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Secret of The Gods

Messenger Elijah Muhammad, teaches Us that Tribe means head and Shabaz
means Godly or God-like. He teaches Us for over 66-trillion years the Tribe o
Shabazz lived on Earth. 66-trillion years ago We were living in 13 fractions b
We were all of the tribe Shabazz. Today in 1997, there are 13 Tribes of The
Nation of Islam.

66-trillion years ago One of Our Black Gods who did not understand fully the
Science tried to force Everyone to speak the same dialect. Not language, bu
dialect. He wanted Everyone on Earth to sound the same. Messenger Elijah
Muhammad teaches Us that We speak different dialects because of the
different atmospheric pressures. Take for example, the People who live on to
of Mount Everest (the highest point on Earth)* They live where the air is very
thin. The People who live in Syria (the Lowest point on Earth)* live under
intense pressure. Even if They speak the same language, They will not sound
the same. Master Fard Muhammad, (Allah in Person) to whom all praises are
due forever revealed that sound travels at the rate of 1,120 feet per second
and Messenger Elijah Muhammad, explained that sound is the sensation
caused by Air with water in it. He also revealed that We are the only Nation
that has the divine truth that Allah is all of Us. A former F.O.I. (Clarence 13 X
Smith), was brave enough to publicly teach the Reality of Allah in New York,
He sacrificed his life for teaching the truth. Messenger Elijah Muhammad, sa
the true identity of Allah has been a mystery for trillions of years:

“For trillions of years the true identity of Allah has been a mystery, Islam is th
religion of Allah and has been taught by all the prophets. But Islam was not t
be perfected until God came Himself at the end of the wicked world. Read
Holy Qur’an 5:3, “This day have I perfected for You Your religion and
completed My favor to You and chosen for You Islam as Religion.” Today….W
the Lost found Members of the Tribe of Shabazz, are receiving the Supreme
Wisdom from Allah Himself. No other Nation has this divine truth. All Islamic
Nations are Believers in a spirit God. These Nations believe that Allah is a
spirit in the heavens above somewhere, and that the Great Mahdi, will come
these last days. But they don’t know from where, or from what nation of
People. They don’t want to believe that Allah is with Us and has raised the
Mahdi from among Us, the Lost Tribe of God, so-called Negroes. So We who
have been deprived of Islam for 400 years must now tech the world what Alla
in Our midst has taught Us.”
Messenger Elijah Muhammad teaches Us that the 10% intentionally teach tha
Allah (The God) is a spirit or spook and cannot be seen with the physical
(naked) eye. The 85% sincerely think They are praying to Allah (The God), bu
do not believe Allah (The God) is every Righteous Person. The 10% added wi
the 85% makes a total of 95% of the People who worship other than the real
God. Those who are not of the 95% are the minority, Just 5%. But it is the 5%
who know God, and teach the reality of Allah (The God). The 5% do not have
the fame, wealth or glitter to cast a mental spell on the Masses. Because the
teach that God is seen by Those who see. Only Allah can see Allah. The 5%
eat to live and not to die (Mentally and Physically). Messenger Elijah
Muhammad said:

“Ninety-five percent of Our sickness comes from eating before We are


When We study spookism, We become spooky. When we think God is unseen

and the Devil is unseen, We fail to understand that which We see. The
Righteous Teachers must practice Righteousness. Allah (The God) must
attract the Mentally Deads by calling Them to Al Jaddai Islam (The New Islam
and not Al Ariq Islam (The old Islam), the new Islam teaches that Allah is All in
All. The Black Nation of Asiya. Messenger Elijah Muhammad teaches Us that
We live in a material Universe and We are material Beings so why would God
be only a spirit? The spiritual is only a dimension of Thoughts, the Black Man
has 7-dimensions to His mind.

For the Lord Your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a might
and terrible, which regardeth not Persons, nor taketh reward: (Bible
Deuteronomy 10:17)

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (Messenger of Allah) taught a New

Islam that had root in the old but branched into the eternal light of the Sun.
Many People think that He taught a New Religion because Our People in 1930
were so bonded to Religion They thought the New Islam was a Religion but it
was not. Today many People realize Jesus was a Black Man, however, in 193
the vast majority thought that Jesus was white and that He wore a white robe
and lived on the white cloud (#9) and was served by little white Angels who
also wore white robes and even had white feathers on Their backs. The Devi
had so totally robbed Us of the Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding of
Ourselves that We thought the New Islam was a new form of Christianity.
Messenger Elijah Muhammad said:

I want You to remember again, that this subject, the two Religions, it’s not th
I want You to go down on Your knees and start praying this afternoon looking
in the skies, no, I’m not actually teaching too much Religion, because how ca
You learn Religion unless you first learn Yourself? Our People are so sold to
Religion; why, because They are the People of the divine Family.”

