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Anegbe et al.

Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Environmental Sciences Europe

REVIEW Open Access

Graphene oxide synthesis and applications

in emerging contaminant removal:
a comprehensive review
Bala Anegbe1, Ikhazuagbe H. Ifijen2*, Muniratu Maliki3, Ita E. Uwidia4 and Aireguamen I. Aigbodion5

This thorough review explores the pioneering applications of graphene oxide (GO) in tackling emerging environmen-
tal pollutants, highlighting its distinct role in environmental remediation. Setting itself apart, this review meticulously
synthesizes cutting-edge research, focusing on GO’s practical applications in eliminating emerging contaminants
from water. It is worth highlighting that there is a limited number of reviews focused on this particular subject, mak-
ing this work outstanding. It provides specific instances of successful contaminant removal, identifies knowledge
gaps, and proposes future directions. Serving as a vital resource for researchers and practitioners, it offers practical
insights into applying GO in contaminant remediation, especially in challenging environments. The review criti-
cally analyzes crucial gaps in current research, including understanding the long-term environmental effects of GO,
its interactions with diverse pollutants, and effective large-scale implementation. This review not only expands our
knowledge, but also guides future research endeavors. Furthermore, it outlines clear pathways for future studies,
advocating for in-depth ecological research, advanced contaminant interaction analyses, and innovative large-scale
implementation strategies. This work establishes a strong foundation, defining the unique novelty of GO applications
in environmental remediation and shaping the future discourse in this essential field of study.
Keywords Graphene oxide, Synthesis, Efficient removal, Emerging contaminants, Traditional treatment methods,
Environmental remediation

Introduction treatment methods have not yet been established [1].

Emerging contaminants are substances that have recently These contaminants can come from a variety of sources,
been identified as potential threats to human and envi- including industrial, agricultural, and domestic activities,
ronmental health, but for which regulatory limits and and can enter water systems through direct discharge or
through runoff from land [2]. Examples of emerging con-
taminants include pharmaceuticals, personal care prod-
Ikhazuagbe H. Ifijen ucts, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and microplastics [3]. These substances can have adverse effects on aquatic
Department of Basic and Industrial Chemistry, Western Delta University, organisms and ecosystems, and some have been linked to
Oghara, Delta State, Nigeria
Department of Research Operations, Rubber Research Institute health problems in humans, including hormone disrup-
of Nigeria, Iyanomo, Benin City, Nigeria tion, cancer, and neurological disorders [4].
Department of Chemistry, Edo State University, Iyamho, Uzairue, Edo Emerging contaminants pose a challenge to water treat-
State, Nigeria
Department of Chemistry, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, ment due to their persistence, low concentrations, and
Nigeria diverse chemical properties [5]. Traditional treatment
Department of Physical Chemistry, Benson Idahosa University, Benin methods, such as filtration and chlorination, may not be
City, Edo State, Nigeria
effective in removing these contaminants [6]. Therefore,

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Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 2 of 34

new technologies and treatment methods are needed to for water purification [23]. However, the application of
address this growing problem. Graphene oxide is one graphene oxide in water treatment is still in the early
such technology that has shown promise in the removal stages of development, and several challenges need to be
of emerging contaminants from water [7]. addressed, such as the potential release of graphene oxide
Graphene-based materials, including graphene oxide, particles into water systems and the high cost of produc-
have shown promising results in the remediation of tion [24]. Further research is needed to optimize the use
emerging contaminants from water [8]. Graphene oxide of graphene oxide in water treatment and to assess its
has a high surface area, which provides more active sites long-term environmental impact [16].
for chemical reactions, and it also has a strong affinity This review stands out in its field. While many other
for organic and inorganic pollutants [9]. One of the key reviews only look at the scientific aspects, this study goes
advantages of using graphene oxide in the remediation deeper. It explores how graphene oxide is made and how
of emerging contaminants is its ability to remove a wide it is used practically. Unlike theoretical discussions, it
range of substances, including pharmaceuticals, per- looks at real situations, proving how effective graphene
sonal care products, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals, oxide is at removing harmful pollutants like drugs and
among others [10]. Graphene oxide can also be modified pesticides. It gives specific examples of successful con-
to target specific contaminants, making it a versatile tool taminant removal, giving researchers and practitioners
for water treatment [11]. Another advantage of using gra- valuable knowledge on how to use this material effec-
phene oxide is its low cost and abundance [12]. Graphene tively. Previous studies have confirmed that graphene
oxide can be produced from inexpensive starting mate- oxide effectively removes emerging contaminants from
rials and can be easily scaled up for industrial use [13]. water by processes like adsorption and catalytic degrada-
Furthermore, graphene oxide is a stable material that can tion [14, 15, 25, 26]. However, there is still a significant
withstand harsh treatment conditions, such as high tem- gap in the literature when it comes to a detailed review
perature and pressure [14]. This makes it a robust option focused on using graphene oxide for emerging contami-
for use in water treatment systems. In general, the use nant cleanup. Such a review not only identifies areas
of graphene oxide in the remediation of emerging con- needing more research, but also highlights the difficulties
taminants has the potential to provide a cost-effective and possibilities in using graphene oxide for this purpose.
and efficient solution to this growing problem [15]. As Furthermore, it outlines the environmental and eco-
research continues to explore the full capabilities of gra- nomic benefits linked with this technology.
phene oxide in water treatment, its use in the removal of As a result, this review seeks to furnish an extensive
emerging contaminants is expected to increase [16]. overview of the properties and applications of graphene
Graphene oxide has gained increasing attention as a oxide in water treatment, with a particular emphasis on
potential material for water treatment due to its unique its potential for the removal of emerging contaminants.
properties, such as a large surface area, high adsorption
capacity, and chemical stability [17]. Graphene oxide Graphene oxide synthesis and properties
can be functionalized to selectively target specific con- Methods of synthesis
taminants, making it a versatile tool for water treatment Graphene oxide (GO) can be synthesized using various
[18]. In the context of water treatment, graphene oxide methods, each with its advantages and disadvantages.
has been used for the removal of various contaminants, The most commonly used methods for GO synthesis are
including heavy metals, organic compounds, and micro- the Hummers method, Staudenmaier method, and Tour
organisms [19]. Graphene oxide can be used alone or method [27].
in combination with other materials, such as activated
carbon or nanoparticles, to enhance its performance in Synthesis of graphene oxide using Hummers method
water treatment [20]. Graphene oxide can also be used The Hummers method is the most widely used method
for the development of membrane-based technologies for GO synthesis. In this method, graphite is oxidized
for water treatment, such as ultrafiltration and nanofil- with a mixture of strong acids, such as sulfuric acid and
tration membranes [21]. The incorporation of graphene nitric acid, along with potassium permanganate [28]. The
oxide into these membranes can enhance their perfor- resulting graphite oxide is then sonicated and washed
mance, such as improved selectivity and anti-fouling with deionized water to remove excess acid and salts. The
properties [22]. The use of graphene oxide in water treat- resulting GO has a high concentration of oxygen func-
ment also offers potential benefits for environmental sus- tional groups, making it highly hydrophilic [29]. In recent
tainability. For example, graphene oxide can be derived times, there have been several studies on the synthesis
from renewable resources, and its use in water treatment and characterization of GO using the Hummers method
can reduce the amount of chemical treatment required [30, 31].
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 3 of 34

Several studies have focused on the synthesis of gra- the case of GONP in Fig. 1c, a structure at the center
phene oxide using the Hummers method, which is a resembling graphite in Fig. 1a was observed, possibly
widely used technique for preparing graphene oxide from due to the level of oxidation. Additionally, other char-
graphite [32, 33]. Graphene oxide has attracted signifi- acterization outcomes of the RGOs demonstrated the
cant attention due to its unique properties and potential effectiveness of both neem and pumpkin extracts as
applications in various fields. However, the traditional reducing agents for the synthesized GO. Consequently,
Hummers method has limitations in terms of efficiency it can be inferred that neem and pumpkin extracts hold
and scalability. In this study, Guo et al. propose a modi- promising potential as reducing agents. The findings of
fied approach by introducing an electric field during the this study provide valuable insights into the optimiza-
synthesis process to enhance the efficiency of graphene tion of graphene oxide synthesis using the Hummers’
oxide production [32]. They investigate the effects of dif- method and offer a comparative analysis of different
ferent parameters such as the electric field strength, reac- reduction approaches.
tion time, and temperature on the synthesis process. The In a previous investigation, graphene oxide (GO) was
results demonstrate that the application of an electric prepared using a modified Hummers method, which
field can significantly improve the efficiency of graphene involved oxidizing purified natural flake graphite (NFG).
oxide synthesis, leading to higher yields and shorter The SEM images in Fig. 2a–c depict the as-received
reaction times compared to the traditional method. The NFG, illustrating the effects of the oxidation process.
findings of this study provide valuable insights into the This process generated a brown-colored viscous slurry
synthesis of graphene oxide and offer a potential strategy consisting of graphite oxide, exfoliated sheets, non-oxi-
to enhance the efficiency of the process. dized graphitic particles, and residual oxidizing agents.
In a study conducted by Olorunkosebi et al. the The synthesis of GO resulted in an increased interlayer
optimization of graphene oxide (GO) synthesis using spacing, from 3.37 Å in NFG to approximately 7.4 Å,
different variations of the Hummers’ method was inves- indicating the introduction of various functional groups
tigated [33]. The researchers explored the effects of through oxidation. Subsequent thermal reduction of GO
various reaction parameters, including oxidizing agent yielded reduced graphene oxide (rGO), which exhibited
concentration, reaction time, and temperature, on GO a slightly larger interlayer spacing along the c-axis com-
synthesis. Neem and pumpkin leaf extracts were uti- pared to bulk graphite. SEM images of GO (Fig. 3a–h)
lized as reducing agents. The properties of GO samples revealed a two-dimensional sheet-like structure with
prepared using different variations of the Hummers’ multiple lamellar layers. These sheets had a thickness of
method were compared, and their suitability for reduc- 1–2 μm, larger than that of single-layer graphene, pri-
tion to obtain reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was marily due to the presence of oxygen-containing func-
evaluated. Characterization of the obtained GOs and tional groups. The hydrophilic nature of GO facilitated
RGOs was performed using Fourier infra-red (FTIR) its uniform deposition onto substrates as thin films. SEM
spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, UV–visible spec- images of rGO, obtained through thermal reduction of
trophotometry, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy GO, displayed ultra-thin graphene films with a thickness
(EDX), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The of less than ~ 10 nm. Analysis using DSC/TGA indicated
results demonstrated that all three methods employed that GO experienced mass loss below 100 ˚C, attrib-
were capable of producing GO with varying degrees of uted to the evaporation of adsorbed water and pyrolysis
oxidation. Analysis of FTIR spectra of RGOs revealed of oxygen-containing groups. The thermal stability of
the absence of the C–O signature observed in GOs at rGO exceeded that of GO, evident from its higher onset
1730–1740 ­cm−1 after reduction. SEM micrographs of decomposition temperature and complete decomposition
the graphite and synthesized GOs exhibited a flake-like at a higher temperature range. FTIR spectroscopy analy-
shape, prominently visible at the edges, with multiple sis confirmed the presence of oxygen-containing func-
layers arranged on top of each other (see Fig. 1a). For tional groups in GO, which were significantly reduced in
GO12H (GO stirred for 12 h) in Fig. 1b, an ultra-thin rGO following thermal treatment. The UV–vis spectra
layer with folded edges was observed, indicating a of aqueous dispersions of GO and rGO exhibited char-
continuous surface. Individual sheets could be differ- acteristic features corresponding to plasmon peaks and
entiated through their edges, featuring wrinkled and transitions of aromatic C–C bonds. Overall, this study
kinked areas. These sheets were intercalated with rough successfully synthesized GO using the modified Hum-
surfaces resulting from structural deformation during mers method and demonstrated the thermal reduction
exfoliation and restacking. The morphology of GOSIM process to obtain rGO. The characterization and analy-
(powdered form GO) in Fig. 1d was similar, with slight sis of the materials provided valuable insights into their
differences attributed to the level of oxidation. In structural, thermal, and optical properties.
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 4 of 34

