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HPGD 2103


HPGD 2103







HPGD 2103





3. PART 1

1.0 QUESTION 1 : ESSAY 1-5

2.0 QUESTION 2 : ESSAY 6-9

4. 4.0 RUJUKAN 10

5 PART 2


HPGD 2103


Question 1

1) Education is a fundamental cornerstone in the development of a nation. An excellent

education enables the younger generation to develop their inherent abilities and confront the
forthcoming obstacles. Nevertheless, education extends beyond just academic knowledge and
covers the holistic growth of humans, including social, emotional, and psychological
dimensions. The significance of guidance and counselling services in the educational setting
is heightened. Guidance and counselling play a crucial role in safeguarding the mental health
and overall well-being of students in Malaysian schools. Students often encounter demands
and obstacles in our ever intricate and demanding society, which may have an impact on their
mental well-being. Thus, the provision of guidance and counselling services in schools is
crucial for offering emotional support, direction, and information necessary for children to
navigate problems and enhance their overall well-being.

Four roles of guidance and counseling services in the school environment. Guidance and
counselling services are available at every educational institution nationwide. Guidance and
counselling services at schools provide assistance to pupils in order to help them navigate
problems and enhance their capabilities. The role of a school counsellor is to serve as a
mentor, an advocate for parents in educating children, and a catalyst for the advancement of
school growth (Johari et al., 2019). It provides students with the chance to get the assistance
and direction necessary to excel in their academic pursuits, foster healthy social and
emotional growth, and enhance their personal development. Given the rising prevalence of
social concerns among students today, it is imperative that guidance and counselling services
in schools have a significant duty in providing a well-rounded education to the younger
generation. Hence, it is crucial to thoroughly deliberate on the specific objectives and
responsibilities of school guidance and counselling services for the overall welfare of all
individuals involved.

HPGD 2103

The primary function of guiding and counselling services is to provide career advice.
Counsellors are capable of assisting students in selecting a profession and devising an
appropriate career trajectory. The process of choosing a profession is a crucial choice in an
individual's life. Counsellors assist students in comprehending the many career prospects that
are accessible, provide information about the employment market, and aid students in
devising strategies to attain their professional objectives. Counsellors assist students in
identifying their interests and talents in order to choose a career sector that is appropriate for
them. Through the use of advice and counselling services, students may effectively discern
and choose suitable career paths based on their own interests, abilities, and potential, so
starting their journey into adulthood. This enhances pupils' comprehension of their objectives
and augments their prospects for future achievement.

Furthermore, another function of guidance and counselling services in the educational setting
is to provide kids with emotional, social, and psychological assistance. School is a setting
where adolescents encounter a multitude of emotional problems and social pressures.
Students have the ability to communicate with the counsellor on personal issues, such as
stress, peer relationships, domestic difficulties, and other concerns. Counsellors provide a
secure and nurturing setting for students to express their worries, offer them emotional
assistance, and assist them in devising methods to manage stress and resolve conflicts in their
life. Counsellors provide assistance to students in recognising and regulating their emotions,
as well as offering guidance on strategies to overcome the difficulties and obstacles they
encounter. Counsellors are responsible for imparting moral principles to pupils, both directly
and indirectly (Roslee Ahmad & Mohamed, 2011). This programme facilitates the
development of social skills, self-awareness, and robust emotional regulation, so enhancing
students' social and emotional well-being. Hence, it is crucial to acknowledge the significance
of the emotional support offered by guidance and counselling services in fostering healthy
relationships with peers and adults, as well as cultivating a strong sense of self-assurance.

HPGD 2103

Furthermore, another crucial responsibility of guidance and counselling services in the school
setting is to provide pupils academic advice. School counsellors possess extensive expertise
in academic curricula and the specific requirements of students. They assist students in
devising a productive study timetable, selecting topics that align with the student's interests
and capabilities, and provide advice on choosing the subsequent academic programme.
Additionally, they assist students in establishing academic objectives and provide efficient
learning strategies. By following this advise, students may devise efficient learning
techniques, enhance their academic performance, and unlock their maximum academic
capabilities. An academically exceptional school is characterised by teachers that establish
ambitious but attainable objectives for their students, have confidence in their students'
capacity to succeed, and foster a culture of hard work and respect for those who thrive
academically (Ibrahim et al., 2017).

