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Three-winding Transformer

Sometimes in high rating transformer, the third winding is constructed in addition
to the primary and the secondary windings. The third winding is called the tertiary
winding, and because of the three windings, the transformer is called the three
winding transformer.

The voltage ratings of all the three windings of the transformer are usually unequal.
The primary winding has the highest voltage rating; the tertiary has the lowest
voltage rating, and the secondary has the intermediate voltage rating.

The chief advantages of the three winding transformers is an economy of

construction and their great efficiency. The schematic diagram of a three-phase
transformer is shown in the figure below.

For an ideal transformer,

The most significant advantage of the third winding is that the harmonic generated
by the primary and secondary winding extinguish by the third winding. The third
winding is connected in delta.

The voltage of the tertiary winding differs than the primary and secondary winding.
Thus, it is
The tertiary winding is used for following applications.
 Used for supplying the power to the auxiliary appliances like the fan, tube
light, etc. of the substations.
 The reactive power is supplied to the substations with the help of the tertiary
 It is used for testing the high rating transformer.
 The tertiary winding reduces the impedance of the circuit so that the fault
current easily passes to the ground.

Equivalent Circuit of a Three Winding Transformer

The equivalent circuit diagram of the three-phase transformer is shown in the
figure. Consider the R1, R2 and R3 are the resistance and the X1, X2 and X3 are the
impedance of their windings.

The V1, V2, V3 are the voltages and the I1, I2, I3 are current flows through their
If exciting current Io is neglected then I1+I2+I3 = 0
The impedances for such an equivalent circuit can be readily determined from the
data of three short circuit tests as follows

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