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Most Immediate HEADQUARTERS EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION PANCHDEEP BHAVAN: C.I.G. ROAD, NEW DELHI-10002. >» No. W-11/13/4/3/2008-PMD (Vol. IV) Dated: 04/06/2018 ,, The General Manager ( Delhi Zone ) The General Manager ( E ) «Mis UPRNNL Delhi Zone, UPRNNL B-5/101, Safdarjang Enclave Okhia, New Delhi, New Delhi ~ 110028 Sir, Subject: Construction of ESI Medical College & Staff Housing at Basaidarapur, New Delhi Reference : (i) UPRNNL’s Letter No. 1398/M.C. Basaidarapur/RNN/‘18 ; Dated : 21/05/2018 ) UPRNNL’s Letter No. 170/ESIC/MU/RNN/2018 ; Dated : 16/05/2018 i) UPRNNL’s Letter No. 174/ESIC/MU/RNN/2018 ; Dated : 16/05/2018 With reference to the above, the following aspects / clarifications are brought to your notice 1. The remaining works in OPD Block ( erstwhile Academic Block ) is to be executed based on GFC drawings issued by A & E Consultant, M/s Design Associates in terms of the Contract Agreement between ESIC and UPRNN. It is to further clarify that earlier @ letter has already been issued by ESIC to UPRNNL conveying decision in details regarding release of payment for extra and deviated items. This has been explained by the undersigned also number of times but UPRNNL is taking shelter in non — approval of estimate. It is to further intimate that no additional approval is required for doing works in OPD Block as that would be treated as variation and as such approved after following due process but to maintain the fund flow, the above said decision has been taken by ESIC in the interest of the progress of the work. Therefore, the work of OPD Block is required to be completed within the target date of 30/06/2018 without further loss of time as already the work is delayed. 2. Regarding escalation compensation, itis to intimate that the EOT case is under examination in ESIC and the case shall be decided on merit after evaluating the causes of hindrances which have been impacting this project so fer. It is to remind UPRNNL that about Rs. 30.73 Cris still outstanding against UPRNNL towards Mobilization Advance which is yet to be recovered from them, As such, the fund which is already available with UPRNNL needs to be utilized for achieving accelerated progress of the work without further loss of time. 3. The request of UPRNNL to release advance fund to the tune of Rs. 15.00 Cr against the surplus Bank Guarantee of Rs. 19.02 Cr towards Performance Security vis — a - vis the revised cost of the project for Rs. 425.00 Cr against the earlier approved cost of about Rs. 805.00 Cr (for which @ BG of Rs. 40.27 Gr is available with ESIC) is under examination and the outcome shall be known shortly 4. The proposal of UPRNNL to consider releasing payment for RCC work being done for basement construction including ramp on DSR — 2016 + Cl ( latest ) instead of DSR - 2007 + CI (old ) to mitigate the financial hardship is also under examination and the outcome shall be known shortly. 5. Regarding handing over of erstwhile OPD buildings to UPRNNL for demolition and reconstruction of Laundry and Mortuary, itis to clarify that UPRNNL should focus on the main ‘work of completion of 3 ward towers OPD Block, Medical Gas Plant building ete. for which there is no hindrance from ESIC side. The work of new kitchen, laundry, mortuary etc. shall be taken afterwards not necessarily by UPRNNL. 6. The balance work of D ~ 1 and D — 2 ward towers need to be completed including all services as early as possible so that these towers can be put to use by ESIC. The ground floors of both these towers are also to be made air — conditioned as already done for D ~3 tower earlier. we 7. During several high level meetings, the target date of completion has been reiterated UPRNNI for completion of this project by 30/06/2018 but the required efforts are not being pur forth by UPRNNL for achieving the same. The reasons are best known to UPRNNL. As per the understanding of ESIC, the Working Agency hired by UPRNNL is unable to perform up a the mark and because of this, project has been unduly delayed so far. Although, this fact hi been known to UPRNNL since long time but no concrete steps have been taken by UPRNNL officials to come out from this situation by way of getting the balance work completed either departmentally or through other channels. Instead UPRNNL has been taking shelter in escalation payment, non — handing over of buildings to them eic. to hide their inefficiency and poor contract management. 