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Project: State road IB category No.

27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:

Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

Projekat betona AB ležišnih greda sa kvaderima

Concrete Design for reinforced bearing beams with base plates

Državni put IB reda br.27 Loznica-Valjevo-Lazarevac,

deonica Iverak-Lajkovac
State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo-Lazarevac
Section Iverak – Lajkovac

MOST BR.10 km 7+597,08 /7+604,47

BRIDGE No.10 km 7+597.08 /7+604.47

Inženjer za kvalitet betona / QA/QC Engineer:

Jasmina Petrović, Geology Eng.

Odgovorni izvođač radova/Responsible Engineer:

Darko Milidragović, MSc.Civil Eng.

Glavni inženjer projekta / Project Manager:

Novica Stojiljković, MSc CEng.


Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

Uvod Introduction

Most br.10 prelazi preko novoregulisanog Bridge No. 10 crosses the newly regulated
korita i servisne saobraćajnice. Dispozicionim riverbed and service road. With design solution
rešenjem predviđeni su poluintegralni the semi-integral bridges with three span of
mostovi sa po tri polja raspona 15+19+15m. 15+19+15m were envisaged.
Planirani period za izvođenje ležišnih Planned period for execution of bearing beams
greda je Jun-Avgust 2022. is June-August 2022.

Projektna dokumentacija Design documentation

Projektom za izvođenje je definisan broj i The Design for executution defines the number
položaj ležišnih greda, poprečni presek, kote and position of the bearing beams, the cross
vrha i dna ležišne grede, kvalitet betona, oblik section, the top and the bottom of bearing beam,
i vrsta armature. the quality of the concrete, the shape and type of

Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

Poprečni presek ležišne grede

Cross section of bearing beams

Izvođenje ležišnih greda Execution of bearing beams

Proces izvođenja ležišnih greda se sastoji The process of execution of bearing beams
od sledećih aktivnosti: includes following activities:
1. Scaffolding setting
1. Postavljanje skele 2. Installation of supports and bottom
2. Postavljanje nosača i donje oplate formwork of the bearing beam
ležišne grede 3. Position control of the bearing beam by
3. Kontrola položaja ležišne grede surveying
geodetskim merenjem 4. Preparing the surface of a joint with pier
4. Priprema površine spoja sa stubom 5. Placing and fixing of the reinforcement
5. Postavljanje i vezivanje armature 6. Inspection and approval of reinforcement
6. Provera i prijem armature od strane by the Supervisor
Nadzornog organa 7. Positioning of the bearing beam lateral
7. Postavljanje bočne oplate ležišne formwork
grede 8. Inspection and approval of formwork by the
8. Provera i prijem oplate od strane 9. Quality check of delivered concrete
Nadzornog organa 10. Concreting and vibration

Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

9. Provera kvaliteta dopremljenog 11. Removing the formwork and curing of the
betona concrete
10. Betoniranje i vibriranje
11. Skidanje oplate i nega betona

Priprema za izradu ležišne grede Preparation for the construction of bearing


Površina stubova iznad koje će se The surface of the pier where the bearing
betonirati ležišna mora biti ohrapavljena beam will be constructed must be shrewd with
pikamerima i očišćena od ostataka betona i pick hammers and cleared of concrete remains
nečistoća vazduhom pod pritiskom ili vodom. and impurities by air under pressure or water.

Armatura Reinforcement

Armatura za sve pozicije je kvaliteta Reinforcement for all positions is the quality of
B500B. Na gradilište će biti isporučena već B500B. To the construction will be delivered site
izrađena, isečena i savijena i biće postavljena already shaped, cut, and bent, and will be set
prema projektu armature. according to the reinforcement design.
Kako bi se osigurao zaštitni sloj od 3,5cm To ensure a protective layer of 3.5cm, on the
biće postavljeni betonski distanceri reinforcement will be fixed concrete cubes of the
odgovarajuće visine. appropriate height.
Pre betoniranja, ugrađenu armaturu treba Before pouring concrete, installed
očistiti od ostataka drveta, žice i drugih reinforcement should be cleaned from wood, wire
predmeta zaostalih na poziciji predviđenoj za and other items that remained at the position
betoniranje tokom obavljanja radova. planed for concreting during the works.
U letnjim uslovima hlađenje armature će In summer conditions, cooling of the
se izvoditi kvašenjem. reinforcement will be done by wetting.

