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Special Issue Article

Proc IMechE Part O:

J Risk and Reliability
2019, Vol. 233(1) 35–47
Ship accident consequences and Ó IMechE 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
contributing factors analyses using ship
DOI: 10.1177/1748006X18768917

accident investigation reports

Liye Zhang1 , Hua Wang2,3, Qiang Meng3 and Hongbin Xie4

Ship accident consequences, including life loss, property/cargo damage, and environment pollution, could be caused by
various factors. This study aims to quantitatively analyze the association between ship accident consequences and related
contributing factors based on real ship accident investigation reports. We propose a two-step research methodology. In
the first step, we standardize the necessary contributing factor–related information that is extracted from the ship acci-
dent investigation reports. In the second step, three statistical analysis methods, including nonparametric statistics of
Kendall’s tau coefficient, Cramér’s V analysis and Kruskal–Wallis test, are carried out to figure out the import contribut-
ing factors with respect to ship accident consequences. The proposed methodology has been assessed based on 477 ship
accident reports. Some insightful findings are obtained: (1) vessel speed is the most significant factor contributing to fatal-
ity and injury of collision accidents, whereas no remarkable relationship holds for grounding accidents; (2) for collision
accidents, crew number shows a strong association with injury and fatality, but it exhibits weak linkages to other conse-
quences of ship damage, cargo damage and oil spill; and (3) the consequence of oil spill is strongly related to collision
position, especially in head-on and crossing collisions.

Ship accident consequence, risk analysis, heterogeneous data, nonparametric statistics, accident reports

Date received: 26 September 2017; accepted: 11 March 2018

Introduction contributing factors.4 For example, Celik and Cebi5

proposed an analytical Human Factors Analysis and
With a continuous increase in international seaborne Classification System (HFACS) based on a fuzzy ana-
trade, we have witnessed a rapid growth of shipping lytical hierarchy process to identify the role of human
industry in recent decades. Shipping activities become errors in shipping accidents. Root cause analysis
more and more frequent and consequently make some (RCA) is another method to investigate the contribut-
navigation waters congested. Intensive shipping activi- ing factors of the accident. Akten6 used this method to
ties inevitably bring a high likelihood of ship accidents
analyze the accidents in Istanbul Strait. Similarly, Kum
including ship collision, contacting and grounding. Ship
and Sahin7 proposed a RCA method to clarify the acci-
accidents could result in various catastrophic conse-
dent causes and prevent the future incidents from hap-
quences in terms of human life loss, cargo damage and
pening in the Arctic region. Leveson8 investigate the
environmental damage. For example, on 16 April 2014,
a passenger ferry capsized near South Korea coast and
304 people died or went missing.1 The maritime author- 1
Institute of High Performance Computing, A*Star, Singapore
ities, ship owners/operators and the public are con- School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, P.R.
cerned with these consequences.2 Hence, it is important 3
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University
to examine possible contributing factors for the ship of Singapore, Singapore
accident consequences. 4
Navigation College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, P.R. China
A vast body of ship accident analysis has been
Corresponding author:
reported in the literature.3 As the critical components
Qiang Meng, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
of the ship accident analyses, the accident-contributing National University of Singapore, 1 Engineering Drive 2, 117576
factors and consequence estimation models are widely Singapore.
studied. Some studies focus on investigating the Email:
36 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 233(1)

