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The utilization of podcasts and other free open access medical

education resources in vascular surgery

Adam P. Johnson, MD, MPH,a and Sharif Ellozy, MD,b Durham, NC; and New York, NY

Vascular surgery is a dynamic and complex specialty that requires many years of training and lifelong learning. Traditional
education methods may not be sufficient to meet the needs and preferences of learners in this field. Podcasting and
other free open-access medical education online materials may provide innovative tools to deliver up-to-date, evidence-
based information in an accessible and entertaining format. Many free resources have been developed in the past few
years and are now available to vascular surgery learners. The Audible Bleeding podcast is the first and largest podcast in
the United States dedicated solely to vascular surgery education. The Society for Vascular Surgery is the leading pro-
fessional organization for vascular surgeons, with a mission to advance excellence and innovation in vascular health. The
Society for Vascular Surgery and the Audible Bleeding podcast have established a successful collaboration that enhances
the podcast’s quality and promotes the society’s mission and vision. (JVS-Vascular Insights 2024;2:100091.)
Keywords: Education; Podcast; Video; Free open access medical education; Vascular surgery

The complexity and quantity of medical knowledge in engagement. Vascular surgery is a specialty that requires
vascular surgery is rapidly expanding. In 2011, Peter Den- constant updating of knowledge and skills, as well as
son projected that, by 2020, medical knowledge more effective communication and collaboration among prac-
broadly would double every 73 days, up from every 7 titioners. A recent review found podcasts noninferior to
years in 1980.1 To add to this, burnout and stressors are traditional educational resources when examining med-
at an all-time high for health care workers in vascular sur- ical knowledge retention across several studies.4 Pod-
gery, particularly those in training.2,3 Trainees need more casts provide an efficient and portable educational
efficient and engaging educational resources to comple- resource allowing trainees to study during unproductive
ment their clinical learning environment. Many institu- periods, such as commuting. This may allow for
tions that service the most complex patients often have increased free time and decrease burnout among
the fewest resources to purchase educational materials trainees.5
for their faculty, staff, and learners. Therefore, medical Podcasts are being used as educational resources
learners often turn to free educational sources through across many medical specialties. Emergency medicine
social media, websites, videos, and podcasts. and internal medicine residencies have described incor-
Podcasts are streaming audio and digital media avail- porating podcasts into their formal curricula.4 The adop-
able for free across various devices. Podcasting and video tion of podcasts for education has increased over time
streaming have been increasingly used for medical edu- across many specialties. A survey in 2007 found that
cation, as they offer several advantages over traditional 60% of trainees thought that podcasts played no role
methods, such as flexibility, accessibility, and enhanced in professional development.6 In contrast, a more recent
study in 2015 of Canadian emergency medicine residents
found that 90% used podcasts, which were found to be
From the Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery, Department
in the “top 3 resources most contributing to a resident’s
of Surgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durhama; and the Division
of Vascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Weill Cornell School of Medicine,
education.”7 Podcasts have been termed “edutainment,”
New York.b providing educational content in an engaging and
Correspondence: Adam P. Johnson, MD, MPH, Division of Vascular Surgery and easy-to-listen format.8
Endovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Duke University School of Many podcasts and free online resources exist for
Medicine, 2301 Erwin Rd, Durham, NC 27710 (e-mail: adam.johnson@duke.
vascular surgery. Individual surgeons or trainees, training
The editors and reviewers of this article have no relevant financial relationships to
programs, hospitals, or medical schools publish and main-
disclose per the Journal policy that requires reviewers to decline review of any tain some of these resources. National organizations, pro-
manuscript for which they may have a conflict of interest. fessional societies, or industry partners support others.
2949-9127 One of the most popular sources of video content is the
Copyright Ó 2024 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Society for
Houston Methodist DeBakey CV Education YouTube
Vascular Surgery. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND li-
cense (
channel, with >100,000 subscribers and 2,600 videos.9 They provide high-quality, free lectures, procedural videos,