Fig. 1 SEM micrograph of a Graphite, b GO12H, c GONP, d GOSIM [33]

Fig. 2 a–c SEM images of natural flake graphite (NFG) [34]

Summary of the properties of graphene oxide synthesized i. High oxygen content: GO synthesized using the
using the Hummers method Hummers method contains a high concentration
The typical characteristics attributed to graphene oxide of oxygen functional groups, such as hydroxyl, car-
synthesized via the Hummers method encompass: boxyl, and epoxy groups [35, 36]. These functional
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Fig. 3 a–h SEM and EDX of GO [34]

groups make GO highly hydrophilic and can be tivity compared to pristine graphene due to the
used to modify its surface properties for various presence of oxygen functional groups, which act as
applications [36–39]. electron-donating groups. However, the electrical
ii. Thickness: GO synthesized using the Hummers conductivity of GO can be improved by reducing
method typically has a thickness of a few nanom- the oxygen content through thermal or chemical
eters to a few micrometers. The thickness can be reduction methods [50–54].
controlled by adjusting the synthesis conditions v. Optical properties: GO synthesized using the
such as the concentration of oxidizing agents and Hummers method has unique optical proper-
reaction time [40–44]. ties due to its strong light absorption in the ultra-
iii. Surface area: GO synthesized using the Hummers violet and visible regions. This property has led to
method has a high specific surface area, which the development of GO-based photodetectors and
makes it suitable for applications such as adsorp- solar cells [55–59].
tion and catalysis [45–49].
iv. Electrical conductivity: GO synthesized using the In general, these research studies show that the Hum-
Hummers method has a lower electrical conduc- mers method is efficient in synthesizing graphene oxide
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(GO) with a substantial level of oxidation and a layered or structural analyses. They prepared different mixtures
sheet-like structure. By modifying the synthesis param- with varying amounts of rGO and conjugated copoly-
eters, such as reaction time, temperature, and oxidizing mers to investigate the optoelectronic, thermal, and mor-
agent concentration, it is possible to tailor the physical, phological characteristics.
chemical, and electronic characteristics of the resulting SEM measurements were employed to examine the
GO material. morphology of graphene oxide (GO), reduced graphene
oxide (rGO), and the hybrid materials. Figure 4 illustrates
Synthesis of graphene oxide using Staudenmaier method the disparities between the nanosheets of GO (Fig. 4A)
The Staudenmaier method is similar to the Hummers and rGO (Fig. 4B) in their dispersion forms, while Fig. 4C
method but uses a mixture of nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and D depicts the solid forms, revealing irregularities in
and potassium chlorate. The potassium chlorate acts as rGO morphology attributed to the reduction process.
a catalyst for the oxidation reaction and results in higher The SEM images confirm the successful conversion of
yields of GO. However, this method can also produce graphite to graphene oxide while maintaining a lamellar
toxic chlorine gas and is therefore not as commonly used structure and demonstrate notable differences between
as the Hummers method. The Staudenmaier method film and solid forms due to the re-dispersion of GO
involves the use of strong oxidizing agents to convert and rGO in o-DCB. In Fig. 5, the SEM micrograph and
graphite into GO. elemental mapping analysis showcase a hybrid mate-
In the synthesis of graphene oxide (GO) using the rial composed of copolymer 2 (C2) with 5 wt% rGO.
Staudenmaier method [60–62], high-quality graphite The interaction between the copolymer and rGO results
flakes are employed as the initial material. Concentrated in the intercalation of the copolymer within graphene
sulfuric acid ­(H2SO4) and nitric acid ­(HNO3) act as oxi- nanosheets, as evidenced by the presence of carbon
dizing agents, while potassium chlorate (­KClO3) assists (Fig. 5B), sulfur (Fig. 5C) from the copolymer, and oxy-
in the oxidation process. The graphite flakes are com- gen (Fig. 5D) from rGO. Comparable outcomes were
bined with the acid solution in a reaction vessel, stirred observed for different copolymers containing 3, 5, and 10
at a controlled temperature, and heated for several wt% rGO, indicating the successful non-covalent attach-
hours. Gradual addition of ­KClO3 takes place during this ment of rGO to the copolymers, even at lower concen-
period. Following oxidation, the reaction mixture is rap- trations. The results of UV–Vis spectroscopy revealed
idly cooled by pouring it into either deionized water or an increase in the maximum absorbance by approxi-
an acidic solution. The resulting mixture is then filtered mately 3 to 6 nm for all hybrid materials, irrespective of
to gather the solid product, which is graphene oxide. the rGO concentration, compared to the pristine conju-
Multiple washings with water or solvents are performed gated copolymers. This observation indicated distinct
to eliminate impurities from the collected GO. The puri- optical properties in the hybrid materials. The oxidation
fied GO can be dried and subjected to characterization and reduction potentials were determined through vol-
techniques such as SEM, TEM, XRD, FTIR, and Raman tammetric experiments, and the calculated HOMO and
spectroscopy to evaluate its structural and chemical LUMO levels indicated a decrease in the electrochemical
properties. It is crucial to observe appropriate safety pre- energy gap for low concentrations of rGO. Overall, the
cautions, including working in a well-ventilated environ- study highlights the potential of hybrid materials com-
ment, wearing protective gear, and complying with local prising graphene oxide and conjugated copolymers with
regulations, due to the use of hazardous chemicals in the high band gaps for applications related to organic solar
Staudenmaier method. cells.
Lazanas et al. conducted a study where they reported In a 2012 study, Poh et al. examined various methods
the synthesis of hybrid materials incorporating reduced for preparing graphene, specifically the Staudenmaier,
graphene oxide (rGO) and conjugated copolymers [63]. Hofmann, and Hummers methods, along with subse-
The researchers varied the number and arrangement of quent thermal exfoliation [27]. These techniques are
thiophenes in the copolymer’s main chain (either inda- commonly employed in the large-scale production of gra-
cenothiophene or indacenothienothiophene) as well phene sheets. The authors investigated the electrochemi-
as the type of polymer acceptor (difluoro benzothia- cal characteristics of the graphene samples obtained
diazole or diketopyrrolopyrrole). They employed Stille through these methods. The Staudenmaier, Hofmann,
aromatic coupling to synthesize the semiconducting and Hummers methods are chemical approaches
copolymers and characterized them to determine their that involve the oxidation and exfoliation of graphite.
molecular properties. Graphene oxide was synthesized Each method has its own unique reaction conditions
using the Staudenmaier method and subsequently trans- and reagents, resulting in variations in the properties
formed into reduced graphene oxide prior to conducting of the resulting graphene materials. The researchers
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Fig. 4 SEM images of the GO and rGO in film (A, B) and in solid (C, D) forms

emphasized the significant differences observed in the Staudenmaier method, their focus and specific outcomes
electrochemical behavior of the graphene samples pro- vary. Lazanas et al. center their research on investigating
duced using these methods. Given graphene’s potential hybrid materials derived from this synthesis method [63].
applications in fields such as energy storage and sens- Conversely, Poh et al. undertake a comparative analy-
ing, its electrochemical properties are of great interest. sis of the electrochemical properties of graphene oxide,
The authors utilized techniques like cyclic voltammetry encompassing different synthesis methods, including
and chronoamperometry to analyze the electrochemi- Staudenmaier [27].
cal behavior of the graphene samples. They evaluated
dissimilarities in electrochemical responses, including The properties of graphene oxide synthesized using
capacitive behavior, charge storage capacity, and redox the Staudenmaier approach
activity, among the graphene materials prepared using The properties typically associated with graphene oxide
the different methods. The study’s findings demonstrated synthesized through the Staudenmaier method include:
that the Staudenmaier, Hofmann, and Hummers meth-
ods, in combination with thermal exfoliation, yield gra- i. Increased production efficiency: Researchers
phene samples with distinct electrochemical properties. have explored modifications to the Staudenmaier
These differences were attributed by the authors to vary- method to enhance the production efficiency of
ing degrees of oxidation, defects, and functional groups graphene oxide. This includes optimizing reaction
introduced during the preparation processes. The results conditions, such as temperature, reaction time, and
underscore the significance of selecting an appropriate the concentration of oxidizing agents, to achieve
synthesis method for graphene based on the desired elec- higher yields of graphene oxide [64–66].
trochemical properties for specific applications. ii. Improved control over oxygen content: The
In summary, although both studies share the com- Staudenmaier method allows researchers to control
monality of synthesizing graphene oxide using the the oxygen content in graphene oxide by adjusting
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 8 of 34

Fig. 5 SEM images of a hybrid system with the Copolymer 2 and the rGO (A). There is an apparent intercalation that is supported with the aid
of EDS, where the elemental mapping analysis confirms the existence of carbon (B), sulfur (C) and oxygen (D)

the reaction parameters. By optimizing the oxida- iv. Tailored structural properties: The Staudenmaier
tion process, it is possible to obtain graphene oxide method has been utilized to tailor the structural
with desired oxygen functionalities, which influ- properties of graphene oxide. By controlling the
ences its properties and potential applications [67– oxidation parameters, such as the concentration
69]. of oxidants or the reaction time, researchers have
iii. Enhanced dispersion in solvents: One challenge achieved graphene oxide with different degrees of
with graphene oxide is its tendency to agglomer- oxidation, layer thickness, and functional groups.
ate or form restacked sheets, limiting its potential These modifications influence the material’s electri-
applications. Researchers have made progress in cal, thermal, and mechanical properties [73–75].
improving the dispersibility of Staudenmaier-syn- v. Functionalization strategies: Staudenmaier-synthe-
thesized graphene oxide in various solvents, allow- sized graphene oxide has been functionalized with
ing for better incorporation into different matrices various organic and inorganic compounds to intro-
and facilitating its use in composite materials [70– duce specific properties or enhance its compatibil-
72]. ity with different matrices. Functionalization meth-
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 9 of 34