contributing factors including the harbor design and A few researchers focus on developing mechanical
traffic scheduling. These methods depend a lot on the models to simulate the ship collision, and these
experience of experts who carry out the analysis mod- mechanical models need to determine the energy
els. Some other studies identify the contributing factors released to cause the ship structure damage. Servis and
and build specific models to quantify the relationship Samuelides19 analyzed the damage to the struck ship
between contributing factors and the consequences. by the finite element method. Their method can be used
These approaches mainly include the event tree models, to assess the collision behavior of a ship under a partic-
statistical analysis models and mechanical models. ular collision scenario and consequently to compare
The event tree models developed for ship accident the survivability of different structural arrangements.
analyses are based on expert judgments and/or histori- Pedersen and Zhang20 developed an analytical model
cal data. The International Maritime Organization to quantify the damage of RoRo passenger ships when
(IMO)9 published a series of formal safety assessment the characteristics of both the striking and struck ships
(FSA) reports using the event tree–based risk assess- are known. Pedersen and Li21 proposed an approxima-
ment frameworks for various vessels—container ships, tion method to formulate the energy released as the ini-
crude oil tankers, cruise ships and liquefied natural gas tial kinetic energy minus the kinetic energy of the
(LNG) carriers. Note that the event trees in IMO9 were floating vessels after the ship collision or contact event.
built using expert judgments. Guided by the FSA These models focus on the mechanical change process
framework of IMO, a few FSA studies have been con- of the collisions, rather than the causal factors. In other
ducted for some particular water areas or scenarios. words, these models can be used to evaluate the relia-
Fowler and Sorgard10 used the fault and event tree bility of ship structures by naval architects rather than
models to estimate ship accident consequences in North the policymakers who are of interest in identifying con-
Sea area. Ronza et al.11 proposed an event tree model tributing factors in ship accidents.
to predict the frequency of ship accidents in port water The aforementioned three research approaches are
areas, in which 828 historical ship accidents were used criticized for not having sufficient evidence from the
to identify the consequences of these accidents includ- real ship accident data. Mazaheri et al.4 pointed out
ing ship release, fire and explosion. Weng et al.12 inves- that the capabilities of these models for mitigating ship
tigated the ship collision risk in the Singapore Strait traffic risk remain unknown, and the methodologies
using the event trees proposed by IMO.9 These event based on the evidence of real ship accidents would be
tree models can hardly be validated in practice because more suitable for the purposes of ship risk manage-
their establishment largely depends on experts knowl- ment. A few researchers have made some attempts to
edge and their empirical and subjective judgments. conduct the ship accident consequence analyses based
To reduce the bias of experts subjective judgments, on real ship accident database. Chai et al.22 investigated
quite a few researchers are devoting to develop statisti- the shipping accident injury severity and fatality using
cal consequence estimation models based on massive the ship accident database of Lloyd’s List Intelligence
data of historical ship accident records. For example, Company. However, such database does not contain
COWI13 proposed a neural network model to estimate detailed information on ship accident processes, which
the consequences of ship grounding, including cargo is shown in the real ship accident investigation reports.
loss, fuel spill and sinking probability. In COWI,13 all The ship accident investigation reports contain a
consequences were converted into monetary cost to large amount of detailed information on the ship acci-
provide a unified comparison among different risk con- dents in the process of the during-accident stage and
trol options. Almaz et al.14 developed an empirical sta- post-accident stage. These reports are obligatory in
tistical consequence estimation model in Delaware many countries, and they are documented by accident
River using the historical accident data from 1992 to investigators following the IMO’s guideline. Few
2008. Due to the lack of detailed ship accident data, researchers have used the real ship accident investigation
these two models are unable to include some important reports to conduct the cause and effect analyses of ship
contributing factors such as ship sailing speed and ship accidents. Some tentative ones are made by Johnson23
course. Recently, several consequence estimation mod- and Mazaheri et al.4 Johnson23 highlighted the impor-
els have been proposed using Bayesian networks.15 For tance of a tangible tool/framework for the ship accident
example, Zhang et al.16 formulated a Bayesian network analyses using the ship accident investigation reports.
model to assess the navigational risk of the Yangtze Mazaheri et al.4 proposed the HFACS to analyze the
River, including the probability and consequence esti- socio-technical factors causing ship accidents by means
mation of ship accidents. Goerlandt and Montewka17 of the ship accident investigation reports.
applied the Bayesian network approach to evaluate We in this study aim to develop a tangible research
accidental cargo oil outflow in ship-to-ship collisions. methodology based on the ship accident investigation
Bayesian network models have a noticeable shortcom- reports for the analyses of ship accident consequence
ing that the prediction of probabilistic damage distribu- and contributing factors. The developed research meth-
tions is highly dependent on the latest information of odology can guide to extract the necessary standardized
occurred ship collision and grounding events, which information from the heterogeneous-source ship acci-
are scarce or difficult to obtain in practice.18 dent investigation accident reports for supporting the
Zhang et al. 37

contributing factor analyses. This study gains insight Although different countries may have their own man-
into the ship accident consequence by examining the agement policies on ship accident reporting, the docu-
occurrence frequency and quantifying the relationship ment structures and main contents of the reports are
between accident consequences and the contributing more or less the same. A typical report is usually com-
factors. posed of four components: (1) accident summary, (2)
The contributions of this study are twofold. First, we description of ship accident–related factors, (3) analysis
propose a tangible ship accident investigation reports– of accident causes and (4) recommendations to improve
based systematic framework for the analyses of ship maritime safety. A ship accident report not only pro-
accident consequences and contributing factors. A vides a summary on ship accident consequences but
series of nonparametric statistical methods are adopted also records the details of navigation events and deter-
by the developed framework to investigate the relation- minant factors that probably cause the accidents.
ship between the ship accident consequences and contri- Figure 1 shows the contents of two accidents’
buting factors. Second, we carry out an empirical study reports, respectively, from Denmark and Australia, and
using 484 real ship accident investigation reports to it can be seen that both reports contain the aforemen-
validate the developed framework and related statistical tioned four components. Take the report of Denmark
analysis approaches. shown in Figure 1(a) as an example. After reading this
20-page report, we can extract the follow information.
(1) It was a collision accident between a general cargo
Research methodology ship and a fishing ship, which resulted in one death. (2)
Standardizing the necessary information extracting The accident occurred in crossing courses with good
from ship accident investigating reports visibility, calm seas and clear weather, and the speeds
of the cargo ship and the fishing ship are 9.0 and
Most maritime nations provide accident investigation 7.8 knots, respectively. (3) The main reason for the acci-
reports to the public under the instruction of IMO. dent is that the two ships do not maintain an effective

Figure 1. Accident reports’ outline.