Oplata i skela Formwork and scaffolding

Skela i oplata proizvođača DOKA postavlja Scaffolding and formwork from DOKA is placed
se prema crtežima proizvođača do visine according to the manufacturer’s drawings up to
potrebne za izradu platforme na kojoj će se the height required for the construction of the
izvoditi ležišna greda. platform on which the bearing beam will be made.
Pre montaže svi elementi skele će biti Prior to installation, all scaffolding elements
vizuelno pregledani i uslučaju da postoje will be visually inspected and in the event that
fizička oštećenja na nekom elementu – biće there is physical damage to an element - will be
uklonjeni iz upotrebe. Nakon montiranja removed from use. After the scaffolding is placed,
skele montiraju se nosači platforme od platform supports that will serve as the lower
drvenih dasaka koja će služiti kao donja formwork of the bearing beam are mounted.
oplata ležišne grede. Na bočnim stranama Towers with a step for climbing to the work
skele će biti postavljeni tornjevi sa platform will be placed on the sides of the
stepeništem za penjanje do radne platforme. scaffolding. After placing the formwork, verticality
Nakon postavljanja oplate vertikalnost i and position will be checked by surveying.
položaj će se proveriti geodetskim Before assembling the formwork, it is
snimanjem. necessary to coat the inner surface with a
Pre montaže oplate potrebno je premazati chemical to prevent the formwork from sticking to
unutrašnju površine sredstvom koje će the concrete.

Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

sprečiti lepljenje oplate za beton. Before the concrete starts, the Supervisor will
Pre početka betoniranja Nadzorni organ check that the formwork was carried out
će proveriti da li je oplata izvedena prema according to the Design (formwork acceptance)
projektu (prijem oplate) i dati odobrenje za and give the approval for the start of concreting.
početak betoniranja. In summer conditions, cooling of the formwork
U letnjim uslovima hlađenje oplate će se will be done by wetting.
izvoditi kvašenjem.

Beton Concrete

Beton, cement, agregat, voda i aditiv su u Concrete, cement, aggregate, water, and
skladu sa Tehničkim uslovima Puteva Srbije iz admixture are in accordance with the Technical
2009.god., odnosno sa zahtevima navedenim Conditions of Roads of Serbia from 2009, i.e with
u Projektu. the requirements stated in the Design.

Beton za izradu ležišnih greda i kvadera je The concrete for making bearing beams and
MB40 klase (30/37) sa zahtevanim posebnim base plates is MB40 class (C30/37) with required
svojstvima V-II, M-200, MSo‘‘0‘‘ special properties V-II, M-200, MSo‘‘0‘‘

Komponentalni materijali su sledeći: The component materials are as follows:

 Cement: CEM II/A-M (S-L)42.5R –  Cement: CEM II/A-M (S-L)42.5R – ‘’Titan’’,
‘’Titan’’, Kosjerić Kosjeric
 Agregat: Prirodni, separisani, frakcije  Aggregate: Natural, separated, fractions
0/4mm, 4/8mm, 8/16mm, reka Drina 0/4mm, 4/8mm, 8/16mm, river Drina -
– Separacija ‘’Duvanište’’ PZP Valjevo Separation "Duvanište" PZP Valjevo
 Aditiv: ’’SIKA VISCOCRETE 4077x’’,  Admixture:’’SIKA VISCOCRETE 4077x’’,
SIKA, Srbija SIKA, Serbia
Sika Control-100 AER RS, SIKA, Serbia Sika Control-100 AER RS, SIKA, Srbija
 Voda: Bunarska  Water: Well

Sveža betonska mešavina za ležišne grede Fresh concrete mixture for bearing beams is
priprema se u fabrici betona “Shandong prepared in the concrete plant ‘’Shandong Foreign
Foreign Economic & Technical Cooperation Economic & Technical Cooperation Co. Ltd.’’ at the
Co. Ltd.’’ na petlji Lajkovac, prema Lajkovac loop, according to the preliminary test
prethodnoj probi br. Izveštaja BET-9444/21 – Report no. BET-9444/21 - test label P-120/21.
oznaka probe P-120/21. Fresh concrete mix for bearing beams at the
Sveža betonska mešavina za ležišne grede spare concrete plant ‘’Kompresor ING’’ in
na rezervnoj fabrici ’’Kompresor ING’’ u Belosevac is prepared according to the preliminary
Beloševcu priprema se prema prethodnoj test, report no. BET-16290/21– test label P-
probi br. Izveštaja BET-16290/21– oznaka 140/21.
probe P-140/21.