The fourth function of guidance and counselling services in the school setting is to provide as
an initial source of help for pupils facing challenges or difficulties. School counsellors
ascertain and provide assistance to kids who are encountering difficulties in learning, familial
issues, intense emotional strain, or behavioural challenges.They provide individual or group
counselling sessions to assist students in overcoming these difficulties. Counsellors
collaborate with parents and teachers to provide kids suitable assistance and effective coping
mechanisms. Guidance and counselling services are crucial in assisting students in resolving
their issues, enhancing their academic achievements, and enhancing their general welfare.

Ultimately, guidance and counselling services have a significant impact on the educational
setting. Guidance and counselling services offer comprehensive support to enhance student
development and success by aiding students in selecting a career and mapping out a suitable
career trajectory, offering emotional, social, and psychological assistance, providing
academic guidance to students, and serving as an initial source of support for students facing
challenges or difficulties. Through the guidance of school counsellors, children may
maximise their capabilities and effectively equip themselves for future endeavours.

HPGD 2103

2) Prioritising the psychological well-being and mental health of students is crucial in order
to attain academic excellence and maintain a harmonious lifestyle. direction and counselling
in Malaysian schools play a crucial role in offering students the necessary emotional support,
practical direction, and information to enhance their mental health and overall well-being. In
Malaysia, the primary responsibilities of guidance and counselling instructors revolve on
enhancing students' personality, fostering self-discipline, promoting career and psychosocial
development, and addressing students' mental well-being (Surat Siaran Perkhidmatan
Bimbingan dan Kaunseling, 2017). Guidance and counselling may provide several means of
help for the mental health and well-being of students in Malaysia. Firstly, the guidance and
counselling sections at schools provide students individualised counselling services that try to
assist them in addressing their psychological and personal concerns. School counsellors have
a crucial role in establishing therapeutic connections with pupils, attentively listening, and
offering constructive assistance. Through these counselling sessions, students have the
opportunity to enhance their self-awareness, tackle challenges they encounter, and exchange
their personal anecdotes. Through the assistance and direction of counsellors, kids might have
a sense of being listened to, acknowledged, and comprehended. This aids in enhancing self-
assurance and promoting mental well-being.

Furthermore, mentoring and counselling play a crucial role in equipping school pupils with
the necessary skills to effectively manage stress. Students often encounter academic, social,
and personal stressors that might have an impact on their mental well-being. Students might
get advantages when school counsellors instruct them in stress-alleviating practices such as
breathing exercises and time management. Students may also acquire the ability to identify
the origin of stress and develop effective strategies to manage their emotions in a healthy
manner. These abilities empower pupils to effectively cope with stress and enhance their
ability to concentrate while facing problems. Furthermore, advising and counselling play
crucial roles in the realm of mental health education inside educational institutions. School
counsellors have the ability to arrange educational initiatives on mental health inside schools,
with the aim of enhancing students' comprehension of mental health, eradicating stigma, and
equipping them with information and strategies to maintain optimal mental well-being. This
programme provides students with the opportunity to acquire information on a range of
mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and severe stress. Students may also
acquire knowledge and skills in managing their own mental well-being as well as supporting

HPGD 2103

the mental well-being of others. Hence, mental health education also contributes to the
establishment of a compassionate, encouraging, and inclusive educational atmosphere in

Collaboration with teachers and parents is crucial in guiding and counselling to enhance the
mental health and well-being of school pupils in Malaysia. School counsellors collaborate
with teachers to identify kids in need of supplementary assistance, disseminate knowledge on
student mental well-being, and provide counsel and help to instructors addressing mental
health concerns inside the classroom. Collaborating with parents is crucial for providing
assistance to students' mental well-being in their household environment. Counsellors have
the ability to engage parents in the counselling process by offering them knowledge and
guidance on how to effectively assist their children's mental well-being. Engaging in
collaboration with teachers and parents fosters a nurturing and inclusive atmosphere that
empowers pupils to surmount obstacles and cultivate their overall welfare.