38 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 233(1)

Figure 2. The cause and effect diagram of ship accidents.

lookout. (4) The government should implement the use As shown in Figure 2, the proposed framework
of inflatable life jackets while working on deck. depicts the accident consequence and the directly rele-
Although the accident reports contain a large amount vant factors in two phases, namely, the during-accident
of detailed accident information, they cannot be directly phase and post-accident phase. We define two types of
used for quantitative risk analysis due to the following elliptical nodes, namely, the white nodes and the gray
reasons. First, these reports are written in different natu- nodes. The former nodes denote the accident
ral languages with their own abbreviations and even consequence-relative events, such as accident injury
contain misspellings. Second, these reports are usually and oil spill; the latter ones represent the contributing
in text format, and not all reports use a standard tem- factors for accident consequence, including (1) ship
plate. For example, in the two accident reports shown in parameters, for example, ship sailing speed and radar
Figure 1, the wind conditions are described as there was number; (2) human factors, for example, the number of
no significant wind, and the wind speed is from 15 to crews; and (3) environment factors, for example, wave
20 knots. They can be easily grasped by the humans but and visibility conditions.
cannot be easily understood by computers. Although The information extracted from the accident
there have been many attempts to extract information reports should be standardized for conducting quanti-
from accidents’ reports automatically, there still exist tative analysis. The accident information is usually
intractable challenges before practical use.24 Thus, presented as numerical variables, described in implicit
human efforts are the practical ways to extract accident languages, or even shown in graphs. For the informa-
information from accident reports and establish a digital tion described in nature languages, it should be
database for quantitative accident analysis. reviewed by the reviewers and converted to category
A framework is needed to reduce the subjectivity and variables according to the background knowledge of
standardize the extracted information in reviewing acci- the reviewers and the rules in the proposed framework.
dent reports. Several researchers have shown the effec- The reviewers are trained to familiar with the rules to
tiveness of this kind of frameworks to extract convert this information. For example, the wind speed
information from accident reports for specific analysis is usually described as continuous numbers or in
purposes.4,23,25 For example, a framework named nature language. When the wind is described using the
HFACS-grounding (HFACS) is adopted to review acci- phrases of the calm sea or the good weather, it can be
dent reports to study human factors in accidents with considered as no wind. For the information shown in
RoPax.25 This article aims to study the relationship the graph, it should be converted using the maritime
between accident consequences and the dominant con- knowledge. For instance, the collision position some-
tributing factor of both during accident and post-acci- times can be calculated according to the ship courses
dent. Thus, we develop a customized framework shown in the graph. In most accidents’ reports, the
focusing on the ship accident consequence analysis. ship damage, cargo damage and installation damage
Zhang et al. 39

Table 1. Accident-contributing variables and statistical description.

Variables Measurements Mean (SD) (%) Range

Ship factors
1. Ship type (xship ) 1. For liquefied natural gas/liquefied 1–1.50 1–8
petroleum gas ships
2. For oil tanker 2–7.99
3. For roll-on roll-off 3–4.51
4. For bulk carriers 4–13.37
5. For general cargo ships 5–15.67
6. For container ships 6–10.61
7. For passenger ships and cruises 7–16.86
8. For other small ships 8–29.94
2. Vessel speed (xv ) Ship speed measured in knot 10.626 (7.355) 0–44
3. Position of impact (xpos ) The points of impact of two vessels, where 1 1–12.30 1–3
denotes the ‘‘head-on,’’ 2 denotes 2–23.53
‘‘overtaking’’ and 3 denotes ‘‘crossing’’ 3–64.17
4. Radar number (xradar ) Number of radars working well 1–42.32 1–4
Environment factors
5. Search and rescue (xres ) 1. For visual AtoN fully adequate 1–44.23 1–4
2. For visual AtoN barely meets the 2–23.08
requirement for safe navigation 3–5.13
3. For visual AtoN inadequate 4–27.56
4. For no AtoN at all
6. Wind condition (xwind ) 1. For wind speed exceeding 10 knots 1–49.35 1–3
2. For moderate, wind speed of up to 2–10.39
10 knots 3–40.26
3. For calm, no wind
7. Visibility (xvis ) 1. For clear visibility (. 10 NM) 1–74.44 1–3
2. For moderate visibility (210 NM) 2–23.30
3. For poor visibility (\ 2 NM) 3–2.26
Human factors
8. Causes of failure (xfail ) 1. For no fault 1–3.06 1–4
2. For mechanical failure 2–13.78
3. For human error 3–73.98
4. For others 4–9.18
9. Crew number (xcrew ) The number of crews 18.080 (9.343) 3–51
10. Passenger number (xpsg ) The number of passengers only for passenger 104.800 (282.475) 4–2256
11. Operation status (xope ) 1. Represents that the vessel is under way 1–86.83 1–3
2. Represents that the vessel is not under 2–6.83
command 3–6.34
3. Represents other status