Kontrolu proizvodnje i ugradnje betona Control of concrete production is performed by

vrši akreditovana laboratorija za beton an accredited laboratory of the IMS Institute.
Instituta IMS.
Pre početka ugradnje betona proveravaće Before the start of concrete installation, the
se parametri svežeg betona – konzistencija, parameters of fresh concrete will be measured –
temperatura i sadržaj mikro pora. consistency, temperature and content of micro
Na osnovu prateće dokumentacije – pores.

Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

otpremnica kontrolisaće se vreme Based on the accompanying documentation -

proizvodnje i klasa dopremljenog betona. delivery note, the production time, and the class
of delivered concrete will be controlled.
Ugradnja betona biće završena pre The installation of concrete will be completed
početka vezivanja betonske mase. before the concrete mass starts to set.

Betoniranje ležišnih greda i kvadera Concreting of bearing beams and base plates

Beton na gradilište dopremaju mikseri Concrete is delivered to the site by mixers with
kapaciteta 9 m3. a capacity of 9 m3.
Betoniranje će se vršiti autopumpom ili Concreting will be performed with concrete
autokranom i kiblom u slojevime ne većim od pump or bucket in layers no more than 50 cm with
50 cm sa vibriranjem pervibratorom. vibrating needle compaction. The maximum
Maksimalna visina sa koje se sme ugrađivati height from which concrete can be installed is 150
beton je 150cm. cm.
Zaštitni slojevi betona su 3,5cm. Protective layers of concrete are 3.5cm.
U letnjim uslovima na betonskoj bazi In summer conditions, on the concrete plant,
vršiće se hlađenje sveže betonske mešavine the fresh concrete mixture will be cooled with
tečnim azotom (duboko ohlađen). Nakon liquid nitrogen (deeply cooled). After precise
preciznog doziranja i mešanja svih dosing and of all components in the mixer, liquid
komponenti u mešalici, kroz instalirane nitrogen is injected into the mixer through the
mlaznice vrši se injektiranje tečnog azota u installed nozzles, which immediately turns into a
mešalicu, koji odmah prelazi u gasovito stanje gaseous state and thus cools the concrete mixture
i tako hladi betonsku mešavinu na zadatu to the set temperature.

Nega betona Concrete curing

Ova aktivnost, posebno njeno trajanje This activity, especially its duration is defined
definisano je standardima. with the standards.
U letnjim uslovima, po zavšenom In summer conditions, upon finished
betoniranju, najmanje 7 dana će Izvođač concreting, for at least 7 days the Contractor will
sprovoditi kvašenje betonskih elemenata conduct the wetting of concrete elements with
vodom i pokrivanje geotekstilom. water and covering with geotextile.

Demontaža oplate Formwork dismantling

Oplata će biti demontirana na osnovu Based on Article 248 of the regulations BAB ‘87
člana 248.propisa BAB ’87, za demontažu the formwork will be dismantled when the
bočne oplate, čvrstoća betona treba da bude concrete strength reaches at least 30% of the
najmanje 30% od čvrstoće projektovanog designed concrete strength and 70% of the
betona i 70% propisane marke betona donjih required concrete class for bottom parts of the
delova oplate greda. beams’ formwork.

Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

Lista mehanizacije za izvođenje radova:

List of mechanization for construction works:
Rezerva/ reserve
Br./ No. Tip mašine/ Type of machine Kom/ pcs
kom/ pcs
1 Fabrika betona/ Concrete plant 80 m3/h 1 1
2 Mikser za beton/ Concrete mixer 9 m 4 1
3 Pumpa za beton/ Concrete pump 1 1
4 Kamion/ Truck 1 1
7 Pervibrator/ Vibrator 2 1
9 Autodizalica/Crane 1 1