ods include covalent and non-covalent approaches, governed by proton exchange. For rGO samples
enabling the incorporation of graphene oxide into obtained via chemical and microwave routes, a Drude-
a broader range of applications, such as sensors, like response of electrical conductivity was observed at
energy storage devices, and biomedical applica- frequencies above ­103 Hz, transitioning to Jonscher’s
tions [76–79]. law response at 175 °C. Changes in activation energies
and relaxation times were interpreted using a model
involving thermally activated, frequency-dependent
Synthesis of graphene oxide using Tour method
electron hopping between randomly interconnected
The Tour method, developed by Professor James Tour conducting sp2 rGO packages, separated by disor-
and his team at Rice University, is a specific approach for dered sp3 rGO regions with correspondingly higher
synthesizing graphene oxide (GO) [64, 65]. This method resistivity.
involves the chemical exfoliation of graphite to obtain GO In another study, Habte and Ayele synthesized gra-
sheets [13]. The process includes the oxidation of graph- phene oxide (GO) by immersing graphite in concen-
ite using a strong oxidizing agent like a mixture of con- trated acid along with an oxidizing agent using the
centrated sulfuric acid ­(H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3), Tour’s method [81]. Chemical reduction using ascor-
followed by additional processing steps to achieve the bic acid (AA) was employed to reduce graphene oxide,
desired graphene oxide material. The Tour method is serving as both a reducing agent and a protecting agent.
known for its efficiency in producing high-quality GO This process offered economic benefits and exhibited
with controlled properties suitable for various applica- non-toxic and environmentally friendly characteristics.
tions [13]. It employs a plasma torch to generate oxygen- The oxidation level of graphite powder was assessed
containing functional groups on the graphite, resulting by varying parameters such as reaction time, tempera-
in GO with a higher degree of graphitization and a lower ture, and the quantity of ­KMnO4. Graphene oxide (GO)
concentration of oxygen functional groups compared to and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) were characterized
GO synthesized using the Hummers method. However, it using various techniques, including visual observation,
should be noted that the Tour method is more expensive UV–Vis spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, and X-ray
and requires specialized equipment. diffraction (XRD). UV–Vis spectroscopy indicated the
The modified Tour method was employed by Kotsyu- formation of GO and rGO, with maximum absorption
bynsky et al. to synthesize a colloidal solution of graphene peaks at 226 nm and 257 nm, respectively. FTIR spec-
oxide (GO), wherein the pH of the reaction medium was troscopy spectra revealed the presence of oxygen-con-
increased to 2.0–2.2 during the final stage of graphite oxi- taining functional groups in GO after oxidation, which
dation by the addition of NaOH solution [80]. The result- were subsequently removed during reduction (see
ing solid-phase graphene oxide consisted of multilayered Fig. 6). XRD analysis demonstrated that the diffrac-
graphene particles measuring approximately 7.5 nm in tion peak of GO (2θ = 10°) shifted to 2θ = 23.8° (diffrac-
thickness (equivalent to 9–10 layers of graphene) and an tion peak of rGO), indicating a change in the interlayer
average size of around 7.7 nm. distance after reduction (see Fig. 7). This change was
To obtain reduced graphene oxide (rGO), a combina-
tion of hydrazine and microwave reduction techniques
was utilized. A comparative analysis of the structure,
morphology, and electrical transport properties of rGO
samples obtained through different methods was con-
ducted, employing XRD, SAXS, Raman spectroscopy,
low-temperature nitrogen adsorption, and impedance
spectroscopy. The structural examination revealed two
fractions of plate-like rGO particles for each reduc-
tion method, comprising stacks of 4–6 graphene lay-
ers and exhibiting lateral dimensions ranging from 7.1
to 7.6 nm. The microwave-reduced rGO exhibited a
higher BET specific surface area (296 ­m2 ­g−1) compared
to the chemically reduced counterpart (237 ­m2 ­g−1).
The AC conductivity of both GO and rGO samples was
investigated over a frequency range of 1 ­ 0−2–105 Hz at
temperatures between 25 and 175 °C. The conductiv-
Fig. 6 FTIR spectra of GO and rGO [81]
ity mechanism in the GO sample was predominantly
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GO sheets to form irreversible aggregates, which is

advantageous for the production of thin films and
coatings [86, 87].
v. Tailored electrical and optical properties: The
introduction of oxygen-containing functional
groups on the graphene surface modifies its elec-
trical and optical properties. Tour-synthesized GO
has demonstrated tunable electrical conductivity
and optical absorption characteristics, making it
suitable for applications in sensors, optoelectron-
ics, and energy conversion devices [88, 89].
Fig. 7 X-ray diffraction patterns of a graphite powder, b GO powder,
and c rGO powder [81]

Synthesis of graphene oxide using electrochemical

attributed to the removal of oxygen-containing func-
tional groups and the agglomeration of reduced gra-
The synthesis of graphene oxide (GO) through an elec-
phene oxide sheets.
trochemical method is based on the electrochemical
Based on the study’s overall results, the most favorable
exfoliation of graphite in the presence of an electrolyte
oxidation level was achieved by treating 0.5 g of graphite
[90]. This technique is known for its simplicity and abil-
with 4.5 g of KMnO4 (1:9 wt/wt ratio) in a mixture of 9:1
ity to produce high-quality GO with a significant level of
­H2SO4/H3PO4 (v/v) for 12 h at a reaction temperature of
graphitization [91]. However, it does require specialized
50 °C.
equipment and is not as widely utilized as other meth-
ods. Essentially, the electrochemical oxidation process
Summary of the properties of graphene oxide synthesized converts graphite into graphene oxide by introducing
using the Tour approach oxygen-containing functional groups on its basal plane
The typical characteristics attributed to graphene oxide and edges, enabling its excellent solubility in water and
synthesized via Tour’s method encompass: polar solvents [92]. This approach offers a straightfor-
ward and scalable means of generating graphene oxide
i. Controlled oxidation: The Tour method allows for with carefully controlled properties. The electrochemical
precise control over the oxidation process, leading synthesis of graphene oxide has found extensive utility
to uniform and well-defined graphene oxide sheets. across diverse domains, such as energy storage, catalysis,
This control enables researchers to tailor the prop- sensors, and biomedical applications [93]. It acts as a fun-
erties of GO for specific applications [70, 80]. damental building block for generating reduced graphene
ii. Tunable functionalization: The Tour method allows oxide (rGO) through subsequent reduction techniques.
for the introduction of different functional groups These processes reintroduce portions of graphene’s ­sp2
on the GO surface. This functionalization can be carbon network, thereby augmenting its electrical con-
customized, enabling the incorporation of specific ductivity [94].
properties such as enhanced solubility, improved The electrochemical synthesis of graphene oxide typi-
dispersibility, or targeted chemical reactivity [82, cally involves the following steps [90–94]:
iii. Size and thickness control: The Tour method ena- i. Preparation of the graphite electrode: A graphite
bles the production of graphene oxide with con- electrode is prepared by polishing and cleaning a
trolled size and thickness. This control is crucial for graphite substrate to ensure a clean and smooth
various applications where the dimensions of GO surface.
sheets play a significant role, such as in nanoelec- ii. Electrolyte preparation: An appropriate electrolyte
tronics, composite materials, and energy storage solution is prepared, typically consisting of a mix-
[84, 85]. ture of a strong oxidizing agent and a supporting
iv. Enhanced stability: Tour-synthesized graphene electrolyte. Common oxidizing agents include sul-
oxide has shown improved stability against aggre- furic acid ­(H2SO4), nitric acid ­(HNO3), or a mix-
gation and restacking compared to other synthesis ture of both (known as the Hummers method).
methods. The controlled oxidation and functionali- The supporting electrolyte, such as sodium nitrate
zation processes help to minimize the tendency of ­(NaNO3) or potassium permanganate (­KMnO4),
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 11 of 34

helps in maintaining the electrochemical cell’s con- the interface and diffusion charge resistance exhibited an
ductivity. inverse correlation with the applied potential. This sug-
iii. Electrochemical cell assembly: The prepared graph- gests that as the potential is adjusted, the interface and
ite electrode is immersed in the electrolyte solu- diffusion charge resistance change accordingly.
tion, and a counter electrode (usually a platinum or In another study, Kumar and Srivastava presented a
gold electrode) is placed in the same solution. The straightforward two-step method to synthesize large
two electrodes are connected to an external power graphene oxide (GO) sheets measuring approximately
supply to establish an electrochemical cell. 10 μm or larger [96]. The first step involved electro-
iv. Electrochemical oxidation: An electric potential chemical exfoliation of a graphite electrode in a mixture
is applied between the graphite electrode (anode) of ­H2SO4 and H ­ 3PO4, resulting in the production of gra-
and the counter electrode (cathode). The graphite phene. In the second step, the exfoliated graphene sheets
electrode undergoes electrochemical oxidation, were oxidized using KMnO4 as the oxidizing agent. The
resulting in the formation of graphene oxide. The oxidation process was carried out at around 60 °C for
electrochemical process involves the generation of varying durations ranging from 1 to 12 h. The prepared
reactive oxygen species (such as hydroxyl radicals) GO samples underwent comprehensive characteriza-
that react with the graphite surface, leading to the tion using various spectroscopy and microscopy tech-
introduction of oxygen functional groups and the niques. X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning
exfoliation of graphene layers. electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron
v. Collection and purification: After the desired elec- microscopy (TEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectros-
trochemical oxidation time, the graphene oxide is copy (FTIR), UV–visible spectroscopy, Raman spectros-
collected from the electrolyte solution. It can be copy, and thermogravimetric analysis were employed to
isolated through various methods, including fil- assess the properties and quality of the synthesized GO.
tration, centrifugation, or sedimentation. The col- The UV–visible absorption spectrum of the GO samples
lected graphene oxide is then washed with water exhibited a prominent peak at 230 nm and an adjacent
and other solvents to remove residual electrolyte band at 300 nm, corresponding to π–π* and n–π* tran-
and impurities. sitions in all the samples. The relative percentages of
oxygen-containing functional groups in the GO samples
The properties of the synthesized graphene oxide can were determined using normalized FTIR plots, with GO
be tailored by adjusting the electrochemical parameters synthesized for 6 h showing the highest content. Boehm
such as applied potential, electrolyte composition, and titration was employed to quantify the functional groups
oxidation time. These parameters influence the degree on the surface of the GO. The XRD pattern of the GO
of oxidation, the concentration of functional groups, and synthesized for 6 h exhibited a characteristic peak at
the lateral size of the graphene oxide sheets. 2θ = 8.88°, indicating an interplanar spacing of 0.995 nm
In a recent study by Loudiki et al. an efficient direct between the layers. This result was considered one of
electrochemical method was developed for the exfoliation the best compared to previous methods reported in the
of graphene from pencil graphite at ambient temperature literature [97]. Raman spectroscopy revealed that the
[95]. This method was conducted using a small-scale lab degree of defect (ID/IG) area ratio for the 6-h GO sam-
apparatus, enabling practical implementation. The result- ple was 1.24, higher than that obtained using the widely
ing graphene mixture, comprising graphene oxide (GO) used Marcano’s approach. Field emission scanning elec-
and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), underwent compre- tron microscopy (FE-SEM) analysis was performed to
hensive physical and electrochemical characterization. examine the morphologies of the different GO samples.
The application of an AC voltage of 11V (at 50 Hz) led The SEM images showed that GO sheets synthesized
to the initial formation of graphene oxide, followed by for 1 and 2 h had poorly exfoliated wrinkled structures,
an increase in the reduction rate, which was observed whereas GO samples synthesized for 6 to 12 h exhibited
to have a time-dependent effect. The researchers evalu- well-exfoliated sheet-like morphology with curled edges.
ated the performance of the prepared graphene through Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) measurements deter-
various assessments, including charge transfer, peak mined the carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) ratios for the various
shape, and reversibility analysis of the [Fe(CN)6]3−/4− GO samples, with GO synthesized for 6 h having a ratio
redox system. The modified electrode exhibited remark- of 0.94. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images
able electrochemical performance, owing to the notable of the 6-h GO sample confirmed the presence of thin
enhancement in electron transport resulting from higher sheets. The crystallinity of the GO sheets was assessed
surface defects after electrode modification. The relation- using selected area electron diffraction (SAED), which
ship between the reduction degree of graphene oxide and displayed diffused concentric diffraction rings, indicating
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 12 of 34