2 Johnson and Ellozy JVS-Vascular Insights

and expert interviews. Another repository of curated on- Variable definitions. Metrics for podcast downloads
line content can be found at were aggregated by the online podcast publishing plat-
Although this is a free resource, it requires a password. form, Libsyn (Pittsburgh, PA). This platform calculates
Many other vascular surgery-related podcast episodes episode downloads, and the metrics reported here
are on Life of Flow, European Society for Vascular Surgery, follow the definitions outline by IAB Technology Labora-
Behind the Knife, and BackTable Podcasts.10e13 Sutzko tory.16 In brief, downloads are defined as the transfer of a
et al14 describe developing and implementing a crowd- certain amount of the episode data from the distributer
sourced vascular surgery handbook using Microsoft One- to each user. A unique download is identified through IP
Note at two vascular surgery training programs. address and other user features. The research team does
However, this resource is not available outside of these not have access to unique IP addresses or specific user
programs. This article aims to highlight the use of podcast- information beyond what is provided in aggregate
ing for medical education, particularly in vascular surgery, through the podcast publishing platform. Download in-
by presenting a case study of the Society for Vascular Sur- formation does not provide any information in relation to
gery (SVS) and the Audible Bleeding podcast. whether the content was consumed by the user after
being transferred to or streamed by the user’s personal
METHODS Metrics for eBook use was derived from Google Ana-
Podcast development. The SVS is a professional organi- lytics (Mountain View, CA). Google Analytics provides
zation that promotes excellence and innovation in aggregated reports related to user interaction with a
vascular health through education, advocacy, research, website and its embedded pages and links. Google Ana-
and public awareness. The Audible Bleeding podcast lytics defines active users as people who engage with the
was developed by an independent group of vascular fel- website within a certain date range. Engagement in-
lows and faculty at Columbia-Cornell New York- cludes visiting, viewing, and clicking on embedded links.
Presbyterian Hospital Vascular Surgery Fellowship in The unique nature of these views and visits are defined
New York, New York, in 2018 to disseminate relevant and by the IP address, date, and time of this access. Individual
timely information to vascular surgeons and trainees.15 In user information is not available to the research team.
2020, Audible Bleeding became a member of the SVS The users consent to capture of this data through the
family of publications. The Audible Bleeding podcast websites embedded Cookie policy.
features interviews with experts, reviews of articles, dis-
Statistical analysis. Data analysis and visualization was
cussions of controversies, and updates on events and
performed using R (R Foundation for Statistical
opportunities in vascular surgery. The Audible Bleeding
Computing Platform, Vienna, Austria) and RStudio (Posit;
podcast leverages a conversational tone featuring anec-
Boston, MA) using packages tidyverse, readr, qicharts2,
dotes from personal experience supported by scientific
lubridate, rworldmap, and RColorBrewer. Download
evidence from credible sources. The podcast has adop-
data are presented as a run and control chart with down-
ted a broad definition of peer review. Once in its final
loads over time. Comparisons were performed by deter-
edited form, each episode is shared with all podcast
mining special cause variation if any values landed
contributors for a brief comment period and is reviewed
outside 95% confidence interval with the run chart
and approved formally by the episode guests, hosts, and
editors. This process aims to optimize format and accu-
racy, while also allowing for timely creation and publi-
cation of episodes. RESULTS
In 2019, Audible Bleeding began releasing episodes Since Audible Bleeding started in 2018, it has published
developed to prepare listeners for the Vascular Surgery >250 episodes, featuring >100 contributors and 300
In Training Examination (VSITE). By 2022, they had devel- vascular surgeon guests from the United States and
oped a comprehensive set of 23 podcast episodes internationally. Although most of the audience
covering the breadth of content knowledge required resides in the United States, the podcast has been down-
for in-training examinations and they organized and loaded in >150 countries (Fig 1). There has been a steady
released them as a formal, comprehensive eBook and increase in downloads since the podcast first began, with
study curriculum.18 The Audible Bleeding podcast dem- particularly notable increase in popularity following an
onstrates the potential of podcasting for vascular surgery episode related to the Paclitaxel debate, the start of
medical education because it provides an accessible, the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, and with the
engaging, and interactive way of learning and sharing in- publication of the Exam Prep eBook. Joining the SVS
formation. The podcast also showcases the role of the family of publications has helped to maintain the popu-
SVS as a leader and innovator in vascular health, because larity of the podcast (Fig 2).
it supports the professional development and commu- When analyzing special cause variation related to Exam
nity building of its members and stakeholders. Prep episodes. We found most Exam Prep episodes had
JVS-Vascular Insights Johnson and Ellozy 3
Volume 2, Number C

Fig 1. Map of countries with documented total downloads since the start of the podcast in 2018.

Fig 2. Run chart of monthly downloads from January 2019 to November 2023. The dashed horizontal line denotes
the mean number of monthly downloads over this time period. Vertical dashed lines denote times of notable
events. Paclitaxel: Date of Paclitaxel Debate, April 1, 2019. COVID-19: Date of first documented case of COVID-19 in
the USA, January 20, 2020. SVS: Date that Audible Bleeding officially joined the SVS family of publications,
November 18, 2020. Ebook: Date of Exam Prep eBook Publication, November 03, 2022.
4 Johnson and Ellozy JVS-Vascular Insights

