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ueflnlLlon of Lhe fleld / Conference Loplcs

5ound ond Music computinq {5Mc) reseorch opprooches the who/e sound ond music communicotion choin from
o mu/tidiscip/inory point of view 8y combininq scientific techno/oqico/ ond ortistic methodo/oqies it oims ot
understondinq mode//inq ond qenerotinq sound ond music throuqh computotiono/ opprooches
|n|t|on o th |
1he cenLral focus of Lhe research eld ls sound and muslc Sound ls Lhe resonance of ob[ecLs and maLerlals LhaL we
can llsLen Lo Muslc ls Lhe lnLended organlsaLlon of sounds for parLlcular uses ln soclal and culLural conLexLs 1he
sound and muslc communlcaLlon chaln covers all aspecLs of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween sonlc energy and meanlngful
lnformaLlon boLh from sound Lo sense (as ln muslcal conLenL exLracLlon or percepLlon) and from sense Lo sound
(as ln muslc composlLlon or sound synLhesls) 1hls deflnlLlon ls generally consldered Lo lnclude all Lypes of sounds
and human communlcaLlon processes excepL speech Speech research has lLs own alms and meLhodologles and ls
ouLslde Lhe SMC fleld
1he oLher elemenLs conLalned ln Lhe deflnlLlon sLaLemenL above can be brlefly explalned as follows
1h mut||sc|p|nary po|nt o v| relaLes Lo Lhe use of varlous research meLhodologles and dlsclpllnes from Lhe
naLural and human sclences SMC also lncludes varlous research goals and approaches LhaL deal wlLh cross
modallLy such as Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween percepLlon and acLlon and Lhe lnLegraLlon of dlfferenL senses lnvolved
ln humanmachlne lnLeracLlon (hearlng vlslon movemenL hapLlcs eLc) boLh ln lndlvldual and soclal conLexLs
c|nt||c an tchnoog|ca mthooog|s refer Lo emplrlcallybased and modelllngbased approaches LhaL draw
upon advanced Lools for measurlng and processlng lnformaLlon Art|st|c mthooog|s refer Lo approaches LhaL
explore human experlence and expresslon
Unrstan|ng refers Lo our knowledge of Lhe mechanlsms LhaL underlle how people deal wlLh sound and muslc ln
Lerms of lLs conLenL and experlence
Mo|ng refers Lo Lhe represenLaLlon of knowledge Lhrough algorlLhms and Lools1he resulLlng models are used
boLh ln appllcaLlons LhaL alm aL sclenLlflc undersLandlng (eg slmulaLlon of percepLual processes) and also ln
appllcaLlons LhaL alm aL pracLlcal undersLandlng (eg ln soundaware ob[ecLs muslc lnformaLlon reLrleval sysLems
muslc producLlon companlons)
rouct|on refers Lo Lhe creaLlve use of algorlLhms and Lools Lo develop new conLenL ln whlch sound and muslc are
communlcaLed as ln sound envlronmenLs lnLeracLlve arLlsLlc works and sonlc deslgn
Computat|ona approachs refer Lo Lhe core processlng whlch allows Lhe developmenL of Lools llnklng sonlc
energy wlLh sub[ecLlve experlence CompuLlng ls Lhe shared pracLlce LhaL connecLs sclenLlflc undersLandlng Lhe
developmenL of Lechnologlcal equlpmenL and conLenLbased creaLlon
Conrnc top|cs
SMC2011 welcomes conLrlbuLlons on all Lhe core Loplcs ln Sound and Muslc CompuLlng research lncludlng noLably
O Ju soooJ/moslc
O oJltoty Jlsploy ooJ Joto soolflcotloo
O otomotlc sepototloo tecoqoltloo closslflcotloo of soooJ ooJ moslc
O otomotlc moslc qeoetotloo/occompoolmeot systems
O ompototloool moslcoloqy
O ompotet eovltoomeots fot soooJ/moslc ptocessloq
O ooteot ptocessloq of moslc ooJlo slqools
O ulqltol ooJlo effects
O otetoctlve petfotmooce systems
O otetfoces fot soooJ ooJ moslc
O ,oJels fot soooJ ooolysls ooJ syotbesls

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