Ultimately, advice and counselling have a crucial function in bolstering the mental health and
overall well-being of students in Malaysian schools. By offering individual counselling,
teaching effective stress management techniques, hosting educational programmes on mental
health, and working closely with teachers and parents, students can access emotional support,
guidance, and information to conquer obstacles and flourish. Mason & Duba (2009) suggest
that school guidance and counselling teachers should incorporate activities that emphasise
relationships, integrity, self-esteem, self-discipline, goal setting, learning skills, time
management, career development, and decision-making skills. Additionally, they should
develop programmes that align with the education system to enhance direction and focus.
Hence, it is crucial to persistently endorse and enhance guidance and counselling services in
Malaysian schools to prioritise students' mental well-being.

HPGD 2103

Question 2

Counselling, as defined by the Counsellor Act 1998 (Act 580), is a structured and
professional process that involves a helping relationship based on psychological principles.
The goal of counselling is to facilitate changes, personal development, and adaptation in the
client's life. This process encompasses all aspects of the client's life and is voluntary. The
client's adaptation continues throughout their lifetime. The interaction between the counsellor
and the client is a bilateral procedure. Counsellors are those who possess a receptive
disposition, since they are required to actively listen and comprehend, aid the client in self-
reflection, assist the client in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand,
engage in the exchange of narratives, express emotions, and acquire novel insights or
knowledge via their interactions with the counsellor. Counselling is categorised into several
kinds, including individual, group, family, career, and marriage. A counselling relationship
differs from a typical relationship since it is a professional association focused on providing
assistance, rather than being coercive in nature. A counsellor must possess the ability to
establish trust, demonstrate caring, show concern, and foster commitment. This approach will
provide a healing environment that enables the client to be receptive to change without
coercion (KPWKM, 2016; Pasiak, 2009).

The relationship formed is an interpersonal relationship, which refers to a connection

between persons. It occurs via spoken and non-spoken means. Effective communication
abilities include the capacity to articulate thoughts and ideas with clarity, precision, and
empathy. Consequently, a counsellor must possess strong verbal attributes, such as the ability
to communicate using a diverse range of tones. An animated vocal delivery, accurate syntax,
concise vocabulary, clear comprehension, strategic pauses, and an emotive tone that
captivates the listener's focus. According to Carl Rogers, the counselor's acceptance and
friendliness play a crucial role in establishing an interpersonal connection with the client. He
believes that the ambiance of a positive connection may be defined by the cordiality and
tenderness shown by a counsellor towards their client throughout a consultation. This is
evident via the counselor's genuine and kind facial expressions, as well as the gentle and
persuasive tone of his remarks, which assure the client that his readiness and commitment
will aid in resolving the current issue. Rogers defines empathy as the act of experiencing

HPGD 2103

another person's personal reality as if it were one's own, or the act of attempting to react
empathetically by demonstrating attentiveness, active listening, and an effort to comprehend
their emotions (Canfield, 2012; Sang, 2010).

Definition of Therapeutic Relationship.

Relationship refers to the establishment of a connection between two or more individuals,

which enables them to engage with one other for the purpose of identification. Relationships
include both formal and informal connections. According to the Language Hall dictionary
and the therapeutic library, relationships are not considered a therapy but rather an approach.
They are not an object, but rather a means to quiet the mind and provide tranquilly. In the
medical field, relationships are a branch of medicine that is associated with the treatment of
disorders. The therapeutic connection in counselling is characterised by trust, ethical honesty,
and a commitment to secrecy, all aimed at resolving the client's issues. The counsellor
refrains from providing guidance, assessing or critiquing, dismissing the client's issue,
assuming the client would respond in the same manner as the counsellor when confronted
with comparable circumstances, engaging in emotional attachment with the client, and
appraising the client's situation based on the counselor's own values. The counsellor should
embrace the client without any bias, since it is strictly prohibited. Without a doubt, the
importance of the first picture or "first impression" has a significant impact on how we see
people. However, counsellors must exercise self-control in order to prevent their first
impression from influencing the subsequent counselling process. Al-Ghazali's counselling
style emphasises the establishment of a positive and amicable rapport between the counsellor
and the client, with the aim of creating a comfortable and stress-free environment for the
client. Counsellors must demonstrate a high level of respect for their customers. The
counsellor plays a significant function at the period of developing relationships. The
counsellor should possess the ability to deeply explore the client's emotions and innermost
thoughts, and facilitate the client's gradual recognition and confrontation of the challenges
they are experiencing. During the counselling process, it is intended that the counsellor would
convey a sense of assurance to the client on the significance of embracing the truth. The
counselor's function include that of a mentor, offering advice and psychological support. This

HPGD 2103

kind of interaction has the potential to enhance the client's self-assurance and reinforce the
positive bond between the counsellor and the client (Mohamed, 2001; Sang, 2010).