a low crystallinity of the material. Overall, the study dem- the researchers analyzed the X-ray diffraction spec-
onstrated a simple and efficient approach to synthesize tra using the Debye–Scherrer equation. The electron
large GO sheets through electrochemical exfoliation and microscopy images revealed rGO sheets with folded
subsequent oxidation. The characterization techniques edges, as depicted in Fig. 9. Additionally, a transmis-
revealed the favorable properties and quality of the GO sion electron microscopy (TEM) view of the rGO film
synthesized for 6 h, making it a promising material for demonstrated clear micrographs of stacked rGO lay-
various applications (see Fig. 8). ers with rolled edges (Fig. 9a). Another TEM image
Singh et al. introduced a novel and environmentally was captured while focusing on the edge of the stacked
friendly method for synthesizing reduced graphene rGO sheets, illustrating the stacking of 3 to 4 rGO lay-
oxide (rGO) [98]. Their approach involved electro- ers together (Fig. 9b). The thickness of these stacked
chemical etching of carbon rods in a solution of lemon sheets was determined to be approximately 14 nm.
juice. The researchers conducted experiments using The formation of rGO and the increase in the number
four different operating voltages to examine the impact of layers with higher applied voltages were confirmed
on the quality of the synthesized rGO. Various analyti- by UV–visible absorption spectra. Comparative studies
cal techniques, including Raman analysis and elemental indicated that the highest quality rGO was produced at
analysis, were employed to investigate the differences a bias voltage of 10 V. The chemical-free and straight-
among the rGO samples produced at different voltages. forward synthesis approach of this method suggests the
To assess the crystallite size variations and d-spacing, potential for replacing other techniques for rGO pro-
duction, with the possibility of further improvements.

Fig. 8 FE-SEM images of GO corresponding to reaction times of a GO (1 h), b GO (2 h), c GO (4 h), d GO (6 h), e GO (8 h), f GO (10 h), and g GO
(12 h); h, i TEM images of GO (6 h); and j SAED pattern of GO (6 h) [96]
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 13 of 34

Fig. 9 TEM image of a rGO film in 10-micron range with folded edges, b stacked rGO sheets, (inset) SAED graph of rGO10 sample [98]

Summary of the properties of graphene oxide synthesized iv. Tailored functional groups: Electrochemical meth-
using electrochemical method ods have allowed for the introduction of specific
The properties typically associated with graphene functional groups onto the graphene oxide sur-
oxide synthesized through the electrochemical method face. By modifying the electrolyte composition or
encompass: employing electrochemical functionalization tech-
niques, researchers have been able to incorporate
i. Scalability: electrochemical methods have shown desired functional groups onto the graphene oxide
promise in scaling up the production of graphene structure. This functionalization enhances the
oxide. By using larger electrode setups and opti- chemical reactivity and enables the targeted appli-
mizing the electrochemical reaction parameters, cation of graphene oxide in various fields [96–98].
researchers have been able to synthesize graphene
oxide in larger quantities, facilitating its potential Table 1 presents a comparative analysis of the synthesis
commercial applications [93, 94]. of graphene oxide using Hummers method, Tour method,
ii. Improved purity and structural control: Electro- and the electrochemical method, focusing on their indi-
chemical methods have been utilized to improve vidual advantages and disadvantages [27, 34–98]:
the purity and structural control of graphene oxide.
By carefully controlling the reaction conditions,
such as electrolyte composition, pH, temperature, Diverse approaches for removing emerging
and applied voltage, researchers have been able to contaminants
enhance the homogeneity and consistency of the The approaches for removing emerging contaminants
synthesized graphene oxide sheets [94, 95]. can vary significantly based on the specific contaminant
iii. Reduced defects: Electrochemical methods have and the chosen treatment method. Here are some com-
shown potential in reducing the number of defects mon strategies for eliminating emerging contaminants:
in graphene oxide structures. Defects can nega-
tively impact the properties of graphene oxide, A. Adsorption: adsorption is widely employed to elimi-
such as its electrical conductivity and mechani- nate emerging contaminants from water or air. It
cal strength. Through the optimization of electro- involves the attachment of contaminants to a solid
chemical parameters, researchers have been able surface, like activated carbon or other adsorbent
to minimize the defect density, leading to graphene materials. Through physical or chemical interactions,
oxide with improved properties [95, 96]. contaminants adhere to the surface of the adsorbent,
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe

Table 1 Comparative analysis of graphene oxide synthesis methods

Method Hummers method Tour method Electrochemical method

Principle Chemical oxidation using strong oxidants and acids Organic synthesis and covalent functionalization Electrochemical reduction of graphite oxide
(2024) 36:15

of graphene with reactive organic molecules

Advantages Widely used, well-established method Allows precise functionalization of graphene sheets, Simple experimental setup, mild reaction conditions
easy to control the degree of functionalization
Disadvantages Harsh reaction conditions (strong acids, high tempera- Time-consuming and multi-step process Requires specialized equipment (electrochemical cell,
ture) electrodes), limited scalability
Scalability Moderate Limited scalability due to the complex synthesis steps Limited scalability due to the need for specialized equip-
and functionalization processes ment and slower reaction kinetics
Degree of functionalization Highly oxidized graphene oxide with numerous oxy- Moderate degree of functionalization, controlled Depends on the applied potential and reaction time
gen functional groups by the choice of reactive organic molecules
Structural control Limited control over the size and thickness of graph- Can tune the functional groups and density of func- Limited control over the thickness of reduced graphene
eme oxide sheets tionalization on graphene oxide
Applications Energy storage devices, composites, sensors, and coat- Functionalized graphene for targeted applications Energy storage devices, sensors, catalysts, and electro-
ings like biosensors, drug delivery systems, and electronics chemical electrodes
Page 14 of 34
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effectively extracting them from water or air [99– employed in water or wastewater treatment processes
103]. to efficiently remove emerging contaminants.
B. Catalytic degradation: catalytic degradation uses
catalysts to facilitate the breakdown of emerging Effectiveness of graphene oxide in removing
contaminants. These catalysts can be either het- emerging contaminants
erogeneous (solid-phase catalysts) or homogeneous Graphene oxide (GO) has shown effectiveness in remov-
(liquid-phase catalysts). Contaminants react with the ing emerging contaminants from various environmen-
catalyst, decomposing into simpler, less harmful sub- tal matrices [115]. Several studies have investigated the
stances [104, 105]. adsorption properties of GO towards different types of
C. Membrane filtration: membrane filtration, a separa- emerging contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, per-
tion process, employs a semi-permeable membrane sonal care products and pesticides. The unique physico-
to separate contaminants from water or other liq- chemical properties of GO contribute to its adsorption
uids. The membrane contains small pores or chan- capabilities and make it a promising material for water
nels allowing water molecules to pass while blocking treatment applications [116].
larger contaminants. Various membranes, such as The large surface area and high adsorption capacity of
reverse osmosis (RO) or nanofiltration membranes, GO enable it to effectively capture and remove emerging
effectively remove a wide array of emerging contami- contaminants from water [117]. The π–π stacking inter-
nants, including micropollutants and nanoparticles actions, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic attractions
[106, 107]. between GO and contaminants facilitate their adsorp-
D. Other relevant approaches: Additional strategies for tion onto the GO surface. Additionally, the presence of
removing emerging contaminants exist, contingent oxygen-containing functional groups on GO, such as
on specific contaminants and treatment methods: hydroxyl and carboxyl groups, enhances its adsorption
- Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs): AOPs utilize capacity through additional interactions with the con-
highly reactive species, like hydroxyl radicals, to oxi- taminants [117].
dize and degrade contaminants. Techniques such as The adsorption efficiency of GO can be influenced by
ozonation, photocatalysis, or electrochemical oxida- various factors, including the properties of the contami-
tion achieve AOPs [108]. nants (e.g., molecular size, polarity, and charge), the con-
- Biological treatment: Biological processes, includ- centration of contaminants in the water, pH, temperature,
ing biodegradation or bioremediation, use microor- and contact time. Optimization of these parameters can
ganisms to break down contaminants into harmless enhance the removal efficiency of GO for specific con-
byproducts via metabolic processes [109]. taminants [115].
- Chemical precipitation: Chemical precipitation
involves adding chemicals to induce the formation Graphene oxide (GO) as an efficient adsorbent
of insoluble precipitates. These precipitates are then for the removal of contaminants from water
separated from water through sedimentation or fil- There have been several case studies that have explored
tration, commonly used for the removal of heavy the effectiveness of graphene oxide (GO) in removing
metals or metalloids [110, 111]. emerging contaminants. One example is the removal of
- Ion exchange: Ion exchange involves swapping ions pharmaceutical compounds from water.
between a solid-phase ion exchange resin and water. In a study carried out by Banerjee et al. the effective-
The resin selectively adsorbs certain ions, including ness of graphene oxide nanoplatelets (GONPs) in remov-
emerging contaminants, releasing less harmful ions ing ibuprofen from water was investigated [115]. The
in exchange [112]. researchers characterized the GONPs using electron
- Physical separation: Certain emerging contaminants microscopy and X-ray diffraction to analyze any changes
are removed through physical separation methods in structure and morphology caused by the adsorption
such as sedimentation, coagulation, or flocculation. process. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted
These processes aggregate or settle the contaminants, to assess the impact of various process parameters on
facilitating their removal from water [113, 114]. the percentage removal of ibuprofen. The obtained
data were analyzed using isotherm and kinetic analy-
It is crucial to note that the selection of the appro- sis to understand the distribution of ibuprofen between
priate approach depends on specific contaminants, the liquid and solid phases in the batch studies. The
their concentration, and the desired treatment objec- researchers found that the Langmuir isotherm model
tives. Often, a combination of multiple approaches is best described the adsorption behavior, and the process
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 16 of 34

