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File No.

SOW02-17021/87/2024-F SEC-COSW


I. Common for all Welfare Departments
1. Indian Constitton — Preamble
2. Constittonal provisions oror i e lelorare and proietton oor i e
rig is
oor leaker settons
3. job t ari oor Welorare and Edttatonal Assisianis (WEAs)
4. Sotial Welorare Deparimeni — Instittonal seitp
5. Laie S.R. Sankaran, IAS (Reid) — A role model ofter
6. Items covered in the job chart of WEAs
a. Posi Mairit St olars ips St eme- Fee reimbtrsemeni
b. Finantial Assisiante io moi ers oror edttaton oor i eir
t ildren
t) NTR B arosa Pensions St eme

7. Legislations for the empowerment of weaker sectiona.Esiablis meni

oor B.C. Commission on permaneni basis (Ati no. 19 oor
b. 50% oor reservatons io SC, ST, BC & Minoriiy tandidaies in all
Governmeni nominaied posis (Ati no. 24 oor 2019)
c. 50%oor reservatons io SC, ST, BC & Minoriiy tandidaies in all i e lorks
and servite toniratis alloted tnder nominatons (Ati no. 25 oor 2019) .
d. 50% oor reservatons io lomen in all i e lorks and servite toniratis
alIoted tnder nominatons (Ati no. 26 oor 2019).
e. 50% oor reservatons io lomen in all Governmeni nominaied posis
(Ati no. 27 oor 2019)
Welfare schemes for weaker sections (SC, ST, BC, Minority &
Differently abled)
a. Posi Mairit St olars ips – MTF & RTF
b.Hosiels oror Pre mairit & Posi mairit sitdenis
t. A.P. Sotial Welorare Residental Edttatonal Instittons,
oror STs, MJPBCWREIS instittons oror BCs, Minoriiy Residental
St ools.
d. Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nid i oror SCs
e. Overseas Edttaton Programs oor oi er lelorare deparmienis
or. NTR Vidyonnai i
g. A.P. Sitdy Cirtles
File No.SOW02-17021/87/2024-F SEC-COSW

. Jagjeevan Jyoi i St eme (Free poler tp io 200 tniis oror SCs,

STs)Sotial settriiy and Instrante st emes
d. Hotse siies io poor
e. Allotaton oor land io btrial grotnds
9. Pensions for artists belonging to SCs/STs
f. Dappt Artsis
g. Traditonal Cobblers
II. Social Welfare Department - Social Justice - Acts
a.The SCs/STs (Preventon oor Airotites) Ati —1989
b. G.O.s and Govi memos on relieor and re abiliiaton io airotiiy
and oror eraditaton oor sotial evils
t. AP Devadasi (Pro ibiton oor Deditaton) Ati, 1988
d. Pro ibiton oor Employmeni as Mantal Stavengers and i eir
Re abiliiaton Ati, 2013
e. Bonded Labotr Sysiem (Aboliton) Ati 1976
or. AP Siaie Commission oror STs Ati, 2019
g. AP Siaie Commission oror SCs Ati
. AP Commission oror Batklard Classes oi er i an
SCs and STs Ati,
i. St edtled Casie Componeni, ST Componeni (orormerly Stb Plans)
j. RoFR
III) Differently abled, Senior citizens and Transgenders Welfare Department
a. T e Rig is oor Persons lii Disabilites Ati, 2016
b. Natonal Trtsi Ati 1999 (oror i e lelorare oor persons lii attsm, terebral
orallaty, menial disorder and mtltple disorder)
c. Welfare st emes oror differenily abled persons
d. Mainienante and Welorare oor Parenis & Senior titiens Ati, 2007
e. Welorare st emes oror i e Transgenders
IV.Economic development schemes for weaker sections through various welfare
a)SC Corporaton st emes
b) Etonomit developmeni programs oor St edtled Tribes i rotg
t) Corporatons oror stb tasies oor BCs
d) Kapt torporaton.
e) Corporatons oror OC Commtnites
V. Other Schemes of Minorities Welfare
i. AP Siaie Hai tommitee
ii. Financial Assistance of Subsidy to Pilgrimage to Holy Land of Jerusalem
File No.SOW02-17021/87/2024-F SEC-COSW

iii. Coat ing programs i rotg CEDM

iv. Intentves oror Motians
VI.SERP(Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty)
a. Velugu b.
Formation of Self-Help-groups c. Loans oror
SHG i rotg banks d. Si rinid
i liveli ood loans e.NTR
B arosa Pension St eme
or. Chandranna B eema padakam — Gtidelines and SoP
g. C andranna Pellikantka
.Htman resotrtes developmeni
VII.School Education
i. Samagra Siks a
ii. Badi-Baia
iii. Nadu -Nedt
iv. Finantial Assisiante io moi ers oror edttaton oor i eir t ildren
v. Contepi oor Englis meditm st ools
vi. Kasturbha Gandhi Girls Educational Institutions
vii.Parenis tommitees
viii.Dropoti t ildren - otiside st ool t ildren - St emes
ix. Minority Education
x. Model st ools
xi. Esiablis meni oor pre-primary st ools (Anganladi)
xii.AP Open St ools
xiii.Badi Parivariana (st ool iransiton)
xiv.SoP for Midday meal and School Sanitation
xv.Residental St ools
VIII.Housing Department
PMAGY- Urban/Rtral otsing St eme

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