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Project: State road I b category No.

27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:

Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

Metodologija betoniranja u uslovima visokih temperatura

Method Statement for concreting in high temperature conditions

Državni put Ib reda br. 27 Loznica – Valjevo – Lazarevac,

deonica Iverak - Lajkovac

State road Ib category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo-Lazarevac

section Iverak – Lajkovac

Inženjer za kvalitet betona / QA/QC Engineer:

Jasmina Petrović, Geology Eng.

Odgovorni izvođač radova/Responsible Engineer:

Darko Milidragović, MSc.Civil Eng.

Glavni inženjer projekta / Project Manager:

Novica Stojiljković, MSc CEng.

2022. god.
Uvod Introduction

Project: State road I b category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

Ova metodologija opisuje metode rada tokom This methodology describes methods of
perioda visokih temperatura. Pravilnikom PBAB ‘87 work during high temperatures period. The
posebni uslovi definisani su kao spoljašnje temperature PBAB ‘87 rulebook defines special conditions
niže od +5C° ili više od +30C°. U Republici Srbiji visoke as external temperatures lower than +5C° or
temperature mogu se očekivati između juna i higher than +30C°. In Republic of Serbia high
septembra. temperatures can be expected between June
Za betoniranje u posebnim uslovima moraju se and September. Concrete protection
osigurati mere zaštite betona. measures must be provided for concreting in
special conditions.

Posebne mere na fabrici betona Special measures at concrete base

U cilju sprečavanja da temperatura sveže betonske To prevent the temperature of the fresh
mešavine ne prelazi 30℃ u uslovima visokih spoljašnjih concrete mixture from exceeding 30°C in
temperatura, na betonskoj bazi ,,Shandong'' conditions of high external temperatures,
primenjene su sledeće mere: the following measures are applied on the
"Shandong" concrete base:

 Agregat  Aggregate

je smešten u boksovima sa nadstrešnicom, čime se is stored in boxes with a canopy, which

ostvaruje da njegova temperatura bude niža za 10- makes its temperature lower by 10-15°C,
15°C, samim tim temperatura svežeg betona smanjuje therefore the temperature of fresh concrete
se za 1,5°C. decreases by 1.5°C.

Fotografija 1: Boksovi za skladištenje agregata / Photo 1: Boxes for aggregate storing

 Cement  Cement

Project: State road I b category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

se skladišti u silosima koji su obojeni belom is stored in silos that are colored white,
bojom, čime se smanjuje upijanje sunčevih zraka thereby reducing the absorption of the sun's
što za posledicu ima efekat sporijeg grejanja rays, resulting in the effect of slower cement
cementa u silosima. heating in silos.

Fotografija 2: Silosi za skladištenje cementa / Photo 2: Silos for cement storing

 Voda  Water

koja se koristi za spravljanje betonske used to make the concrete mixture is from
mešavine je bunarska, samim tim je prirodno well, therefore naturally cold.

 Mikseri  Mixers

Project: State road I b category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

koji prevoze beton (pre početka punjenja) su that transport concrete (before charging) are
smešteni na mestima koja nisu izložena parked in places that are not exposed to the
direktnom uticaju sunčevog zračenja. direct impact of the sun’s radiation.

Fotografija 3: Prostor za miksere / Photo 3: Area for mixers

 Oprema za hlađenje sveže betonske  The equipment for cooling of fresh

mešavine tečnim azotom u mešalici concrete mix with liquid nitrogen in the

sastoji se od rashladne stanice (1) sa merno- consists of a cooling station (1) with
regulacionom opremom (2) i sigurnosnom measuring and regulating equipment (2) and
opremom (3), bešavnih prohromskih cevi (4), safety equipment (3), seamless stainless steel
četiri elektromagnetna ventila (5) spojenom sa pipes (4), four electromagnetic valves (5)
transmiterom pritiska (6), četiri ručna kriogena connected to the pressure transmitter (6), four
zaporna ventila (7) povezana sa kolektorom (17) manual cryogenic shut-off valves (7) connected
na kome su izvedene dve temperaturne sonde (8) to the collector (17) on which two temperature
za merenje temperature svežeg betona u probes (8) for measuring the temperature of
betonskoj mešalici (9) sa filterom (20), fresh concrete in a concrete mixer (9) with filter
manometrom (10) i sa četiri sigurnosna ventila (20), manometer (10) and four safety valves
(11). (11).