8. It is incumbent upon both GM ( C ) and GM ( E ) to involve themselves deeply for micro — Management of the project otherwise the target date is not likely to be achieved under any circumstances. It is made very clear that by proper contract / site management, the progress of the work can be achieved and raising boggy of non — availability of adequate fund is not convincing. 8. It has been observed that the team of engineers both on civil and electrical side need to be more effective and efficient professionally. ‘The bills also need to be raised in a proper manner as recently it has been found that the amount shown by UPRNNL in their submission to ESIC in abstract / summary sheet was higher than the inside bil amounts. Due to this anomaly, higher amount advance, fund was releastd by ESIC which is not desirable. Even bills are not submitted regularly for release of fund from ESIC because of mainly two reasons namely, the works are not executed at the site with adequate amount and the UPRNNL engineers are fully dependent upon the subcontractor. 10. inal Fire NOC needs to be obtained for all the 3 ward towers including basement by completing the required items of work related to Fire detection, prevention and suppression. There is a lot of work at present pending on this count. STP / ETP and UGT need to be ‘commissioned at an early date which has not been done so far because of very slow progress of the work in these areas. The resource mobilization at the site is not adequate enough to complete the balance works on time for which UPRNNL has been sounded umpteen number of times but in vain In view of the above, it is once again requested 1o put all out efforts for achieving completion of this long — drawn project within the target date. Yours faithfully | ee a C | SERN Please accord Top Priority. (AK. Yadav) ‘Superintending Engineer Copy to: 1. PPS toDG 2. PStoIC (PMD) 3. PStoCE 4. The Managing Director, Vishweshwaraiya Bhawan, Vibhuti Kand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow — 226010 with a request to bestow your personal attention to this project so that it gets completed as early as possible. ‘The Unit In charge, M/s UPRNNL, ESIC Medical College Unit, Basaidarapur, New Delhi Project Manager ( E), UPRNNL, Basalderapur Project, New Del 7. Mis Design Associates, A-163, Sector- 136, Noida (U. P.) Xe Gens &( Cc Superintending Engineer luz @ 2 HEADQUARTERS OFFICE EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION PANCHDEEP BHAWAN: CIG MARG: NEW DELHI. No. W-11/13/4/3/2009-PMD Dated : 12 June, 2009 To Sh. R. K. Goel, ‘The General Manager, M/s UPRNN Lt Vishweshwariya Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, ‘Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-1 Subject:- Sanction for construction of ESI Medical College as well as Staff Housing, Basaidarapur, New Soi Sir, am directed to refer to the detailed estimate submitted by M/s Design Associates on the above subject and to convey the sanction of Director General for an amount of Rs. 653,95,78,261/- (Rs. Six hundred fifty three Crores ninety five lakhs seventy eight thousand two hundred and $i one only) for the above project. The estimates consisting the followings :- 1. Mia College, Bass, Rs. 480,189,521, 2. Staff Housing, Basai, Rs. 173,77,18,769/-.. oe ‘You are requested to submit the following bank guarantee as per clause 14.2 of the agreement by 27.06.09. 1. You may submit the Performance guarantee of 5% of the sanctioned amount for construction work. 2. You may avail upto 10% Mobilization Advance against Bank Guarantee. You are also requested to sign the agreement within 1S days from the receipt of tis letter. ‘You are requested to complete the work in 24 months and the date of starting of work is 01" July, 2009. ‘The above amount may be booked under Capital Work of the above project. This issues with the concurrence of Fin. & A/cs. Division of this office. ‘You are further informed that the sanction of the above amount subject to the following - 1, The quality aspects ofthe work have to be ensured strictly 2 ‘The payment schedule is to be indicated which should be related to the completion of the individual activities. Schedule of completion of work need to be indicated. 