are described by the words like serious, moderate and background, from Centre for Maritime Studies,
severe. They can be categorized according to the acci- National University of Singapore. The research domain
dent report guidelines by IMO.9,26 For example, the of all these reviewers is maritime traffic engineering
ship damage level is considered as minor when there is and eight of them hold the PhD degree. The accident
only ‘‘local equipment damage.’’9 For the visibility reports reviewing is guided by two field experts, who
level, the threshold is determined according to the are former senior operators of the leading shipping
Reports on Marine Casualties and Incidents of IMO, company, APL (American President Lines Ltd.). These
which considers the visibility below 0.5 NM as very reviewers are trained before reading the accidents’
poor and considers that below 2 NM as poor.26 From reports. The details of the background of the experts
the perspective of maritime safe control, 0.5 NM is the can be found on the website.29 The review work takes
threshold which is considered as the poor visibility.27 more than 2 weeks.
However, from the perspective of the navigators, the The information of 17 variables, of which 11 are
safety range around the ship is typically set as 2 NM.28 dependent variables and 6 are independent variables,
Thus, we consider the visibility below 2 NM as poor in are extracted and standardized (see Tables 1 and 2). As
this study. shown in Table 1, the contributing factors are categor-
Finally, 500 reports are reviewed by 12 research fel- ized into three groups: (1) ship factors, (2) environment
lows and/or research engineers with maritime traffic factors and (3) human factors.
40 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 233(1)

Table 2. Accident consequence variables.

Variables Measurements

1. Ship damage (yship ) 1 for minor, 2 for moderate, 3 for severe

2. Injuries (yinj ) The number of injuries
3. Fatalities (yftl ) The number of fatalities
4. Cargo damage (ycargo ) 1 for minor, 2 for moderate, 3 for severe
5. Damage on installations (yins ) 1 for minor, 2 for moderate, 3 for severe
6. Oil spilled (yoil ) Oil spill in tonnage

Table 1 shows some statistical features of the contri- contributing factors and the accident consequences,
buting factors. It can be found that small ships and showing the p value denoted by Pz . Let xik be the con-
passenger cargo ships are most likely to appear in the tributing factor k of the ith accident report and yim
accidents, followed by general cargo ships. We can also denote the consequence m of the ith accident report.
see that the majority of the accidents occurred in good Let k 2 1, 2, . . . , 11 represent the set of 11 contributing
visibility conditions under navigation status. Moreover, factors listed in Table 1, and let m 2 1, 2, . . . , 6 be the
73.98% of the ship accidents are caused by human set of the accident consequences given in Table 2.
errors, and the second most significant factor is Kendall’s t coefficient between contributing factor xk
mechanical failure. The statistical features of the acci- and accident consequence ym is defined as follows
dent consequences will be elaborated in the next
2St Xn Xn
section. t= , St = signfri  rj g ð1Þ
n(n  1) i=1 j=i+1

Identifying the important contributing factors with where ri and rj are the ranks of xik and yjm ,

respect to the ship accident consequences 1 if z50
sign(z) = , n is the number of the acci-
Understanding how do the factors exert impacts on the 1 if z \ 0
occurrence of a ship accident is one fundamental task dent reports.
of ship accident consequence analysis. There are several
methods in the literature to resolve this task, such as Nonparametric statistics test for the case with two nominal
correlation analysis and regression models.30,31 variables. For two nominal variables, such as ship type
However, these methods are not suitable for evidence- and collision position, Cramér’s V is used to measure
based ship accident consequence analysis using accident their association. In statistics, the nonparametric meth-
reports. First, it is almost impossible to calibrate the ods, such as Cramér’s phi coefficient and contingency
distributions of influential variables (for both continu- coefficient, are all suitable for nominal variables.32
ous and categorical variables) related to accidents. However, phi coefficient can only be used for two-row
Second, the ship accident samples should be categorized and two-column tables. Cramér’s V, denoted by v, var-
according to some characteristic factors. The limited ies from 0 to 1. When v is close to 0, it indicates a weak
sample size restricts the tractability of the conventional association between two variables. In contrary, when v
regression models. In this study, we decide to use non- is approaching 1, a strong association appears. Note
parametric statistics method to identify the relationship that chi-square test is conducted with the null hypoth-
between contributing factors and accident conse- esis of an independent relationship between two nom-
quences. Such method used for association analysis inal variables. The p value of chi-square test is denoted
depends on the data types of the variables. We intro- by px . When xk and ym are nominal variables, whose
duce three nonparametric statistics tests to assess the values have r categories and j categories, respectively.
relationship for the following variable combinations. Cramér’s V can be calculated as follows
Xr X j  2
Nonparametric statistics test for the case with two continuous x2 =n 2 nij  ni nj =n
V= , x =
variables. In detail, for two continuous variables, both min(c  1, r  1) i=1 j=1
ni nj =n
Spearman rank coefficient and Kendall’s tau coefficient
can be used.32 In general, Kendall’s tau coefficient is
more suitable for the case with sparse samples. Thus, where n is the total accident report amount, nij is the
Kendall’s tau coefficient is chosen, denoted by t. It number of the accident reports where xk is level i and
takes the values between 21 and 1, and a larger abso- ym equals to level j; ni is the number of the accident
lute value means a stronger relationship between two reports whose xk equals to level i; nj is the number of
variables. The positive value indicates a positive corre- reports with j level of ym ; r and c are, respectively, the
lation and vice verse. In addition, we conduct a null number of rows and columns of the contingency table,
hypothesis test of zero correlation between the and x 2 is the chi-square test statistics.
Zhang et al. 41

