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NAME = _______________

GENDER = _______________

AGE = _______________
1. What is your primary motivation for considering an electric vehicle?

Environmental concerns b) Cost savings on fuel c) Performance and acceleration d) Other (please specify)

2. How familiar are you with the technology behind electric vehicles?

a) Very familiar Somewhat familiar c) Not very familiar d) Not at all familiar

3. What range would you expect from an electric vehicle before recharging?

a) Less than 100 miles b) 100-200 miles c) 200-300 miles d) More than 300 miles

4. How important is the availability of charging infrastructure in your decision to purchase an electric vehicle?

a) Very important b) Somewhat important c) Not very important Not at all important

5. Would you consider purchasing an electric vehicle as your primary mode of transportation?

a) Yes b) No c) Maybe

6. What features are most important to you in an electric vehicle?

a) Range b) Charging time c) Performance d) Price

7. How concerned are you about the environmental impact of traditional gasoline-powered vehicles?

a) Very concerned b) Somewhat concerned c) Not very concerned Not at all concerned

8. What factors would prevent you from purchasing an electric vehicle?

a) Lack of charging pump b) High upfront cost c) Limited range d) Long charging times

9. How likely will you consider purchasing an electric vehicle in the next 5 years?

a) Very likely b) Somewhat likely c) Not very likely d) Not at all likely

10. What range do you think is acceptable for most daily driving needs?

a) Less than 50 miles b) 50-100 miles c) 100-200 miles d) More than 200 miles

11. How important is the resale value of an electric vehicle to you?

a) Very important b) Somewhat important c) Not very important d) Not at all important

12. What concerns do you have about owned an electric vehicle?

a) Range anxiety b) Battery decline often c) Limited model options d) Lack of charging station
13. How likely are you to install a home charging station if you purchase an electric vehicle?

a) Very likely b) Somewhat likely c) Not very likely d) Not at all likely

14. What type of electric vehicle are you most interested in?

a) Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) b) Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)

15. How important is it for you to have access to government incentives or rebates when purchasing an electric

a) Very important b) Somewhat important c) Not very important d) Not at all important

16. What concerns do you have about the maintenance costs of electric vehicles compared to gasoline-powered

a) Higher maintenance costs b Uncertainty for long-term maintenance Availability of qualified technicians

17. How important is it for you to have a variety of electric vehicle models to choose from?

a) Very important b) Somewhat important c) Not very important d) Not at all important

18. How likely are you to consider leasing an electric vehicle instead of purchasing one outright?

a) Very likely b) Somewhat likely c) Not very likely d) Not at all likely

19. What range of prices would you consider reasonable for electric vehicles?

a) Less than $30,000 b) $30,000-$50,000 c) $50,000-$70,000 d) More than $70,000

20. How important is it for you to have access to fast-charging stations for long-distance travel?

a) Very important b) Somewhat important c) Not very important d) Not at all important

Signature ________________ Date __________________

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