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Male Female Other



18-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55 and above

Educational Qualification:

Undergraduate Graduate Postgraduate Doctorate

1-How familiar are you with Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not familiar

2-Have you personally experienced the effects of AI in your daily life?

Yes No Not sure

3-Do you believe AI has the potential to improve healthcare outcomes?

Yes No Not sure

4-Are you concerned about the impact of AI on job displacement?

Yes No Not sure

5- How do you perceive the role of AI in shaping the future of transportation?

Positive impact Negative impact Neutral impact

6-Do you think AI can help in addressing climate change issues?

Supportive Opposed Not sure

7-Are you worried about AI's potential to infringe on personal privacy?

Yes No Not sure

8-How do you feel about the use of AI in autonomous weapons systems?

Supportive Negative impact Neutral impact

9-Do you believe AI can contribute to improving cybersecurity measures?

Positive Negative Neutral

10- What do you think about the ethical implications of AI technology?

AI Technologies should be regulated to ensure ethical use

Ethical concerns are overblown, AI will benefit society regardless

Unsure / No opinion

11-Do you think AI should be regulated more strictly to prevent misuse?

Yes No Not sure

12-How do you think AI will affect the future of education?

Positive impact Negative impact Neutral impact

13-How do you perceive the potential risks associated with AI bias?

High risk Low risk No risk

14-How do you think AI will influence the future of entertainment and media?

Positive impact Negative influence Neutral influence

15-How do you feel about the use of AI in predictive policing?

Supportive Opposed Neutral

16-Do you think AI will enhance or detract from human creativity?

Enhance Detract No impact

17-How do you perceive the impact of AI on mental health and well-being?

Positive impact Negative impact Neutral impact

18-Overall, do you believe AI will have a net positive or negative impact on society?

Net positive Net negative Neutral

19-Do you believe AI should be developed with a focus on transparency and


Yes No Not sure

20- How do you perceive AI's influence on the future job market?

All create more job opportunities than it displaces

AI will have a negligible impact on the job market.

Unsure / No opinion

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