Nonparametric statistics test for the case with one continuous collision, grounding and contact. In this study, six
variable and one nominal variable. For xk and ym , types of consequences are investigated: ship damage,
when one is nominal and the other is continuous, cargo damage, installations damage, injuries, fatalities
Kruskal–Wallis test is utilized to examine how close is and oil spill. Note that only the consequences explicitly
their relationship.32 For example, we can conduct mentioned in the report are taken into account. For
Kruskal–Wallis test to investigate the association example, if the injury number is not explicitly reported,
between xvis and yoil . The null hypothesis of Kruskal– it is considered as missing data, rather than zero. The
Wallis test is that all m groups of populations have frequencies of different types of consequences are ela-
same locations. If the null hypothesis is rejected, the borated as follows.
pairs of the categories can be found by
Ship and cargo damage. As shown in Figures 3(a) and (b),
S = f(i, j)jDij . ckw g ð3Þ the frequencies of ship damage and cargo damage are
where S is the set of the category pairs which differ 430 and 133, respectively. It is not surprising that the fre-
from each other; Dij is the absolute difference between quency of ship damage is higher than that of cargo dam-
the average rank of category i and category j, which is age because cargoes are often on-board fixed with inhaul
calculated as follows cables. As shown in Figure 3(a), most ship damages are
not serious. Moreover, with the increase in damage level,
Dij = jRi  Rj j ð4Þ the total number of ship damage accidents decrease sig-
nificantly. However, the frequency of cargo damage is a
where Ri = Ri =ni , Rj = Rj =nj and Ri and Rj are the bit different, where the number of serious accidents is
sums of the ranks of category i and j, respectively; ckw larger than moderate ones, as shown in Figure 3(b). One
is the threshold value calculated as follows possible explanation would attribute to the trend of the
   large size of cargo ships. For large ships, the amount of
n(n + 1) 1 1 cargo damage would be large once cargo damage occurs.
ckw = x k1;a + ð5Þ
12 ni nj Another possible reason would be the statistical bias
caused by insufficient sample size (only 34 for accidents
where x k1;a is the critical value of the chi-square distri- with cargo damage of levels 2 and 3).
bution used in classical Kruskal–Wallis test at the sig- Regarding the accident types, more serious damages
nificance level of a; n is the total amount of the occur in collision and grounding accidents compared to
accident reports; and n and nj are the accident report contact accidents. As displayed in Figure 4(a) and (b),
amounts of category i and category j. The correspond- the collision accidents falling into the group of ship
ing p value is denoted by pkw . damage levels 2 and 3 occupy 49.80% of total collision
accidents which cause ship damage. The percentages
Data collection and analysis for the grounding accidents and contact accidents are
only 34.50% and 24.10%, respectively. The cargo dam-
Ship accident reports are reviewed to extract evidence age statistics show a similar trend. The accidents which
information using this framework. We collected 500 cause cargo damage of levels 2 and 3 in collision and
ship accident reports from the following sources: grounding accidents are, respectively, 26.10% and
Marine Accident Investigation Branch of UK, 26.60%, which are higher than that of contact acci-
European Maritime Safety Agency, Denmark Maritime dents (12.50%).
Accident Investigation Board, Australian Transport
Safety Bureau and Marine Accident Investigation and Damage on installations. As shown in Figure 3(c), the fre-
Shipping Security Policy Branch of Hong Kong. A quencies of installation damage of levels 1–3 are 64, 6
report is considered incomplete if no accident conse- and 4, respectively. Moreover, only 5.4% of these
quence is quantitatively reported. To reduce subjective installation damage accidents are serious. It can be seen
errors, reviewers are asked to leave this information as that the probability of installation damage accidents is
missing data if no explicit description of damage level is rather low, and their consequences are in general not
found in the report. A total of 447 accident reports serious compared to the accidents causing ship damage
have been finally reviewed, and all these reports contain and cargo damage. This would be because the commer-
information of property damage, human casualty and cial ships are usually maneuvered with the help of tugs
environment impact and the details of the accident pro- and pilots in port waters and with comparatively low
cess. The numbers of collision, grounding and contact speed of course. It can also be found in Figure 4(c) that
accidents are 231, 213 and 33, respectively. the percentage of serious installation damage in
grounding accidents is higher than that in collision and
contact accidents.
The descriptive statistics
The ship accident frequency is analyzed by distinguish- Injuries and fatalities. The human injury and fatality are
ing accident types and accident consequences. The ship extremely frequent compared to other types of conse-
accidents are classified into three types, namely, quences. In Figure 3(d) and (e), the numbers of the
42 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 233(1)

