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Once in a city named Middleton Island lived a man who was very well known for his

clever mind and how he solves cases just by looking at pictures of the crime site . His
name was Nigel Norris. But now he is having a really hard time because of a dog, it's
an ordinary dog , the most famous police dog that has helped in finding many criminals .
I have worked with the dog and I know how dangerous he is, it is very hard to be near
him.he said “Don't get fouled by his looks and behavior he is a very smart dog “.

Nigel said “ i cant solve the case just by looking at pictures i need to go solve it like
a proper detective “ . i said ” i will take you there tomorrow morning''. he said “ 7 30
sharp tomorrow morning ”. he is very punctual and does not like being late for anything
. We went to the place where the dog got kidnaped from. We found a few dog
scratches on the road . There were some blood marks on them so we sent it to a lap to
check if it was a human’s or a dog’s blood . They said the reports will take 24 hrs to
come .The next day We went back to get the lad reports. It turns out to be a human’s .
Nigel said “ it should be the person who kidnaped the dog .

We tried checking the database for matches of the blood . But we were very
unlucky it was not in the database . Now the kidnaper was totally unknown . We went
back to the site of crime again to find more evidence . We found something very
important. It was a smart watch which the dog bit off , it had teeth marks and fur on it .

We tracked the phone that was connected to the watch . we reached an abandoned
house in the middle of the forest as we went in.there was a pool of blood on the floor
and a finger laying there . Nigel picked up the finger with his handkerchief and saw that
there was dog teeth marks on it , we put the finger in a bag and sent it off to the labs
and they told us that the blood matched with the blood on the road we found the other
day.we went deeper into the house and saw a lot of fur on the ground but it was not
Ace’s if was some other dog’s . ohh i totally forgot to tell the police dogs name its Ace .

To be continued

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