Lista radne snage potrebne za izvođenje radova /

List of workers required for construction works
Ugradnja Montaža oplate i Ugradnja
Nivo kvalifikacije/ Qualification armature/Fittin skele/Formwork betona/Concret
g installation installation e installation
Polukvalifikovana radna snaga/
2 2 2
Semi-skilled workforce
Kvalifikovana radna snaga/ Skilled
2 2 2 15
Visokokvalifikovana radna snaga/
1 1 1
Qualified workforce

Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base



Most br.10
Donja zona Gornja zona Kol.betona
Stubno Kvader po stubnom
mesto Osnova Visina Vute Osnova Visina mestu
m2 m m3 m2 m m3
S1L 0.90 0.90
S1D 0.92 0.92
S2L 10.68 0.60 1.83 23.87 0.60 45.11
S2D 10.68 0.60 1.83 23.87 0.60 45.11
S3L 10.68 0.60 1.83 23.87 0.60 45.11
S3D 10.68 0.60 1.83 23.87 0.60 45.11
S4L 0.98 0.98
S4D 0.93 0.93
Ukupno: 184.17
Napomena: u tabeli su date količine ugrađenog betona. Količine betona predviđene za
transport mikserima veće su za 10% zbog mogućih gubitaka. / Note: tabeled quantities are
for built-in concrete. Quantities provided for transport by mixer trucks are 10% larger due to
the possible losses.

Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

Tok betoniranja ležišne grede sa vutama na stubnom mestu S2L

(važi za ležišne grede na ostalim stubnim mestima)
Concreting process of the bearing beams with wit haunches at the pillar place S2L
(valid for bearing beams on other pillar places)
Most br. 10
Redni broj miksera i
kol. betona po Početak Početak Kraj
Faza rada betona
mikseru punjenja pražnjenja pražnjenja
m3 m3
1 9.0 08:00 09:30 09:00
2 9.0 08:30 09:00 09:30
3 9.0 09:00 09:30 10:00
Jedna faza/ 45.11
4 9.0 09:30 10:00 10:30
One phase
5 7.0 10:00 10:30 11:00
6 2.5 10:30 11:00 11:30
Ciklus traje 1h, dolasci na 30 min.

Tok betoniranja kvadera na stubnom mestu S4L

(važi i za kvadere na ostalim stubnim mestima)
Concreting process of the base plates at the pillar place S4L
(valid for base plates on other pillar places)
Most br. 10
Redni broj miksera i
kol. betona po Početak Početak Kraj
Faza rada betona
mikseru punjenja pražnjenja pražnjenja
m3 m3

Jedna faza/ 1 0.98 1.0 08:00 09:30 09:00

One phase
Ciklus traje 1h, dolasci na 30 min.

Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

Plan uzorkovanja ležišnih greda/

Sampling plan for bearing beams

Most br. 10 / Bridge No. 10

Količina Broj kocki Posebna svojstva
Broj koji se
betona Fabrika betona
Stubno uzoraka čuvaju u
ležišnih Uslovi kvaliteta MSo’’ M-
mest za uslovima V-II
greda Oznaka dozaže konstrukci 0’’ 200
m3 je
S2L 45.11 Fabrika betona 2/3 2
’Shandong Foreign 1 serija koja će važiti
S2D 45.11 Economic & Technical 2/3 2 za ležišne grede i
Cooperation Co. Ltd.’’ kvadere na levom i
S3L 45.11 MB 40 (C 30/37) 1/3 2 desnom mostu
V-II, M-200, MSo-0
S3D 45.11 P-120/21 1/3 2
*Ocena marke betona vrši se prema kriterijumu 1 Pravilnika BAB 87./ The estimation of concrete
class is performed according to Criteria 1 of Rule Book BAB 87

Plan uzorkovanja kvadera/

Sampling plan for base plates

Most br. 10 / Bridge No. 10

Broj kocki Posebna svojstva
Količina Fabrika betona koji se
Stubno Broj uzoraka
betona Uslovi kvaliteta čuvaju u V- MSo’’ M-
mest za čvrstoću uslovima
m3 Oznaka dozaže II 0’’ 200

S1L 0.90 Fabrika betona

’Shandong Foreign 1 serija koja će
S1D 0.92 Economic & važiti za ležišne
1 uzorak
Technical 3 kocke za grede i kvadere na
(3 kocke)
Cooperation Co. svaki dan levom i desnom
S4L 0.98 za svaki dan
Ltd.’’ betoniranja mostu
MB 40 (C 30/37)
V-II, M-200, MSo-0
S4D 0.93 P-120/21