Figure 3. Ship accidents’ consequence distribution: (a) ship damage, (b) cargo damage, (c) damage on installations, (d) injuries, (e)
fatalities and (f) oil spill.

reports which explicitly record injuries and fatalities are types. As can be seen in Figure 4(d), the percentages of
417 and 424, respectively. Among these accidents, collision, grounding and contact, of which the numbers
14.15% of them cause injuries, and 11.32% of them of injury above zero, are 21.00%, 5.34% and 23.33%,
lead to fatalities. Moreover, 0.72% of the accidents respectively. Similarly, as shown in Figure 4(e), the per-
have the injury number over 50; whereas only 0.24% of centage of accidents leading to fatalities for collision,
the accidents involve fatalities. grounding and contact accidents are 16.91%, 6.73%,
The distributions of injuries and fatalities vary and 3.33%, respectively. We can see that the collision
remarkably with different accident types and ship accidents are more likely to cause injuries and fatalities.
Zhang et al. 43

Figure 4. Consequence statistics of different accident types: (a) ship damage, (b) cargo damage, (c) damage on installations, (d)
injuries, (e) fatalities and (f) oil spill.

For contact accidents, the percentage of injuries is as ships. Similarly, the passenger ships suffer higher fatal-
high as collision accident. However, the percentage of ity numbers (10.6) than non-passenger ships (3.97).
fatalities in contact accidents is relatively low, only
3.33%. Moreover, the average number of injuries of
passenger ships is 26.8, which is much higher than that Oil spill. As shown in Figure 3(f), the percentage of the
of non-passenger ships (only 2.87). This is not surpris- accidents causing oil spill is relative low; that is, only
ing because of the large difference between the number 10.82% of 268 accidents explicitly report the quantities
of persons on the cargo ship and that on passenger of oil spills. With respect to the oil spilling events,
44 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 233(1)

Table 3. Effect size analysis.

Factors Injuries Fatalities Ship damage Cargo damage Oil spilled

Collision accidents
xtype1 pkw \ 103 pkw = 0:340 v = 0:691 (pz = 0:040) v = 0:434 (pz = 0:060) pkw \ 103

xtype2 pkw = 0:042 pkw = 0:243 v = 0:130(px = 0:792) v = 0:102(px = 0:057) pkw = 0:812
xv1 t = 0:201 (pz = 0:002) t = 0:268 (pz = 0:093) pkw = 0:017
xv2 t = 0:049(pz = 0:156) t = 0:135(pz = 0:395) pkw = 0:788 pkw = 0:599 t = 0:044(pz = 0:172)
xcrew t = 0:109(pz = 0:096) t = 0:149(pz = 0:157) pkw = 0:298 pkw = 0:878 t = 0:020(pz = 0:105)
xpsg t = 0:007(pz = 0:405) t = 0:008(pz = 0:791) pkw = 0:752 pkw = 0:550 t = 0:027(pz = 0:754)
xpos pkw = 0:227 pkw = 0:302 v = 0:144(px = 0:121) v = 0:204 (px = 0:151) pkw = 0:007
xradar t = 0:066(pz = 0:115) t = 0:011(pz = 0:042) t = 0:008(pz = 0:063) t = 0:12(pz = 0:498) t = 0:075(pz = 0:312)
xres pkw = 0:713 pkw = 0:214 v = 0:021(px = 0:015) v = 0:227 (px = 0:051) pkw = 0:517
xwind pkw = 0:418 pkw = 0:171 v = 0:201(px = 0:119) v = 0:142(px = 0:061) pkw = 0:612

xvis pkw = 0:681 pkw \ 103 v = 0:130(px = 0:176) v = 0:121(px = 0:175) pkw = 0:674

