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PI Process Industry Practices Structural PIP STF0S530 Grating Details Table of Conterta 4. Introduction, son? Figures Tr tmose z 1 rein Opening etna Cot 12 Soe 3 2 Grating Open a ase Pt 3 Gaing Open a Corner Scan 2 4 Stoparetd Sponge $ 3 5 Pot rd Pela 3 opens 7 3 «Satna Ov Pat Spring. 7 + ToePite Sanang Opening 2. Datnitions. aa torPeeSrpon * 4 Tee Pat Bang Springs i 4.Generat 3 Equpment 8 oe : 9. Typeal Sting Bonaldo pines 3 sa pcan pana aicor : ation nd Erection Arangerent 8 asubans ba : ‘11. Typical Clearances at Permeters of als Pose 0 Deal ft +12, Typical Clearances at Railing 10 Poot nay Pte ape to 19 i s1F08s90 ‘Sag tn Merch 2001 Introduction 14 Purpose "he purpose ofthis Practice isto provide structural see! fabristors and strc stel eretors with standard grating Seti forthe fabrication and instalation of atingin process industry facile. 12° Scope 1.2.1 This Practice describes the requirements fr fabrication and instalation of ‘ypical wating platforms and is intended te sued to sbictors supplying srting and to eectors instling grating. 1.22 Any conflicts or nconssenciesbeween these details and other Contract Documents shall be brought othe atetion of Buyer for resolstion. ‘When adopted inthis Practice, the latest elton of he following applicable coves, standards, specifications, and references in effect on the date of contract award sal bused excep 9 ‘otherwise noted Short ies wil be used erin when appropriate 2.4 Process Industry Practices (PIP) = PlP STF0S520 - Pipe Railing for Walking amd Working Surfaces Detail ~ PIPSTEOSS21 «Ante Relig for Walking and Working Surfaces Deals ~ PIPSTS0S120 - Fabvicarion of Sructral and Miscellaneous Stel Sprefcation = PIPSTS0S130 «Erection of Srutural and Miscellaneous Stee Specification 22 Industry Codes and Standards ‘+ American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) ~ ASTM ASWA36M - Carbon Siractural Steel ASTM AS69/S69M «Standard Specfcation for Stel Carbon (015 Maina Percent), Hot-Rolled Shet and Seip, Commercial Quality 23. Government Regulations Federal Stars and Instruction ofthe Oscupationl Safty and Health ‘Administation (OSHA), including any atonal requiements by sate olosl ‘agencies tat hae jurisdiction where the gating platform isto be eet, shal amply. Definitions ‘Bir’ The party who awards the conuact the Fabricator. The Buyer maybe the Owner oF the Owners authorized agent. Page 20110 Process inst Prices Pe srresss0 ‘Grainy Coto {Contract Documens: Any and all documents, ncn design drawings, tht he Buyer has "transmit or otherwise communicated, either by incorporation o by reerence a made ort of the legal contact agreement or purchase order agreement tetween te Buyer an the al Fitrietoror Erector Fabricator: The party responsible or fuishing abicted structural and miscellaneous test recor: Te party responsible for he erection ofthe tur and miscellaneous tee. Unless otherwise noted the erm Erector” shall apply also tthe Erectors subcontractors) annie vendor) as a 4a Process nny Practices General A Genera Responsibility Fateicator shall umsh al equipment, mata, labor, and supervision and shall perioral operations necessary forthe fabreation of gating platonns. as indested by he Contact Documents, Satety Fatricatrs and erectors shall comply with al safety requirements specified in he Contact Documents, Fatricaton and Erection 43.) All sating sal be fbicated in accordance with PIP S7S05120 and with this Practice All gating shall einstein accordance with P1P STS05130 and with this ratce. 