followed pseudo-second-order kinetics. Thermodynamic Incorporation of graphene oxide within the SWCNT
parameters, including Gibbs’ free energy, enthalpy, and BP membranes was observed, resulting in a homogene-
entropy, were also evaluated. The results indicated that ous distribution of GO sheets (Fig. 10d). The adsorp-
the adsorption of ibuprofen onto graphene oxide was an tion capacities of the GO-SWCNT BPs were influenced
endothermic and spontaneous process. Based on their by the graphene oxide content, with the highest capaci-
findings, the authors concluded that graphene oxide ties achieved at 75 wt.% graphene oxide, specifically
could serve as a suitable adsorbent for the efficient treat- 118 ± 2 mg ­g−1 for diclofenac, 116 ± 2 mg ­g−1 for keto-
ment of water contaminated with ibuprofen and simi- profen, and 126 ± 3 mg ­g−1 for naproxen at pH 4 (Fig. 11).
lar anti-inflammatory drugs on a larger scale. The study Overall, the study suggests that GO-SWCNT BPs offer a
highlights the potential of graphene oxide as an effective promising and cost-effective approach for the removal of
adsorbent for pharmaceutical removal from water. NSAIDs from drinking water sources. The membranes
Another case study was carried out by Baratta et al. possess characteristics such as easy recovery and reus-
focused on evaluating the efficacy of graphene oxide/ ability, making them a viable solution for addressing the
single-walled carbon nanotube composite membranes presence of NSAIDs in water resources.
(GO-SWCNT BPs) in removing three non-steroidal anti- In a previous study, Nodeh et al. developed a magnetic
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)—diclofenac, ketoprofen, graphene oxide-based adsorbent, GO-MNPs-SiO2, to
and naproxen [116]. Various parameters were investi- enhance the removal of naproxen from wastewater [117].
gated, including pH conditions, graphene oxide content, The incorporation of magnetic nanoparticles and silica
and initial concentrations of NSAIDs. SEM analysis of onto graphene oxide improved water permeability, pre-
the BP membranes revealed a consistent appearance vented sheet aggregation, and facilitated easy recovery
with black and stable membranes, an average thick- using an external magnet. The adsorbent was synthe-
ness of around 100 ± 2 μm, and an average diameter of sized, characterized, and applied for naproxen removal
38 ± 1 μm (Fig. 10a, b). The SEM images also exhibited from sewage samples. The researchers investigated the
clusters and bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes effect of GO-MNPs-SiO2 dosage on naproxen removal,
(SWCNTs) due to intermolecular interactions (Fig. 10c). varying the adsorbent mass from 5 to 160 mg. The results
The membranes demonstrated high permeability and showed that increasing the dosage from 5 to 30 mg led
large contact surface area, indicating effective adsorption. to an increase in removal efficiency from 20 to 90%, with

Fig. 10 Pictures of a SWCNT BP and b 75% GO‐SWCNT BP. SEM images of c SWCNT BP and d 75% GO‐SWCNT BP. The presence of GO flakes
embedded in the SWCNT BP network is evident in the latter image. Samples up to 75 wt.% GO were self‐sustainable and flexible disks (e) [116]
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 17 of 34

Fig. 11 The recovery percentage, Re(%), of: a diclofenac, b ketoprofen, and c naproxen water solutions at different pH values and 10 ppm initial
concentration as a function of GO content in GO-SWCNT BPs [116]

a slight stabilization at 30–60 mg (Fig. 12a). The influ- 60 min. The Freundlich model provided the best fit to
ence of contact time on adsorption was also examined, the data ­ (R2 = 0.999), suggesting multilayer adsorption
and it was observed that the removal efficiency increased with a physisorption mechanism for naproxen removal.
from 25 to 90% as the time increased from 5 to 60 min The calculated free energy value (0.49 kJ ­mol−1) further
(Fig. 12b). This indicated a rapid adsorption process supported this finding. In general, the GO-MNPs-SiO2
occurring before reaching equilibrium. To understand nanocomposite exhibited high sorption capacity and fast
the adsorption mechanism, the experimental data were kinetics for the removal of naproxen from aqueous solu-
fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich, and D-R isotherms, and tions. The study concluded that it holds promise as an
free energy calculations were performed. The maximum effective adsorbent for wastewater treatment applications
adsorption capacity of the nanocomposite was deter- in the removal of naproxen and similar pollutants.
mined to be 31.25 mg ­g−1 at pH 5 and a contact time of
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 18 of 34

adsorption mechanisms of graphene oxides and gain a

better understanding of their effectiveness in tackling
pesticide contamination. This knowledge is crucial for
guiding future research and development efforts, as well
as for providing insights into the potential applications of
graphene oxide in environmental remediation and water
purification processes.
The study conducted by Wang et al. focused on inves-
tigating the adsorption mechanism of pesticides by
graphene oxide (GO) using fully atomistic molecular
dynamics (MD) simulation and density functional theory
(DFT) calculations [119]. The researchers aimed to gain
a deeper understanding of the interactions between GO
and pesticides, shedding light on the fundamental mech-
anisms involved in pesticide adsorption and providing
insights for potential future applications. By employing
advanced computational techniques, Wang et al. discov-
ered that the major adsorption interactions between GO
and pesticides were attributed to two key factors: π–π
stacking and van der Waals interactions. π–π stacking
refers to the stacking of aromatic rings, which is a com-
mon interaction observed in organic systems. Van der
Waals interactions, on the other hand, are non-covalent
forces that arise between molecules or molecular frag-
Fig. 12 Effect of amount of a adsorbent dosage and b contact ments due to fluctuations in electron density. The inte-
(adsorption) time on the naproxen removal efficiency [117]
gration of density functional theory calculations, fully
atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, and bind-
ing free energy calculations allowed the researchers to
Additionally, there have been other investigations comprehensively explore and analyze the adsorption
that have explored the utilization of graphene oxides in process. By doing so, they not only filled the theoreti-
addressing the contamination of water by personal care cal gap in understanding the adsorption mechanisms of
products and pesticides. The accumulation of pesti- GO but also provided valuable insights into visualizing
cide residues in the environment has become a signifi- the adsorption process itself. These insights are crucial
cant concern due to their persistence and stability. As a for guiding future applications of GO in adsorption pro-
result, researchers have shown renewed interest in find- cesses. In general, the study by Wang et al. [119] made
ing effective methods to eliminate pesticides from the significant contributions by elucidating the underlying
environment, employing a range of biological and chemi- mechanisms of pesticide adsorption by GO. The findings
cal approaches [118]. One particular approach that has not only enhanced our theoretical understanding of the
gained considerable attention is the use of graphene adsorption process, but also paved the way for the devel-
oxide (GO) for enhancing the adsorption of pesticides in opment of improved adsorption applications involving
aqueous solutions. GO has shown impressive adsorption GO.
capabilities, making it a promising candidate for envi- The effect of graphene-based structures on the elimi-
ronmental applications, especially in water purification nation of chlorpyrifos and dimethoate from water was
to remove pesticide residuals [120]. However, despite investigated by Lazarević-Pašti et al. [120]. The study
numerous studies highlighting the adsorption potential revealed that the adsorption of pesticides onto graphene-
of GO for environmental contaminants, our understand- based adsorbents was highly dependent on the structural
ing of the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in properties of both the sorbent and the sorbate. Interest-
this process is still limited. ingly, the surface area of the adsorbent was found to be
Therefore, the primary objective of the case studies less influential in controlling the removal efficiency.
mentioned below is to evaluate the efficacy of graphene The researchers observed that the aliphatic pesticide
oxides in addressing the specific types of contaminants dimethoate exhibited a preference for adsorption onto
mentioned, namely pesticides. By conducting these hydrophilic oxidized graphene surfaces. On the other
case studies, researchers aim to delve deeper into the hand, the graphene basal plane, which possesses a π
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 19 of 34

electron system and high structural order, selectively reduction, ion exchange, membrane technologies, chemi-
removed chlorpyrifos due to its aromatic moiety. More- cal reduction, and adsorption have been investigated.
over, the presence of an intermediate concentration of Notably, adsorption, especially using carbon-based mate-
oxygen functional groups on the surface of the graphene- rials, has gained significant attention due to its effective-
based adsorbent led to effective elimination of both ness and cost efficiency in purifying water.
chlorpyrifos and dimethoate. In a pivotal study conducted by Lakshmi and Vasude-
More recently, the use of graphene oxide (GO) as an van in 2013, a batch adsorption process was employed to
adsorbent has been investigated for the removal of vari- investigate the removal of perchlorate ions (­ClO4−) from
ous toxic pesticides, including atrazine, ametryn, chlor- water using graphene [126]. The graphene, prepared
pyrifos, and malathion, from water and wastewater through liquid-phase exfoliation, exhibited remarkable
[121–123]. GO nanoplatelets have been applied for the adsorption efficiency of 99.2%. Through extensive char-
adsorption of chloridazon and its degradation metabo- acterization techniques such as Raman spectroscopy,
lites (desphenyl-chloridazon: DC and methyl-desphenyl- Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and scanning
chloridazon: MDC) from aqueous solutions [124]. The electron microscopy, the researchers confirmed gra-
study established the good adsorption capacity of GO phene’s efficacy as an adsorbent for perchlorate removal.
for chloridazon (67.18 mg ­g−1), DC (34.30 mg ­g−1), and The study systematically explored the adsorption pro-
MDC (36.85 mg ­g−1), which was attributed to efficient cess by varying parameters such as pH, ionic strength,
remediation through hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic and temperature. The results indicated that graphene
interactions, and π–π interactions. displayed a high perchlorate adsorption capacity of up
In addition to experimental adsorption studies, theo- to 0.024 mg/g at an initial concentration of 2 mg/L and
retical investigations have explored the performance of a temperature of 298 K. Kinetic studies revealed that the
graphene-based materials for the adsorption of pesti- second-order kinetics model best described the adsorp-
cides, such as atrazine [125]. Graphene and its defected tion process, while the Langmuir adsorption isotherm
forms, including hexagonal boron nitride and carbon- accurately represented the equilibrium data. Crucially,
doped hexagonal boron nitride, have been studied thermodynamic studies demonstrated that the adsorp-
using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The tion of perchlorate by graphene was a spontaneous and
molecular orbital interactions and energy calculations endothermic process. This innovative approach effec-
provided insights into the affinity of graphene, hexago- tively reduced perchlorate concentrations in water to
nal boron nitride, and carbon-doped hexagonal boron permissible levels, rendering it drinkable. The research
nitride towards atrazine and estimated the magnitude of showcased the potential of graphene-based materials in
the interaction. addressing the challenge of perchlorate contamination,
The results indicated that physical interactions, par- paving the way for sustainable and efficient water purifi-
ticularly dispersive interactions, played a significant cation solutions.
role in stabilizing the adsorbed atrazine. The mobility of The presence of trihalomethanes (THMs) in drink-
adsorbed atrazine on graphene adsorbents was affected ing water, resulting from the reaction of natural organic
by relatively low rotational and translational energy bar- substances with chlorine during water treatment, poses
riers. In contrast, in hexagonal boron nitride, the move- significant health risks. THMs, including ­CH3Cl, ­CH2Cl2,
ment of atrazine was limited by electrostatic attractions and ­CHCl3, are known carcinogens and have been linked
and polar bonds due to the high translational energy to kidney, liver, and nervous system problems. There-
barrier. fore, effective separation methods are crucial. In a study
These findings highlight the potential of graphene- conducted by Azamat et al. molecular dynamics simula-
based materials, including graphene oxide and its tions were utilized to investigate the permeability of Tri-
derivatives, in the removal and remediation of various halomethanes (THMs) through graphene membranes
pesticides from water. Both experimental and theoreti- under induced pressure conditions [127]. The research-
cal investigations have provided valuable insights into the ers explored various graphene pore sizes and chemical
adsorption mechanisms and the potential applications of terminations to understand the separation process in
these materials for pesticide removal, contributing to the detail. Results from the simulations indicated that func-
development of efficient and sustainable water treatment tionalized nanoporous graphene with smaller diameters
approaches. effectively prevented the permeation of THMs while
The challenge of removing perchlorate from water, allowing water molecules to pass through. Specifically, in
owing to its non-volatile, highly soluble, and kinetically simulations with pore sizes below a certain threshold (as
inert nature, has led to the exploration of various treat- depicted in Fig. 13), only water molecules were observed
ment technologies. Among these methods, microbial to traverse the graphene, effectively blocking the passage
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 20 of 34

