school C cold A ugly A walk V Saturday P

A 2.
a) Lina is my sister. She is very tall.

b) Meera likes these beautiful flowers.

c) She plays with her young brother, Mohan every day.

d) The yellow bus stopped at Noida Metro Station.

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English Worksheet

e) We saw big and small animals at the zoo.

f) There are red markers in the box.

g) Do you have a coin to buy a cold drink?

h) My cute cat, Jimmy likes to play with yarn.

A 3.
__A__ rose _The_ sun _The_ Alps __An_ orange

_The_ moon __A__ pencil _The_ Ganges __An_ igloo

A 4.

jog walk stop jump

go dance sing run

A 5.

in on behind beside

between in front of after before

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