4. Necessary permission from the concemed Govt. authorities have to be obtained before undertaking the work. 2 5, Also should ensure that latest specification as approved has been incorporated and are as per norms and yyardsticks. ‘Yours faithfully Copy to: - 1, Finance & Accounts Br.-VII, Hars. for information (along with a spare copy of D. D. (F.), ESIC, Basaida Delhi). The agenda item for the above project has been sent to the Corporate Cell for the approval of Ste Committee in its meting held on 08" June, 2009. ctor General has accorded sanction vide his notes dated 30.04.09 & 27.05.09. 2. Chief Engineer for information. 3. Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital, Basaidarapur, New Delhi. 4. M/s Design Associate Inc., B-3, Sector-26, Noida. a ( eC ECTION Gk Ot ‘TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL, SUBADDRESS CONNECTION 1D st. TIME USAGE T. PGS. SENT RESULT saseeaaaasssssseaeees see TX REPORT xs 1221 05222720846 11/06 12:42 O23 2 ox ult HEAD QUARTERS EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION Panchdeep Bhawan, CIG Road, New Delhi Tel: 011-23236706 (Off) 011-23221498 (Fax) E-Mail: No, CE/Pers./2009 Dated: 14-09-2009 Sh. R.K. Goel, General Manager, Ms UPRNN Ltd ae Vishweshwariaya Bhavan, DG. Personal Sectior / Vibhuti Khand, (Dy. Nekdags, Gomti Nagar, f Jag Lucknow ~ 226 010 aaa fel: sah Sir, ESIC is taken ambitious prag@cts of upgradation of the existing Hospitals into PG institute and Medical Colleges at ESI Hospital, Basaidarapur, New Delhi and ESI Hospital, Rajajinagar, Bangalore. The work is in progress in full swing in all the projects. MCI is expected to visit for inspection after 15" November, 2009. So we have to put infrastructure facility in the places before 15" November, 2009. All details regarding infrastructure facilities had been taken care of, in the Agreement of the above projects. Specially PG infrastructure facilities should be ready by 18h November and we will make joint inspection with you in the first week of October and review progress, In view of the above, kindly ensure that all the infrastructure facilities as per MCI guidelines are put in place by 1“ week of November, 2009. «o>, Yours faithfully, SA ve 7 oa (P.R. Roy) wy? ee Chief Engineer Copy to: x”. 4. Mis Design Associates Inc. 8.3, Sector 25,Noid® (Fax 120-4778530) withthe advise that working drawings should be available to the CA from time to time including interiors. 2. Dr. Shamshudeen, Advisor, Medical Education. a.np6 to 0G 4. PS to FCIMC. Re Ail UNAS ax eed \ ete ae 5 Chief Engineer Ae as - Se E | Pp. COVT, UNDERTAKIN 2720671 A (a evox [rates & | oo 2720870 —— Fex-0522-2720846 Website : http:/ Registered Office : aoftea wrafaa : \Vishweshwaraiya Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand fieaeatar way, fyfa ws, ‘Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010 Ti FAR, TRAAS—226 010 eon ZZ. _feaan r(eensullangy) -v-2i/e peed lesre/' elo Rae LS RAO. To 1 este bid price will be at par of sanctioned estimate of above work excluding contingencies and const charges of UP RNN Ltd. The award price thus, works out Rs. 1577550730/-. This price is inclusive of cites taxes, duties, levies and cess etc. However taxes will be deducted at source for VAT and Income tax as per prevailing laws. Fee eet errse will have to follow the specifications and drawings as per sanctioned estimate by Client Tew specifications for similar clas of buildings. However, any alteration / changes in specifications fnade by the E-SALC- athorites during the execution of work will be flowed as per approval of 4. UP Reiki he contactor shall be made on item rates after completion of the stages of work and realization of payment from ESIC as per agreement/condition of the tender. 5, “Tue Unit Incharge ‘will enter info the contract with the Turnkey contractor duly incorporating all the caditions of the tender. The condition will be similar to those applicable on UPRNNLtd. by ES 6. ‘You have to submit Performance Security 5 % of the contract value through Bank Guarant xu hei) igeued by Nationalized Bank on stamp paper of Rs. 10000/-. The stamp paper shoud be Saveur of UPRNNLtd and BG to be prepared in favour of The Managing Director, UP Rajkiya Nirman Nigam Ltd, Lucknow.. 