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New Quest’s Added in version 2.

Quest: Transformation
Activation requirements: Activates once the familiar reaches lvl 10.

Location: A forested area

Once the familiar reaches lvl 10 she will mature and start to get jealous whenever she witnesses you
having sex with other females. She needs to be present (in party) for her to witness the act. After
reacting to your sexual escapades three times, she will transform. This can be triggered in most forested
areas. Alas her transformation is only temporary. Seek out Erevi (Dark Elf Sorceress) for help. Erevi will
recommend fastening a crystalized egg to an outfit for the familiar. Ask Edgar at the tailorshop for an
outfit. He will require 200 coins for the outfit, and he needs you craft the gemstone into a medallion.
You can do this at the forge in town. Once you have acquired the outfit, head on back to your room in
the Tower of Dread.

Quest: Troublesome Zealots

Activation requirements: Complete the quest “Transformation”

Location: The Tower of Dread

Erevi will be waiting for you in the shrine as you leave your room. Purifyers have been observed near the
tower and Erevis tasks you to find out what they were up to. Investigate the area near the bridge. If you
look at the Waystone, you’ll notice it’s been deactivated. The Purifyers have broken the gemstone! It
can be reactivated by adding a new crystalized egg. Find the Purifyers before they break more
gemstones (they have already broken the one in the goblin forest). You will catch up to the Purifyers at
the Ancient Temple (near Hilde’s village).

After you have dealt with the zealots you can find a book on the commander’s body. Deliver this book to
Erevi. Upon receiving the book Erevi tells you to do your own thing while she deciphers the glyphs (don’t
wait for her, this story continues when the quest “Mother and Child In Distress” is triggered).
Quest: Mother and Child in Distress
Activation requirements: The familiar’s child must be 5 days old.

Location: Anywhere the familiar spawns back

At times the familiar will pop back to the magical realm to avoid the player getting into unfortunate
situations. She will also do this while her baby is around. But when the familiar spawns back when the
baby has stopped suckling (5 days old). The baby does not return with her. This upsets the familiar and
she’ll return to the magical realm to search for her baby. To help search for the baby you’ll need help
from Erevi. Luckily, she has just transcribed the book you gave her previously. She’ll tell you how to use
the Waystones to reach the magical realm. Find a waystone and call out the familiar’s name, and you
will be transported near her. Rescue mother and child from the demons and pick up one of the glowing
orbs near the portals. It doesn’t really matter which one you pick up, since there will always be at least
one functioning portal to get you back home (may change in the future).

Bring the Orb to Erevi. She will have it installed in the tower for you. From now on your babies with the
familiar will stay in the Orb room once they are 5 days or older.

The Orb Room

This is where the babies you have with the familiar once they are at least 5 days old. You can visit this
room with the familiar to get her horny again. This can be done once per day. This will only work if there
are babies/children present. Once a child is 90 days old it will return to the magical realm for good to
seek out its own master. There will therefore never be more than 5 children present (unless I fucked up

Mass can be performed at the temple at the temple after completing the “Ring a Bell” quest. Mass takes
place during a ten-hour period, starting 4 hours after daybreak. Ziva, Caleah and Alice can join you in
mass. Alice is only available once her obedience level reaches 90 (once she asks to get punished). To
raise her obedience level, make sure to only punish her when it’s deserved (when she spills something),
otherwise it will drop instead.

After completing mass, you receive a blessing from Qetesh. This is the same effect as drinking a potion
of fertility. It also raises/replenishes your cum-level. This is a hidden stat used whenever you have sex or
jerk off. Every day you start at cum level 3, and loose one point each time you have sex/jerk off. This stat
is checked when wish to have sex with females who don’t say no. If your level is at 0, you’ll be too
drained to have sex. Performing mass raises your cum level to 5 for the rest of the day.
Familiar, Pregnancy, and Children
The Familiar has normal fertility levels. She will notice she is pregnant 5 days after it occurs. She’ll give
birth on day 20.

Her babies will stay with her until they are 5 days old, at which point they will move to the Orb room. At
90 days of age the babies will return to the realm of magic to seek their own master.

Alice, Pregnancy, and Children

The Alice uses potions of barrenness, like the Priestesses. So, she can only become pregnant if the
player uses a Potion of Enhanced Fertility. Alice will notice she is pregnant 5 days after it occurs. She’ll
give birth on day 20.

Her babies will stay in a crib in her room until they are 10 days old, at which point they will receive their
own sprites and wander about the temple grounds. Alice is currently capped at 6 children.

Priestess, Pregnancy and Children

As of version 2.4x priestesses can become pregnant but cannot give birth yet. Technically they could get
pregnant in earlier version but had no scenes (old pregnancies are also reset once you load an old save).

Priestesses can only become pregnant through the use of Enhanced Fertility potions. They will notice
they are pregnant 5 days after it occurs.

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