The therapeutic relationship is a bilateral connection between the counsellor and the client,
distinct from a social relationship, and characterised by the counselor's accountability for
facilitating the client's problem-solving journey. The stage of relationship development is of
utmost significance and serves as the fundamental component, irrespective of the counselling
theory used. Adler's Level of Therapy consists of 12 levels. The first level, known as the
relationship-empathy level, focuses on establishing a connection with the client by using
empathic abilities. Therapists and counsellors must demonstrate comprehension, affability,
approval, and empathy, along with providing strategies to assist clients in resolving their
issues (Sang, Guidance and Counselling Management, 2010).

Potential impact of resistance on the therapeutic relationship.

The presence of resistance during treatment may greatly influence the therapeutic connection
and the counselling process for clients who are stubborn yet dedicated. Both therapists and
nontherapists may struggle to identify and handle client resistance, frequently confusing
directive answers that are not supported by evidence with appropriate ones. Therapists often
surpass nontherapists in properly identifying therapist faults in resistance management.
Comprehending and dealing with client resistance is essential for the therapeutic relationship,
since resistance indicates the client's reluctance to engage in the treatment process. Therapists
must possess professional techniques and strategies to successfully handle various emotional,
behavioural, and physical resistances. Furthermore, it has been observed that clients often
exhibit resistance in relation to notions such as perpetuating issues, refusal to acknowledge
and accurately perceive their experiences, managing their emotions, and the counselor's
revelation of personal information. Obstinate yet dedicated clients may exhibit resistance due

HPGD 2103

to their strong emotional connection to the therapist. This resistance is more likely to occur in
clients with insecure attachment patterns and less likely in those with secure attachment.


Counselling is a distinct type of interpersonal connection that occurs between a counsellor

and their client. In general, society tends to view counselling as a straightforward mode of
communication and assumes that anyone can be a counsellor. However, the truth is that the
field of counselling demands a counsellor to possess extensive theoretical knowledge and
proficient counselling abilities. The counsellors' demonstration of human interactions in
conducting counselling sessions might be described as the facilitation of assistance. A
counsellor must possess not just extensive knowledge and expertise in the field of
counselling, but also a broad understanding of human dimensions through a solid foundation
in theoretical frameworks. Not only does it enhance the bilateral relationship, but it also
enhances the therapeutic process itself. The inclusion of a counsellor in a counselling session
can have an impact on the modifications experienced by a client. The client might be
influenced by cheerfulness, enthusiasm, strong determination, and a prominent persona.

HPGD 2103


- Ibrahim, H., Ismail, S. N., Mohamad Kassim, M. A., & Mohamad, S. (2017). IklimSekolah
Dan Efikasi Kendiri Dalam Kalangan Guru Bimbingan Dan Kaunseling SekolahMenengah
Di Kelantan. Proceedings of the ICECRS, 1(1), 1033-1042.

- Johari, S. H. B., Karim, D. N. B. F. M., Akhwan, S. N. A., Nabila, R., & Apdal, J. B.(2019).
Peranan Kaunselor Dalam Menangani Masalah Ponteng Sekolah. InternationalJournal, 1(1).

- Mason, C. P., & Duba, J. D. (2009). Menggunakan terapi realiti di sekolah: Kesannyayang
berpotensi pada keberkesanan Model Nasional ASCA.Jurnal Terapi RealitiAntarabangsa,
XXIX, 1, 5–12.

- Mohamed, M. n. (2001). Pengantar Psikologi - satu pengenalan asas kepada jiwa dan tingka
laku manusia. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

- Sang, M. S. (2010). Pengurusan Bimbingan dan Kaunseling. Puchong: Penerbitan

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