7. Aillthe other terms & conditions will be as per tender document. MJ are requested to go through the agreement withthe U/I. UPRNNL‘d. Basaidarepur, New Delhi and start the work accordingly. = z ee Copy forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- 1. The Managing Director/Financial Advisor, U.P.R.N.N.Ltd. Lucknow. 2. The Chief Engineer, E.S.LC. CIG Road, New Delhi. The U/LUPRNN.L1d, Basaidarapur, New Delhi to go through the agreement with the above contractor on approved agreement format & submit a copy of signed agreement to he undersigned. oe ar eet errs Prater wales \ Uttar Pradesh Rajkiya Nirman Nigam Ltd. bs {A STATE GOVT. UNDERTAKING) Project Manager Ty Y | 180 9007-2000 ceR TIFIED ESLC Hoapmala: Basal Darapur New Delhi-110015 Ret. No. Date. ose sah ace TRAE TET RAE /10 | 149) 53.2010 war, 22 P Sent Ronda etter f}—3 Baex26 AYST TOUO arre:—amowTO Arar Pers Pefercerere aergerergy ah Reet YORAO|O / fag waar & Prior orld sech A nerea, z ama feaie4.3.2010 4 gaa creasre afin fect we Prem @ ERT aadarage args we wat <8 ga caeeer/orIoRO a wr wx wer Pe vas Sad gre aera tren @ fe ae rl ra aw ores a eT GHEE ora cr Ase are rafts verte Preval & orate a fra ore fags water & we wrerS weil O Hert wa Tey afer Ta B cre yoTAOAO Ba wa wth or Get 8 a Sai wrf ocho wel a eras Bg wr A eT SP thooho wal 4 age omg oe afta warE ase | oT orp 8 PW wrf aA EET Br Sard BY AAs Sever SATS START SRA FT HE HY | eran feet — THOTHORAR caftatrora sarees sateen Per FerRerer t apr ee orrerecren emrefaret Bey SR | Fears SAAC souowaayra Frater Fert feo years aes | 2 eon ane apowto Ate Por esarera der wera eosmrgosAo area Rec | 2 fet one-one rn eT feet | $-2) \ A 4 @ EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE C)RPORATION PANCHDEEP BHAWAN; C.I.G MARG, NEW DELHI No. W-11/13/4/3/2009-PMD Dated : 0%" March, 2010 To ‘The Managing Director, M/s. UPRNN Ltd., Vishweshwariaya Bhawan, Vibbuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, LUCKNOW. Fax No. 0522 - 2720846. Sub: Withdrawal of Residential part of work (costing Rs. 173,77,18,769/-) from the project of Construction of ESIC Medical College as well as Staff Housing, Basaidarapur, New Delhi. Sir, 1am directed to inform you that Secretary, Labour & Employment, Govt. of India has observed that on reviewing the progress of the ESIC Construction Projects being implemented by M/s. UPINN Ltd. and during his site visits to the Projects, he had given instructions to M/s. UPRNN Ltd. for all projects allotted to them, Contractors must be mobilized without any further delay, so that work can start, It has further been observed by him that despite a lapse of several months, M/s. UPRNN Ltd. has not taken action for many projects which reflects their lack of professionalism. Since M/s. UPRNN Ltd. have so far not mobilized Contractor for the Residential part of the Basaidarapur Medical College Project, Delhi which is costing Rs. 173,77,18,769/- the same work is being withdrawn from them with immediate gly, their contract for Basaidarapur Medical College Project shall be modified accordingly. You are therefore requested to return immediately the mobilization advance effect. Accor: given to you for this part of the project which comes out to Rs. 17,37,71,877/- (10% of the cost of the Staff Housing i.e. Rs. 173,77,18,769/-) within ten days. acne (P.R.ROY) (CHIEF ENGINEER This issues with the approval of Director General. 96 Copy to 434 aN" 1. PPS to DG/PS to FC for information 2. PPS to Secretary (LEM) Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi. po ae 4\2, Vos 21 FAK 01125221498 TRANSMISSION OK TY/RX NO CONNECTION TEL, SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TINE USAGE T PGS. SENT RESULT Este Boo eneceesssssssseesssse see TX REPORT gee stanneseesesccssant: 2842 05222720148 08/03 15:16 o4'3a ‘ 2 OK PO: 33 FAX 01123221498 ‘TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION 1p ST. TIME USAGE 'T PGS. SENT RESULT settseccencantenesses ees TX RE ORT z2¢ seeecceueesanesseenny 2843 SECRETARY MIN. OF 08/03 15:32 00°59 OK. oor o™ EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION PANCHDEEP BHAWAN; C.I.G MARG, NEW DELHI No. W-11/13/4/3/2009-PMD Dated : 09% March, 2010 To ‘The Managing Director, ‘M/s. UPRNN Ltd., Vishweshwariaya Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, LUCKNow. 