of THMs. Conversely, larger pores, as shown in Fig. 14,

enabled the passage of both THMs and water molecules.
Under specific pressure conditions, the simulations dem-
onstrated a reduction in the concentration of THMs in
the filtered water. For instance, at a pressure of 200 MPa,
the concentration of THMs was reduced from the initial
0.4 to 0.037 mol/L. These findings highlight the poten-
tial of thin graphene membranes with tailored nanopo-
res in efficiently removing THMs from water. The study’s
outcomes, provide crucial insights into the design and
optimization of graphene-based filtration systems for
addressing water contamination challenges caused by
disinfection by-products.
Fig. 13 Density profile of all types of THMs in the small H-pore Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and other per- and
at a pressure of 200 MPa in z direction of system. (THMs remained
poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have emerged as
on the one hand of graphene and could not pass across the small
pores.) critical environmental pollutants due to their persistent
nature and adverse health effects. Traditional methods
for PFAS remediation are energy-intensive and often
ineffective, necessitating the exploration of innovative
in situ strategies. In a recent study by Lath et al. the focus
shifted towards advanced adsorbents, specifically gra-
phene oxide (GO), an iron oxide-modified reduced-GO
composite (FeG), and RemBindTM (RemB), an activated-
carbon/clay/alumina-based adsorbent [128]. The objec-
tive was to assess their efficacy in PFAS sorption and
shed light on the underlying mechanisms, aiming to con-
tribute to the development of efficient remediation tech-
nologies. Graphene oxide, known for its highly negative
surface charge due to oxygen functional groups, initially
seemed promising. However, its anionic nature posed a
challenge, leading to repulsion with anionic PFAS species
like PFOA. This limitation prompted the exploration of
innovative modifications. FeG, a hybrid material result-
ing from iron-mineral-functionalization of GO, exhib-
ited remarkable sorption capabilities. Its consistent high
sorption (over 90%) across a range of pH values and ionic
strengths indicated the dominance of non-electrostatic
forces, suggesting the involvement of hydrophobic inter-
actions and ligand-exchange mechanisms with associ-
ated Fe-minerals. The study also compared RemB, which
showed similar efficiency to FeG, emphasizing the poten-
tial of combining mineral and carbon phases in remedia-
tion strategies.
Crucially, the research delved into desorption studies,
providing valuable insights into the stability of adsorbed
PFAS. Methanol, among the tested solvents, demon-
strated the most effective desorption, indicating strong
and relatively irreversible binding. This finding is pivotal
for assessing the risk of PFAS remobilization, especially
concerning environmental factors like rainfall events.
Fig. 14 a The number of water molecules passing through the large Beyond laboratory conditions, FeG and RemB show-
pores; b the number of THMs passing through the large pores. cased their real-world applicability by effectively sorbing
(Waters and THMs pass from the large pores.) various PFASs from a contaminated-site water sample.
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This success underscores the potential of these ‘mixed’ functional groups or by doping the GO structure with
adsorbents in practical scenarios, opening avenues for other elements, tailoring it to target specific contami-
enhanced sorption through multifaceted mechanisms. nants or improve selectivity [129].
In summary, the study by Lath et al. [128] highlights the Another advantage of GO is its ease of synthesis. GO-
transformative potential of advanced adsorbents like FeG based adsorbents can be synthesized using relatively sim-
and RemB in addressing PFAS contamination. Their abil- ple methods, making the production process scalable and
ity to offer high sorption capacities, stability against des- cost-effective [130]. Moreover, GO-based materials have
orption, and versatility in real-world applications marks demonstrated good stability, which is crucial for their
a significant step forward in the quest for sustainable, long-term performance in water treatment applications.
in situ PFAS-remediation technologies. As research in Additionally, GO adsorbents have shown the potential
this field advances, the integration of diverse materials for reusability, reducing waste generation and overall
and innovative modifications promises a future where treatment costs [130].
PFAS-contaminated sites can be effectively restored, In contrast, traditional treatment methods may face
ensuring environmental safety and public health. challenges in terms of their efficiency, cost-effectiveness,
or selectivity [131, 132]. Activated carbon adsorption, for
Comparing graphene oxide (GO) with traditional example, is widely used for water treatment but may have
treatment methods for the removal of emerging limitations in terms of its adsorption capacity and selec-
contaminants: advantages and insights tivity for specific contaminants [133]. Advanced oxida-
When comparing graphene oxide (GO) with traditional tion processes, such as ozonation or photocatalysis, can
treatment methods for the removal of emerging con- be effective in degrading contaminants but may require
taminants, it becomes evident that GO exhibits sev- additional energy consumption and produce potentially
eral advantages. Traditional methods, such as activated harmful byproducts [134, 135]. Membrane filtration,
carbon adsorption, advanced oxidation processes, and while efficient for the removal of particulate matter, may
membrane filtration, have been widely used in water have limited effectiveness in removing dissolved organic
treatment, but they may have limitations in terms of effi- contaminants [136, 137].
ciency, cost, or selectivity [126]. Given the advantages of GO, including its large surface
One of the key advantages of GO is its large surface area, high adsorption capacity, ease of functionalization,
area, which provides a significant adsorption capacity synthesis scalability, stability, and potential reusability,
[127]. The abundant surface area allows GO to interact it holds significant promise as an alternative adsorbent
with and adsorb a wide range of contaminants, includ- material for removing emerging contaminants [138, 139].
ing emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals Further research and development efforts are needed to
and pesticides [127, 128]. Additionally, GO can be easily optimize its performance, explore its potential synergies
functionalized, meaning that its surface properties can be with other treatment methods, and address any poten-
modified to further enhance its adsorption capabilities. tial challenges or limitations. Table 2 presents the advan-
Functionalization can be achieved by introducing specific tages of graphene oxide (GO) over traditional treatment

Table 2 The advantages of graphene oxide (GO) over traditional treatment methods for emerging contaminants
Parameters for comparison Graphene oxide (GO) Traditional treatment methods

Effectiveness in contaminant removal High efficiency due to large surface area and high Variable effectiveness depending on the specific
adsorption capacity method and contaminant
Selectivity towards target contaminants Can be tailored for specific contaminants Limited selectivity, often removing a wide range
through functionalization of contaminants
Adsorption capacity High adsorption capacity, particularly for organic Varies depending on the material used; may require
compounds additional adsorbents for efficient removal
Degradation efficiency Can exhibit catalytic properties for degradation Dependent on the specific treatment method; may
of certain contaminants require additional steps for degradation
Regeneration potential Can be regenerated and reused for multiple cycles Regeneration potential may vary depending
on the treatment method
Cost-effectiveness Production costs are decreasing; potential for cost- Costs can vary depending on the treatment method
effective large-scale applications and scale of implementation
Environmental impact Potential for lower environmental impact; can be Environmental impact can vary depending
synthesized from sustainable sources on the specific treatment method and chemicals
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methods for emerging contaminants [10, 14, 126–136, that the adsorption of MB on Graphene involved a
139–142]. π–π stacking adsorption process. In a nutshell, the
research demonstrated that graphene could serve
Factors affecting removal efficiency of graphene oxide as a promising adsorbent for the removal of chemi-
(GO) for emerging contaminants cals containing benzene rings in wastewater. This
Several factors can significantly influence the removal finding underscores the significance of considering
efficiency of graphene oxide (GO) for emerging contami- contaminant characteristics, such as molecular size
nants. Understanding these factors is crucial for opti- and structure, when designing efficient adsorption
mizing the performance of GO-based adsorbents and processes using graphene-based materials.
ensuring their effective application in water treatment ii. GO properties: The properties of GO, including
processes. its surface area, surface chemistry, and functional
groups, are critical for its adsorption perfor-
i. Contaminant characteristics: The physicochemi- mance. GO typically possesses a large surface area,
cal properties of the contaminants themselves play which provides more binding sites for contami-
a crucial role in their adsorption onto GO [10, 14, nants [149]. The presence of oxygen-containing
140–144]. Factors such as molecular size, polar- functional groups, such as hydroxyl and carboxyl
ity, solubility, and chemical structure can impact groups, on the GO surface contributes to its hydro-
the interactions between the contaminants and philicity and enhances the adsorption of polar
GO surfaces [145]. Contaminants with larger contaminants [150, 151]. Additionally, the surface
molecular sizes or higher hydrophobicity tend to charge of GO can affect the electrostatic interac-
have stronger interactions with GO and exhibit tions with charged contaminants [150, 151]. For
higher adsorption capacities [146]. Additionally, instance, Esteban-Arranz et al. demonstrated the
the presence of functional groups in the contami- significance of graphene oxides (GO) in remov-
nant molecules can facilitate specific interactions, ing contaminants from water [152]. They explored
such as hydrogen bonding or π-π stacking, lead- different GO types and observed key interactions
ing to enhanced adsorption onto GO [147]. For using infrared spectroscopy. The study highlighted
example, in the study conducted by Wu et al. the the vital role of GO properties, including surface
impact of contaminant characteristics, specifically area and chemistry, in determining adsorption
the molecular size and the number of benzene performance. Cooperative effects between pollut-
rings, on graphene (G) and chemically reduced ants were noted with GO, emphasizing interlayer
graphene oxide’s adsorption performance was spaces’ importance. Reduced graphene oxides
explored [148]. The researchers investigated the showed synergetic interactions, with aromatic
adsorption of various organic chemicals, includ- structures influencing adsorption capacity. Over-
ing acrylonitrile (AN), p-toluenesulfonic acid all, the research underscores the complex relation-
(p-TA), 1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (1-NA), and ship between GO properties and its effectiveness in
methyl blue (MB), using graphene-based materi- contaminant removal.
als as adsorbents. The results revealed that organic iii. Solution conditions: The adsorption behavior of
chemicals with larger molecular sizes and more contaminants onto graphene oxide (GO) is influ-
benzene rings exhibited higher adsorption speeds enced by various conditions within the aqueous
and maximum adsorption capacities on Graphene. solution, including parameters such as pH, tem-
Specifically, p-TA, 1-NA, and MB demonstrated perature, and ionic strength [153]. Specifically, the
maximum adsorption capacities of ∼ 1.43 g/g G, pH level of the solution plays a crucial role as it
∼ 1.46 g/g G, and ∼ 1.52 g/g G at 30 °C, respec- affects both the surface charge of GO and the ioni-
tively. These values were noted to be the highest zation state of the contaminants, thereby influenc-
among various nanomaterials studied for these ing electrostatic interactions between them [154].
contaminants. Additionally, the adsorption process Additionally, temperature variations can impact
for MB on graphene was found to be temperature- the adsorption process kinetics and the stability of
dependent, indicating that higher temperatures the GO adsorbent [155]. Changes in ionic strength
facilitated the adsorption. Furthermore, the study can affect the competition between ions in the
observed that graphene’s efficiency remained stable solution and the adsorption sites on GO, poten-
during the initial five cycles of the adsorption–des- tially altering the adsorption capacity. For exam-
orption process, indicating its potential for reus- ple, the study conducted by Song et al. exempli-
ability. Fluorescence spectra analysis suggested fies how the adsorption behavior of contaminants
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 23 of 34