To effectively communicate with Those who do not know, We often refer to

Islam as a religion but We are not going back to anything. We are accepting
Our Selves to be that which We created Ourselves to be. Stop calling Islam a

“Islam is as old as Allah, Himself. It is not an organized Religion. It is the ver


Just as The Self Created One, created Himself in triple darkness over 84 Trillio
years ago, Messenger Elijah Muhammad teaches Us that He had to go to War
with darkness in order to spark a light. To establish Peace, the Creator had to
go to War. He had to spark Himself and Other Atoms to set off a mathematic
reaction to His action.

“Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from Generations, but
Today, we must spark the mentally dead with reality. Or the Devil will remai
in Heaven while God remains in Hell. The Slavemakers told the Slaves that
God lived on Cloud #9 and if They were not good n*ggers They would burn in
Hell (forever). There were no Airplanes at the time, and the Science of
Geology was not taught to the Slaves so when They saw Hot magma (lava)
coming from under the ground such tricknology quickly was believed and
spread. Messenger Elijah Muhammad said:

“We are born Muslims and cannot be accepted by saying, “I was MADE a
Muslim. We were CREATED Muslims. Islam is NOT a Religion. We call it a
Religion, but it’s not a Religion, because it is the NATURE of Us; therefore, the
NATURE of Us can’t be called a Religion. That’s why the 30th Chapter and th
30th Verse of The Holy Qur’an teaches You that Islam is NOT a Religion, but
it’s the NATURE in which We were born.”
The 95% will dispute with the 5% on the Black Man being the Creator, becaus
they separate the Mind from the Man. They in effect challenge You to create
Insect, as if Their mystery god can create or make an insect. We are Allah’s
Reality, that which is Real. Allah is not Super Natural, but rather All Natural.
In reality Insects come from Insects mating. We do not have any magical
powers, the magician can make an Insect appear before Your very eyes
physically but it is tricknology a mixture of Fact and fantasy, science and
illusion. We realize that when Atoms split to form Stars these Stars cool off to
form a ring of wanderers (Planets), which are from or made from the
beginning. As Atoms of Hydrogen and Oxygen bond they form Water in Gas,
liquid and solid form. When the light from the Star (Sun) germinates the wat
it turns inorganic matter into organic matter and all types of life is made
manifest. This is the Sunnah or way of Allah. When Allah says be it comes to
pass in stages of time which is created by

“Let this mind be in You, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the for
of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God”- Bible Philippians 2:5-6

motion. Messenger Elijah Muhammad teaches Us that time is not made but i
is created by motion. The first Atom of life had to build 9,999 atomic articles
to formulate that first Atom. This went on for unrecorded periods of time. In
1997, time is still created by motion, the movement of the shadow tells the
time of a sun clock. The movement of the grains of sand tells the time of the
hour glass. It is the same with wind up or battery operated clocks and
watches and even atomic clocks.

It is time that the whole World learns the reality of Allah (God)! Messenger
Elijah Muhammad saw the reality of Allah as being important to the liberation
of Our People:

“The Reality of God. I have been and am still trying to make clear to You how
important it is. This knowledge of the True God, the reality of God has been
and is even now a mystery to the World of Mankind with a few exceptions.
The day has come that all Mankind MUST know the reality of Allah (God).

If a child is told the reality of Santa Claus, the Child out of shock and instant
disbelief would deny such reality. All of the Child’s life it was taught that San
Claus was a White Man who lived in the White snow with His White Wife and
White Elves. The Child enters a state of denial. Then the truth begins to daw
on the Child but the Child is afraid of being wrong so the Child wants to
experiment or test the real Santa Claus. Now if the Child says: “If You are
really Santa Claus, let Me See You fly over the moon on Your Sled with Your
reindeer.” If the Parent were to build a sled according to the science of
aeronautics, the Child will then want to see more, like the Deer’s nose light
up. The true and living Allah’s cannot waste time trying to meet vain
curiosity. Allah’s word is bond. He does not use compulsion to gain believers
for forced faith is no faith, when You reject Allah, You reject Your true Self.

“Jesus answered Them, Is it not written in Your Law, I said, Ye are gods?” Bib
St. John 10:34

Brother Minister Alif

(The UNITED Nations of Islam P.O. Box 1117 Coatesville, PA 19320-4013)


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