Project: State road I b category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

Rashladna stanica (1) učvršćena je na The cooling station (1) is fixed to the stainless-
prohromski ram (12) izrađen od kutija. Kontrolni steel frame (12) made of boxes. Control cabinet
orman (13) sadrži PLC (14) i elemente (15) za (13) contains PLC (14) and elements (15) for
automatsko upravljanje, a kontrolna kutija (16) automatic control, and the control box (16) has a
ima displej sa tasterom za daljinsko upravljanje display with a button for remote control of the
radom opreme za hlađenje betona iz kontejnera. operation of concrete cooling equipment from
Kolektor (17) je izrađen od bešavnih prohromskih the container. Collector (17) is made of seamless
cevi povezan sa rezervoarom tečnog azota (21) stainless-steel pipes connected to the liquid
sa mesinganim diznama (18) ugrađenim na nitrogen tank (21) sa brass nozzles (18) mounted
cevima sa holenderskim priključcima (19). on pipes with union connections (19).

Postupak za hlađenje svežeg betona pri Procedure for cooling fresh concrete at
povišenim temperaturama elevated temperatures

U mešalicu (9) se najpre unosi agregat – In the mixer (9) is first inserted aggregate -
separisani šljunak, zatim cement, pa voda i na separated gravel, then cement, then water and
kraju aditivi – hemijski dodaci u zadatim i tačno finally admixtures - chemical additives in a given
odmerenim masenim procentima, nakon čega and accurately measured mass percent, after
počinje postupak mešanja unetih sirovina, which begins the process of mixing the input raw
kojima se nakon 15 sekundi cevovodom pod materials, which after 15 seconds pipeline under
pritiskom od 6 bara ubacuje tečni azot, a zatim pressure of 6 bar injects liquid nitrogen, and then
se postupak nastavlja u ukupnom trajanju od 60- the procedure continues for a total of 60-90
90 sekundi, do dobijanja homogene smeše, koja seconds, until a homogeneous mixture is
se potom ohlađena na zahtevanu temperaturu obtained, which is then cooled to the required
transportuje do gradilišta. temperature and transported to the construction

Fotografija 4: Oprema i postupak za hlađenje svežeg betona pri povišenim temperaturama /

Photo 4: Equipment and procedure for cooling fresh concrete at high temperatures
Project: State road I b category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

Posebne mere kod betoniranja u letnjim Special measures for concreting in summer
uslovima conditions

Kako bi se sprečilo brzo isparavanje vode To prevent the rapid evaporation of water
preko otvorenih površina ugrađenog betona, over the open surfaces of the built-in concrete,
Izvođač će najmanje 7 dana, sprovoditi kvašenje the Contractor will, for at least 7 days, conduct
betonskih elemenata vodom i pokrivanje the wetting of concrete elements with water and
elemenata geotekstilom. covering elements with geotextile.