significantly higher rates of downloads in the first significantly higher mean scores on testing performed 2
30 days, when compared with other episodes released to 3 weeks after listening to the podcast and may have
in the same time frame. There were particularly high increased knowledge retention.20 However, the podcast
rates of downloads with Exam Prep episodes in the also faces challenges, such as maintaining quality and
months immediately preceding a VSITE (Fig 3). This consistency, ensuring diversity and representation, and
finding was particularly prominent with the release of evaluating impact and effectiveness. A few limitations
the formal curriculum before the February 2023 VSITE inherent to podcasts include that the learner often lis-
(Figs 2 and 3) In regard to the use of the eBook, the total tens while engaging in other activities, so that retention
number of new users over the November 2022 to may be poor.19 The podcast seeks to explore these chal-
February 2023 curriculum release was 2000, according lenges to expand the audience and reach, incorporate
to Google Analytics (Fig 4). However, the average engage- more evidence-based and patient-centered content,
ment time was only 7 minutes and 16 seconds. This dura- and collaborate with other podcasters and educators.
tion would be enough time to review a targeted portion The Exam Prep eBook provides an additional avenue
of the chapter, but not read the entire chapter, suggest- for innovation in vascular surgery education. In addition
ing this may be how trainees use this text. to the audio content available related to the podcast,
the e-book features include a dynamic format optimized
DISCUSSION for desktop or mobile reading, an interactive table of
The Audible Bleeding podcast is a case study for how contents for the book and each chapter, fully indexed
podcasting can be used within vascular surgery to and searchable text, hyperlinks to referenced primary
develop and disseminate free, accessible, and engaging literature, and social annotations powered by hypothe-
research materials for training examinations and These are all features not available in traditional text-
improving clinical care. From our anecdotal experience, books or paper review books. Social annotations relate to
the growth of the podcast seems primarily via word of the ability for a group to read and think together. Social
mouth through peer and faculty recommendations, annotations in our e-book allow users to highlight and
which is similar across podcasts in other medical fields.19 take notes in-line with the book from any web browser.
The podcast can continue to grow and innovate by Learners can either save the annotation privately for per-
exploring other podcast formats and lengths. A random- sonal or small group use or publish it publicly so that
ized trial involving emergency medicine trainees found anyone reading the book can also read their annotation
that podcasts with interpolated questions had in-line with the text. Social annotation has been found in

Fig 3. Control chart of downloads in the first 30 days for each episode by release date. Dashed line denotes mean
30-day downloads per episode. Grey box denotes 95% confidence interval. Exam Prep episodes are marked with
an asterisk. VSITE labels correspond with the dates of VSITE each year.
JVS-Vascular Insights Johnson and Ellozy 5
Volume 2, Number C

Fig 4. Daily users of the Audible Bleeding eBook over time from November 2022 through the VSITE in February
2023. Figure adapted from Google Analytics.

a recent review to help learners process domain-specific us in creating and sharing engaging and informative
knowledge; support argumentation, inquiry, and knowl- content. We invite you to listen to the Audible Bleeding
edge construction; and connect learner spaces.21 podcast, access the e-book, and participate in the social
Although we do not have any data on private use, several annotations to enrich your learning experience and
public annotations have identified errata in the text that contribute to the vascular surgery community.
have allowed for revision and updating in real time. The The authors acknowledge the support of the Society of
e-book also references outside multimedia content, Vascular Surgery for the publication of the Audible
such as other podcasts or videos that dive deeper into Bleeding podcast and the whole Audible Bleeding
the content beyond what is covered in the book. team of editors, contributors, and guests, which can be
found at
Podcasting is a valuable tool for medical education, AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
especially in vascular surgery, because it can enhance Conception and design: AJ, SE
learners’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The Audible Analysis and interpretation: AJ, SE
Bleeding podcast, powered by the SVS, is a well- Data collection: AJ
accepted example of podcasting for medical education, Writing the article: AJ, SE
as it delivers relevant and timely content to vascular sur- Critical revision of the article: AJ, SE
geons and trainees and promotes excellence and inno- Final approval of the article: AJ, SE
vation in vascular health. This collaboration between Statistical analysis: Not applicable
the Audible Bleeding podcast and the SVS provides an Obtained funding: Not applicable
innovative platform for free to help trainees leverage Overall responsibility: AJ
technology to improve and design their studying habits
to fit a busy lifestyle. In addition, these online platforms DECLARATION OF GENERATIVE AI AND
provide unique insights into how learners are using these AI-ASSISTED TECHNOLOGIES IN THE WRITING
resources so educators can iterate and meet the learners PROCESS
where they are. Innovative features, such as searchable During the preparation of this work, the authors used
text, interactive formats, and social annotations, can Microsoft Copilot (Redmond, WA) to improve manuscript
further enhance the learner’s experience. We hope that organization and readability. The authors used Zotero for
this article has inspired you to explore the potential of reference management and creation of the bibliography.
podcasting for vascular surgery education and to join After using these tools, the authors reviewed and edited
6 Johnson and Ellozy JVS-Vascular Insights

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