*Ocena marke betona vrši se prema kriterijumu 1 Pravilnika BAB 87./ The estimation of concrete
class is performed according to Criteria 1 of Rule Book BAB 87

10 | P a g e
Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

Mere za bezbedan i zdrav rad pri radu sa Measures for safe and healthy work when
građevinskom mehanizacijom working with construction mechanization

Mehanizacija, odnosno oprema koja se The mechanization or equipment used to

korisiti prilikom izvođenja radova mora biti u perform the work must be properly and correct,
ispravnom stanju, što znači da je održavana u which means that it has been maintained in
skladu sa uputstvima proizvođača, i da je accordance with the manufacturer's
pregledana sa aspekta bezbednosti za upotrebu instructions and has been inspected for safety
u skladu sa Zakonskim odredbama. in accordance with the legal provisions. The
Mehanizacijom mogu da upravljaju samo machine can only be operated by workers who
radnici koji poseduju odgovarajuće uverenje da have the appropriate certificate that they are
su obučeni za rad sa njom i da su zdravstveno trained to work with it and are medically fit to
sposobni za to. do so.
Raspored mehanizacije vrši se po nalogu The mechanization schedule is done at the
rukovodioca radova. request of the work manager.
Ukoliko se mehanizacija uzima u zakup od If the machinery is leased from a third party,
trećeg lica, odgovorno lice na gradilištu je dužno the responsible person at the construction site
da od zakupodavca obezbedi dokaze da je is obliged to provide the lessor with evidence
mehanizacija ispravna i da su na njoj that the machinery is correct and that
primenjene mere zaštite. safeguards have been applied to it.
Pre svakog prekida rada rukovaoc je dužan Prior to any interruption of operation, the
da isključi mehanizaciju iz pogona, i da je operator is obliged to disconnect the machinery
obezbedi od uključenja od strane neovlašćenih from the plant and to secure it from being
lica. switched on by unauthorized persons.
Po završetku dnevnog rada mehanizaciju After the day's work is completed, the
treba parkirati na bezbednom mestu u skladu sa machinery should be parked in a safe place in
uputstvima rukovodioca radova. accordance with the instructions of the work
Organizovanje prve pomoći na gradilištu
Organizing first aid at the site
Svim povređenim i naglo obolelim licima na
gradilištu mora se pružiti stučna prva pomoć All injured and terminally ill persons at the
(PP) radi otklanjanja neposredne opasnosti po site must be provided with first aid (PP) to
život ili zdravlje radnika uz istovremeni poziv eliminate the immediate danger to the life or
hitne pomoći i transport povređenog do health of workers, with the simultaneous call of
najbliže zdravstvene ustanove Dom zdravlja ili an ambulance and the transport of the injured
bolnice. person to the nearest health care institution or
Gradilište poseduje ormariće za prvu pomoć: The construction site has first aid cabinets:
kod rukovodioca gradilišta, kod stabilnog with the site manager, with a stable circular saw
cirkulara i po potrebi na drugim mestima, and, where necessary, other places, equipped
snabdevene potrebnim sanitetskim materijalom with necessary medical supplies and first aid
i sredstvima za pružanje prve pomoći (u daljem equipment (hereinafter referred to as first aid
tekstu ormarić za prižanje prve pomoći). cabinet).
U ormariću PP mora da stoji propisana The PP cabinet must contain the required
količina sanitetskog materijala sterilni prvi amount of sanitary material sterile first
zavoj, kaliko zavoj i kompresivni zavoj, flasteri i bandage, calyx bandage and compression
hanzaplat, i trouglaste marame, igle sigurnice, bandage, patches, triangular scarves, safety

11 | P a g e
Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

vate “esmarh” poveska anatomske pincete, pins, esmarh cotton swabs, anatomic forceps,
udlage, makaze, tamponi za ispiranje NaHCO splints, scissors, NaHCO rinses 33% hydrogen,
33% hidrogen, kožni pojasevi, 60% alkohol, leather belts,
plastična čaša. 60% alcohol, plastic cup.
Gradilište mora raspolagati sa jednim The site must have one suitable stretcher
podesnim nosilom i odgovarajućim vozilom za and suitable vehicle for transporting the injured
transport povređenog radnika. worker.