onto graphene oxide (GO) is intricately influenced dairy wastewater. Proper optimization of contact
by the conditions of the aqueous solution [156]. time is crucial in practical applications of GO-
In their research, they activated ATP using high based adsorbents for efficient water treatment pro-
temperature and HCl, resulting in a-ATP, and cesses.
subsequently prepared a GO/a-ATP composite v. Interference from coexisting substances: Within
through hydrothermal synthesis. Under specific real-world water matrices, the presence of con-
conditions, including a dosage of 0.75 g/L, pH of current substances, which could include natural
5, reaction time of 120 min, initial temperature of organic matter, inorganic ions, or competing con-
35 °C, and an initial tetracycline (TC) concentra- taminants, has the potential to disrupt the adsorp-
tion of 50 mg/L, the adsorption capacity of GO/a- tion process of target contaminants onto graphene
ATP for TC reached 38.8 mg/g. The kinetic data oxide (GO) [159]. These substances may compete
analysis, using pseudo-first-order (PFO), pseudo- for adsorption sites, block active sites on the GO
second-order (PSO), and mixed-order (MO) mod- surface, or reduce the effective surface area avail-
els, demonstrated that the adsorption process is able for adsorption [8]. Understanding and miti-
chemisorption-driven, involving two rate-limiting gating these interferences are essential for achiev-
steps: diffusion and adsorption, with diffusion ing optimal removal efficiency. For example, by
being the predominant factor. Equilibrium data fit- considering these factors and their interactions,
ting revealed that the Langmuir model provided researchers and engineers can optimize the design
the best fit, indicating a homogeneous and mon- and operation of GO-based adsorption processes
olayer adsorption process. Additionally, thermody- for the removal of emerging contaminants [160].
namic parameters like standard Gibbs free energy This knowledge can aid in the development of
(ΔG°) and standard enthalpy (ΔH°) indicated an effective water treatment strategies that harness
endothermic nature of the adsorption reaction. the unique properties of GO and address the chal-
This study showcased the importance of optimiz- lenges associated with emerging contaminants
ing solution conditions to enhance the adsorption in water sources. For example, the study carried
efficiency of GO-based composites, providing valu- out by Yao et al. looked into the intricate dynam-
able insights into the practical application of these ics of adsorbing typical antibiotics (tetracycline
materials in water purification processes. and sulfadiazine) and heavy metals [Cu(II) and
iv. Contact time: The contact time between the GO Zn(II)] onto graphene oxides (GO), a promising
adsorbent and the contaminated water is an impor- nano-adsorbent [161]. The investigation included
tant factor affecting the adsorption process [157]. a comprehensive analysis of coexisting substances,
Longer contact times allow for more extensive such as natural organic matter, inorganic ions, and
interaction between contaminants and the GO sur- competing contaminants, that could potentially
face, leading to increased removal efficiency [158]. interfere with the adsorption process. The study
For example, in the study by Falahati et al. the effect revealed that the presence of heavy metals signifi-
of contact time on the adsorption capacity of gra- cantly enhanced the adsorption capacities of anti-
phene oxide (GO) nanosheets for dairy wastewater biotics onto GO, indicating a synergistic effect.
treatment was explored [16]. The researchers var- This enhancement was attributed to the forma-
ied the duration of contact between the absorbent tion of complexes between heavy metals and GO,
and wastewater to understand its influence on pol- with heavy metals acting as “bridges” facilitating
lutant removal. They found that as the contact time the adsorption process. In contrast, antibiotics had
increased, the removal efficiencies for pollutants a minor promotional effect on the adsorption of
such as total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), heavy metals. Additionally, the study highlighted
chemical oxygen demand (COD), and turbidity the inhibitory role of coexisting salt ions, espe-
also increased. The results indicated that a longer cially ­Ca2+, in the adsorption process. These ions,
contact time allowed for a more thorough interac- by interacting with GO, reduced the adsorption
tion between the GO nanosheets and the pollut- capacity. Furthermore, the presence of humic acid
ants in the wastewater. As a result, the adsorption provided additional sites for heavy metal uptake
process had more time to occur, leading to higher but competed with antibiotics for adsorption sites,
removal efficiencies. This finding highlights the demonstrating the complex interplay of different
importance of sufficient contact time in maximiz- coexisting substances during the adsorption pro-
ing the adsorption capacity of GO nanosheets, cess. Interestingly, even after six adsorption-release
ensuring effective removal of contaminants from cycles, the re-adsorption capacities remained high,
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suggesting the feasibility and durability of GO in require complex and energy-intensive production
the removal of such combined contaminants. This methods, making them costly compared to tradi-
study sheds light on the challenges and opportuni- tional adsorbents. The cost-effectiveness of GO-
ties in designing efficient adsorption processes for based systems needs to be carefully evaluated to
complex wastewater systems involving multiple determine their feasibility for widespread imple-
contaminants and coexisting substances. mentation [166–170].
iii. Regeneration and disposal: After adsorbing con-
taminants, the regeneration and disposal of GO-
Limitations and challenges of graphene oxide in removing based adsorbents pose challenges [8]. Regenera-
emerging contaminants from waste waters tion methods for GO typically involve desorption
Graphene oxide (GO) has gained significant attention of contaminants using chemicals or heat treat-
as a potential material for removing emerging contami- ment [171, 172]. However, these processes may
nants from wastewater due to its unique physicochemi- not be efficient or sustainable, and they can lead to
cal properties. However, like any other technology, GO the generation of secondary pollutants or require
also has certain limitations and challenges that need to be additional energy consumption. The proper dis-
considered [162–179]. posal of used GO-based adsorbents is also a con-
cern, as the long-term environmental impacts of
i. Fouling and aggregation: Fouling and aggrega- graphene-based materials are still being studied
tion of graphene oxide (GO) during water filtra- [171, 172]. For example, in the study by Sharif et al.
tion poses substantial challenges, causing mem- two reduced graphene oxide/iron oxide (rGO-IO)
brane fouling and reducing filtration efficiency nanocomposites were developed for efficient water
[162]. To overcome this obstacle, researchers are treatment [171]. These nanocomposites, composed
investigating strategies such as surface modifica- of magnetite as the iron oxide phase, allowed easy
tion and composite material synthesis [163, 164]. separation using a magnetic field. The nanocom-
These approaches aim to enhance the stability and posites exhibited promising adsorption properties,
dispersion of GO, offering potential solutions for with a peak capacity of 39 mg ­g−1 for the composite
improving water treatment processes [162–164]. with 60 wt% iron oxide, dropping to 26 mg ­g−1 at
Addressing GO fouling and aggregation is pivotal 75 wt% iron oxide. Electrochemical regeneration
for advancing effective water treatment strategies. was explored due to rGO’s high conductivity and
In a study by Alam et al. researchers explored inno- nonporous surface. This method, energy-efficient
vative approaches using two-dimensional nanoma- and rapid, achieved 100% regeneration efficiency
terials like GO, reduced graphene oxide (rGO), and within 30 min at a current density of 10 mA ­cm−2,
molybdenum disulfide ­(MoS2) to modify conduc- enhancing capacity to 80 mg g­ −1 after the second
tive polymer surfaces [165]. By applying an exter- cycle. However, it’s crucial to address challenges
nal voltage, they investigated the attachment and linked to GO regeneration, often involving chemi-
release behavior of foulants on modified surfaces. cal or heat-based desorption methods. These con-
The study revealed promising results: applying a ventional approaches pose sustainability issues,
negative voltage significantly delayed the attach- such as secondary pollutant generation and addi-
ment of foulants, demonstrating electrostatic tional energy consumption. While the electro-
repulsion. Moreover, the attachment rate reduced chemical method offers an efficient solution, long-
significantly on rGO-PPy and MoS2-PPy surfaces term viability and environmental impact require
compared to bare PPy under specific conditions. further investigation. Sustainable disposal and pre-
In the release study, NaCl electrolysis effectively vention of secondary pollutant generation are key
removed deposited foulants from all surfaces, facil- concerns, making the sustainability of regeneration
itated by the continuous generation of free chlorine processes a vital area for future graphene-based
during voltage application. This research offers val- adsorption research [171, 172].
uable insights into mitigating fouling challenges in iv. Interactions with other substances: GO’s interac-
water filtration, paving the way for enhanced filtra- tions with other substances present in wastewa-
tion technologies. ter can affect its adsorption performance. Natu-
ii. Cost considerations: The large-scale production ral organic matter (NOM) and inorganic ions,
of high-quality GO can be expensive, limiting its such as sulfates and chlorides, can compete with
practical application in wastewater treatment. contaminants for adsorption sites on GO [173].
Graphene-based materials, including GO, often These interactions may lead to reduced adsorp-
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 25 of 34