xfail pkw = 0:217 pkw = 0:052 v = 0:271(px = 0:292) v = 0:321(px = 0:201) pkw = 0:546
xoper pkw = 0:314 pkw = 0:029 v = 0:016(px = 0:053) v = 0:003(px = 0:871) pkw = 0:748
Grounding accidents
xtype pkw = 0:128 pkw = 0:020 v = 0:195(px = 0:253) v = 0:278(px = 0:128) pkw \ 0:811
xv t = 0:118(pz = 0:107) t = 0:084(pz = 0:150) pkw = 0:019 pkw = 0:089 t =  0:010(pz = 0:901)

xcrew t = 0:155(pz = 0:022) t = 0:239 (pz = 0:052) pkw \ 103 pkw = 0:001 t =  0:036(pz = 0:331)
xpsg t = 0:012(pz = 0:220) t = 0:258 (pz = 0:052) pkw \ 10 – t = 0:258 (pz = 0:484)
xradar t = 0:051(pz = 0:103) t = 0:018(pz = 0:138) t = 0:008(pz = 0:079) t = 0:089(pz = 0:498) t = 0:080(pz = 0:409)
xres pkw = 0:923 pkw = 0:150 v = 0:123(px = 0:022) v = 0:322 (px = 0:306) pkw = 0:646
xwind pkw = 0:454 pkw = 0:112 v = 0:149(px = 0:104) v = 0:124(px = 0:171) pkw = 0:714

xvis pkw = 0:727 pkw \ 103 v = 0:149(px = 0:251) v = 0:160(px = 0:183) pkw = 0:567
xfail pkw = 0:113 – v = 0:143(px = 0:292) v = 0:256 (px = 0:437) pkw = 0:363
xoper pkw = 0:211 – v = 0:119(px = 0:249) v = 0:082(px = 0:906) pkw = 0:380

– represents no statistical result because of the too small sample size.

pkw \ 0:05 or jtj . 0:5, or v . 0:5; **pkw \ 0:15 or jtj . 0:2, or v . 0:2.

44.83% of them are over 50 tons, and 13.9% of them because fatality events are fairly scarce and only hap-
are more than 500 tons. It can be seen that oil spill is pen in certain situations such as extreme weather or
not frequently reported. However, once it is reported, serious human error, and ship type is not the domi-
the amount of oil spill is usually large. In Figure 4(f), nant factor in this situation. It is also found that the
we can see that the distributions of oil spills in three factor xtype1 exhibits a much stronger association with
types of accidents are quite similar. Concerning ship casualty than xtype2 . This is quite straightforward that
types, the average oil spills of oil tankers are much xtype1 and the casualty number are all pertinent to the
larger than that of non-tanker ships, which are 291.00 subject ship, whereas the information of xtype2 is col-
and 75.92 tons, respectively. In a certain degree, the lected from the other ship. We can also see that there
accident type is not a significant influential factor for is a significant association between the ship type and
the level of the oil spill, compared to ship type. the oil spill, which is consistent with the existing
According to Table 3, xv1 is positively associated
Associations between contributing factors and with injuries and fatalities. Although xv1 is also posi-
accident consequences tively related to the amount of oil spilled, the linkage is
In this section, we make the association analysis results not so strong (t = 0:017). This might be because that
that are obtained by the proposed method. All testing the speed-limiting regulation exists in most port waters
models are fulfilled using statistical programming lan- and thus the speed of oil tanker does not vary dramati-
guage R. The results are given in Table 3. We only ana- cally as passenger ships.
lyze the grounding and collision accidents. Given the As shown in Table 3, human factors are also strongly
fact of quite limited samples (only 33), we do not evalu- associated with ship accident consequences. We can see
ate the associations for the contact accidents. Also, we that the crew number of ship 1 is negatively related to
have not conducted analysis on accidents causing instal- fatalities. This would be because that the more crew a
lation damage for the same reason. ship has, the stronger is its ability against fatal acci-
dents. It should be noted that the relationship is not so
significant (t = 0:149). However, the crew number
Collision accidents. As can be seen in Table 3, the factor exhibits a positive relationship with the consequence of
xtype1 is significantly related to the number of injuries. injury. Nevertheless, there seems no linkage between
However, no noticeable association exists between crew number and other consequences, including ship
xtype1 and the number of fatalities. This might be damage, cargo damage and oil spill.
Zhang et al. 45