22 46. Sub: Withdrawal of Residential part of work (costing Rs. 173,77,18,769/-) from the project of Construction of ESIC Medical College as well as Staff Housing, Basaidarapur, New Delhi. Sir, Tam directed to inform you that Secretary, Labour & Employment, Govt. of India has observed that on reviewing the progress of the ESIC Construction Projects being implemented by M/s. UPRNN Ltd. and during his site visits to the Projects, he had given instructions to M/s. UPRNN Ltd. for all projects allotted to them, Contractors must be mobilized without any further delay, so that work can start. It has further been observed by him that despite a lapse of several months, M/s. UPRNN Ltd. has not taken action for many projects which reflects their lack of professionalism. Since M/s. UPRNN Ltd. have so far not mobilized Contractor for the Residential part of the Basaidarapur Medical College Project, Delhi which is costing Rs. 173,77,18,769/- the same work is being withdrawn from them with immediate effect. Accordingly their contract for Basaidarapur Medical College Project shall be modified accordingly. You are therefore requested to return immediately the mobilization advance given to you for this part of the project which comes out to Rs. 17,37,71,877/- (10% of the cost of the Staff Housing i.e. Rs. 173,77,18,769/-) within 10 days. ‘This issues with the approval of Director General. Yours faithfully, (P.R.ROY) CHIEF ENGINEER SNe Office of Secretary Ministry of Labour & Employment ee * Over the recent past, | have reviewed the progress of ESIC construction pfojects being implemented by M/s UPRNN and | have also visited the sites of several projects. During ry review meetings and site visits, | had given strict instructions to Mis UPRNN that for all projects allotted to them, contractors must be mobilized without any further delay so that work can start, However, despite lapse of several months, M/s UPRNN has not taken action for many projects, which reflects their lack of professionalism. A time has now, therefore, come to discipline this construction agency so that the interest of ESIC can be secured. Hence, following actions be taken. (i) M/s UPRNN have so far not mobilized contractor for the residential part of the Basaldarapur Medical College project, Delhi, The residential part of this project is costing about Rs.145 crores. Hence, the residential part of this project costing about Rs.145 crores be withdrawn from M/s UPRNN with immediate effect (it will be given to some other construction agency) and their contract for Basaidarapur be modified accordingly and they be asked to return the Mobilisation Advance given to them for this part of the project. (i) Wis UPRNN be asked to submit posttvely by 18" March, 2010, the copies of contracts signed by them with contractors for the following ESIC projects:- _ Dental College, Nacharany; Dental College, Vashi; ESIC Hospital, Tirupati; SRO office, Vijayawada; ES! Dispensary, Narela; ESI Dispensary, Mayur Vihar; ES! Dispensary, Arjun Nagar, and ES! Staff Quarters ot ry In case M/s UPRNN fails to provide copies of contracts signed by them with contractors by 15" March, 2040, then on 16 March, 2010, those projects be withdrawn from M/s UPRNN where they have not mibilised contractors Separate letters for (i) and (ii) above be issued to Managing Director, M/s UPRNN today itself and position be put up to me on file ‘on 17" March, 2010 for deciding further course of action. ) rake, [Prabhat Chaturvedi] Secretary(L8E) 83.2010 DG, ESIC _ eS / ® HEADQUARTERS OFFICE EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION PANCHDEEP BHAWAN: CIG MARG: NEW DELHI. No. W-11/13/4/5/2008-PMD Dated : 29% January, 2010 To Unit Inchrge, M/s. UPRNN Ltd., ESI hospital, Basaidarapur, ‘NEW DELHI. Subject: Construction of Medical College, Basaidarapur, New Delhi - Submission of Bank Guarantee for Mobilization Advance. Sir, 1am directed to refer to your letter No. RNN/Basai/M-Med. Coll. Basaidarapur/09/1705 dated 09% January, 2010 on the above subject and to convey the sanction of