432 Fabricator shal be solely responsible fr quality conto fall materials an ‘workmanship, 43.3 The locaton and tims of rating andthe divstion ofthe span of eating bearing tars shall eas shown onthe design drawings 434 ALjoims inte gating or system, cross seston of bearing bars foe rating panel shal be aligned with cross section of abun panels ‘maintain spacing symmetry. Grating jones shall occur only t support $3.5 Clearance allowances shall be included fr fiting grating panes together, {foe penetrations, for toe plates, ete, and shall bein cordance with fe following details or design drawings. rating shall have Linch 25-mm) minim bearing on supporting sel. 43.7 Where gating areas are shown as removable onthe rang, he weight of {abricates grating section for such res shal not exceed 30 pounds 90 Kg. 438 Edges of removable wating panel shall be banded, Edge of other erating Panels need no be banded unless indiested otherwise on the design drawings. Page 20110 ‘rang vine Marc 2001 45.9 Openings and cutouts ia grating panels fr piping, conduit, sractral members, and equipment shall be Banded snd aed on the follwing seis design dawings. 413.10 All damaged ho-ip galvanizing and fldcu rating shall be repre oe ‘ouched up using an ergani zneichcoting specified ia Pip STS08120, Materials 51 Unless stherwise specified he materi for grating shall comply with PIP STS05120. 52 Stel grating stall be rectangular welded type, with plain 3/16inch x I-/4inch (S:mm 132-9) bearing bars on I-3/16-nch (30-mm) spacing with cross Bars on ‘Linch (OO-mm) spacing unless otherwie specified 52. Bandingor toe plate banding sal be stel conforming to ASTM AWAS6M of ASTM ASOBLASESM. 54 Themetod fo fastening gating sal bea specitid on the design drawings. A ‘ninimun of wo fasteners pe panel shall eared at each suppor witha nin ‘of four pr pan! Page 40110 Process induy Protons TROGESS NOUSTRY PracTers P| rasnonrion/wstararon oetaus | 509550 nano oerans en sna eg Od aor SECTION AWA Ur otame A cc SECTON 8-8 ines San 8 nk Buen PLAN Soin ein So Mo te Po see Beka Ba) FIG. 1: GRATING OPENING AT INTERIOR COLUMN (te TOTO RE NTERTERENGE WI" GREY PLATE TOP ERT aA) 74 (8) amo PL yeas Puan FIG. 2: GRATING OPENING AT BASE PLATE (0% 10 00 NE WIONERENGE iF GUSSET POE FOR VEATEAT BRAGG) | [Pp raomicaron/netauaron oetaus | SFOSS30 GRATING DETAILS PLAN (©€er To 00 NE NTERERONE MM GUSSET PLATE FOR VORTCAL GRACRG) Pu FIG. 4: SHOP FABRICATED OPENINGS Fan 0" GREATER Ta 12 (0) "IN Denese nt MNRAS MESS wi eS ]_ PROCESS inousTay pracTices STFO5530 FABRICATION/INSTALLATION DETAILS GRATING DETAILS F1G._5: AELO LOCATED AND FIELD FABRICATED OPENINGS. ("on nao BEN GPEWNGS > 2 30) GK OF REEVOCUAI SPEER CTA TESEN OONEEN) OMENSINS ARE VEN MEET ANO/OR NOES. ETC omNSONS Bees th RATA UNLESS NOTES OMENS EL __A PRE REM MRAETENS WMS NOD OMEN SE 5 GRATING DETAILS eA Brees FIG. 7: TOE PLATE BANDING AT OPENINGS FOR PIPE SUPPORT ea tas FiG. 8: TOE PLATE BANDING AT OPENINGS FOR EQUIPMENT TERR oworsoes 4 a, 160 x HER 10 OMENGONS MAE Cv FEET AMO/OR NOES, vETRE BURNS re PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES STF05530] FABRICATION/INSTALLATION DETAILS | > tsar sor GRATING DETAILS v0 ane caren SECTION FIG. 9: TYPICAL GRATING PANEL LAYOUT lap Sout sero — a ‘Gy Care error a ras ey FIG. 10: TYPICAL GRATING PANEL ANCHOR ARRANGEMENT OMmNGiNS A VE FEET sna/on Nc¥ES, ETRE ENS IN anENDnSeS eM UHUMETAS ESS MOCO OME EO OE nosctaNaTaN Rag [STFOSS3O [GRATING DETAILS sar Y NTT) coun eco secnon FIG. 1% TYPICAL CLEARANCES AT PERIMETER OF FLOORS FIG. 1k TYPICAL CLEARANCES AT PERIMETER OF FLOORS ye 3/4 00) I SECTION SECTION FIG_12: TYPICAL CLEARANCES AT RAILING GOR ta GeTAS EP STSEE OF SOE) NS ARE SM FEET O/OR MEMES. ETC om ze EE

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