Project: State road I b category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

Mere za bezbedan i zdrav rad pri radu sa Measures for a safe and healthy work when
građevinskom mehanizacijom working with construction mechanization

Mehanizacija, odnosno oprema koja se koristi The machinery or equipment used to perform
prilikom izvođenja radova mora biti u ispravnom the work must be properly and correct, which
stanju, što znači da je održavana u skladu sa means that it has been maintained in accordance
uputstvima proizvođača, i da je pregledana sa with the manufacturer's instructions and has
aspekta bezbednosti za upotrebu u skladu sa been inspected for safety in accordance with the
Zakonskim odredbama. Mehanizacijom mogu da legal provisions. The machine can only be
upravljaju samo radnici koji poseduju odgovarajuće operated by workers who have the appropriate
uverenje da su obučeni za rad sa njom i da su certificate that they are trained to work with it
zdravstveno sposobni za to. and are medically fit to do so.
The mechanization schedule is done at the
Raspored mehanizacije vrši se po nalogu request of the work manager.
rukovodioca radova. If the machinery is leased from a third party,
Ukoliko se mehanizacija uzima u zakup od trećeg the responsible person at the construction site is
lica, odgovorno lice na gradilištu je dužno da od obliged to provide the lessor with evidence that
zakupodavca obezbedi dokaze da je mehanizacija the machinery is correct and that safeguards have
ispravna i da su na njoj primenjene mere zaštite. been applied to it.
Pre svakog prekida rada rukovaoc je dužan da Prior to any interruption of operation, the
isključi mehanizaciju iz pogona, i da je obezbedi od operator is obliged to disconnect the machinery
uključenja od strane neovlašćenih lica. from the plant and to secure it from being
switched on by unauthorized persons.
Po završetku dnevnog rada mehanizaciju treba After the day's work is completed, the
parkirati na bezbednom mestu u skladu sa machinery should be parked in a safe place in
uputstvima rukovodioca radova. accordance with the instructions of the work

Organizovanje prve pomoći na gradilištu Organizing first aid at the site

Svim povređenim i naglo obolelim licima na All injured and terminally ill persons at the site
gradilištu mora se pružiti stručna prva pomoć (PP) must be provided with first aid (PP) to eliminate
radi otklanjanja neposredne opasnosti po život ili the immediate danger to the life or health of
zdravlje radnika uz istovremeni poziv hitne pomoći i workers, with the simultaneous call of an
transport povređenog do najbliže zdravstvene ambulance and the transport of the injured
ustanove Dom zdravlja ili bolnice. person to the nearest health care institution or
Gradilište poseduje ormariće za prvu pomoć: kod The construction site has first aid cabinets:
rukovodioca gradilišta, kod stabilnog cirkulara i po with the site manager, with a stable circular saw
potrebi na drugim mestima, snabdevene potrebnim and, where necessary, other places, equipped
sanitetskim materijalom i sredstvima za pružanje with necessary medical supplies and first aid
prve pomoći (u daljem tekstu ormarić za pružanje equipment (hereinafter referred to as first aid
prve pomoći). cabinet).

Project: State road I b category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

U ormariću PP mora da stoji propisana količina The PP cabinet must contain the required
sanitetskog materijala sterilni prvi zavoj, kaliko zavoj amount of sanitary material sterile first bandage,
i kompresivni zavoj, flasteri i hanzaplast, i trouglaste calyx bandage and compression bandage,
marame, igle sigurnice, vate “esmarh” poveska patches, triangular scarves, safety pins, esmarh
anatomske pincete, udlage, makaze, tamponi za cotton swabs, anatomic forceps, splints, scissors,
ispiranje NaHCO 33% hidrogen, kožni pojasevi, 60% NaHCO rinses 33% hydrogen, leather belts,
alkohol, plastična čaša. 60%alcohol, plastic cup.
Gradilište mora raspolagati sa jednim podesnim The site must have one suitable stretcher
nosilom i odgovarajućim vozilom za transport and suitable vehicle for transporting the injured
povređenog radnika. worker.