Director General to release for an amount of Rs. 65,39,57,826/- (Rs Sixty Five Crores Thirty Nine Lacs Fifty Seven Thousand Fight Hundred and Twenty Six only) for Mobilization Advance for Construction of Medical College, Basaidarapur, New delhi. The amount of Mobilization Advance will be recovered from the Running Bills. ~ You are requested to submit the monthly running bill on the 5" of every month. Necessary action to release the amount is being taken by Finance and Accounts Branch-I of this office. ‘The above amount may be booked in Capital Work. This issues with the concurrence of Fin. & Acts. Division of this office. ‘The budget is available under Capital Head during current financial year. You are requested to commence the work quickly & intimate the monthly progress of the work. a Yours faithfully. You are also infomed that if there is any delay in starting the work, action would be taken. (G. K. KAIN) ASSTT. DIRECTOR (PMD) Copy to: - 1. Finance & Acts, Br.-III, Hqrs. with the request to transfer the amount of Rs. 65,39,57,826/- in favour of M/s. UPRNN Ltd Director General has accorded sanction and release vide his notes dated 28" January, 2010. No TDS would be deducted as this is Mobilization Advance and it will be recovered from Running Bill. Fin, & Acts, Br.-Il, Hqrs. with the request to release the amount. Cash Branch, Hrs. Office for information Fin, & Acts, Br.-VIl for information. Medical Superintendent, ES] Hospital, Besaidarapur, Delhi . oapen Chief Engineer, Hars. Office for information. Contingent Bill file, 8, General ManageConsultancy}, M/s. UPRNN Ltd., Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. fom ASSTT. DIRECTOR (Paks i 33D PANCHDEEP BHAWAN; C.I.G MARG, NEW DELHI A @ EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION File No:.W-11/13/4/3/2009-PMD Dated} 05.201 To ‘The Managing Director M/s. UPRNN Ltd. Vishweshariya Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow ~ 226 010. Sub: Re-allotment of work of the projects withdrawn from M/s. UPRNN Ltd. Sir, Lam directed to invite your attention to this office letter of even no. dt. 09% March, 2010 & 18" March, 2010 wherein the work of the following projects was withdrawn from you owing to non-mobilising your contractors & non-execution of contracts with them causing cost escalation due to over run time of the project: 1, Residential part of work from the project of Construction of ESIC Medical College as well as Staff Housing, Basaidarapur, New Delhi. Dental College, Nacharam, Hyderabad. Dental College, Vashi, Mumbai. ESI Hospital, Tirupati, AP. SRO Office, Vijaywada. ESI Dispensary, Delhi (Narela) ESI Dispensary, Mayur Vihar, Dethi. ESI Dispensary, Arjun Nagar, Delhi. ESI staff quarters at Andheri, Mumbai (copy of the contract signed by M/s. UPRNN with their contractor received in this office on 16% March.2010). LPNMMAON In view of the position furnished by you in the matter and taking the lenient view by the Secretary (Labour & Employment) the projects stated above are being re-allocated to M/s. UPRNN Ltd. with the condition that in future they shall have to ensure to comply with strictly the provisions as contained in the respective agreements, failing which action as deemed fit under the agreement would be taken. Further you are also advised to ensure quality and timelines in respect of all the projects allocated to your agency. Yours faithfully, “Wa (P.R.ROY) CHIEF ENGINEER FRX NO. 105222720373 Uvar Pradesh Retkiya Mirmen (U.P. GOVT. UNDERTAKING) 150 9001 : 2609 CERTIFIED Vishweshwaraiys Bhawan, ~ Gomi Nagar, f1ickrio sian see, RRE—226 010 om 255 flop. crfnaderiys|ovoifeseefea’ faa 2g To The Chief Engineor Employees State Insurance Corp. ‘Sub:- Withdrawal of work from UPRNN Ltd. of Dear Kindly refer to your letter No.W-11/13/4/3/2008/PMD Daind 3.2011 fA this connection itis to inform you that we have already submitted copies signed by UPRNNLtd. with their contractor fer folowing works- ESI Hospital at Tirupati. SRO Vijayawade. ESIC Dispansary Mayur Vinar, New Delhi. ESIC Staff quarters Andheri ESIC Medical college Sanathnagar, Hyderabad. “There may be delay of 6-7 days due fo postal problems | when i informed to us on 15",again all copies, of were. sent to yo ‘Splmessenger. Those all agreement were ‘available at