B.2 greenhouse effect

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I is not b !

L=∂*A*T^4 I(star brightness)

= ∂*4 *r^2*T^4 =L/A
(not apparent brightness, is the brightness of
star=absolute brightness) P(net)=∂AT^4-∂AT(s)^4

b=apparent brightness (W^m^-2)

=L/4 d^2 3. Luminosity (for any black body)
L=luminosity (W)
L=luminosity/power radiated by star (W) =S(solar constant)
d=distance between star and received
=1360 W/m^2
=L/4 d^2 b=L/A I=P/A
r=radius of star (m)
∂=5.67*10^-8 (W*m^-2*k^-4)
L(solar)=3.8*10^26 W T=temperature (K)
1AU=d=1.5*10^11 m 1. Apparent brightness
define: Intensity received at a telescope or
grey body: objects can approximately to a
other detector at the Earth
black body without being 100% perfect in
way they behave

球: 面: 点:
e= power emitted by a radiating body/power
radiated by black body e=P(g)/P(b)
I(sphere, average) P(power received in circle area)
=P/4 R^2 =I*A
I(reach earth, dot)

π π
=(S* R^2)÷(4 R^2) =S* R^2π =L/4 d^2 (with same dimensions & same temperature) =P(g)/A÷∂T^4

=S 2. average incident intensity on
earth with negligible effect of
B.2 greenhouse 4. Grey body & emissivity (e)
e<1 (P(g)/A is absolute brightness)

I(average,sphere) atmosphere effect

=P(power received on earth)/4 R^2 π e=1--->perfect emitter/absorber, poor
=S* R^2/4 R^2 π reflector
e=0---> perfect reflector, poor

define: ratio of the reflected power of e=P/A/∂T^4—>emissivity

radiation to the total power on the body

e+ =1
α = total scattered power/ total incident definition: warming of the Earth caused by
infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's
surface (1'), which is absorbed by various
gases in the Earth's atmosphere (1') and is

latitude varies little by earth: albedo around 0,3 5.Albedo α then partly re-radiated towards the surface

terrain and material of surface enhanced greenhouse effect: +caused by

6. Greenhouse effect human
I(average, sphere)
=power/4 R^2 average incident intensity on earth with the H2O, CO2, CH4, N2O
α π π
=(1- )*S* R^2/4 R^2 effect of atmosphere
=(1- )*S/4
greenhouse gases
infrared light from sun is incident on GHGs in
frequency of light matched vibrational
leads to absorption of energy, temperature
how they absorb energy? frequency of gases, resonance happens
atmosphere increase

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