Class - 07

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EK Education

Excellence in O/A Level

Grade: 07
Chapter 02

1. What is weather?

Ans: Weather is the state of the atmosphere of small a area Oven a short period of time.

2. What is climate?

Ans: Climate is the average of the atmospheric conditions of a large area Oven a long period of time .

3. Which elements refer to weather?

Ans: Temperature, pressure, humidity, precipitation wind direction, cloud cover, speed and Sunshine.

4. Which elements refer to climate?

Ans: Atmospheric pressure, precipitation ,humidity, speed, wind direction , sunshine.

5. What is temperature ?

Ans: Temperature refers to the degree hotness on coldness of the air.

6. What is the name of the temperature measuring device .

Ans: thermometer.

7. Where we are measured the air temperature

Ans: In the shade not in the open.

8. Temperature controls the amount of ………….. vapour of in the air

Ans: Water.

9. What does the temperature depend on?

Ans! (1) Latitude (2) Altitude (3) Distance from the sea (4) Ocean currents. (5) Winds.

10: ‘Atmospheric pressure’ what is it?

Ans: The pressure that the atmosphere exerts on the surface of the earth

because of its weight.

11. High pressure means……….. and …………….

Ans: Low pressure vice versa.

12. What is wind and current?

Ans; Pressure difference causes horizontal movement of air called wind and vertical movement of air
called current.

13. Who Causes the circulation of air in the atmosphere?

Ans: wind and current.

14. What is cross section?

Ans. Cross section is what we see when we out through the middle of something. So that we can see

the different layers is made of.

15. What is the name of the instrument measuring the pressure exerted by air?

Ans: Barometer.

16. What is precipitation ?

Ans: Precipitation is the falling of atmospherics moisturing as a result of condensation.

17. Which are responsible for adding moisture to the air?

Ans: Heat and wind.

18. What is the name of the instrument for measuring rainfall?

Ans: Rain gauge.

19. What is the unit of measure of rainfall?

Ans: cm & mm.

20 What is the name of the instrument for measuring rainfall?

Ans. Wind vane

21. Which instrument measures wind speed ?

Ans: Anemometer

22. What is Coriolis force?

Ans: The direction of a wind blowing on the surface of the earth is affected by a force is called the
Coriolis force .

23. Wind speed depends on……………. difference between two regions.

Ans: The pressure.

24. What does humidity refers to?

Ans: The amount of moisture or water vapour present in the air.

25. What is absolute humidity?

Ans: The actual amount of moisture present is called absolute humidity (AH).

26. What is relative humidity?

Ans: A way of describing how much humidity there is in the air, compared to how much there could be.

27. When does relative humidity increase and decrease ?

Ans: with change in the air temperature.

28. When we say that the air is saturated?

Ans: When air can hold no more moisture.

29. Which instrument measures RH ?

Ans: Hygrometer or wet and dry bulb their mometer.

30. What is insulation?

Ans: Incoming solar radiation.

31. Cloud coven reduce the amount of which in weather?

Aus: not only insolation but also radiation from the surface of the earth escaping into space.

32 What does cloud cover help on earth?

Ans in trapping heat near the surface of the earth.

33. How much of the sky covered by cloud in the sky ?

Ans: Eights of the total sky or oktas.

34. What is sunshine?

Ans: Sunshine is determined by the season and latitude of the place, and the amount of cloud cover the

35. . ………………….. is expressed as a percentage ?

Ans. RH.

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