different places like Hyderabad, Banglore etc. tis requested to consider few days delay in Couns ‘your above mentioned letter. "As per Agreement of UPRNN and ESIC there is no clair to submit the copy of agreement signed with sub-contractor to ESIC we ontion here that many projects are dene by UPRNN departmental i! rey labour basis). UPRNN has already mobilized all the work site or » Gready released mobilization to the sub-contractors and. they have als Sy nag aeNs sigined jb of legal obligations . At many places there is a fot of problems to starl/ speedup U one che to lack of municipal NOC. and land probems for constructions: al {hs ESIC and it is very essential to sort out these problems immediately Thanking you, 2 Copy to the Director General .E.S.LC. New Delhi with reque submission. N.LO: 2. The Managing Director, UPRNN Ltd / Fincial Adviser, UPRNIN Lid). 1s! -) Canerat Manarssttid: sul AS Ule ne \ DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC Cow to tT bt t¢ tu ke Lir No: DA/ESICIBD/HOS/2010/001 Date: 07™ Sept. 2010. To The Project Manager, Mis UPRNN Ltd. E.S1LC. Hospital Unit, Basaidarapur, New Delhi-15. SUB: Regarding approval of Extra Items in Phase-2 for Renovation Work done at First Floor in OT Block, ESIC Basaidarapur, New Delhi. Dear Sir, This has reference to your letter no. UPRNN/Basai/MMC/10/574 dt 31-08-2010. ‘Temporary shifting has been done as per the directions of MS Basaidarapur. Items executed in temporary work seem to be with higher specs. ‘We have not issued any drawings or specifications for the same and not covered under ‘our B.0.Q. Hence, we can’t comment on this. Chief Engineer — ESIC can only accord necessary financial & administrative approval. Kindly go through the channel of MS- Basaidarapur. In case of any clarification do feel free to contact us. Regards, Qusens or Design Associates Inc.) CC-Mr. O. M. Kumar, Chief Engineer, ESIC, HQ. a(S) HEADQUARTERS OFFICE EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION §—_Faxo11-25221400 PANCHDEEP BHAWAN: C.I.G. ROAD: NEW DELHI-02 —iepsie- yes No.W-11/13/4/3/MC/08-PMD Dated: 22.10. To, The Project Manager, M/s. UPRNN, ESIC Hospital Unit, Basaidarapur, New-Delhi Sub: _ Renovation of OT and ward block under the work of construction of Medical College, Basaidarapur. Sub Head: EXTR-Item Ref: RNN/Basai/M.M.College/10/554 dated 31.2.10. Sir, Please refer to your office submission on the subject matter. In this regard, itis to inform Yyou that while scrutinizing the extra item, following isto be clarified before final action is initiated 1. Civil components of extra item contains 28 items in all, out of which no measurement details of 17 DSR item are available in the enclosure, needs the compliance. 2. The remaining 11 items pertains to non-DSR items, the same are not supported with analysis of rates, needs compliance. 3. All the items proposed to be initiated as extra items are supposed to be supported with the reasons, orders and location which needs to be complied, 4. Keeping in view the remarks of Architect Consultant reply dated 7.9.10 addressed to you and copy endorsed to Chief Engineer, states that the proposal is the repercation of direction of M.., Basaidarapur and are of richer specification, ifso kindly send the copy of the direction given by M.S. and analysis of rates of non-DSR items proposed as an extra Item. Moreover, it seems that in the estimate of medical college the renovation of OT at 1* Floor is not proposed by A & E consultant. This also needs clarification, 5. As per the record of PMD, itis to informa you that a separate agreement for the work of OT and ward block, typical floor, amounting to Rs.32 cr., under the agreement No.19/ESIC/UPRNN/O8 dated 19.8.08, bas recently been completed on ground and final bill is under scrutiny. As such, how the bill amounting to Rs.6.75 cr. and extra item fo Rs,30,95,620/- cropped up. Needs clarification and justification. All the foregoing observations were brought to the knowledge of Sh. N. Sharma, JE, UPRNN who attended the office on 20.20.10 who inturn ensured to comply very shorty. Kindly expedite the reply to culminate the issue at the earliest X Veal ool SXECUTIVE ENGINEER (CVI Copy to: - aX odcun/etdtees lov)

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