tion efficiency or selectivity for specific emerging and fully exploit the potential of graphene oxide-based
contaminants. Understanding and controlling the systems.
influence of various water matrix components on
GO’s adsorption behavior is crucial for optimiz- Toxicity of graphene oxide
ing its performance. For example, in the study The toxicity of graphene oxide (GO) is an important
conducted by Song et al. the complexity of GO’s aspect to consider when exploring its potential applica-
interactions with various components in waste- tions in various fields, including biomedicine and envi-
water was clear [174]. GO’s efficiency in adsorb- ronmental remediation. While GO offers numerous
ing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and beneficial properties, its potential adverse effects on
their oxygen derivatives (OPAHs) was remarkable; human health and the environment have raised concerns
however, these interactions were influenced by [180–190].
the diverse substances present in the water solu-
tion. Natural organic matter (NOM) and inorganic i. Cellular toxicity: Studies have shown that GO can
ions, such as sulfates and chlorides, coexisted with exhibit cytotoxicity towards various types of cells,
the targeted contaminants. These substances com- including human lung cells, skin cells, and immune
peted with PAHs and OPAHs for adsorption sites cells. The toxicity of GO is attributed to multiple
on GO. The study highlighted the multifaceted factors, including its size, shape, surface chemistry,
nature of GO’s interactions in a real-world waste- and concentration. The sharp edges and large sur-
water environment. Despite the competitive pres- face area of GO sheets can cause physical damage
ence of NOM and inorganic ions, the synthesized to cell membranes, leading to cellular stress and
nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide (NRGO) inflammation. Additionally, the oxidative proper-
exhibited exceptional adsorption efficiency for ties of GO, resulting from the presence of oxygen-
PAHs and OPAHs. The research not only show- containing functional groups on its surface, can
cased NRGO’s potential but also underscored the induce the generation of reactive oxygen species
importance of understanding and navigating GO’s (ROS), leading to oxidative stress and cell damage.
interactions with various wastewater constitu- ii. Inflammation and immune response: GO have
ents. This nuanced understanding is essential for been found to induce an inflammatory response in
optimizing GO-based adsorption processes in the biological systems. When exposed to GO, immune
complex and diverse setting of wastewater treat- cells release pro-inflammatory cytokines, leading to
ment, ensuring effective removal of emerging con- an inflammatory cascade. Prolonged or excessive
taminants despite the challenges posed by coexist- inflammation can disrupt normal cellular functions
ing substances. and contribute to tissue damage. Moreover, GO
v. Scale-up and practical implementation: While the can also interact with immune cells, such as mac-
laboratory-scale studies have demonstrated the rophages, altering their morphology and function.
potential of GO in removing emerging contami- These immune responses highlight the potential
nants, scaling up the technology for real-world immunotoxicity of GO.
applications remains a challenge [175–179]. Fac- iii. Genotoxicity: Some studies have reported geno-
tors such as the development of cost-effective and toxic effects of GO, indicating its potential to cause
efficient manufacturing processes, integration with DNA damage and induce mutations. The oxidative
existing wastewater treatment systems, and ensur- stress generated by GO can lead to DNA strand
ing long-term stability and performance need to be breaks, chromosomal aberrations, and DNA muta-
addressed for practical implementation [175–179]. tions. These genotoxic effects raise concerns about
the potential long-term health risks associated with
In summary, graphene oxide shows promise as an GO exposure.
adsorbent for removing emerging contaminants from iv. Pulmonary effects: Inhalation exposure is a sig-
wastewater. However, its limitations and challenges, nificant concern for GO due to its potential res-
such as limited adsorption capacity, fouling and aggre- piratory effects. Animal studies have shown that
gation, cost considerations, regeneration and disposal, inhalation of GO can induce lung inflammation,
interactions with other substances, and scale-up issues, fibrosis, and granuloma formation. The small size
need to be thoroughly investigated and overcome to and high aspect ratio of GO sheets enable them to
enable its successful application in large-scale wastewa- penetrate deep into the respiratory system, reach-
ter treatment operations. Further research and develop- ing the alveoli. Once in the lungs, GO can trigger
ment efforts are necessary to address these challenges inflammatory responses and cause tissue damage,
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 26 of 34

potentially leading to chronic respiratory condi- may have long-term ecological consequences that
tions. require further investigation [191–194].
v. Environmental impact: The environmental toxic- ii. Soil and terrestrial ecosystem impacts: The poten-
ity of GO is an emerging area of research. While tial release of GO into soil can affect soil quality
GO is considered chemically stable, it can interact and terrestrial ecosystems. Studies have shown
with organisms in the environment. Aquatic organ- that GO can influence soil microbial communi-
isms, such as fish and algae, can be exposed to GO ties, affecting their composition and function. Soil
through wastewater discharge. Studies have shown organisms, such as earthworms, may be exposed to
that GO can affect the growth, development, and GO, potentially leading to adverse effects on their
behavior of aquatic organisms. Additionally, the behavior and reproductive success. The long-term
accumulation of GO in the environment may have impacts of GO on soil ecosystems and the broader
long-term ecological consequences that need fur- consequences for plant growth, nutrient cycling,
ther investigation. and soil health require further research [194–197].
iii. Effects on beneficial microorganisms: GO’s anti-
It is important to note that the toxicity of GO can be microbial properties, while potentially useful in
influenced by various factors, including its physicochem- certain applications, can also have unintended
ical properties, dispersion methods, concentration, expo- consequences. The broad-spectrum antimicrobial
sure duration, and route of exposure. Researchers are activity of GO may affect beneficial microorgan-
actively working to understand the mechanisms under- isms involved in nutrient cycling, soil health, and
lying GO toxicity and develop strategies to mitigate its plant–microbe interactions. Disruption of these
adverse effects. Surface modifications, functionalization, microbial communities can have cascading effects
and the use of protective coatings are being explored to on ecosystem functioning and stability [198–201].
enhance the biocompatibility and reduce the toxicity of iv. Fate and transport in the environment: Under-
GO. standing the fate and transport of GO in the envi-
In summary, the toxicity of graphene oxide is a complex ronment is crucial to assess its potential environ-
and multifaceted issue. While GO holds immense poten- mental impact. Research has shown that GO can
tial for various applications, including biomedicine and adsorb other pollutants, such as heavy metals
environmental remediation, its potential adverse effects and organic contaminants, which may affect their
on human health and the environment must be thor- mobility and bioavailability in the environment.
oughly assessed and addressed. It is crucial to conduct The aggregation and sedimentation of GO can
comprehensive toxicity studies and implement proper result in its accumulation in sediments, potentially
safety measures to ensure the safe and responsible use of impacting benthic organisms and sediment-dwell-
graphene oxide-based materials. ing microbial communities [202, 203].
v. Potential for bioaccumulation and biomagnifica-
The environmental impact associated with the utilization tion: The potential for GO to bioaccumulate and
of graphene oxide biomagnify in food chains is a concern. While stud-
The environmental impact of graphene oxide (GO) use is ies have shown limited bioaccumulation of GO in
an important consideration when assessing its potential certain organisms, the accumulation potential may
applications in various fields. While GO offers unique vary depending on the species, exposure duration,
properties and potential benefits, its potential adverse and environmental conditions. If GO accumulates
effects on ecosystems and the environment have raised in higher trophic levels, it may pose risks to preda-
concerns. tors and organisms at the top of the food chain
[204, 205].
i. Ecotoxicity to aquatic organisms: GO can enter vi. Life cycle considerations: Assessing the environ-
aquatic ecosystems through wastewater discharge mental impact of GO requires considering its
or accidental releases. Studies have shown that GO entire life cycle, including production, use, and
can have toxic effects on various aquatic organisms, disposal [22, 206]. The production of GO typically
including fish, crustaceans, and algae. The high sur- involves energy-intensive processes and the use
face area and reactive properties of GO can lead to of chemicals, which can contribute to greenhouse
physical and chemical interactions with organisms, gas emissions and other environmental impacts
affecting their behavior, growth, reproduction, and [207, 208]. The disposal of GO-based products and
survival. Additionally, the potential accumulation waste should also be carefully managed to prevent
and persistence of GO in aquatic environments
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 27 of 34

their release into the environment and potential non-target organisms, will help assess the overall
long-term impacts [22, 206, 207]. environmental sustainability and safety of graphene
oxide-based remediation strategies.
vi. Integration with other technologies: Exploring the
Future directions and challenges integration of graphene oxide with other emerg-
The use of graphene oxide (GO) in the remediation of ing technologies, such as advanced oxidation pro-
emerging contaminants holds great promise for address- cesses, photocatalysis, or membrane filtration, can
ing the growing challenges of environmental pollution. lead to synergistic effects and improved efficiency in
However, as with any emerging technology, there are the remediation of emerging contaminants. Future
future directions and challenges that need to be consid- research should focus on developing innovative
ered and addressed. In this discussion, we will elaborate hybrid systems that combine the strengths of differ-
exhaustively on the potential future directions and chal- ent technologies for enhanced remediation perfor-
lenges of using graphene oxide in the remediation of mance.
emerging contaminants [176–196]. vii. Field-scale applications: Demonstrating the effective-
ness of graphene oxide-based remediation technolo-
i. Enhanced adsorption and degradation: Future gies at the field scale is a crucial step towards practi-
research should focus on further enhancing the cal implementation. Future research should involve
adsorption and degradation capabilities of graphene pilot-scale or full-scale studies to validate the perfor-
oxide for a broader range of emerging contaminants. mance, reliability, and feasibility of these technologies
This includes optimizing the properties of graphene in real-world contaminated sites under varying envi-
oxide, such as surface chemistry, pore size, and func- ronmental conditions.
tionalization, to improve its effectiveness in captur- viii. Regulatory and policy considerations: The adoption
ing and breaking down contaminants. of graphene oxide-based remediation technologies
ii. Selectivity and specificity: Developing graphene will require the development of appropriate regu-
oxide-based materials with improved selectivity and lations and policies. Future efforts should involve
specificity towards target contaminants is a crucial collaboration between researchers, regulators, and
future direction. Tailoring the surface properties and policymakers to establish guidelines for the safe and
functional groups of graphene oxide can enhance its responsible use of graphene oxide, addressing poten-
ability to selectively adsorb or degrade specific pol- tial concerns related to its environmental impact,
lutants while minimizing interference from other health risks, and waste management.
coexisting substances in the environment. ix. Public perception and acceptance: Public perception
iii. Scalability and cost-effectiveness: The scalability and and acceptance of graphene oxide-based remediation
cost-effectiveness of graphene oxide-based tech- technologies play a significant role in their successful
nologies are important considerations for real-world implementation. Future research should include pub-
applications. Future efforts should focus on develop- lic engagement activities, knowledge dissemination,
ing scalable synthesis methods for graphene oxide and awareness campaigns to promote understanding,
and exploring cost-effective production processes to acceptance, and trust among stakeholders and the
make it commercially viable for large-scale remedia- general public.
tion projects. x. Data sharing and standardization: Encouraging data
iv. Long-term stability and reusability: Ensuring the sharing, collaboration, and standardization of meth-
long-term stability and reusability of graphene oxide- odologies and protocols within the scientific com-
based materials is essential for sustainable reme- munity will facilitate the advancement of graphene
diation. Future research should aim to improve the oxide-based remediation research. This will enable
stability of graphene oxide in different environmen- more comprehensive comparisons, reliable assess-
tal conditions and develop effective regeneration ment of results, and the establishment of bench-
techniques to restore its adsorption and degradation marks for future studies.
capacity for repeated use.
v. Environmental fate and ecotoxicology: Understand- In general, the use of graphene oxide in the remediation
ing the environmental fate, transport, and potential of emerging contaminants offers exciting opportunities,
ecotoxicological impacts of graphene oxide is a criti- but it also faces several future directions and challenges.
cal area of future research. Studying its behavior in By addressing these challenges through ongoing research,
different environmental compartments, such as technological advancements, and collaboration among
water, soil, and sediments, as well as its effects on various stakeholders, graphene oxide-based remediation
Anegbe et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2024) 36:15 Page 28 of 34

technologies can contribute significantly to addressing Funding

Not applicable.
the complex environmental challenges associated with
emerging contaminants. Availability of data and materials
The data and materials used in this study are available upon request.

Conclusion Declarations
The remediation of emerging contaminants is of utmost
importance due to their potential adverse effects on eco- Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
systems and human health. Graphene oxide (GO) has
emerged as a promising material for water treatment and Consent for publication
the removal of emerging contaminants. This comprehen- Each author in this manuscript has given permission for this work to be
sive review has provided an in-depth understanding of
the synthesis methods, properties, mechanisms of con- Competing interests
taminant removal, effectiveness, toxicity, environmental On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no
competing of interests.
impact, and mitigation strategies associated with the use
of graphene oxide. Graphene oxide exhibits unique struc-
tural and surface properties, including high surface area Received: 27 August 2023 Accepted: 11 November 2023

and porosity, chemical and mechanical stability, and cata-

lytic activity, making it suitable for the removal of various
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all authors.
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