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South China Inspection & Testing Lt * H ® HA mR A Al BAN MK eR MH HME ERS G8 mmo Teknse| suet rates oN ns ae Hoek Eat scrainaescom TEST REPORT ‘THERMOGRAPHIC SURVEY or WATER PENETRATION on ZONE C, LEVEL 3 ar SKYPIER BUILDING ar HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CRIES KIRA) ‘TESTING DATE: APRIL3,2024 Page 1 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. x He WH A mR A A SAN NKHM EEG o MEE RG ODE Ow S ‘Rhcoamjawtiae "pat cage sar Ema eheoaniom CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 20 PRINCIPLE OF EQUIPMENT & OPERATION an4 30. SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT ‘4 40. PRINCIPLE OF INSPECTION TECHNIQUE 5 50. TEST DETAES 5 60 INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY INSPECTION RESULT 67 10 CONCLUSION 7 APPENDIX APPENDIXA = SKETCH a~10 APPENDIXB PHOTOGRAPHS AND THERMOGRAMS11~43, Page 2 of & 0 20 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # W&M AR A A SARK HAS RH SMM ER OR NM OA e ‘oes Surat roe gasn sin masse INTRODUCTION “Build King Construction Limited” bas ‘invited South China Inspection & ‘Testing Lid. to amy out a thermographie survey on its premises at “Shpler Building ~ Zone C— Level 3" (iA EALINBGE AIO wi verily aay suspected ofet beneath the waterproofing layer. PRINCIPLE OF ROUIPMENT & OPERATION “The primacy equipment used for the survey was a Infa-red Camera System Which operates on the peiniple described below. “The primary equipment used for the survey was an Infa-reé Camera System Which operates cn the principle described below. The completed waterproofing membrane “MAPEI - PURTOP 400M” Waterroot Coating was scanned using a medium wave band Infa-ed Camera System. This camer uto-mechanical device whereby the Infa-ed radiation entering the lens is directed at system of accurately synchronized scanning, mieors. 19200 ‘utrke temperture measuring pints measur even the smallest of temperature Alferences in ceatime, Defines the solid angle measurement for the smallest detectable measuring point. The smaller the valve, the more accurate the measuring results. The easiring pont of each thermal pixel penciplly has a diameter of 1.1 mm ‘when measured fom a distance of Im from the object. Quicker and easer objet inspection dv to simultaneous display and recording of inffared and ral images. Real ime depietion of overlapping infrared and real images with diferent depiction options, For easier orientation and localization during measuring Page 3 of 30 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # Ww ® HAR A A BRR RX eM HANMER ERY OO OO Tht al ose cee at Sn Tg ‘eb as Suva hse asm sia 12 ma samecom Reps No SIRS 7456 ‘The software no: only store both the infrared and the real image but allows an overlapping depetion of bath images in varying degrees of intensity for beter assessment and ore profesional documentation, ‘SCHEDULE OF EOUIPMENT. ‘The following equipment was used forte sit survey= ‘Model Number PLUKE i480 912 Theral Imagce Serial Numbue “Taggo-18040279 ‘Measuring Device Temperature, Relative Humidity & Wind Speed, ‘The fllowing equipment was used in edition othe equipment listed above for the analysis ofthe data recorded on site and the production of hard eopy thermo rams a include in this report Computer and monitor 4 Image enhancing somtware “© Graphics exansion card (mositied) “+ Malkifunction expansion card ‘+ Inerfice expansion card Page 4 of 40 so South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. HRM AR A RAR NAHAS EHS MET AY OOD wo Ema tence + Report NocSCIDAN S56 ‘The use of Infk-red imaging technique to detect areas of vater condensation beneath the waterproofing aye. “The inspection works onthe premise that wet areas of floor have a much higher ‘thermal capacitance than dry areas. Henoe wien the sun shines on the wall) ‘oot roo deck more energy i absorbed bythe wet area than the dry. At night, ‘when the energy is released back tothe environment, the dry floor roof deck ool rapidly bu the wet flor mains warmer. This makes it quit easy o spot the wet ateas wit an infrared camera and mark them with spray pain or marker pen Although this temperature differential is very smal it is possible to detect this using an extremaly sensitive thermal imaging system on which the calibration has been optimized fo the temperature band encountered Test Dera, ‘The survey commenced at 13:00 hours and completed by 14:30 hours on ‘April 3, 2024. During the survey the weather was fine with ambient temperature of26.4° C.,eatve humidity 62.4%, mean wind 1.0 Ke he. Page 5 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. = Hw