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Day 1: Introduction and Foundations

Morning Session:

1. Welcome and Introduction (1 hour)

- Overview of the workshop

- Introduction to Predictive Analytics

2. Basic Concepts and Terminology (1.5 hours)

- Predictive vs. Descriptive vs. Prescriptive Analytics

- Key terminology and concepts

3. Understanding Data (1.5 hours)

- Types of data: Structured and Unstructured

- Data sources and data collection methods

Afternoon Session:

4. Data Preprocessing and Cleaning (2 hours)

- Handling missing values

- Data normalization and transformation

5. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) (2 hours)

- Visualizing data

- Identifying patterns and insights

6. Wrap-up and Q&A (0.5 hour)

- Summary of the day

- Questions and discussions

Day 2: Statistical Foundations and Tools

Morning Session:

1. Introduction to Statistical Methods (2 hours)

- Basic statistics: mean, median, mode, variance

- Probability theory

2. Regression Analysis (2 hours)

- Linear regression

- Logistic regression

Afternoon Session:

3. Introduction to Predictive Modeling (1.5 hours)

- Types of predictive models

- Model selection criteria

4. Hands-on Session with Tools (2.5 hours)

- Introduction to tools (Python, R, or relevant software)

- Basic modeling exercises

5. Wrap-up and Q&A (0.5 hour)

- Summary of the day

- Questions and discussions

Day 3: Machine Learning Algorithms

Morning Session:

1. Supervised Learning (2 hours)

- Classification algorithms (Decision Trees, k-NN)

- Support Vector Machines (SVM)

2. Unsupervised Learning (2 hours)

- Clustering algorithms (K-Means, Hierarchical)

- Association rules

Afternoon Session:
3. Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms (2 hours)

- Ensemble methods (Random Forest, Gradient Boosting)

- Neural networks and Deep Learning basics

4. Model Evaluation and Validation (2 hours)

- Cross-validation techniques

- Metrics for model performance (accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score)

5. Wrap-up and Q&A (0.5 hour)

- Summary of the day

- Questions and discussions

Day 4: Advanced Topics and Case Studies

Morning Session:

1. Time Series Analysis (2 hours)

- Basics of time series data

- ARIMA, exponential smoothing

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP) (2 hours)

- Text preprocessing

- Sentiment analysis and topic modeling

Afternoon Session:

3. Big Data and Scalability (2 hours)

- Dimensionality reduction (PCA, LDA)

- Anomaly detection

4. Case Studies (1.5 hours)

- Real-world applications of predictive analytics

- Industry-specific case studies

5. Wrap-up and Q&A (0.5 hour)

- Summary of the day

- Questions and discussions

Day 5: Practical Applications and Project Work

Morning Session:

1. Ethics and Best Practices (1.5 hours)

- Ethical considerations in predictive analytics

- Best practices for data handling and privacy

2. Project Planning and Implementation (2 hours)

- Defining project objectives

- Data requirements and project workflow

Afternoon Session:

3. Hands-on Project Work (3 hours)

- Working on a predictive analytics project

- Applying learned techniques and tools

4. Project Presentations and Feedback (1 hour)

- Presenting project findings

- Receiving feedback from peers and instructors

5. Closing Remarks and Certificates (0.5 hour)

- Summary of the workshop

- Distribution of certificates

Topics and Schedules are tentative , may need to update based on participant’s background

This schedule ensures a comprehensive coverage of predictive analytics, blending theoretical

concepts with practical applications. Each day includes interactive sessions, hands-on practice, and
time for questions and discussions to reinforce learning.

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