From Table 3, we can easily see that there is a strong experts spent more than 2 weeks on reviewing the acci-
linkage between collision positions and oil spill. We fur- dent reports, only 477 reports are processed. Thus, the
ther investigate the effects of collision types. Although problem of scarce sample inevitably becomes an obsta-
the samples of different collision types belong to the cle to the more advanced and attractive statistical mod-
same population, they still reveal a few interesting find- els. Second, the accident reports are suffered from
ings. Specifically, the amount of oil spill differs signifi- under-reporting and incompleteness problems. For
cantly between crossing and head-on accidents. A example, 500 reports are reviewed in this study, but
similar phenomenon can be observed between the cross- only about 95% are effective.
ing sample and overtaking sample. So does the situa- In the era of big data, it would be beneficial that the
tion between crossing collisions and head-on collisions. traditional accident-reporting mechanism is reformed
This might be owing to the fact that collisions during under the guidance of IMO. First, different countries
crossing situations result in more structural damages. should strictly follow a unified and standardized acci-
However, the linkages between collision positions and dent report template using the same data format under a
other types of consequences are not so significant. data sharing system. As a result, all involved countries
could benefit from this sharing system. Second, new
positioning and communication technologies, such as
Grounding accidents. As can be seen in Table 3, the ship
AIS (Automatic Identification System), can be used to
factors such as ship type have strong linkages with ship
collect the detailed information during ship accidents.
accident consequences (e.g. pkw = 0:02 for fatalities).
With the automatically recorded data and the accident
However, it shows that the radar number has no signif-
reports, more advanced evidence-based models could be
icant relationship with ship accident consequences.
developed to desire insightful findings of ship accidents
This may be due to the fact that at least one radar
and to design safety improvement/control schemes.
works well during the accidents according to Table 1,
and the lack of attention caused by human errors is the
dominant contributing factor. In general, ship type is Contributing factors for ship accident consequences
strongly related to injuries, fatalities and ship damage.
Using the framework proposed in this study, we have
However, it shows a weak association with oil spill
successfully extracted a large amount of knowledge
which is different from the collision accident. One pos-
about the associations between contributing factors and
sible explanation is that single-hull oil tankers have
accident consequences from real ship accident cases.
been widely replaced with the double-hull oil tankers,
Some of these relationships could not be straightfor-
which can significantly reduce the oil spill.34 It is very
wardly perceived by our sights or even experts’ experi-
interesting that the crew numbers are significantly
ence. For example, the analysis results show that the
related to ship damage and cargo damage in grounding
impacts of weather and visibility for fatalities are much
accidents (pkw \ 103 and pkw = 0:001 for ship damage
stronger than that for injuries. Another example is that
and cargo damage), but not in the case of collision acci-
the number of crews is negatively related to the number
dents. One possible explanation would be that there is
of the fatality but shows no linkage in the case of oil
adequate time or buffer time to save cargoes when
spill. Such knowledge would be helpful for decision
groundings occur (compared to the case that ship colli-
makers to flexibly and effectively mitigate the risk of
sions happen). It should be noted that other factors
ship accidents by controlling the most important fac-
such as the position of grounding (rocky coast or sand
tors. Moreover, compared with the existing research
beach) would also be related to this.
such as RCA method or HFACS method, the knowl-
Environment factors are important contributors to
edge extracted in this study is based on the accident
ground accidents. As shown in Table 2, both wind con-
reports, which records the facts during the occurrence
dition and visibility condition are positively related to
of the accidents. The proposed method depends on the
ship damage and cargo damage. In addition, there is a
evidence of the real accidents and does not directly
strong linkage between visibility and fatality, whereas
depend on the experience of the experts.
the linkage between visibility and injury is relatively
However, it is more attractive if the accident conse-
weak. This would be explained by the fact that the seri-
quence models could characterize the relationships
ous accidents occurred in poor visibility conditions (at
among the factors, rather than only the causality con-
night) are more easily to incur fatalities. This fact has
nections between contributing factors and accident con-
also been revealed by previous studies.35,36
sequences. This kind of models can reveal more
interesting insights of ship accidents. When the accident
Discussion data collection is improved, the advanced statistical
models can be developed. Furthermore, this study only
Improvement of accident data collection considers the direct impacting factors during the occur-
Although the accident reports are successfully used for rence of accidents and investigates the linkage between
consequence analysis, there are still many challenges. the factors and seriousness of the accident consequence
First, a lot of effort is needed to pre-process the acci- rather than the possibility of the accident. Due to the
dent reports manually. In this study, even though 12 constraint of data collection from the accident reports
46 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 233(1)

mentioned in the last section, not all impact factors Declaration of conflicting interests
could be involved in this study. For example, the acci- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
dent location impacts not only the accident frequency with respect to the research, authorship and/or publica-
but also its consequence.7,35 It is found that the bigger tion of this article.
number of mortalities is associated with shipping acci-
dents occurred far away from the coastal area/harbor/
port.35 In the accident reports, the position information Funding
is usually in the format of text rather than the accurate The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following finan-
longitude and latitude value and thus it cannot be easily cial support for the research, authorship, and/or publi-
quantified. In the future, the framework of evidence- cation of this article: This study is supported by the
based consequence can be hopefully extended to study joint research project Formal Safety Assessment
the cases with available big data. System for Ship Traffic in Port Waters with Global
Maritime and Port Services Pte Ltd, funded by the
Maritime Innovation and Technology (MINT) Fund
Conclusion of Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).
This project is also supported by the research project
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