WAR A A RRA ARERR OP Roos Ema stipe Report Nos SCAN S156 60 {ED THERMOGRAPHY INSPECTION RESULT Daring the intared thermography inspection, thermal anomalies wil appear on! blow the surfae ofthe waterproofing layer The areas are most likely to be ater tapped betwesn the waterproofing layers The location plan elevation / sketch plans and natural photographs and the relevant thermograms are reported in Appendix A.W B, The results of infared inspection were summarize inthe following table 1 Flee INoSwspected Defet 2 Flow No Suspected Defet 3 Flow No Suspected Defect 4 Flor NoSwspeced Defect 5 Flor [No Suspected Defect 6 Flor ‘No Suspected Defect a Flos ‘No Suspected Defect © Flor ‘NoSuspeced Defect 3 Floor ‘NoSuspecod Defect 0 Floor ‘NoSupeced Deft 1 Floor ‘No Suspected Defect @ Floor ‘NoSuspesed Defect a Floor "No Supesed Defect Floor "No Supesed Dei mn Floor No Suc et 16 Foor ‘No Suspected Defect 7 Foor ‘No Suspected Defect is Foor "No Suspected Defi, 19 Foor "No Suspected Defeet Page 6 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd x eR WAR A SAN NK HARA S HMM ERS C8 moog eas Sita "Fac aie ae ns NNN Hench Ema tec Report Nos SCIROIN TS 20 Floor ‘No Susposad Defect 21 Floor "No Suspasad Defect 2 Floor ‘No Suspected Defect 2 Floor "No Suspected Defect 24 Foor "No Suspected Deft 2s Floor "No Suspected Deft 26 Floor "No Suspected Defect 2 Floor ‘No Suspected Dee 2 Floor ‘No Swspected Defet 2 Floor ‘No Suspected Defet 30 Flor ‘No Suspected Defect 3 Flor ‘No Suspected Defect 719 CONCLUSION During the time of survey, no suspected fet was fund. The waterproofing works ‘on the floor cosiered tbe satisfactory. ‘The satus is slown inthe ace deewings and ilustated in acompanying photographs and frmograns. peta By Approved By Ho Kun Yat SoTinPo esti) (uty Quy Depron Manas) ‘Ail 3, 2028 Page 7 of 43 a Inspection & Testing Ltd. aA mR A A Meera Sone Roos Gag Rept Noe SCIROAN 3456 APPENDIX A SKETCH Page 8 of 48 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # ee WH AOR A A 2AM Ri Oe ms 2 RMT oom Oo eC Report Noe SCRDAN 346 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. = wR HAR A A RAR NAMA R ESO MERERS C8 OOS ‘Pub ass) Sita) "Fe geyaiae ana no TIR SANT inch Ema tue Report Nos SCIROAN 7516 TEST REPORT Page 10 of 48 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd, # He HAR A A PARA EMRE Su MNEe ras cou woos aes Rept Nos SCRBAN 73156 APPENDIX B PHOTOGRAPHS AND TTHERMOGRAMS. Page tt of aa aoa Inspection & Testing Ltd. * am #2 SANK RARER uMERE REO Photo South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. =e BH AR A Al BAN NX HORROR AMEE AS On MOO x ‘Tok (v8) Soe ed Pe ( 489) 3108 12 _* Ema ier ant.con Photo 1 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found 26 Page 13 of a8 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. = ew WAR @ A BRU AS RM RRO HOMER CR CON moo SREGasy SN Taot Fat ONSD ae a neo T Hehe at ine .can Photo 2— Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found 926 te 756 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. x He WAR A A FLEA Teka tester cette ee ane EG Report No SIRNAS 110 3— Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Pago 1s of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # He BW Am A A BAEAK RASA EER TOO moo CaS) SNM Fee cass NT veetennae a siimenscon Reg No: SRDS S156 Photo 4 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Page 16 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # WH RW AR A A Terre ieee eee tence Recasshan Reeksssaraa er er tale Rept No: SCIRDAN-7SA56 Photo $— Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found ies 926 Page 7 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. eH RW AR A A SAE RCR SNA URE CR OOM MO See Cas Savas hee asi Lt “ve Bastien Regn No SCIRBIN S156 Photo 6— Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Te oH ob Be 002 Seine Page 18 of © South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. x HW RB WAR A A FS In ha tt stacene se niente ac ee SARE “eae Regt Nos SCRDAN SAS6 Photo 7— Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found =} South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # H # WAR A A FAN nc OR Mm RTA So Om Ro Siigapysutiae "pac caspaeian weeerretn sek ete Eni oon Report NocSCHOAN HS Photo 8 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found a er) a iH fl 823 a 35 Page 20 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. xn eR WAR A EAN AK BM MANN MEET RY Coa NOOO s ‘ee Casy Sata ee Gass Late iaoes Eel eiernticon Rept No: SCIRDIN 756 Photo 9 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found 5.0" ou bas | 604 as oF Page 21 of uth China Inspection & Testing Ltd. mR “il aA mR A A BARRA RAHA H NO MEE CRS On NOOO s ‘Recas Salat Faces sisi a soon Reps No SCIRDIN 7456 Photo 10 — Floor Result; No Suspected Defect Was Found ear 906 fas |809 ca Page 22 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. x We WAR A A FARR CHMH AN OME T AE ONE Leos {Rhea sit et Fos ona SN a Ema strnescam Reps Nos SCIRBAN-TA56 Photo 1 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found 226 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. eH ® WAR A A TSM Stal unanicte be obsnte e a r ERR “Sea epee SIRDIN 5156 Photo 12— Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Pye of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. x He WH Am A OH PANN ewe AN OME RTA OOM MOOK sata hag ecaatin * nee tates Photo 13 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Page 26 of ip ‘outh China Inspection & Testing Ltd. =H eM AR A A BARK HARE He MNE ERS O8 KN Roos Tek a8} SI a Fee ONSEN are mat eescan Report Nos SCAN S156 Photo 14 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Page 26 of 8 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. eH WAR A A ARK wag mS 2x8 MM CRE C0 mL MOO x ‘Rhea sat tet "Fas ck se aR rm sit necon Photo 15 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Page 27 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. eH ® WAR A A SEE RERARASU AMARC ACCENT OS, eee Repro: SAROIN TS Photo 16— Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found 609 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # 8 ®@ WAR A A EAE LA GASRAS MAST SLOSS TOR, — Report Noe SCAN S56 Photo 17 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found 249 720 F Page 29 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # ww WAR A A a ARK MOH MER ER OB mI MOTO Sites satiae eae Cea Report No SCIRDAN 5156 Photo 18 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Pago 30 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. ew RW AR A A RAR R KOS OM ERE RS ORE MOOS Them suis tessa ene farm Photo 19 Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found ou Page at of 8 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. eH ® WAR A A RRR RO RA M6 EMT RO OS mI OTA Sei a Sty tet cea tna i Photo 20 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found 059 740 Page 32 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. x He RW AR A A IT ESR RAR WEAR COREE LAT OOm om x mc Fae (asi Sat sys Ea stiiarcicom Regt No SCIRDAN S56 Photo 21 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Page 33 of a jouth China Inspection & Testing Ltd. *# Hw RW A mR A BER MAM H MM RMR ERG OB ML OT ma stgescom Reps No SCIRDIN- 456 Photo 22 ~ Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Si 864 Pao Mot South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # wR WAR A A RAR NX WENN SEE TAS One noo x Tkganysuvias “Fc easn Sarre SOT wo Photo 23 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found 225 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. = Ww we MAR A ENXHA NMS MME RS Cn Roos {Rhony Sat unt Fac easa san an Ema esc Rept Nos SCRBIN-S156 Photo 24 ~ Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found = 059 . Ps aoe Page 36 of 48 South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. * Hw eH AR A A BAe AK Rm A HAR PC Bm OHO Ema chart Rept Nos SCRIAN TSS Photo 25— Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found 963 Page 37 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. ew &® HAR A A SAN NK HAMAD U-eMR ATS OOM MOOS Ema see-escom Report Noe SCRBIN 5156 Photo 26 ~ Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Page 38 of 8 =H 8 WH A mR A A 9 wm Sot Rw EB OB mL O08 C South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. namnxe Saiomyai et Fat C0 50 ma scien eetscan Photo 27 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found ie Page 39 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. eH 8 HA mR A Al EAN R SHARAD OREM Re oom m om x Tab (ase) aT261 Pee oas2)31M LT et Ema e-ticon Photo 28 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Page 0 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # HW BW AR A A ARR X ORM HM RMR ERY OB OT ul signet Rept No SCIRDAN.56 Photo 29 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Page 1 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. # Hw ® HAR A A Bata tc sansa ne Repo Nos SCIRAAN 73156 Photo 30 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Pas 2 of South China Inspection & Testing Ltd. x He HAR A SAR NX MAA HH-5 MME RS C0 I ROO ma trem Rept Noe SCIRIAN S156 Photo 31 — Floor Result: No Suspected Defect Was Found Page 8 of

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