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Assignment Brief 1 (RQF)

Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business

Student Name/ID Number:

Unit Number and Title: Unit 1: Business and Business Environment (5032)
Academic Year: 2022
Unit Assessor:
Assignment Title: ASSIGNMENT 1- Internal environment of business
Issue Date:
Submission Date: 2022
Internal Verifier Name:

Submission Format:


● This assignment is an Individual report and specifically.

● You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple line spacing at 1.5.
Margins must be: left: 1.25 cm; right: 1 cm; top: 1 cm and bottom: 1 cm.
● You should use in text references and a list of all cited sources at the end of the essay by applying
Harvard referencing style.
● The recommended word limit is 2000-2500 words (+/-10%), excluding the tables, graphs,
diagrams, appendixes and references. You will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.
● The cover page of the report has to be the Assignment front sheet 1 (to be attached with this
assignment brief).


● Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by the
● The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
● Remember to convert the word file into PDF file before the submission on CMS.


● The individual Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student.
● If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style.

● Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism. Failure to comply
this requirement will result in a failed assignment.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Explain the different types, size and scope of organisations

LO2 Demonstrate the interrelationship of the various functions within an organisation and how they
link to organisational structure

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

* This assignment guidance can be customized by the tutor to meet specific needs

Assignment scenario
You are working as a business analyst at VCBF, a Vietcombank Fund, a Vietnamese company. Your
direct supervisor asks you to deep research the companies carrying out business in Vietnam, with respect
to types, sizes and scope, functions and organizational structures for the investment plan of the company
in 2020-2025.
Your task is to make a report of what you have conducted for the research as in the following themes:

Structure of the Report

1. Introduction of the purpose and main contents of the report from the perspective stated in the

2. Explain the main characteristics of the types, and the purposes of various sector of business
organization with different legal structures:

➢ Private sector: sole trader; partnership; “registered” limited companies;

➢ Public sector;
➢ Voluntary sector

For each sector, you must give one example at least for each sector and prove that the selected
companies belong to these corresponding sectors; and explain if any companies grows globally.

3. Explain the size and scope of a range of different types of organisations in Vietnam with specific

4. With the specific company in Vietnam (each student must choose different company from other
members in class), an explanation of size and scope of the chosen company is given as follows:

For the size of the chosen company, you must demonstrate the data about: (i) the number of total
equity and total owner’s equity; (ii) the total revenue in the latest balance sheet in 1 fiscal year; (iii)
the updated total employees.

Using the data, the student needs to point out the size of the company: micro, small, medium or large
according to Vietnamese regulations.

For the scope of the chosen company, you must identify the “stakeholders” and the vision and
mission and explain how the vision and mission meets the need of the stakeholders.

To enhance the statement, you had better analyse whether the legal structure; the size and scope of
the chosen company are suitable for achieving specific objectives of the company and products or
services of the chosen company. You need to perform critical analysis of this problem in of various

5. An explanation of the functions of the chosen company (using the chosen company’s structure
chart) to show the relationship between these functions and how these functions link to the chosen
company’s structure and objectives. To be in detail:

- Firstly, organizational structure chart of the chosen company needs to be given;

- Secondly, you explain the main functions of various key departments and the how they work
together to achieve the objectives of the company (a specific fact is given).

To demonstrate the statement, you should analyse how the organizational structure (even for
international level) affects the way the departments work together. You need to perform critical
analysis of this problem in of various organizations with different organizational structures.

6. A conclusion to summarize all the key findings and analysis must be presented.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria (Assignment 1):

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Explain the P1 Explain different M1 Analyse how the LO1 & 2
different types, size types and purposes of structure, size and D1 Provide a critical
and scope of organisations; public, scope of different analysis of the
organisations private and voluntary organisations link to complexities of the
sectors and legal the business different
structures. objectives and product organisational
and services offered functions and
by the organisation. structure
P2 Explain the size
and scope of a range
of different types of

LO2 Demonstrate the P3 Explain the M2 Analyse the

interrelationship of the relationship between interrelationships
various functions different between
within an organisation organisational organisational
and how they link to functions and how functions and the
organisational they link to impact that can have
structure organisational upon organisational
objectives and structure.

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