Opšte obaveze i odgovornosti i mere za General obligations and responsibilities and

bezbedan i zdrav rad safety measures for healthy work

Svi predviđeni radovi se moraju vršiti striktno uz All planed works must be carried out strictly
organizaciju i nadzor rukovodioca radova. with the organization and supervision of the work
Pristup gradilištu zaposlenih i opreme je moguć Access to the construction site of employees
samo ako su na gradilištu ispunjeni svi tehnički i and equipment is only possible if all technical and
sigurnosni uslovi za rad. safety conditions for operation are fulfilled at the
construction site.
Zaposleni se raspoređuje na radne zadatke The employee is assigned to work assignments
zavisno od stručne spreme i radnih sposobnosti. depending on his/ her education and work ability.
The newly recruited worker must be trained in
Novoprimljeni radnik pre stupanja na rad mora health and safety before entering work and must
biti osposobljen za bezbedan i zdrav rad i mora biti be familiar with the Elaborate on the completion
upoznat sa Elaboratom o uređenju gradilišta i of the construction site and the amendment of
dopunom Elaborata. the Elaborate.
The employee is obliged to follow the
Zaposleni je dužan da se pridržava utvrđenih established procedures at work and to work with
procedura pri radu i da radi sa punom pažnjom radi full care for the safety of his life and health, as
bezbednosti svog života i zdravlja, kao i života i well as the life and health of other employees in
zdravlja ostalih zaposlenih u procesu. Zaposleni je the process. The employee is obliged to follow
obavezan da se pridržava utvrđenih preventivnih the established preventive measures for safe and
mera za bezbedan i zdrav rad, da pravilno rukuje healthy work, to properly handle the equipment,
opremom, sredstvima i materijalom za rad i da means and materials for work and to act on the
postupa po uputstvu proizvođača opreme. instructions of the manufacturer of the
Zaposleni ima obavezu i pravo da koristi The employee has the obligation and the right
propisanu opremu i sredstva za ličnu zaštitu na to use the prescribed equipment and personal
radu, da pažljivo rukuje njima i da je održava u protective equipment at work, to carefully handle
čistom i ispravnom stanju. them and to keep them in a clean and proper

Project: State road I b category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

Radnik je dužan da napusti mesto rada ukoliko The worker is obliged to leave the place of
mu je neposredno ugrožena bezbednost i život, o work if he or she is in immediate danger of safety
čemu obaveštava neposrednog rukovodioca. and life, which he informs the immediate
Zaposleni je dužan da odmah prijavi sve zapažene manager. The employee is obliged to immediately
nedostatke, kvarove ili druge pojave koje mogu report any observed defects, malfunctions or
ugroziti bezbednost. other occurrences that could endanger safety.
Zaposleni bez saglasnosti neposrednog The employee must not leave the workplace or
rukovodioca ne sme napuštati radno mesto ili se move outside the designated workspace without
kretati van predviđenog prostora za rad, niti sme the consent of the immediate supervisor, or
samovoljno menjati vrstu posla i procedure rada. change the type of work and work procedures
Zaposlenom pod dejstvom alkohola ili drugih The contractor must prohibit work and access
oblika zavisnosti rukovodilac radova mora zabraniti to the construction site to the employee under
rad i pristup gradilištu. the influence of alcohol or other forms of

Znak opštih informacija / Signs of information:

Prilaz nezaposlenima strogo zabranjen/Access for
Unemployed is strictly forbidden.

Project: State road I b category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

Znaci obaveze/ Signs of obligations:

Obavezna upotreba ličnih zaštitnih sredstava
Obavezna zaštita očiju / Protection of eyes
Obavezna zaštita glave / Protection of head
Obavezna zaštita ruku / Protection of hands
Obavezna zaštita nogu / Protection of legs
Obavezna upotreba zaštitnog pojasa / Using of protection belt

Znakovi upozorenja/warning signs:

Opasnost od visećih tereta / Danger from hanging loads
Opasnost od pada sa visine / Danger from fall from heights
Opasnost od pada predmeta sa visine / Danger from falling object from heights

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Project: State road I b category No.27 Loznica – Valjevo - Date:
Lazarevac, Section Iverak - Lajkovac 31.03.2022

Subject: Method Statement for concreting in high

temperature conditions Ver-01

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