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+Career Conversation Planning Template for Employees

Career Accomplishments

What have been your most signif icant accomplishments in your career and why?
1- I am honored to be in the first of batch of female's generation in Saudi Arabia working as field Engineers
with Halliburton Company with honorable feedback from OXY company in Oman. I started as third hand
however my last 4 months worked as second hand where I handle my own shift by my own. That gave me
the exposure and knowledge of the field environment and real operation
2- I am honored to work on many MEGA Tender (Project) not only for Saudi Aramco but also for Tasweer and
KJO. That built my knowledge of several aspects such as the market size, competition strategy, and our
profitability margins.

What have you learned about your strengths and development needs?
I am having many strengths; the most major elements are:
- Commitment of the work
- Fast learner
- Looking to learn more always by asking questions
- Teamwork
- Organized
- Having good relationships and network inside/outside my company

Current Contributions

What are some of the things you like most about your current role?
- Engaged/f ocal point all Sub-PSL to ensure that we have a good plan ahead
- Build the business plan f or dif f erent project
- Create a trustable bond with customers
- Dealing with Pricing, Cost, Discounts, and many f inancial topics which is adding to me.
What are some of the things you like least about your current role?
- managing tasks load with lack of labor, distribution of the task's methods and time f irms.
- Clear Career path f or the employee
What parts of your work do you f eel that you do best?
- Tenders
- Building a good, strong, trustable relationships inside/outside my company
What have you learned in the past year?
_ Company target (having a prof itable healthy margins)
_ Working under stress with short deadline f or many projects
_ Present/participate on EX Com Meetings
_af f ord my support f or my team always
What are your most important contributions to the company in the past year?
- Covered my colleague’s tasks to ensure that business is going f lawless
- I worked on many Tenders; I created a f ull cost model f ile where I built the business case and f inal
presentation based on it. These tenders have dif f erent f ields where it is required dif f erent services and
technologies due to their f ormation types
- Help and support with PSL target
What opportunities do you wish to create to better leverage your strengths?
- Understanding more BD tips
- Having Mentor to guide me
Career Aspirations

How do you f eel about your career progress to date?

That I have been doing f abulous on my work as BD regardless of my background by submitted major projects and
building a strong bond with clients

What is the next position you hope to f ill in the company?

Account Res as I have been doing its tasks to be prepared
What do you hope to be doing f ive years f rom now?
Country Manger

Career Preparation

Realistically, you are in competition f or promotional opportunities. What do you believe your competitive advantages
are? What are you doing to leverage these?
I am a Workaholic and committed person who like to run the business with excellent outputs. by keeping improving
my skills by assignments, courses, relocation Opportunities and having mentor with experience to learn f rom him/her
What do you see as your competitive disadvantages ? What are you doing to address the gaps?
I am not aware of any f or now
What are your long-term plans f or achieving your career ambitions?
To have an international assignment either temporary or permanent
What guidance or help are you seeking ?
BD tips and experience along with technical assignment

Following the meeting, create or update your Talent Profile, IDP or LDP.

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