Opšte obaveze i odgovornosti i mere za General obligations and responsibilities and

bezbedan i zdrav rad safety measures for healthy work

Svi predviđeni radovi se moraju vršiti All planed works must be carried out strictly
striktno uz organizaciju i nadzor rukovodioca with the organization and supervision of the
radova. work manager.
Pristup gradilištu zaposlenih i opreme je Access to the construction site of employees
moguć samo ako su na gradilištu ispunjeni svi and equipment is only possible if all technical
tehnički i sigurnosni uslovi za rad. and safety conditions for operation are fulfilled
at the construction site.
Zaposleni se raspoređuje na radne zadatke The employee is assigned to Work
zavisno od stručne spreme i radnih sposobnosti. assignments depending on his/ her education
and work ability.
Novoprimljeni radnik pre stupanja na rad The newly recruited worker must be trained
mora biti osposobljen za bezbedan i zdrav rad i in health and safety before entering work and
mora biti upoznat sa Elaboratom o uređenju must be familiar with the Elaborate on the
gradilišta i dopunom Elaborata. completion of the construction site and the
amendment of the Elaborate.
Zaposleni je dužan da se pridržava utvrđenih The employee is obliged to follow the
procedura pri radu i da radi sa punom pažnjom established procedures at work and to work
radi bezbednosti svog života i zdravlja, kao i with full care for the safety of his life and
života i zdravlja ostalih zaposlenih u procesu. health, as well as the life and health of other
employees in the process. The employee is
Zaposleni je obavezan da se pridržava obliged to follow the established preventive
utvrđenih preventivnih mera za bezbedan i measures for safe and healthy work, to properly
zdrav rad, da pravilno rukuje opremom, handle the equipment, means and materials for
sredstvima i materijalom za rad i da postupa po work and to act on the instructions of the
uptstvu proizvođača opreme. manufacturer of the equipment.
The employee has the obligation and the
Zaposleni ima obavezu i pravo da koristi right to use the prescribed equipment and
propisanu opremu i sredstva za ličnu zaštitu na personal protective equipment at work, to
radu, da pažljivo rukuje njima i da je održava u carefully handle them and to keep them in a
čistom i ispravnom stanju. clean and proper condition.
The worker is obliged to leave the place of
Radnik je dužan da napusti mesto rada work if he or she is in immediate danger of
ukoliko mu je neposredno ugrožena bezbednost safety and life, which he informs the immediate
i život, o čemu obaveštava neposrednog manager. The employee is obliged to
rukovodioca. immediately report any observed defects,
Zaposleni je dužan da odmah prijavi sve malfunctions or other occurrences that could
zapažene nedostatke, kvarove ili druge pojave endanger safety.
koje mogu ugroziti bezbednost. The employee must not leave the workplace

12 | P a g e
Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022
Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base

or move outside the designated workspace

Zaposleni bez saglasnosti neposrednog without the consent of the immediate
rukovodioca ne sme napuštati radno mesto ili supervisor or change the type of work and work
se kretati van predviđenog prostora za rad, niti procedures himself.
sme samovoljno menjati vrstu posla i procedure The contractor must prohibit work and
rada. access to the construction site to the employee
under the influence of alcohol or other forms of
Zaposlenom pod dejstvom alkohola ili drugih addictions.
oblika zavisnosti rukovodilac radova mora
zabraniti rad i pristup gradilištu.

Znak opštih informacija / signs of informations:

 Prilaz nezaposlenima strogo zabranjen/Access for
Unemployed is strictly forbidden

Znaci obaveze/ Signs of obligations:

 Obavezna upotreba ličnih zaštitnih sredstava
 Obavezna zaštita očiju/ Protection of eyes
 Obavezna zaštita glave/ Protection of head
 Obavezna zaštita ruku/Protection of hands
 Obavezna zaštita nogu/Protection of legs
 Obavezna upotreba zaštitnog pojasa/ Using of protection belt

Znakovi upozorenja / Warning signs:

 Opasnost od visećih terete / Danger from hanging loads
 Opasnost od pada sa visine / Danger from fall from heights
 Opasnost od pada predmeta sa visine / Danger from falling object from heights

13 | P a g e
Project: State road IB category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 27.06.2022

Subject: Concrete Design for Bearing beams with base


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