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Career Conversation Planning Template for Employees

Career Accomplishments

What have been your most signif icant accomplishments in your career and why
• Re-organized something to make it work better.
• Identified a problem and solved it.
• Produce a new idea that improved things.
• Developed or implemented new procedures or systems.
• Worked on special projects.

What have you learned about your strengths and development needs?
• Ask around. find out more about myself. asking people I like, trust and respect what they think I
am best at...

Current Contributions

What are some of the things you like most about your current role?
- Busy
- Challenging
- Good team

What are some of the things you like least about your current role?
A f eeling that I am ready f or more responsibility. A lack of opportunities f or prof essional growth and development.

What parts of your work do you f eel that you do best?

- Coordination
- Teamwork

What have you learned in the past year?

I have done the same f or the last 7 years. I have a lot of experience.

What are your most important contributions to the company in the past year?
I have been a big part in saving costs and developments of the crew.

What opportunities do you wish to create to better leverage your strengths?

I hope I can be sent to training so I can develop myself and get some new experience with seniors.
Career Aspirations

How do you f eel about your career progress to date?

There is no progress at all.

What is the next position you hope to f ill in the company?

More responsibility (Coordinator, transportation Manager)

What do you hope to be doing f ive years f rom now?

Transportation Manger

Career Preparation

Realistically, you are in competition f or promotional opportunities. What do you believe your competitive advantages
are? What are you doing to leverage these?
I am doing my best. Saving cost f ollowing manager instruction. Educate other employees to take over my position.

What do you see as your competitive disadvantages ? What are you doing to address the gaps?
Always improve my perf ormance

What are your long-term plans f or achieving your career ambitions?

What guidance or help are you seeking ?

Training f or the next step.

Following the meeting, create or update your Talent Profile, IDP (Individual Contributor Development Plan) or LDP
(Leading Development Planning)

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